Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Can't bring myself to get in on the PA exclusives sale after looking up each game.  I just feel like they're made for the sake of selling an exclusive or something. :shrug:

Anyway, my order of Cursed Castilla Ex shipped, so that's a plus.

Did anyone else get the didn't have the item River City Rival Showdown 3DS from Amazon email and are asking if they want to cancel? If some didn't, I guess I got unlucky....

Edit: Seems a bit widespread....I just want my game. Love beat em ups.

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Did anyone else get the didn't have the item River City Rival Showdown 3DS from Amazon email and are asking if they want to cancel? If some didn't, I guess I got unlucky....

Edit: Seems a bit widespread....I just want my game. Love beat em ups.
My order is in shipping status. Also, Natsume commented on the situation.

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Did anyone else get the didn't have the item River City Rival Showdown 3DS from Amazon email and are asking if they want to cancel? If some didn't, I guess I got unlucky....

Edit: Seems a bit widespread....I just want my game. Love beat em ups.
Yeah i got the same issue. I realized it was already the 21st and checked my Amazon account and noticed that i had to approve to the Order so that they can ship me the delayed game. I think now its coming in some time in December if i remember correctly

It's probably just me, but the Black Friday gaming deals this year seem pretty meh. I think I only bought one game, and it wasn't really a huge deal.
So far I'm finding some of the better Black Friday deals this week, in comparison to the last few years. There were just so many games I didn't care about in 2017, and now that they're fairly cheap this week I'm willing to give them a try.

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Atelier Lydie & Suelle Shows Gameplay From PS4, Switch, and PS Vita Versions


World of Final Fantasy Now on Steam

PlayStation Awards 2017 to be live streamed on YouTube
"It will be available in Japanese and English. The annual awards ceremony is held to honor the top-selling games across the Japan and Asia regions."
Dynasty Warriors 9 Shows Off Informal Outfits For Zhenji, Daiochan, And Many Others

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The Iffy online store has a good discount on all their Limited Editions right now.
Got Dark Rose Valkyrie $58
Fairy Fencer F Dark Advent $43
MeiQ Labyrinth of Death $43
Fist of the North Star PS4 Exclusive Hokuto Ga Gotoku Gets Gorgeous Box Art by Tetsuo Hara


Dragon’s Crown Pro Shows Multiplayer Gameplay From the First Mission in New Video


Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura Adds Yumi As Day-One DLC Character In Japan On November 24

Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: New Link’s First Trailer Shows Off Gameplay On Smartphone
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Gets Million-Seller And “World of Ivalice” Trailers

Historia developing The Caligula Effect: Overdose

Project Octopath Traveler demo survey receives 45,500 responses, message from producer Masashi Takahashi

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I know this is not a niche game but did anyone order Rime for Switch and got it shrinkwrapped,

Just looks weird when I took it out of the bubble mailer.

Cool for Gal Gun 2....though the game looks little improved from the first....but time will tell on that. I want that four princess game though.

Also got an email saying my River City Rivals 3DS game coming from Amazon should come by next Tuesday.

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PS Vita Version of Romancing SaGa 2 Coming West in December; Other Platforms to be Revealed

Valkyria Chronicles 4 Gets New Screenshots and Lots of New Information on Famitsu
"We also learn that the game is currently 90% complete. It will release both in North America and Europe for PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One, and will come in 2018. "
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Celebrates One Million Sales With Free PS4 Theme by Hideo Minaba - DL
"While the theme is not dynamic, it comes with a beautiful dedicated background music."
Switch battery life ranked by tons of games, based on brightness and Wi-Fi usage
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About time for Romancing Saga 2. I quite liked an old SNES translation of 3, so i'll support that and hope they make more Romancing Saga games in the future.

My Senran Kagura PBS showed up today. Wayyyy smaller box than I expected. Looks nice though. Once I open it up I'll let you guys know if anyone wants to play some mp
Did anyone else get the didn't have the item River City Rival Showdown 3DS from Amazon email and are asking if they want to cancel? If some didn't, I guess I got unlucky....

Edit: Seems a bit widespread....I just want my game. Love beat em ups.
Got that original email but then, a couple hours later, got a shipping email with delivery by Friday.

Littlewitch Romanesque got a permanent price drop to $15 on steam. That with a 33% sale price puts it at $10 now, the lowest it's ever been.

Made some progress in .hack//g.u. ps4 almost to the final battles for the first tournament.  Happy that I am blazing through this since I want to get to 12 games finished this year at the least.

Amazon typically has some niche game deals this weekend - is there a schedule anywhere for titles that will be on sale?  Or do they just randomly throw up stuff without warning?

My Senran Kagura PBS showed up today. Wayyyy smaller box than I expected. Looks nice though. Once I open it up I'll let you guys know if anyone wants to play some mp
yeah suprised me also when my preorder showed up, not sure how online is but i havent started since their were some issues plus i am waiting till they are done releasing dlc to figure out how much i want to spend

Well, enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone. Would post a related image or something, but this is a US only holiday. So it's a pain to find something decent.

If you haven't been keeping up with the Steam thread, then Steam started their Autumn Sale the other day. It lasts until next Tuesday. If you have the Enhanced Steam addon installed and have been wishlisting games, then you can just look through that list to see if there are any discounts that you're interested in.

Amazon typically has some niche game deals this weekend - is there a schedule anywhere for titles that will be on sale? Or do they just randomly throw up stuff without warning?
To my knowledge, some can be found on the Black Friday Deals Week Page and then refining the page to PC & Video Games. Others just seem to randomly pop up without prior notice on occasion. Could be wrong though. However Amazon's game related sales have been pretty poor the last couple holiday seasons.

All I really see now is Persona 5 for $30 and Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook for $20.

EDIT: Typos.

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I should mention I beat Demon Gazer II. It was kinda ehh. Not bad, but not really good either. Just pretty average in my opinion.

I think the main story is worse than the original game and I was sitting there thinking "How stupid is everybody in this game?" constantly. To play the second game, you don't really need to have played the first one prior. There are a few returning characters, but they only briefly mention the previous game. There is however an included DLC post-game story that ties directly to the original game/story/characters slightly. I haven't beat that and I'm not sure I will because the gameplay became quite tedious towards the end of the game and this new post-game story area is even worse.

Anyways, in the first Demon Gaze you could create your own party. It was a nice aspect that let you customize how you play through the game. Unfortunately the second game does not have character creation at all really. You choose the looks for the main character as well as his alignment (which directly effects skills you learn as you level). Party members? They're demons you subjugate throughout the game. Each have their own skills attached to them, some of which may be different than some of the others that are of the same "type". The biggest issue I have with this isn't so much that they did this, but that all of the demons you subjugate start at god damned level 1 except for three. It's absolutely ridiculous that you're forced to grind to level them up to be even remotely close to your parties level. For that reason I've stuck with the party members you first obtain. Sure they get extra experience per battle, but it's still a pain in the ass that I don't want to have to deal with.

If you go through on the default difficulty, you can use the first party members you gain, but if you're going through on something higher, then you'll want to swap out for some of the newer demons. Particularly the caster at the very least. Like previous Experience DRPGs, you've got points where you can use gems to obtain equipment. You'll need to buy those gems from the shop in-game, so you won't be able to break down a bunch of stuff if you're playing the Vita version. Why does the platform matter? Because there's a bug on the PS4 version where you get a stupid amount of money from some/most battles compared to what you're supposed to get. It doesn't really make you overpowered, but it does reduce the need to grind for money to purchase gems and rooms.

Like other more recent Vita DRPGs you've got the touchy-feely (molestation) mechanic in this game that I'm not a fan of. It's pretty dumb and straight forward, but obtaining gems to max everybody out would be a massive pain. You can get the gems from beating recruitable demons as well as rare random battle drops. Otherwise you'll need to assign them to a room and give them a suitable piece of decor and then proceed to grind battles in hopes that their affection rating towards you increases. Outside of your main party, it's a pretty grindy gameplay mechanic be told. Despite not really liking the mechanic, there are a few "dates" or events that are tied to various party members from this that are fairly amusing.

Earlier I mentioned that the gameplay became quite tedious in the post-game DLC area. This is because you have to raise the difficulty up from the default just to even play it. Then you have a lot of enemies that reduce a party members health down to 1 HP. That's a mechanic I absolutely abhor as it cheapens the difficulty and turns it into a show where all you do is use Full Cure constantly so people don't die. There's no real strategy to to it. Plus one of the two bosses has a metric ton of health. I fought them once and after 15 minutes and only taking them down maybe 10 to 15% in health, I just turned the game off. I did not want to be part of a battle of attrition to see what ran out first, my items of the bosses health. The side boss is probably easier, but I didn't bother fighting them.

Inventory management is also a pain in the ass in this game too. They like to have a dozen of most item types that do the same thing but have different names. This means that each unique name is using up an inventory space and the game likes to give them to you in droves. If they combined the items down to a single name, this would not really be much of an issue. I just don't like going to storage and stuffing damn near everything in there after a dungeon excursion.

Also, if you remember the Mushroom/Skull quest from the first game, it's back as well. This time however its been slightly improved. After battles you can sometimes obtain map fragments that show where hidden items/chests are in the dungeons. I obtained most of them without any real grinding and managed to fully complete both those sidequests without any guide. Plus hidden doors can be found by using a demon that has a passive skill which locates them as well. The first demon you obtain will have this skill, as will some others.

In the end the game was alright, but I certainly enjoyed the first Demon Gaze a lot more. I feel like the switch to recruting demons with the touch-feely gameplay shit that so many other Japanese DRPGs are doing these days, kind of degrades the presentation in my view. If they hadn't made nearly all the recruited demons start at level 1 and gain a fraction of the experience the main party does, then I don't think I'd be so impartial to the game in general. I really hate having to grind up new characters just because others weren't available at the time which were objectively better. So I can't recommend the game, but I also don't think it's particularly bad outside of a couple really poor gameplay choices.

P.S. Magic in this game seems to suck. Never found any use for offensive spells.

I did obtain the Platinum trophy for the game. So it's not a hard one to obtain seeing as I was able to get it. Just play through the story, complete the mushroom/skull side mission and obtain all the demons (including the 5 optional or so; Post-game one not necessary)

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not sure how online is but i havent started since their were some issues plus i am waiting till they are done releasing dlc to figure out how much i want to spend
The last patch allowed for global matchmaking, but it couldn't breathe any life into an already dead community. The last DLC that hasn't made it over to the west are the Valkyrie Drive characters.


Attack on Titan 2 Gets New Screenshots Showing New Characters and Gameplay Mechanics

33 minutes of Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura gameplay

Monster Hunter World Gets New PS4 Gameplay Showing the Spectacular Rotten Vale

Capcom To Encourage People To Play Monster Hunter World Online; Players Will Feel Like Unique Hunters

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I cannot think of a single instance where an anime or niche game has had a thanksgiving moment, so this is the best I could find...


Don't do that too much though... (I think this is the cruise ship episode where they get stranded on the sinking ship and then James' magikarp evolves into a gyarados. Not too sure, but I used to be able to remember all the exact details in each and every pokemon episode as a kid.)

The last patch allowed for global matchmaking, but it couldn't breathe any life into an already dead community. The last DLC that hasn't made it over to the west are the Valkyrie Drive characters.
If we get enough people on this thread to play it, and set up a session, we can revive the community! ...maybe...

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Haha, I would love to actually have people to play it with for once! Even just the survival mode.

Yeah, but most of the people who's had the game since launch probably are super high level or have amazing cards by now. I only played a few chapters of the story, so I'm nowhere near that level yet.
If we get enough people on this thread to play it, and set up a session, we can revive the community! ...maybe...
I'm wouldn't mind playing again and I play nice in 3v3.. O:)

Sometimes. :twisted:


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Haha, I would love to actually have people to play it with for once! Even just the survival mode.

Yeah, but most of the people who's had the game since launch probably are super high level or have amazing cards by now. I only played a few chapters of the story, so I'm nowhere near that level yet.
If we get enough people on this thread to play it, and set up a session, we can revive the community! ...maybe...
I'm wouldn't mind playing again and I play nice in 3v3.. O:)

Sometimes :twisted:


bread's done