Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Not stopping Disney? I'm saying that our societal outrage over sexuality is full of obscene double standards. The entirety of our popular culture is so ingrained with violence that we can elevate things like Mortal Kombat and The Last of Us as a proper representation for video games but anything that deviates from a puritan approach to sexuality is looked down upon immediately. We groom our children with suggestive programming, outrageous pop icons, and sexualized preteen social media influencers and still chastise niche creators for not adhering to our preposterous entertainment standards. It's an incredibly slippery slope that I don't want anyone to take part in.
TIL not supporting prepubescent anime titties means you're a Puritan. Also, somehow Disney and Nickelodeon shows are just as bad as prepubescent anime titties and this represents an "obscene" double standard.
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Also, somehow Disney and Nickelodeon shows are just as bad as prepubescent anime titties and this represents an "obscene" double standard.
You do know the difference here right? Disney and Nick have a target demographic of young children, whereas anime titty video games and such are exclusively made and marketed towards adults yet still get the brunt of the regulation.

Who fucking cares. Every reply from the last few pages is gonna get purged anyway so just post whatever you want.


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bow to the anime titties

You do know the difference here right? Disney and Nick have a target demographic of young children, whereas anime titty video games and such are exclusively made and marketed towards adults yet still get the brunt of the regulation.

Who fucking cares. Every reply from the last few pages is gonna get purged anyway so just post whatever you want.

I see, so sexualization of minors is only okay if targeted towards adults. That makes sense.
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Okay, let's be done with this.

numbnumb, let's not pretend that all PS4 censorship is being done in the name of abolishing pedophilia.


Dead Texan, your point that it's wildly fucked up how real, live minors are being sexualized with less scrutiny than fictional ones is perfectly valid. But the fictional characters that are, by all indication, minors being put in sexual scenarios for the purpose of titillation is still gross, regardless of the fact that no one is getting hurt. Not to imply you ever said otherwise.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree with that and move on. Yes?

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Okay, let's be done with this.

numbnumb, let's not pretend that all PS4 censorship is being done in the name of abolishing pedophilia.

Dead Texan, your point that it's wildly fucked up how real, live minors are being sexualized with less scrutiny than fictional ones is perfectly valid. But the fictional characters that are, by all indication, minors being put in sexual scenarios for the purpose of titillation is still gross, regardless of the fact that no one is getting hurt. Not to imply you ever said otherwise.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree with that and move on. Yes?
He explicitly said otherwise.
As far as I can see, he is only saying that it's stupid that fictional children are having their sexuality policed more than living children.

As far as I can see, he is only saying that it's stupid that fictional children are having their sexuality policed more than living children.
But they're not. Show me Disney and Nickelodeon "sexualization" of minors that is equivalent to the sexualization of prepubescent looking anime girls in these games.

Furthermore, when I summarized his argument as "It's okay to sexualize minors when targeted towards adults," his response was not, "No, that's not what I meant" but instead, that fictional children don't need protection. Tell me that isn't alarming.

His point isn't that they both should not occur. His point is that one should be allowed to occur because the other occurs.
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Ok, so which game is this from? So I know not to bother w the ps4 version and just get it for switch

Okay, let's be done with this.

numbnumb, let's not pretend that all PS4 censorship is being done in the name of abolishing pedophilia.

Dead Texan, your point that it's wildly fucked up how real, live minors are being sexualized with less scrutiny than fictional ones is perfectly valid. But the fictional characters that are, by all indication, minors being put in sexual scenarios for the purpose of titillation is still gross, regardless of the fact that no one is getting hurt. Not to imply you ever said otherwise.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree with that and move on. Yes?
But they're not. Show me Disney and Nickelodeon "sexualization" of minors that is equivalent to the sexualization of prepubescent looking anime girls in these games.

Furthermore, when I summarized his argument as "It's okay to sexualize minors when targeted towards adults," his response was not, "No, that's not what I meant" but instead, that fictional children don't need protection. Tell me that isn't alarming.

His point isn't that they both should not occur. His point is that one should be allowed to occur because the other occurs.
I can't speak toward Disney and Nickelodeon because I don't watch any of their programming with young stars, but this kinda shit shakes more more than anything fictional could.

As for his point, I don't see him saying fictional pedophilia is okay. But I'm not gonna go and reread again. I just wanted to end the whole discussion.

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Ok, so which game is this from? So I know not to bother w the ps4 version and just get it for switch
It's a game called The Princess, the Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart. They went overboard with censors to get through PS4 approval when the policy changed. There was actually a "Scene Enhancement patch" post launch that made it much less obnoxious.


Of course it's a porn visual novel from PC so technically the Switch version is censored too. Out on Steam June 17 in English for the first time.



The sequel, Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart 2 has the same content across all console versions.

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It's a game called The Princess, the Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart. They went overboard with censors to get through PS4 approval when the policy changed. There was actually a "Scene Enhancement patch" post launch that made it much less obnoxious.

Of course it's a porn visual novel from PC so technically the Switch version is censored too. Out on Steam June 17 in English for the first time.

The sequel, Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart 2 has the same content across all console versions.
So Sony isn't censoring these games. They set guidelines to get on their platform and the developers edit their games to conform.

That's not censorship.
But it makes great clickbait headlines for your niche gaming website that will be posted over and over on 4chan.

So Sony isn't censoring these games. They set guidelines to get on their platform and the developers edit their games to conform.

That's not censorship.
Umm, that is exactly censorship. Especially when "guidelines" change during a game's development and what was normally acceptable prior to the change, now requires extensive reworking or removing entirely, causing developers to hemorrhage cash and directors to quit their jobs.

Take Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, a game that met all the restrictions of the ratings boards it was released in. Nintendo releases the game in its uncensored form, as any platform should do. Sony, however, cuts entire modes from the game, along with several other changes and removals.

The definition of censorship: the suppression or prohibition of any parts of media that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

Umm, that is exactly censorship. Especially when "guidelines" change during a game's development and what was normally acceptable prior to the change, now requires extensive reworking or removing entirely, causing developers to hemorrhage cash and directors to quit their jobs.

Take Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, a game that met all the restrictions of the ratings boards it was released in. Nintendo releases the game in its uncensored form, as any platform should do. Sony, however, cuts entire modes from the game, along with several other changes and removals.

The definition of censorship: the suppression or prohibition of any parts of media that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
I can't personally attack you on here without getting banned. Does it mean CAG is censoring me when I choose not to personally attack you so I don't get banned? Why aren't you fighting for my right to personally attack you?

Sony is not editing games to remove things. They are not censoring anything.
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Okay, now I'm losing faith in you as a coherent individual. You clearly do not understand censorship. It is not as simple as a black piece of cardboard to put over a nipple.

Sony is using the power of their platform to force developers to edit their titles, despite adhering to the metrics of the rating boards for each region they are released in. Censorship is not inherently a bad thing, which you seem to think. I approve of censorship of material that I'd consider blatant pedophilia. Having rules that prohibit certain media on your device is censorship. It's up the consumer to decide if that censorship is warranted or not.

Regardless, I'm getting the brick wall feeling from you, so I'm not interested in any more discussion. Goodnight.

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the argument of sony not censoring things would be a lot stronger if they grandfathered previously approved games in development instead of costing those developers a lot of lost money in programming things they can't use and having to waste even more money to program them out. I mean Sony isn't even reimbursing them. that's fucked up.
A lot of big games have gotten censored in Japan, including GTA 5 and RE7.
i think that comment was directed exclusively at sexualized content.

Japan and most of the entire world has always censored American violence in video games since forever. As Americans we don't realize how fucked up the rest of the world thinks we are with violence in our games.

side note : RE, while Japanese, is aimed towards a western audience firstly so they purposely up the violence knowing it'll get censored in their own county.
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i think that comment was directed exclusively at sexualized content.

Japan and most of the entire world has always censored American violence in video games since forever. As Americans we don't realize how fucked up the rest of the world thinks we are with violence in our games.
GTA 5 was censored for sexual content, though:

When Trevor's fucking the girl from behind right after you meet him.

lol that was funny. idk maybe they see realistic sexualized stuff way worse than cartoon things (anime).

kinda like the things family guy does is ok because it's a cartoon but if it was a live action show no way would it be on public tv lol.
If your definition of censorship is this loose, literally every platform that offers media censors content. Why you choose this hill as the one to die on solidifies my fact that it's weird as hell.
You're moving the goalpost to the definition of the word censorship, for God knows what reason. It's a fact that Sony is forcing extra restrictions on what releases on their systems, and that's what has people upset. If you can't understand that or insist on arguing semantics, I'd have to agree with the Brick Wall thing.
You're moving the goalpost to the definition of the word censorship, for God knows what reason. It's a fact that Sony is forcing extra restrictions on what releases on their systems, and that's what has people upset. If you can't understand that or insist on arguing semantics, I'd have to agree with the Brick Wall thing.
So people are not upset about censorship in general, just that Sony has harsher restrictions on what is allowed on their platforms than other companies? Because it's preventing them from seeing some half dressed anime titties?

This is why I laugh when you guys frame it as a freedom of speech/anti-censorship issue. Just say you're upset that you can't see the anime titties. Don't try to frame the argument as some grand fight for our rights. I'd respect your stance much more.
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Aaand a strawman. We're done here.
I'm convinced you've seen these buzzwords used online when people debate and have no idea what they actually mean.

Did you not explicitly state that the problem people have is that Sony is imposing harsher restrictions than other companies? That implies you acknowledge that every company is guilty of "censorship" as they all have guidelines on the type of content allowed on their platform. Therefore, the issue isn't censorship but the "extra" censorship that Sony imposes. And this "extra" censorship seems to only apply to half naked anime girls as there are plenty of examples of nudity and sex in AAA games. Therefore, you are only upset about not being able to see anime titties, not about censorship. However, you know that that is a weird thing to be upset about so you try to reframe the discussion as a fight against censorship and for free speech to make it more palatable.
So people are not upset about censorship in general, just that Sony has harsher restrictions on what is allowed on their platforms than other companies? Because it's preventing them from seeing some half dressed anime titties?

This is why I laugh when you guys frame it as a freedom of speech/anti-censorship issue. Just say you're upset that you can't see the anime titties. Don't try to frame the argument as some grand fight for our rights. I'd respect your stance much more.
Should have simply had you banned after your first five blatant troll posts. I wonder if its too late. I bet a single sentence report could probably still get it done.

Should have simply had you banned after your first five blatant troll posts. I wonder if its too late. I bet a single sentence report could probably still get it done.
Is that what passes for debate here? Have nothing to say after I've broken your argument down to what it's really about so you want to try to get me banned? Are you trying to censor me because I'm saying stuff you don't like?
Finished fairy fencer f advent dark force. 6/3/19  As of now I completed 10 games this year and whittled my backlog down to 162 games.  5 more games and I will beat my record.

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What did that guy say that warranted a ban? Because hes annoying and you don't like him you reported him?
He had his own opinions that didn't play well with the majority of people here, so it was deemed as actively trolling. Whether he was objectively wrong or not shouldn't have played any part in his account status. It's not like he was harassing the others, simply replying in a way that didn't just constantly agree with everything around here.

Well, predictably, here's the first wave of smashed PQ2 PE's at $43.79

Actually considering it since my initial $68 preorder was 90% likely to arrive just as damaged.

For those of you who were shipped a pancake via envelope, how ding'd did that art book arrive?  Also how's the game?

Apparently there's 2 at my local best buy's inventory. I was going this morning anyway to hunt for today's Cold Steel II release.  Let's see if I can rescue them before they get spiderweb'd.

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Got my Amazon order of Persona Q2 Premium Edition today. Thank goodness they shipped it in a box. Was a little worried after some folks posted pics in this thread of their crushed boxes from being shipped in bubble mailers. There was no padding in the shipping box, but it was a pretty decent size to the point that the item was in perfect condition upon arrival.

Well, predictably, here's the first wave of smashed PQ2 PE's at $43.79

Actually considering it since my initial $68 preorder was 90% likely to arrive just as damaged.

For those of you who were shipped a pancake via envelope, how ding'd did that art book arrive? Also how's the game?

Apparently there's 2 at my local best buy's inventory. I was going this morning anyway to hunt for today's Cold Steel II release. Let's see if I can rescue them before they get spiderweb'd.
These got picked up pretty quickly. They only have the $50.91 "very good" left. I grabbed one of the "acceptable" $43.79, which is usually this decent quality returns and not preowned.

I also had a preorder that should be arriving today. Hopefully that's in good condition, as it shipped with two other items. Would love to be able to return the full price one and keep a dinger, if that works out.

Mine shipped today! I shouldn't have doubted Best Buy.

Anyway, odds of this becoming valuable? Aw, who am I kidding, I was going to double dip to support the franchise.

The Etrian Odyssey franchise.
bread's done