Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Neptuna arrived just now...minor crease in the back from being pressed but otherwise in great shape with no bumps / tears whatsoever! At this point I'm just really happy to be able to get one when it came back in stock for a few seconds. =)

Vesperia's pretty good but I have to wonder how many people have played it recently. The game has long load times so you're kind of being punished for getting into battles since it has to load every fight and then load the map again. It's not atrocious, but compared to the recent Tales games, it does noticeably detract from the game.
Is this also a problem in the PS3 version?



Was thinking of starting up Akiba's Trip. Anyone played the ps3 and vita versions? Was wondering if one was better than the other to give it a play on, I own both. A quick goolgle search wasn't very helpful. About the only thing i really saw was that some people were saying text was a bit harder to read on the vita. Anyone here that can throw in their two cents?

Also, in regards t Akiba's Trip... was there some kinda controversy? I found some links bitching about it but couldn't find what the issue was. Closest thing i found were some people claiming the 'its a trap' joke was some kinda transgender slur or something stupid like that o_O Was that really what the hoopla was about??
I've played it on the Vita. You can check out my co-review here. Anyway, the Vita version runs smoother and loads faster. I had no trouble with reading the text on the Vita. If anything, the PS3 version seem to have a lot of white space since it's ported from the Vita version.

Also, regarding the controversy, it's overblown by people who took things far out of context with the trap conversation in a parody of 2ch (in case anyone doesn't know, it's like the Japanese 4chan). Some even went as far as harassing one of the Xseed's Production Coordinator regarding that.

I don't think any other NISA games are officialy set for the rest of 2014 (some vague dates of course). Only thing I see from their website for the rest of the year is htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary which will likely just be a digital only release....but who knows.

Chaos Rings Trilogy's Asia release is getting English subs, so I can't imagine they don't give us a local release. It'd be stupidly wasteful not to.


Vesperia's pretty good but I have to wonder how many people have played it recently. The game has long load times so you're kind of being punished for getting into battles since it has to load every fight and then load the map again. It's not atrocious, but compared to the recent Tales games, it does noticeably detract from the game.
Eh? I played it recently (have yet to quite finish it actually) and didn't have any issues wiuth the load time. I have a revised version 360 so perhaps that's part of it, but it certainly never bothered me, and load times usually do.

Eh? I played it recently (have yet to quite finish it actually) and didn't have any issues wiuth the load time. I have a revised version 360 so perhaps that's part of it, but it certainly never bothered me, and load times usually do.
Out of curiosity, did you install the game to your 360? That tends to help with load times, and I wonder if whitereflection didn't do the installation.

Vesperia's pretty good but I have to wonder how many people have played it recently. The game has long load times so you're kind of being punished for getting into battles since it has to load every fight and then load the map again. It's not atrocious, but compared to the recent Tales games, it does noticeably detract from the game.
I never noticed any load time issues. certainly no better or worse than graces and xillias.

Great news for Chaos Rings Trilogy for having eng subs. Hopefully it isn't doesn't suck. *cough* Hollow Fragment. 

Nice, October 16. Hoping for a localization announcement, but I'm fine with importing. :D 

The Dead Texan, on 17 Sept 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:

PS3/Vita Akiba's is essentially the same game. PS4 version looks a bit nicer with some new features, but runs at a lower frame rate.

Yes, the controversy was about trans slurs whatever the hell Tumblr gets upset over these days.

chickenbutt, on 17 Sept 2014 - 02:22 AM, said:

The PS4 one runs at a lower frame rate than the PS3/Vita? I bought the Vita one and not sure if just me, but I couldn't stand how the frames felt like they kept dropping. Does the PS4 one at least keep a consistent frame rate?
UltimateIdiot911, on 17 Sept 2014 - 10:21 AM, said:

I've played it on the Vita. You can check out my co-review here. Anyway, the Vita version runs smoother and loads faster. I had no trouble with reading the text on the Vita. If anything, the PS3 version seem to have a lot of white space since it's ported from the Vita version.

Also, regarding the controversy, it's overblown by people who took things far out of context with the trap conversation in a parody of 2ch (in case anyone doesn't know, it's like the Japanese 4chan). Some even went as far as harassing one of the Xseed's Production Coordinator regarding that.

Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like i should probably give the vita version the first play. I should have specified i have the ps3 and vita, but not ps4. Didn't see the point in getting on ps4. I'll look over that review by ultimate. But i figure if i play the vita version, i can maybe play fairy frencer F or something else on the ps3. Its not cross save is it? Didn't see it listed as such

Wow.. so all the conroversy really was just over the trap joke? I found it hard to believe that was all. Suposedly transgender people viewed it as a racial slur or some stupid crap like that. Makes sense since the way i stumbled across it was reading up on the whole absurd Zoe Quinn/gamergate controversy *sigh* I really really hope Xseed doesn't edit or change any future translations because of this idiocy

Moero Chronicle will have English in the Asian release. This may be a sign that we are getting it localized. Considering the game content though, it may be censored in the US, so this may be the only way to play it uncensored.

whats with the game content? super ecchi or something?
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The Dead Texan, on 17 Sept 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:

chickenbutt, on 17 Sept 2014 - 02:22 AM, said:

UltimateIdiot911, on 17 Sept 2014 - 10:21 AM, said:

Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like i should probably give the vita version the first play. I should have specified i have the ps3 and vita, but not ps4. Didn't see the point in getting on ps4. I'll look over that review by ultimate. But i figure if i play the vita version, i can maybe play fairy frencer F or something else on the ps3. Its not cross save is it? Didn't see it listed as such

Wow.. so all the conroversy really was just over the trap joke? I found it hard to believe that was all. Suposedly transgender people viewed it as a racial slur or some stupid crap like that. Makes sense since the way i stumbled across it was reading up on the whole absurd Zoe Quinn/gamergate controversy *sigh* I really really hope Xseed doesn't edit or change any future translations because of this idiocy

whats with the game content? super ecchi or something?
Sadly, no cross-save. As much as I want the PS4 version, I really don't want to try and unlock everything again.

I believe it started when Destructoid or some game review site, mention that trap satire in the game. The review took the game completely out of context and framed it as something to be mad about. And the internet being the internet, people who never care nor will ever bother to play the game (nor watch anime because anyone who watches enough anime would know how trap is used on the internet), took offense and decided to make it a big deal. Obviously, it caught attention of more people who never bother to play the game or even take a second to see what the game is all about and decided to rail against it.

So, as sad as it sounds, it really did started as nothing offensive and someone decided to take offense and rally people who never will understand nor engage the content as part of some social crusade. (And the irony is that the game is making fun of people on the internet who simply are angry over every little thing).

That whole conversation in games pretty much have a sterotypical internet personality. You got the know it all, someone who's yelling slur, someone who's probably a teen, and so on.

The whole social justice thing has gotten really out of hand lately, and it's Political Correctness everywhere.

Yeah, I hate to see censorship because of stupid things like this. I like my games to be as faithful as possible to the source material even if it's offensive. I like to be open to new ideas. Ideas that I may not agree with or simply different. I don't need all the political correctness in my games and especially niche games, games that most people don't play nor bother with.

Anyway, the game is really fun. ^^ Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Just posted a pokemon x/y megastone code for heracross or pinsir in the freebies section but seeing as these threads get much more traffic, I'll just mention it here.


Just lemme know if you use it so I can cross it off.

I walked 20 blocks to get this code btw. All my local gamestops were out of the codes so I walked to a much farther one in the hopes that they'll have it. It was like the last one they had. And now my sis can't even use it. Just great. I just hope someone gets a use out of it now.

So it seems Amazon isn't doing the $10 gift card promotion for Natural Doctrine PS4 anymore (neither is Best Buy). Will they still honor it to those who got in on the $39.99 price point or will we no longer receive the $10 in credit? Thanks in advance!
The whole social justice thing has gotten really out of hand lately, and it's Political Correctness everywhere.
I'm just beyond the point of caring with these people. Everyone who makes something that can be even remotely construed as offensive to anyone with whatever imaginary genitalia they want to crusade for eventually has their way these days. The entirety of western game development and "journalism" does nothing but appease these groups by damning any form of creative freedom and dismissing them as morally abhorrent.

The only games I care about these days are developed by Japan, and they're thankfully not yet degenerating into a some grey blob of mediocrity and political correctness.



Why am I buying the PS3 LE again? Is it too late to cancel?
You should know Tecmo Koei = Vita port eventually usually. This one is coming quick though and who knows when we'll see it localized....I want to play this game pretty badly so I can't wait for it myself for PS3....though I may opt for a plus version later.

Oh I didn't even realize it was Tecmo. Didn't pay attention to it lol. Is there a list of the differences? Because I'm pretty sure I won't play it for at least half a year, but if the Vita port is DD only, I'll just stick to PS3 if there's no major difference.

Decent amount of changes for the PS Vita version "Additional content added to the game include a greater number of costumes, touchscreen interaction compatibility for purification ceremonies, over 50 new events and additional characters available for purification ceremony, a new tutorial mode, and all post-release DLC from the original PlayStation 3 version."

I'm just beyond the point of caring with these people. Everyone who makes something that can be even remotely construed as offensive to anyone with whatever imaginary genitalia they want to crusade for eventually has their way these days. The entirety of western game development and "journalism" does nothing but appease these groups by damning any form of creative freedom and dismissing them as morally abhorrent.

The only games I care about these days are developed by Japan, and they're thankfully not yet degenerating into a some grey blob of mediocrity and political correctness.
yeah instead they are turning into loli moe blobs of crap with a major focus on sex sells and the same stale archetypes and themes we've had for decades.

The only things any company these days can provide is decent gameplay and even that they seem to screw up somehow.

Decent amount of changes for the PS Vita version "Additional content added to the game include a greater number of costumes, touchscreen interaction compatibility for purification ceremonies, over 50 new events and additional characters available for purification ceremony, a new tutorial mode, and all post-release DLC from the original PlayStation 3 version."
Why must ps3 owners always pay2x the cost of the game to get dlc while vita owners get it for free, I am really sick of this trend, and the ps3 dlcs rarely get a discount post mobile release.
I just bought Atelier Totori for PS3. What am I missing out on by not getting Totori Plus for vita? Can't find a clear list of all the new features in the Plus games. I don't have a vita, but maybe I'll get one in the future and wondering if I should double dip on the game or wait till I get a vita to play through the rest of the ateliers. If it's just the inclusion of the dlc, which is just a few extra characters, I guess it's not too big of a deal. But if there's like new events and more voiced parts, that could be a selling point for me.

I just bought Atelier Totori for PS3. What am I missing out on by not getting Totori Plus for vita? Can't find a clear list of all the new features in the Plus games. I don't have a vita, but maybe I'll get one in the future and wondering if I should double dip on the game or wait till I get a vita to play through the rest of the ateliers. If it's just the inclusion of the dlc, which is just a few extra characters, I guess it's not too big of a deal. But if there's like new events and more voiced parts, that could be a selling point for me.
This is what I could find on it: http://sgcafe.com/2012/11/atelier-totori-plus-screenshot-blast-recaps-whats-new-in-this-ps3-to-ps-vita-port/


Looks so nice. 


I just bought Atelier Totori for PS3. What am I missing out on by not getting Totori Plus for vita? Can't find a clear list of all the new features in the Plus games. I don't have a vita, but maybe I'll get one in the future and wondering if I should double dip on the game or wait till I get a vita to play through the rest of the ateliers. If it's just the inclusion of the dlc, which is just a few extra characters, I guess it's not too big of a deal. But if there's like new events and more voiced parts, that could be a selling point for me.
Here you go:


In a nutshell 3 DLC characters, extra dungeon from Rorona, new costumes and accesories for Totori, gallery mode for illustrations, and extra misc. stuff like tapping on vita screen for menus, right stick for zooming and being able to skip text in already seen scenes. Also it should be emphasized but it doesn't play as well as the PS3 version with more slowdown and such. I would say be happy with it....I think the changes are more extreme in Rorona Plus and Meruru Plus.

Edit: barrit same link...in some sense you've officially connected with a stranger on them interwebs. Congratulations to us both!

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Here you go:


In a nutshell 3 DLC characters, extra dungeon from Rorona, new costumes and accesories for Totori, gallery mode for illustrations, and extra misc. stuff like tapping on vita screen for menus, right stick for zooming and being able to skip text in already seen scenes. Also it should be emphasized but it doesn't play as well as the PS3 version with more slowdown and such. I would say be happy with it....I think the changes are more extreme in Rorona Plus and Meruru Plus.

Edit: barrit same link...in some sense you've officially connected with a stranger on them interwebs. Congratulations to us both!
Thanks for the links guys. You say more extreme changes in Meruru Plus. What do you mean? I should've mentioned Meruru in my earlier post, but basically it'll be the next game I play so a heads up on how much I'd be missing would be great.

I've already played Rorona Plus btw, so I'm good on that front.

Pretty much a lot of stuff was nerfed, development points rebalanced, some stuff as expected like costumes, dungeons. It plays quite a bit differently (heard it makes it quite a bit harder as some people breezed through Meruru otherwise). 

Copied from a Neogaf forum:

Atelier Meruru Plus features new scenes, costumes (and not just for Meruru either), areas and boss enemies. Gameplay systems like Development Points and Difficulty has also been rebalanced (Ranks appear to require more points now, and many abilities like Lias' knockback ability and Gio's skill where he would gain additional attacks have apparently been scaled back a lot, presumably because they made the game too easy). Accessories can now be registered at Pamela's shop, and there is also an additional ending.

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