Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Got my Xillia 2 Collectors shipped to me the other day from Best Buy. Package in big box, check. Padding in box, check. Padding actually put in box to avoid damage, not so much. Why make 90% of the effort and then drop it at the end? Just roll the stupid thing in Bubblewrap and call it a day. I called Best Buy, knowing there would be no replacement, and they shipped out the replacement the same day. Very surprised. Asked the guy to note to shipping guys to actually pad the product (made me feel better but we all know they won't read it). We will see if number two comes in better than number one. Note to self, pick up in store next time.
After putting that note on it, your game is going to be delivered in 6 bubble mailers taped together. :)

Played very little of SAO so far... it's meh right now. I don't understand how that one review gave it a 9/10. The combat system so far comsists of me mashing circle. When Risk gets up to level 5, hit down on d-pad. After partner does something, press up on d-pad. The other skills seem pretty moot, unless your partner asks you to do them (i.e. stun).

game is an obvious cash grab intoducing Leafa and Sinon into this point and time in SAO (Kirito just beat Heathcliff) and explaining it as a simple glitch.

edit: I will need to give the game more time to see if there is more depth to it, but looking real bleak so far...
I've played about an hour and feel the same. Not crazy about the battle system and I don't really get it. I hope there is an FAQ on it cause the game doesn't explain it very well. I'm feeling so far this may be a 6 or 7 out of 10 game maybe. Graphics are relatively nice though. How do you get the burst gauge to go up higher? I think I got confused on this part of the battle system.

Played very little of SAO so far... it's meh right now. I don't understand how that one review gave it a 9/10. The combat system so far comsists of me mashing circle. When Risk gets up to level 5, hit down on d-pad. After partner does something, press up on d-pad. The other skills seem pretty moot, unless your partner asks you to do them (i.e. stun).

game is an obvious cash grab intoducing Leafa and Sinon into this point and time in SAO (Kirito just beat Heathcliff) and explaining it as a simple glitch.

edit: I will need to give the game more time to see if there is more depth to it, but looking real bleak so far...
I played for about an hour last night and feel the same way. I'm hoping that combat will get a little more interesting as the game progresses, but not sure if that is really possible. While I am enjoying the cut scenes, no doubt the majority of that is I just am enjoying seeing Kirito back in SOA. Hoping once I put some more time into it will be liking it more as was very excited for this one.

The combat gets better the more sword skills you learn. I'm 30-40+ hours into the game and had to get about 4 hours in to really start enjoying it. I've played more of the Infinity Moment part of the game rather than the new Hollow Fragment addition and the additional characters add a little to it.

The combat gets better the more sword skills you learn. I'm 30-40+ hours into the game and had to get about 4 hours in to really start enjoying it. I've played more of the Infinity Moment part of the game rather than the new Hollow Fragment addition and the additional characters add a little to it.
Can you give me a basic explanation of combat....I really don't get the burst gauge.

The explanation of the battle system isn't so great in the beginning. Also the UI is so cluttered.

Basically, your burst gauge starts off full and depletes with each attack. The more you fight monsters, your Risk level goes up which means your burst regenerates slower. Easiest way to lower risk level is to Switch (pressing down on dpad).

You can also do Just Attacks which supposedly use little to no Burst meter. You do these by timing the the burst attack (finishing move after 4-5 regular attacks) as the glow is fading. You should see a different glow animation if done correctly.

For SP bar, you can refill by pressing up on dpad after your partner does something like Switch or anything else, really.

There is a cooldown on Switch though, so say you're still waiting and have absolutely no burst, you can press L/R and use your other skills or commands for your partner.

Honestly though, the game plays like a balancing act than a hack and slash RPG. Dodging (movement in general) and parrying are SO clunky. Again, I'll have to reserve judgement for after more hours.

Something to ask the community about:  I've primarily played only dynasty warrior games.  PS4 is releasing both samurai warriors 4 and warriors orochi 3.  I currently own DW8 on the PS4, but am deciding if it is worth it to buy the other two games.  As I understand it, Orochi brings DW together with Samurai warriors.  I love my musou games, but I'm guessing answers will be all over the place here.

Is this analogous to playing xmen vs street fighter and marvel super heroes vs street fighter combined as Marvel vs Capcom??  Sorry, the question is kind of confusing.

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Something to ask the community about: I've primarily played only dynasty warrior games. PS4 is releasing both samurai warriors 4 and warriors orochi 3. I currently own DW8 on the PS4, but am deciding if it is worth it to buy the other two games. As I understand it, Orochi brings DW together with Samurai warriors. I love my musou games, but I'm guessing answers will be all over the place here.

Is this analogous to playing xmen vs street fighter and marvel super heroes vs street fighter combined as Marvel vs Capcom?? Sorry, the question is kind of confusing.
I'm not sure if this answers your question, but WO3 uses the DW7 versions for Dynasty Warriors characters, so playing as certain characters may feel different compared to playing as them in DW8.

I own and have played WO3 about 40-50 hours or so on the PS3 when it was just downloadable. It's pretty neat and all, but the newer improvements from DW8 and SW4 aren't there. Usually with the dynasty warriors type games IMHO it's better to go with the newest as long as the changes weren't bad such as DW6 which I remember being a step down. I think Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is out of it's league to be honest with DW8, SW4 and Hyrule Warriors breathing down it's neck as newer titles. It's a pretty old game overall and this is just the ultimate version of it. I would wait for it to drop unless you really want the crossover story.

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but WO3 uses the DW7 versions for Dynasty Warriors characters, so playing as certain characters may feel different compared to playing as them in DW8.
In WO3, there's only a subset of the characters anyway, but you're right, it does use the older character set/fighting style of DW7. I'm really wondering if the fighting/action sequences are significantly different, or if it's just for those who want to play as different characters from different series that draw them to WO.

I own and have played WO3 about 40-50 hours or so on the PS3 when it was just downloadable. It's pretty neat and all, but the newer improvements from DW8 and SW4 aren't there. Usually with the dynasty warriors type games IMHO it's better to go with the newest as long as the changes weren't bad such as DW6 which I remember being a step down. I think Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is out of it's league to be honest with DW8, SW4 and Hyrule Warriors breathing down it's neck as newer titles. It's a pretty old game overall and this is just the ultimate version of it. I would wait for it to drop unless you really want the crossover story.
Yeah, I've got Hyrule warriors coming up next month and as much as I love musou games, I don't know how I would split up time among all of them had I owned them in such a close proximity in time. 40-50 hours to me on one game probably translates into a month if I dedicated all my time into one game. Thanks for the input, I may wait it out with WO3. What about SW4? The anime pack looks pretty enticing, but not sure if I want to sink much more time into musou with all the JRPG's coming out in the very near future.

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I own and have played WO3 about 40-50 hours or so on the PS3 when it was just downloadable. It's pretty neat and all, but the newer improvements from DW8 and SW4 aren't there. Usually with the dynasty warriors type games IMHO it's better to go with the newest as long as the changes weren't bad such as DW6 which I remember being a step down. I think Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is out of it's league to be honest with DW8, SW4 and Hyrule Warriors breathing down it's neck as newer titles. It's a pretty old game overall and this is just the ultimate version of it. I would wait for it to drop unless you really want the crossover story.
Yeah, I've got Hyrule warriors coming up next month and as much as I love musou games, I don't know how I would split up time among all of them had I owned them in such a close proximity in time. 40-50 hours to me on one game probably translates into a month if I dedicated all my time into one game. Thanks for the input, I may wait it out with WO3. What about SW4? The anime pack looks pretty enticing, but not sure if I want to sink much more time into musou with all the JRPG's coming out in the very near future.

Hmm so one vote for Demon gaze and one neg for mind zero. Anyone else? Or have any suggestions? I think conception II is a dungeon crawler too. Maybe i should ask in the vita thread specifically. Thought since i was specifically looking for a dungeon crawler this would be the better thread to ask though

Ive fallen out of love with anime twice now. Once YEARS ago. Didn't watch anything for years and years. Then i got back into it.. forget the year. Toradora and Spice and Wolf pulled me back in when i d.loaded some random stuff (SW was airing at the time) Recently ive fallen out of love with it again. Havent watched anything the past year or two really. I just got way too burned out on all the stupid T&A boobie shows. These days, like you, i mostly just read manga. Im actually re-watching Escaflowne right now with a friend who never saw it. Man i miss the old hand drawn art style from the 90's
Well I have both DG and MZ. I liked DG much more. I felt the difficulty level was just right for me and did not spike in certain levels. DG I just did not like the rent requirement going back to the home base. Plus I just didn't feel like I always knew what I was supposed to do in DG but MZ I always did.

I finished MZ and didn't DG so far so that tells you the one I liked. MZ ending sucks if they don't release a sequel.

I haven't played Mind Zero, but I have played Demon Gaze and it is some great fun. That said, I'll mention a couple problems I had with it to help you decide if you should get it.



Fan Service:
I haven't played Mind=Zero either. Demon Gaze is pretty good. Difficulty had a couple of spikes so far (I'm 30 hours in, on my 8th key, warm difficulty). In the first mini-spike, it was partially my fault because I didn't hire a third party member yet. So I had a paladin doing DPS and the main character healing through a boss. I managed, but I did die the first try.

Second spike (what most people consider the first spike, from what I read after-the-fact), I had low DPS from bad equipment, and bad luck with RNG. Took me four tries to beat that part, but the fourth try was me decimating the boss. First three tries, she kept one-shotting my healer first turn, then one-shotting my ranger second turn. As in 600 dmg when I had 200 hp. Fourth try, her "AOE" attack came after her single attack on my healer, and basically breezed through the rest of the fight. The area blocked by this boss was really easy compared to that boss as well, and I've had zero problems since then.

I also didn't read up on much until I was trying to decide on my fifth party member. So I didn't farm gold or artifacts. In fact, I didn't get a skill called "slash" until literally last night, which most people save scum for like in the first couple hours of the game.

There's some balance issues (in the player's favor) that I don't really like, but most of the game is solid. Conception II's classmating scenes were much more ecchi than anything I've seen in Demon Gaze so far, but I haven't beaten the game yet. Other than the aforementioned spikes, I didn't wipe on normal mobs or other bosses. But it also helped getting a lot of RNG luck, and getting several +20ish B grade weapons and armor.

Balancing issue regarding Astro Force + Concentration (EX) + Dual Wield + Mars/Jupiter Bane hahaha OP much. I've been two-turning all the gods.

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I've got Demon Gaze and Mind Zero both queued on Gamefly. Ys: MoC shipped first, though--hopefully that won't take too long so I can move on to DG and MZ.

you should like   ys  big time  (was one of the better games i played on the vita)   I got both  Gaze and  Mind.  Have not touched gaze yet, but played Mind for  5 hours and  just did not care for it. Dont know why but even upping your skills did not   increase the damage you was doing.  

The explanation of the battle system isn't so great in the beginning. Also the UI is so cluttered.

Basically, your burst gauge starts off full and depletes with each attack. The more you fight monsters, your Risk level goes up which means your burst regenerates slower. Easiest way to lower risk level is to Switch (pressing down on dpad).

You can also do Just Attacks which supposedly use little to no Burst meter. You do these by timing the the burst attack (finishing move after 4-5 regular attacks) as the glow is fading. You should see a different glow animation if done correctly.

For SP bar, you can refill by pressing up on dpad after your partner does something like Switch or anything else, really.

There is a cooldown on Switch though, so say you're still waiting and have absolutely no burst, you can press L/R and use your other skills or commands for your partner.

Honestly though, the game plays like a balancing act than a hack and slash RPG. Dodging (movement in general) and parrying are SO clunky. Again, I'll have to reserve judgement for after more hours.
Thanks for the explanation i'm playing it after work so it's appreciated!

It's a free 30-day trial, so I'm just grabbing the few games that I've a slight interest in. Those three, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, and Silent Hill: Book of Memories is the entire selection they have that I want to try. Hoping I can go through them in a month, but we'll see.

It's a free 30-day trial, so I'm just grabbing the few games that I've a slight interest in. Those three, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, and Silent Hill: Book of Memories is the entire selection they have that I want to try. Hoping I can go through them in a month, but we'll see.
may want to look into the gift certs if your thinking of staying.

1 month 1 at a time is like 16 bucks

you can buy yourself a 3 month 1 at a time gift code for like 26 (So it be like 2 more months for 10 bucks)

AugustAPC, on 19 Aug 2014 - 09:25 AM, said:
It's still a JRPG. His statement was worded as a correction.... and no, an RPG being tactical does not mean that other elements of the game are neglected.

shadowysea07, on 19 Aug 2014 - 07:29 AM, said:
they were referring to its sub genre duh. srpgs are a different beast than typical rpg's and focus mostly on combat with everything else being limited to non existent

AugustAPC, on 19 Aug 2014 - 05:40 AM, said:
It's a Japanese RPG. JRPG.



Good news: Best Buy listed the Special Anime Pack for Samurai Warriors 4.

Bad news: For some reason, they're selling it for $5 over MSRP. :???:

Thanks. I guess I'll go ahead and place an order, and once they fix the listing, then give them a call. I dont' want to miss it since people tend to jump on CE type releases for the GCU

Still no listing for Akiba's Trip PS4 :(

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Does anyone know the user who had GCU abd was willing to buy games for people. He had a dedicated thread, but I can't seem to find it. Search is proving useless.

Or if someone wants to buy a game for me
Just grabbed a Xillia 2 guide at BB for 50% off. Was a hell of a hunt though, 2 closest stores were out with no signs of another shipment
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Did anyone preorder the Xillia 2 guide from Amazon and have their order delayed at all? My guide isnt supposed to come now till like September 10th...Im confused as to why this happened?

Did anyone preorder the Xillia 2 guide from Amazon and have their order delayed at all? My guide isnt supposed to come now till like September 10th...Im confused as to why this happened?
I pre-ordered mine a long while back, it's set to arrive between 22nd and 26th, but didn't ship yet, but it wasn't delayed.... yet.

I've had it up to here with Amazon, so if they delay it, you bet I'll complain.

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Did anyone preorder the Xillia 2 guide from Amazon and have their order delayed at all? My guide isnt supposed to come now till like September 10th...Im confused as to why this happened?

I pre-ordered mine a long while back, it's set to arrive between 22nd and 26th, but didn't ship yet, but it wasn't delayed.... yet.

I've had it up to here with Amazon, so if they delay it, you bet I'll complain.
same thing happen too me but was trying not to complain, even thu i have prime an wanted it on release day.

my delivery date was September 4, 2014, now it say your new estimated delivery date is Thursday, August 28, 2014 so that i plus. was a little worried it go OOP an they give me a GC saying suck to be you, as i like collecting them an did not want anything else.

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