Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Not much going on this week in terms of releases. Only one Japanese game on the list and it's probably the one you'd expect the least based off of the titles alone. Next week will be a little better at the very lesat since Ys Origins is releasing on console. Regardless, I'm sure everybody here will spend the 14th in remembrance of the day that Persona 5 could have released.

Other stuff that released without warning last week that are all on PC/Steam:
- SoulSet (Visual Novel)
- Max's Big Bust - A Captain Nekorai Tale (Visual Novel)
- GIGA WRECKER (Metroidvania)

Weekly Releases (February 12th - February 18th)

EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic
- Platform(s): PS4
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Puzzle Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese.

Elisa: the Innkeeper
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese.

Dungeon Manager ZV 2
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Dungeon Defense
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Japanese indie.

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Supposedly coming out this week. Won't get listed again if not. Already released on the PS4.

Past Releases
February 5th - February 11th
January 29th - February 4th
January 22nd - January 28th
January 15th - January 21st
January 8th - January 14th

EDIT: Added Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force

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Of course it only puts the release date on the top-right and not in the big letters in the center that say "February 2017". Nowhere else says that the 14th is the release date though.

Splatoon 2 BETA ANNOUNCED March 24-26


Splatoon 2 Spectator Mode:
Cool Something else to play on the switch and at the perfect time.

Right after the inevitable Post-Zelda drought and the regret of buying the switch at launch begins to set in.


Well i take that back, the "Beta" is only available for one hour on each of those days......

I guess its a quick test for the "new" servers they're gonna be making us pay for right?

Lol who am i kidding.... let the Nintendo online Lag-fest continue!

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I finally finished Da Capo 3....I still have 4 side stories...but how about not. This game dragged and dragged. Everything felt long and I recommend you don't get attached to your prologue stuff....that's about 10% of the game, and most of it has to do with nothing. Way too vanilla....annoying MC who loves everyone and everything even when they do the worst things, annoying background music after a while, aborted endings which have a story implication, and a very confusing and long winded story with very little scenery change since everything is confined in this story. It frankly is not needed at all for the Da Capo story...though it does connect to #1.....it takes too long to make any of that. I think it was a 50 hour long VN....maybe 40...but it felt so long. I hate to not recommend it, but the story telling was just poor. In a VN that's a cardinal sin so it gets a 6/10. High production values, but not needed at all. Play Da Capo 1 and 2 if you want more stuff.

I think I need a break from VNs for a while.....time to maybe platinum Criminal Girls 2 (only 7 more battles to go!). I have Yakuza 0 and that seems like a better choice overall.

Edit: The prologue characters actually have a real story in the fan disks....yeah. I wish that was what I was playing instead!

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so you mainline your playstation games? that's metal.

Thanks for the leg work BRW.

You are a *Stronger Than a Pillar* of this community.
I do it only for you, mi amor.


You are even more important than a pillar, you are a foundation of this community. Like bedrock, or base cement, or something.

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Splatoon 2 BETA ANNOUNCED March 24-26

Splatoon 2 Spectator Mode:
BlackRockWaifu once told me he's not very good at shooters but Splatoon would be one he would enjoy... as long as he only plays Turf War and avoids all the Rank Modes...

I just hope they don't continue doing that terrible 4 hour map rotation the first game had. Once more maps got included it became harder to catch a time when maps you liked were on during the current rotation, plus eventually the concept for it got dull.

Probably all of them since I have this brand new PSIV in my house.
Now the 4 of us can be together without the GGT.


Also for Fire Emblem Heroes I am stalled at 9-2 hard I believe. Had another pull...1 4 star....rest 3 stars...not great. Did get a mobile healer at least which i'll build up. Slowly beginning to drift away from the game. I may be down to just Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle (good but not great). Dandy Dungeon was a bit too repetitive (though very fair)....i may finish it...about 3/4 through it. All I can say is eh...these are F2P games.

I beat all the Feh hard levels although admittedly I used the resurrect thing on 9-2 and 9-4 I think so I kind of cheated. Now I'm up to 8-1 on the lunatic campaign but I'm stuck again. I rolled a 5 star Lyn but I still need to raise her level. Does anyone know if manually grinding a character leads to better level ups than just using crystals? I remember that being a thing for bonus exp on the fire emblem wii game.
Does anyone know if manually grinding a character leads to better level ups than just using crystals? I remember that being a thing for bonus exp on the fire emblem wii game.
I think the stats are randomized, I got two Camillia 5* level 40 and one has slightly better stats.

I want a spiritual successor to Zone of the Enders after Kojima makes Death Stranding.
I'd love to see a Zone of the Enders successor, especially if effort is put into refining the controls and if it's given an intriguing story. As much as I loved ZoE, I hated the cringe-worthy word-for-word transliteration.
I remember that Kojima mentioned that they wanted to work on ZoE 3 (or something like that) when he was still at Konami, so hopefully he'll bring us a spiritual successor after all.

I beat all the Feh hard levels although admittedly I used the resurrect thing on 9-2 and 9-4 I think so I kind of cheated. Now I'm up to 8-1 on the lunatic campaign but I'm stuck again. I rolled a 5 star Lyn but I still need to raise her level. Does anyone know if manually grinding a character leads to better level ups than just using crystals? I remember that being a thing for bonus exp on the fire emblem wii game.
Stats at level 40 are fixed. It will be the same regardless of how you level them.

I think the stats are randomized, I got two Camillia 5* level 40 and one has slightly better stats.
Your camillas have different banes/booms. At level 40, a boon stat will 3 more than normal while a bane is 3 less than normal.
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Oh lord, I wish I hadn't read that interview about the Switch.

"Yes, we like to think as Switch as working very well together with smartphones so we’re basing quite a few plans surrounding that."

The last thing in the world I want to do while I'm trying to block out the rest of the world when I'm playing video games is be looking at my cell phone.

Looks pretty clear that they have different bane/boon to me.
3 of their stats are the exact same. The only random factor is what bane/boon they have when you roll them.
Sorry about that, I had no idea about the whole Bane/Boon thing my bad.

Dammit Nintendo, you're going to be the death of me some day.  Much as I hate to do it with the Switch around the corner, I just don't want to miss Fire Emblem and my old Motorola Xoom just can't game anymore.  I need to upgrade.  What do you guys use/recommend as far as android tablets? 

Do not know if this has been posted here"

J Star Victory

Digimon Story : Cyber Slueth

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Are all 9.99 New at Gamestop

Just ordered the second two

Looks like its Part of the Re-Fund Sale

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Do not know if this has been posted here"

J Star Victory

Digimon Story : Cyber Slueth

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Are all 9.99 New at Gamestop

Just ordered the second two

Looks like its Part of the Re-Fund Sale
Also $10 off Digimon Next Order and Tales of Beseria.

If you want them from Amazon instead:

:ps4: Digimon World: Next Order $49.89 New $42.49 Used (Very Good)

Alternatively, this version might give the 2 bonus soundtracks: :ps4: Digimon World: Next Order $49.99

:ps4: Tales of Berseria $49.89 New $42.49 Used (Very Good)

Naruto: Road to Boruto (WTF does that even mean? Is the game about him walking to his son?), SAO Hollow Realization, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 all $10-20 off, making them $39.99 each.

Naruto, SAO, and DBZ... pretty much sums up the casual Gamestop Goer's anime. All they need is Attack on Titan... oh wait... it's also on sale for $29.99/$27.99...

Edit: Look at this shit... at first I thought it was cosplay gear... turns out it's an accessory for a figure.

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It seems like Yakuza 1-4 have been reprinted and are available on Amazon ($49.99 1,2 and $39.99 3,4). I may have to pick up Yakuza 2....since I missed out on it a while back. $49.99 is kind of a hard price to do for such an old game, but I would like a complete set. They are also on VGP, and they have free worldwide shipping going on over 50 CDN (of course Yakuza 2 is 49.99 CDN!).

On other Yakuza news, i'm currently playing Yakuza 0. I'm liking it so far, though the story doesn't feel as good, probably because it's a prequel. I think I strongly prefer Kiryu's personality in Yakuza 1+. He seems so straightforward and kind of boring here. I just started and can't wait till I play as Majima. Everything seems straight forward and the acting is excellent. I honestly feel, and may get some flack, but it's better to start with 1 or the remake of 1 Kiwami coming out later this year. It is still pretty fun and I can't wait to play more, but it feels extremely fluffy and not as strong as what came after, in regards to character and story. I'll give more impressions as always the more I play. Hope someone enjoys those. The fighting is OK for the most part, though a bit clunky. I do like the upgrade system though. It's Yakuza though, and these games are great.

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I wish we got a port of the ps3 yakuza 1&2 HD instead in English, or even port it to ps4.
Agreed but I don't see it happening. I think they would have localized 1+2 HD after 0....maybe #2 may be remade someday. Yakuza 1 and 2 likely have the strongest stories 2...so both are must plays.

It seems like Yakuza 1-4 have been reprinted and are available on Amazon ($49.99 1,2 and $39.99 3,4). I may have to pick up Yakuza 2....since I missed out on it a while back. $49.99 is kind of a hard price to do for such an old game, but I would like a complete set. They are also on VGP, and they have free worldwide shipping going on over 50 CDN (of course Yakuza 2 is 49.99 CDN!).

On other Yakuza news, i'm currently playing Yakuza 0. I'm liking it so far, though the story doesn't feel as good, probably because it's a prequel. I think I strongly prefer Kiryu's personality in Yakuza 1+. He seems so straightforward and kind of boring here. I just started and can't wait till I play as Majima. Everything seems straight forward and the acting is excellent. I honestly feel, and may get some flack, but it's better to start with 1 or the remake of 1 Kiwami coming out later this year. It is still pretty fun and I can't wait to play more, but it feels extremely fluffy and not as strong as what came after, in regards to character and story. I'll give more impressions as always the more I play. Hope someone enjoys those. The fighting is OK for the most part, though a bit clunky. I do like the upgrade system though. It's Yakuza though, and these games are great.
I had never played a Yakuza game before 0. I started playing it on release day and really didn't like it. Someone on here mentioned how good the story was, so I continued playing and I really enjoy it.

I'm on the last chapter and can't wait to see the finish. I told myself I was only going to do the main story line (because I have Nioh to get to as well), but I ended up spending a lot of time doing some of the sub quests and on the businesses.

I'm hoping for remakes/updates of the other games.
Holy crap.  So that's why VGP had a bunch of copies of Yakuza 2 up on Ebay the other day for $39.99.  Smart move by them to get their listings up first and sell out. 

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go back and play those dated games though with Kiwami coming out pretty soon.  It might be a better idea to go ahead and wait for that?

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Holy crap. So that's why VGP had a bunch of copies of Yakuza 2 up on Ebay the other day for $39.99. Smart move by them to get their listings up first and sell out.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go back and played those dated games though with Kiwami coming out pretty soon. It might be a better idea to go ahead and wait for that?
Yakuza games go in order...so I would recommend wait for Kiwami, 2, 3, 4, 5....maybe by the time you're done 6 will be out next year. Yakuza 1 and 2 likely have the strongest story lines....but #3 has a thing where you can play the story lines out for 1 and 2 in the form of cinematics. I had to do it for 2 at the time, since I couldn't find #2 anywhere. Frankly I think they still play very well and are worth experiencing.

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Do not know if this has been posted here"
J Star Victory
Digimon Story : Cyber Slueth
Sword Art Online: Lost Song
Are all 9.99 New at Gamestop
picked up all 3!

Naruto: Road to Boruto (WTF does that even mean? Is the game about him walking to his son?), SAO Hollow Realization, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 all $10-20 off, making them $39.99 each.
I'm still waiting for Hollow Realization to drop to $20'ish. I managed to get the Figures from the CE, now I just need the game :whistle2:

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It's official: I am TERRIBLE at gaming. I can't believe I'm still trying to get through Trails of Cold Steel II after all these months...while my bro is on his way beating the game for the fourth(!) time. 

In between that...well...there's just something wrong with me:


My only perfect on hard.


So close. Yet so far away.

Gamestop has a bunch of posters for Anime Week.  I urge you to go there ASAP if you want them.   They were freebie handouts sitting on the counter at my closest store.    I saw the Miku poster and thought of you guys.  It's quite nice.  Picked up Fallout 4 poster and a Yakuza 0 one as well. 


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It's official: I am TERRIBLE at gaming. I can't believe I'm still trying to get through Trails of Cold Steel II after all these months...while my bro is on his way beating the game for the fourth(!) time.

In between that...well...there's just something wrong with me:
I am very slow as well. I am impressed sometimes when I see by how some people just eat through games. I try real hard and so far this year I think I've only finished Da Capo 3. I may have finished another VN or two but that's it.

bread's done