Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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My Mario coin and game just shipped, but not AssCreed. I would've thought the Ubisoft game to have higher stocks to shop early.
I'm the opposite. My copy of Assassins Creed just shipped, but still no Mario.... :???:

Edit: Right after I posted this, it shipped lol

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My Mario and Coin Shipped Separately but at the same time. 

All 3 Amiibos shipped together also at the same time. 

Located in NYC and shipping from Nichols (Upstate), NY. 

They still havent been picked up, but fedex site says it should be delivered by tomorrow evening. (Hoping  :pray: )

Now a social media blackout to avoid spoilers.  :booty:

Well, it looks like I get to play Mario Odyssey tonight. It arrived today via Amazon using their own delivery service. Interesting.

Farewell Valkyria Revolution, you were a bad game.

I have to finish Fire Emblem Warriors tonight or it might never get done  :whistle2:​ 

As a sort of mini review I'll say this:

FEW is quite enjoyable, The single player is not drastically long maybe 15'ish hours but I hear History Mode nearly doubles that. Playing it on normal was a tad too easy so I bumped it up to hard and managed to do everything just fine. Every character feels different even if some are clones they still do things visually that stand out more or less than others. The roster never really bothered me. Teaming up & raising bond ranks is really cool and it feels just like the FE series. Plus telling your fighters where to go and or what to defend is super easy.

The map can be intimidating at first but the game does a pretty good job easing you into the more heavy mechanics. I will suggest this though. TURN OFF THE LEVEL UP NOTICE, it'll drive you insane!

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Glad I ordered from Amazon. Never had a release date delivery issue, nor have I received a damaged item from them either. Sadly, the same can't be said from my previous orders from Best Buy.

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Missed out on Toukiden 2 but does anyone know if a "Kiwami" edition has been announced or rumored? Won't be too disappointed in missing it if I know there's an ultimate edition coming.

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No, the 3DS one is a re-make of the 1st Corpse Party game. The only way to get the entire collection is to have a Vita. The PSP editions of Corpse Party and Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, can be obtained digitally from PSN, and both can be played on the Vita. The third entry, Blood Drive, is only available on the Vita. The 3DS edition of Corpse Party is supposed to be good, but it only covers the content of the first game. (with some exclusive bonus material)

I think they were supposed to be releasing the games on the PC as well, but I don't know if they've gotten as far as Blood Drive yet.

Missed out on Toukiden 2 but does anyone know if a "Kiwami" edition has been announced or rumored? Won't be too disappointed in missing it if I know there's an ultimate edition coming.
Toukiden came out July 2013, Kiwami came out August 2014. Toukiden 2 came out July 2016, here we are(basically) in November of 2017 which leads me to be believe they aren't going to release one.

I've been waiting for Corpse Party 1 to get cheap on 3DS but now that I got my Steam Link working well I'll probably just buy it on there for < $10. 

I've been waiting for Corpse Party 1 to get cheap on 3DS but now that I got my Steam Link working well I'll probably just buy it on there for &lt; $10.
Is the content similar? I'm wanting the 3DS one too but it hasn't dropped much of anything.

Edit: Seems like an inferior version made before it was ported to consoles. I'd pass on the PC version.

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I played/beat the PSN version and the PC version of Corpse Party. I don't know if I'll get to the 3DS version (triple dipping is a bit much), but the PC version was a good port with some meaningful added content. Still waiting on an enhanced version of Book of Shadows to continue the franchise, though.

I got another e-mail notification that the Nier Soundtrack + bonus CD is available to order again. (This is mainly to get the bonus CD).

Speaking of Nier, I have Googled this to death and doesn't seem like anyone else has encountered this, but I'm going to try my luck here knowing it's the deals section:

Idk how to use spoiler tag on mobile, so please ignore if you don't want spoilers.

So my issue is this, I'm in the part of the story where I have to meet with Pascal at the factory entrance. I follow NPC bot to the elevator and then a bug occurs where the audio cuts out (just BGM and voice lines), then it cuts back in a minute or two later. All the while I'm stuck in the elevator until the dialogue is carried out. Once it finally manages to get through the conversation, the elevator doors open and there's nothing there. Or rather it's just sky and black sea of nothing below. I've tried exiting the elevator but it just ends up in a perpetual respawn back the outside of the elevator (doors are closed now), and freefall again. Once in a while there will be a voice line but it just repeats the same thing as I let the game run.

Anyone know of a fix for this? Or am I screwed and have to restart the game? I've tried deleting the game data and reinstalling but same issue.

TL;DR - Story mission bug encountered and can't proceed, hoping someone knows a fix.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT - Sorry for derailing the current discussion, but I'm at a loss with this.
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:ps4: Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- $12.55

:vita: Collar X Malice $29.99

:vita: Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (Eternal Wanderer Collector Limited Edition) $34.99

:vita: Drive Girls $23.33

:ps4: Blue Reflection $43.12 Used- Acceptable

So I'm pretty terrible at drawing, but got a sudden urge to and decided to copy a Futaba wallpaper I saw. This is the result:


Here's the wallpaper for reference.


Just wanted to share for some reason...

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that a very nice picture, i always envy those that could draw or paint as it was given life to nothing ( i lack patience to bother learning properly  ) i have minor talent for creating fantasy stories  just lack grammar give them the proper depth.  maybe one day i'll buckle down an shock the world with a tales that would put final fantasy series to shame.  ( if ever i stop been lazy... )

So I'm pretty terrible at drawing, but got a sudden urge to and decided to copy a Futaba wallpaper I saw. This is the result:

Just wanted to share for some reason...
That's very nice actually, great job. When I was younger(7th grade), I had a pretty good knack for taking a source picture as you did , and redrawing it to a nice finished product. Not as good as you, but not bad. When I turned it in to art class, my teacher accused me of tracing it. So I had to bring in the original picture, and show her mine was bigger, and then she apologized and gave me my grade. I still have it here someplace, if I ever dig it up, I'll post it.

Patience was never my issue, but perfection was. So a picture like that, where the original artist could draw it in an hour or two, I would take all day. As I would try to make everything match perfectly, which also killed my interest in the process. If I was doing an original piece of art that took all day, I would have been fine. But since I was pretty much copying someone else's work, all day was a bitter pill to swallow. LOL

EDIT: I guess the one talent I always had, and even to this day I still do well, is working with my hands. Every shop class I ever had, including(and even typing), I was always the best in the class. Never found one thing I wanted to do long term, but so is life I suppose.

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Nice sketch, BRW!

Here's the best I can do:

This is a lie. The best I can do is to never draw again and spare everyone suffering


Week 10 of the release bonanza or week 9 for Japanese niche only releases. As of writing this, Summon Night 6 hasn't been delayed yet. Otherwise it's basically that, the .hack remaster and Zwei II this week. The Final Fantasy XV multiplayer DLC was delayed I believe, so it's not being listed this week. Western wise, this week is Call of Duty. Though obviously everybody wants the new Bubsy.

Other stuff that released without warning last week (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition (RPG)
- Rite of Life (RPG / Simulation)

Weekly Releases (October 29th - November 4th)

Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: Strategy RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: It should be finally releasing unless Vic has some unexpected delay up his sleeve. Supports cross-save.

.hack//G.U. Last Recode
- Platform(s): PS4, PC
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Remaster of the original .hack//G.U. on the PS2. Includes all three games from the original, plus an all new fourth volume.

- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: Metroidvania / Bullet Hell
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Digital only. Physical via LRG at a unknown later date. Actually a decent metroidvania.

Steven Universe: Save the Light
- Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One
- Genre:  RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not Japanese.

Lost Dimension
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Strategy RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Previously released on the Vita & PS3.

In the name of sin
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Survival / Suspense?
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Puzzle / I, Spy
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Goro 2
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Puzzle
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: It's about time XSeed.

- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Espionage
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Published by Sekai Project.

REalM: Walk of Soul
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Horror / Adventure
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Spanish dev?

Little Busters! English Edition
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Published by VisualArts.

Talk to Aya
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Simulation
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Fox Hime
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

春风 Spring Breeze
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

Past Releases
October 22nd - October 28th
October 15th - October 21st
October 8th - October 14th
October 1st - October 7th
September 24th - September 30th

Just Summon Knight 6 for me this week (already got it long paid off).  Too many other things I'm playing through right (Etrian Odyssey V, Culdcept Revolt) now to worry about anything else.

Just Summon Knight 6 for me this week (already got it long paid off). Too many other things I'm playing through right (Etrian Odyssey V, Culdcept Revolt) now to worry about anything else.
got alot of bouncing around myself, started dragon heroes 2 but got tired of the heavy grinding and slow interactions so switched to culdcept though beating the main story was tuff, the extra challenges are brutal so getting frustrated with that, hard to find enjoyable games these days looking forward to summon and hack but seeing recent playthrough on twitch was a little off putting seeing how VN heavy it is

Nice sketch, BRW!

Here's the best I can do:

This is a lie. The best I can do is to never draw again and spare everyone suffering

I'll actually miss Miiverse just because I used to practice trying to draw with a tablet and being able to post the drawings in the Cruncyroll community and getting likes and comments always motivated me to want to do more. Tho I only ever did these in 2015 and never bothered to do more since then because drawing these would take 2 - 4 hours and worst part about drawing on Miiverse is you can't save progress so once you start drawing you can't stop. I always did consider going back to draw more and even get that Art Academy game so I could hopefully improve more in drawing with the tablet but sadly with Miiverse now closing down next month it seems pretty pointless to bother drawing again on the Wii U.


Konata Izumi and Kagami Hiiragi - Lucky Star


Dango Daikazoku - Clannad


Akira Kogami - Lucky Star


Maaya Uchida and Ayane Sakura - GanGan GA Channel

This one gives me feels just because this months episode is their last one together.


Tomoko Kuroki - Watamote


Mini Ika Musume x Splatoon


Koro Sensei - Assassination Classroom

I did this one for when Splatoon was released and it was neat seeing it pop up in game.


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bread's done