Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Speaking of surveys, there's a Final Fantasy XV update with an in-game survey asking you to vote on the next piece of free DLC.


Everyone vote for the Aranea playable character! Then the Lunafreya one! Then the Gentiana one! Then the Iris one! (Only 1 vote per person)

Then my dream of FFXV-2 will be complete! (FFXV-2 all female cast)

Futaba has the best lines.


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Great music! Can't wait for Ys 8. Getting Origin on my vita in july and then this in september is gonna be great.

Everyone vote for the Aranea playable character! Then the Lunafreya one! Then the Gentiana one! Then the Iris one! (Only 1 vote per person)

Then my dream of FFXV-2 will be complete! (FFXV-2 all female cast)
This is the perfect, correct order. I'd love an Aranea story DLC or side-game.

Still need to beat Celceta. :wall:
You, and I both. I downloaded Ys: Seven on PSN a few years back and loved it, but for some reason (probably going to be chastised for this) Celceta, and Persona 4: Golden remain unplayed and on my shelf. I'm pretty sure they might both still be in their original packaging.


Comes out this Summer for $69.99

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NISA Comments on Ys VIII Localization: Working “Very Hard to be Consistent” With Previous Entries in the Series

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Receives Limited Physical Edition: “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service”

The limited physical edition titled “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition” will contain:
  • Blu-ray disc containing a compilation of opening animations from previous Senran Kagura games.
  • Art book of the girls’ summer adventures
  • soundtrack on CD
  • DLC key that will grant the Soaking Wet High School Uniform costume, a set of colorful bikini costumes, the Futomaki Roll Bazooka special weapon, a Bebeby pet card, and a special set of skill cards.
The limited edition will be priced at $69.99 and will be the only retail version available for the game.

Nights of Azure 2 for PS4, PS Vita launches August 31 in Japan

Seiken Densetsu Collection screenshots

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] details new character Wagner

Square Enix Intends to Develop Major Franchises in-House and Outsource Mid-Size Games

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I really want to import that Sieken Densetsu collection but I don't read a lick of Japanese. I feel like that event would unlock the "translate and release in NA" scenario so maybe I should just bite the bullet.

I really want to import that Sieken Densetsu collection but I don't read a lick of Japanese. I feel like that event would unlock the "translate and release in NA" scenario so maybe I should just bite the bullet.
Yeah man, I'm prayin for an Eng release. I mean they already have English translations for the first two games. It should happen. Nintendo is trying their hardest to build a solid game library in a hurry.

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Yeah man, I'm prayin for an Eng release. I mean they already have English translations for the first two games. It should happen. Nintendo is trying their hardest to build a solid game library in a hurry.
I think because they were able to bring MHXX over, it shows that Nintendo really wants us to get these great games. Hopefully I'm right
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Receives Limited Physical Edition: “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service”

The limited physical edition titled “No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition” will contain:
  • Blu-ray disc containing a compilation of opening animations from previous Senran Kagura games.
  • Art book of the girls’ summer adventures
  • soundtrack on CD
  • DLC key that will grant the Soaking Wet High School Uniform costume, a set of colorful bikini costumes, the Futomaki Roll Bazooka special weapon, a Bebeby pet card, and a special set of skill cards.
The limited edition will be priced at $69.99 and will be the only retail version available for the game.
Sweet! We can always count on XSEED to deliver! :)

Not sure if I missed it or it wasn't mentioned, but the Culdcept Revolt LE is live on BB: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/culdcept-revolt-limited-edition-nintendo-3ds/5888700.p?skuId=5888700

Fixed and done. :)


Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Receives Western Release Date

That sure is a familiar sounding tune =/

Well, there's basically no chance that KonoSuba game is coming here, but it'd still be nice if it did.

SE should just stop announcing these things so far in advance -_-

:ps3: Nier $19.99 (Prime Shipping) This game is pretty rare, I guess they might've done a reprint or something due to the success of Automata. The last time I saw this game available it was $45 on Amazon, now its down to $20.

Gamestop finally has it available for shipping again too, but used for $29.99/$26.99 (PUR), around $22 if you use CAG16.

Also saw this, pretty neat: Good Smile Overwatch Tracer (Classic Skin Version) Nendoroid Figure $56.99 (Glad Amazon has it so I don't have to import it. Also, it says classic skin so I guess there are the legendary skin alternate versions on the way.)

Also, finally picked up a copy of the rare Gravity Rush Remastered, but had to spend $40 for it at Gamestop. This one is sadly not available for shipping, but a bunch of copies popped up on the East Coast, even copies in New York and New Jersey. So go try your luck if you want.

Monster Hunter XX Switch Trailer
Comparison Images of Switch & 3DS Graphics




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It's funny, but it may be nostalgia talking, but in many ways I find DQ11 on 3DS more appealing. I will get the PS4 version whenever it comes out, and if it's localized (it will i'm sure). Plus portable and long DQ games go together well. It's just weird....though I do think the 3D graphics are aight.

I find it a bit odd to describe DS DQ as 'nostalgic' when those titles were all remakes.  Dragon Warrior 1-4 were on NES.  The next games, Dragon Quest 7, 8 were on PSX and PS2 which were also television consoles.  But I guess there is a whole different group of people that grew up playing them on DS from 2009+.

People that are predominately Steam gamers or handheld gamers often have such a different world view on the state of gaming.  For me, it's like okay we haven't had a traditional Dragon Quest game since VIII in Nov. 2005, other than one handheld release with DQ9. 

I guess it's all just a matter of perception.  I'm irritated that they left Dragon Quest for dead in the west by never releasing X here which is completely my type of game.  I guess that DQ must not sell all that well in the west. But I don't really buy that either when they've been releasing so many offshoots and remakes over here.  SE has been ignoring their hardcore fans in west for far too long, just another bulletpoint on the ledger of examples SE has gone so far downhill since the PSX, PS2 days. 

The bottom line is that a home television console main DQ game is about ten years overdue.  Not sure who dropped the ball on this one.  We can probably chalk this one up to another example of Japan failing to adapt to the times, and succeed during the rise and dominance of western gaming for close to a decade during 2006-2015ish.  Man those were some weird years and dark times.   The dominance of the casual gimmicky Wii, the decline or death of so many JP studios and Sega, the debatable flop of the obstructive and expensive PS3. 

Thank god that Japanese gaming is finally undergoing a huge resurgence in '16-'17 on the PS4, and now the NS.  Things are finally looking up again. 

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A lot of people, even some of the hardcore news followers here on CAG, haven't yet come to realize just how prominent the Switch is going to be with all the influential Japanese properties that are in the pipelines. 

Things like Dragon Quest XI on a home + portable Nintendo console are game-changers.  People are even identifying their own desire to double dip on games for that kind of convenience.  "This Playstation game is great, I hope they are going to develop a Switch version so I can play it while I travel/work/placate wife". 

I give it a year honestly. Vita/3DS will both get less and less games and Switch/PS4/PC will be our niche machines. I'll hopefully have a Switch by then (new FE/SMT game released will be when I get it).

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A lot of people, even some of the hardcore news followers here on CAG, haven't yet come to realize just how prominent the Switch is going to be with all the influential Japanese properties that are in the pipelines.

Things like Dragon Quest XI on a home + portable Nintendo console are game-changers. People are even identifying their own desire to double dip on games for that kind of convenience. "This Playstation game is great, I hope they are going to develop a Switch version so I can play it while I travel/work/placate wife".
I realize how prominent the Switch has the potential to be due to the sheer amount of support we've gotten a glimpse at. We need to see follow-through, quantity, localizations, and quality that rivals the PS versions in order to realize that potential, though, and only time will tell.

On the hardware front, I'm also a little hesitant to say that it'll replace my current handheld devices. It's feels a lot clunkier to carry around to me than a Vita/3DS and the battery life is not as good as the other devices. I'm not trying to complain about these elements - I 100% understand that there are trade-offs in hardware and software and I'm sure Nintendo is intelligent enough to be deliberate and thoughtful about their decisions. However, for me personally, I'm just not sold as-is.

I think the Switch has the most potential to shine in situations like college campuses and large metros. You set up a game night, people bring their Switches, and with Nintendo's multiplayer IPs it'd be great. Battery life isn't an issue at that point because, realistically, how many campuses or event centers won't have outlets everywhere? Portability isn't an issue because you just have to take it from Point A to Point B, then keep it out for however long you play. I hope that once stock issues clear up and we get a few more big titles (Mario Party/Smash/etc.) we start to see these kinds of things happen more. It'd be really cool if NoA took initiative to set up official meet-ups in places that aren't LA or NYC, but I really doubt they will.

A lot of people, even some of the hardcore news followers here on CAG, haven't yet come to realize just how prominent the Switch is going to be with all the influential Japanese properties that are in the pipelines.

Things like Dragon Quest XI on a home + portable Nintendo console are game-changers. People are even identifying their own desire to double dip on games for that kind of convenience. "This Playstation game is great, I hope they are going to develop a Switch version so I can play it while I travel/work/placate wife".
It's all just talk right now. There is zero reason for me to give Nintendo $300+ on good faith alone. Especially given their track record.

When Mario, Fire Emblem, and SMT are on it....I will find it hard to resist. Also if something like Story of Seasons Switch comes out....I will be happy like a little school girl. Right now there isn't enough, and I wont do like i did for the PS4 and get it early. Honestly that first year and a half or so of PS4 was pretty lame. It was pretty much Battlefield 4, Infamous Second Son, and......well that's it....until Bloodborne came out, and then I was like oh yeah PS4 is nice!

When Mario, Fire Emblem, and SMT are on it....I will find it hard to resist. Also if something like Story of Seasons Switch comes out....I will be happy like a little school girl. Right now there isn't enough, and I wont do like i did for the PS4 and get it early. Honestly that first year and a half or so of PS4 was pretty lame. It was pretty much Battlefield 4, Infamous Second Son, and......well that's it....until Bloodborne came out, and then I was like oh yeah PS4 is nice!
Yeah once the new tales of game/remake and fire emblem are on there I will cave.

It looks like Dead or Alive 5 has two DLC costume sets that are being discontinued. The first is the Fairy Tail costumes that discontinue on June 20th and the next is the Attack on Titan costumes that discontinue on July 18th.
Thanks for the tip. I really hate that stuff that's digital only can go away and be inaccessible, but it's at least a little better when the publisher gives a heads-up first. I wonder if it'll go on sale before the date.

When Mario, Fire Emblem, and SMT are on it....I will find it hard to resist. Also if something like Story of Seasons Switch comes out....I will be happy like a little school girl. Right now there isn't enough, and I wont do like i did for the PS4 and get it early. Honestly that first year and a half or so of PS4 was pretty lame. It was pretty much Battlefield 4, Infamous Second Son, and......well that's it....until Bloodborne came out, and then I was like oh yeah PS4 is nice!
I'll cave

Outside of Tekken 7, nothing really stands out this week unless you've been waiting for Ys Origin on the Vita to release. Although Tokyo 42 looks interesting and Lock's Quest is a port of a game that was highly rated from the DS.

Other stuff that released without warning last week (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord (Strategy | Chinese Only)
- 归墟纪·寂夜 FINAL WORLD (VR | Action RPG)

Weekly Releases (May 28th - June 3rd)

Blaster Master Zero - EX Character Ekoro
- Platform(s): 3DS, Switch
- Genre: Action / Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: I guess this is just a DLC character?

Tekken 7
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Fighter
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.

Lock's Quest
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: 2D Action RPG / Tower Defense
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Port of the DS game. Not Japanese.

Ys Origin
- Platform(s): Vita
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on the PS4 & PC. LRG release for PS4 & Vita sometime later.

Tokyo 42
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Shooter / Cyberpunk / Isometric
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.
- Comments: Not Japanese.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Twinstick Shooter
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

斩毒:黑与白(Narcotics Police:Black and White)
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: FPS
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev. Chinese language only.

Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese. I couldn't make shit like this up if I tried.

Past Releases
May 21st - May 27th
May 14th - May 20th
May 7th - May 13th
April 30th - May 6th
April 23rd - April 29th

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Outside of Tekken 7, nothing really stands out this week unless you've been waiting for Ys Origins on the Vita to release. Although Tokyo 42 looks interesting and Lock's Quest is a port of a game that was highly rated from the DS.

Other stuff that released without warning last week (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord (Strategy | Chinese Only)
- 归墟纪·寂夜 FINAL WORLD (VR | Action RPG)

Weekly Releases (May 28th - June 3rd)

Blaster Master Zero - EX Character Ekoro
- Platform(s): 3DS, Switch
- Genre: Action / Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: I guess this is just a DLC character?

Tekken 7
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Fighter
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.

Lock's Quest
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: 2D Action RPG / Tower Defense
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Port of the DS game. Not Japanese. Probably digital only.

Ys Origins
- Platform(s): Vita
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on the PS4 & PC.

Tokyo 42
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Shooter / Cyberpunk / Isometric
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.
- Comments: Not Japanese.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Twinstick Shooter
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

斩毒:黑与白(Narcotics Police:Black and White)
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: FPS
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev. Chinese language only.

Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese. I couldn't make shit like this up if I tried.

Past Releases
May 21st - May 27th
May 14th - May 20th
May 7th - May 13th
April 30th - May 6th
April 23rd - April 29th
Is there no special edition for Ys?
bread's done