Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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I'm still not sure how criminal girls got passed the esrb. I mean look at this.

deleted for my protection

I didn't want to link the picture to not offend anyone

take out the space in the link

also pic is explicit :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee:
yea they allow that but edit cards out of monster monopiece LOL

People often credit Japan as the birthplace of every strange fetish out there, yet I often see stuff like this or this pop up... routinely laughed off and just accepted as something that exists, even when they are celebrated and top charts ("It's an astounding novel, both earthy and mythical, which leads into the human self and also outward to suggest and celebrate the mystery of life itself." << Haha yeah, that's basically fanservice is in a nutshell, and why people enjoy it.) Seriously though, this is why censorship is nothing but a form of bullying. I don't care if people make fun of me for the passive hobbies I enjoy, but when they choose to work with these kinds of games, only to impose their arbitrary restrictions on the creative works of other people, that is irrational and needs to stop. Localization should only be trusted to people with enough balls to accept the original work in its entirety. (People like Tom from XSEED. :p) If you want to appeal towards a wider audience, then you make OPTIONS, not cuts. (e.g. blood & gore toggle, difficulty settings, voiceover language options all exist... so let me toggle bath scenes and minigames on/off too.)

Companies often blame ratings boards for their censorship decisions, but don't be fooled. They could make cuts for countries they're "legally" required to (which has been done many times) instead of forcing everyone else to abide by those foreign censorship laws. Ratings boards are far more lenient than you might think too, especially with the ESRB. (Go poke around their database, they give detailed write-ups of most games they rate. You'd be surprised what kinds of things you can feature in a T-rated game. Speaking of which, I don't think I've seen the ESRB rate a game differently based solely on the fictional age of sexualized characters. They seem to only judge the explicitness. Probably why Senran Kagura Burst got a T, since it's just innuendo and not at all explicit.)

Actually, they didn't change the ages at all. The only thing they did was remove the characters ages entirely from the character bios/info of whatever was in the game. That might still count as a change, but it's very trivial when compared to everything else. Especially with the newest title to receive censorship treatment.
The more trivial, the more it exposes the petty nature of censorship. Think about this logically. Senran Kagura features the erotic consumption of sushi rolls and intricate costume destruction, complete with moans and blushing faces, but to some people, the breaking point is an offhand reference to the fictional age of characters. Nevermind that "high school age" is heavily implied within the story itself. But this is the "compromise" that Tom managed to get the team to agree on. I'm amazed there was even a need for such a silly compromise, considering everything else that was allowed in the localization.

I can't remember if it was this game or another, but I recall reading that changes had to be made because some of the team members felt uncomfortable working on it otherwise. Let that sink in: not because of ratings boards, but because some people localizing it are uncomfortable with the source material. Then there is NISA who likes to guilt people into accepting their personal censorship stance: "In addition, as a company, we did not want NISA to release or be known for content that could be seen as sexualizing or objectifying children in this way." Amazing that they still put NIS in their name, since these were the same games their parent company develops and publishes in Japan. Are they that ashamed of their relation?

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Never thought I'd ever hear the term "Dinosaur Erotica," but you have a valid point. Japan gets the brunt of a lot of criticism for their fetishes, and weird infatuation with "coming of age" stories, games, etc, but everywhere else is just as bad or worse. Hell, I admire the culture for being open about it. At the very least you know where the people who enjoy this type of thing stand.

It's simple, people like getting upset about something. Whether its music, games, movies, what have you, they find something wrong with it. All it takes is one loudmouth to find something they don't like and it becomes, "bad." They go on this crusade about how its ruining our children and rotting their brains. Take the PRMC and how they attacked music in the 80s. Go listen to Twisted Sister's "We're Not Going To Take It," and tell me how offensive it really is. Cause they got upset about music they don't even listen to, we now have Parental Advisories on music.

I have a 5 year old now. You know what I do? I actually look at the games he's playing and make sure its appropriate for him rather than blindly buy it and then throw a hissie fit when I hear bad language or see blood. Do I mind him playing Call of Duty or Halo? No, cause if I do hear language and there's no toggle, I mute the tv. What's funny is he gets more rambunctious after watching Power Rangers than he ever does playing a shooter. 

I feel that the censorship all comes down to us individually. If we don't like it, then we avoid it. I'm not going to tell a full grown person that what they enjoy is bad, or wrong, and they should be ashamed. 


I won't quote you since your post is long, but I agree with you completely. I think you hit the nail right on the head with NISA about them making everyone abide by foreign censorship laws. Since they publish to 2 territories they only want to create one 'safe' version of the game for everyone, and will say they are a small company and don't want to keep resubmitting to multiple rating boards, etc.

Options would be great. Kinda like how Modern Warfare games have that toggle. I can greatly understand it with part 2 when you have to massacre everyone in the airport.

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I almost wish I was canadian since importing that game there would be considered a crime.  seriously that game looks screwed up on multiple levels.  I give alot of flack to other series for their bad crappy fanservice but that game makes stuff like hdn and ar tonelico look tame really tame >.>

as for sexually explicit acts stuff being typical of high school anime no not in the slightest. unless the stuff I have seen it just exceptions to the rule or has been heavily censored  :whistle2:&

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as for sexually explicit acts stuff being typical of high school anime no not in the slightest. unless the stuff I have seen it just exceptions to the rule or has been heavily censored :whistle2:&
Season 1 of Ikkitousen made me uncomfortable. I didn't watch past season 1 cause of it. Doesn't mean I want it censored. Oh look, I can choose to not partake in something I don't like. Wow. What a revelation.

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Freedom Wars price is now fixed @ BB


EDIT: At this time, it's only available for shipping. Free shipping is only on orders $35 and up. With standard shipping, it comes out to 30.01 (for me at least with my state's taxes)
did you know... you can add something like a $10 PSN card and qualify for free shipping :p? that's what I did with my layton order since I didn't want to pay for shipping and I would use the credit eventually.

Season 1 of Ikkitousen made me uncomfortable. I didn't watch past season 1 cause of it. Doesn't mean I want it censored. Oh look, I can choose to not partake in something I don't like. Wow. What a revelation.
Don't read the manga either...it was a bit much for me....I really didn't like the time I spent reading the manga though. It also didn't help that the story was all over the place and was hard to understand.

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Well I just received an E-mail from Namco Bandai they just canceled my Vita ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red for no reason. Did anyone else get this email by chance?

Well I just received an E-mail from Namco Bandai they just canceled my Vita ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red for no reason. Did anyone else get this email by chance?
My friend's order did as well so something tells me it's going to be pretty dang limited and they don't have the stock to fulfill all orders and they're likely not producing much more since it was pretty much a Gamestop exclusive. Order there if you want the physical...about the only place you can.

In other words their system took orders over whatever they were getting and instead of setting the limit for orders such as NISA and S-E(still hate their web store) they just took a bunch of orders. It's officially sold out on their website.

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My friend's order did as well so something tells me it's going to be pretty dang limited and they don't have the stock to fulfill all orders and they're likely not producing much more since it was pretty much a Gamestop exclusive. Order there if you want the physical...about the only place you can.

In other words their system took orders over whatever they were getting and instead of setting the limit for orders such as NISA and S-E(still hate their web store) they just took a bunch of orders. It's officially sold out on their website.
i guess people is going to have to pay ebay price, if it becomes limited

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To anyone who had ordered Class of Heroes 2G from gaijinworks site, did you guys get a confirmation email?

I havent received one and my payment.amazon history doesnt show anything

I get an error when i try to send them an email to confirm that it went through

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

[email protected]

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain gaijinworks.com by gaijinworks.com. [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 Mailbox quota exceeded
To anyone who had ordered Class of Heroes 2G from gaijinworks site, did you guys get a confirmation email?
I havent received one and my payment.amazon history doesnt show anything
I get an error when i try to send them an email to confirm that it went through
Yes. One from gaijinworks and one from Amazon Payments. And Amazon Payments shows the charge, too.

They had a snafu where the first half of the day went to a dummy account.
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To anyone who had ordered Class of Heroes 2G from gaijinworks site, did you guys get a confirmation email?
I havent received one and my payment.amazon history doesnt show anything
I get an error when i try to send them an email to confirm that it went through
Did you order on the first day it was available? Half of that day they accidentally had their Amazon payments account in sandbox mode and none of the orders during that time period went through.

To anyone who had ordered Class of Heroes 2G from gaijinworks site, did you guys get a confirmation email?

I havent received one and my payment.amazon history doesnt show anything

I get an error when i try to send them an email to confirm that it went through
Check your confirmation email for the word "sandbox". If it's in there anyway, your order didn't count and you need to place another one.

They made a mistake where they left the system in "sandbox mode" and all the orders made during that time didn't count. It was the first 30 minutes or so when sales went live, so if you stalked the page and ordered you probably hit this case.

Yes. One from gaijinworks and one from Amazon Payments. And Amazon Payments shows the charge, too.

They had a snafu where the first half of the day went to a dummy account.

Did you order on the first day it was available? Half of that day they accidentally had their Amazon payments account in sandbox mode and none of the orders during that time period went through.
I ordered today around 2pm

I went ahead and ordered it again.

This time I received the emails

My guess is that I didn't choose which card to use before I clicked the Place Order button :dunce:

But thanks for the replies :grouphug:

Season 1 of Ikkitousen made me uncomfortable. I didn't watch past season 1 cause of it. Doesn't mean I want it censored. Oh look, I can choose to not partake in something I don't like. Wow. What a revelation.
either you quoted the wrong part of the message or cags quoting is still malfunctioning. on ikkitousen (engrish name is battle vixens apprently huh? weird as you would of think they'd have used that in the dub) I'm guessing the na version of whatever I watched is heavily censored then? cuz the version I saw was mostly typical fanservice but with alot more panty shots :shame: . Nothing really out of the ordinary outside the lesbians >.> in like the last ep or 2. Though It only had like 5 episodes so its possible I missed something.

I have no problem with sex or fanservice when its not low brow crap shoe horned in as cries for attention to garner money. But that's rarely the case. Hell if its a joke that embraces itself without being so distasteful like akibas trip the stripping game all the better if a little weird and creepy. but this is neither.

either you quoted the wrong part of the message or cags quoting is still malfunctioning. on ikkitousen (engrish name is battle vixens apprently huh? weird as you would of think they'd have used that in the dub) I'm guessing the na version of whatever I watched is heavily censored then? cuz the version I saw was mostly typical fanservice but with alot more panty shots :shame: . Nothing really out of the ordinary outside the lesbians >.> in like the last ep or 2. Though It only had like 5 episodes so its possible I missed something.
I didn't quote the wrong part. And it wasn't the fanservice. I don't know if the localized version was censored or not. And S1 had more than 5 episodes. The one I'm thinking of was later in the season, IIRC. I don't actually remember, since I saw it when it first came out.

wtf.. anyone get an email saying their pre order for Xblaze is canceled? I got one a while back saying there was a delay so i was fine with that but looks like i just got one saying they canceled my order with no explanation. That pisses me off. I gotta try to call them and see whats up, dont know why they would flat out cancel an order like that. If they aren't getting enough stock on niche games i may just have to stop ordering through them

wtf.. anyone get an email saying their pre order for Xblaze is canceled? I got one a while back saying there was a delay so i was fine with that but looks like i just got one saying they canceled my order with no explanation. That pisses me off. I gotta try to call them and see whats up, dont know why they would flat out cancel an order like that. If they aren't getting enough stock on niche games i may just have to stop ordering through them
If you're talking about BestBuy, yeah, I posted about this a little while ago. I did write them an email about it (for Xblaze and Atelier Rorona Plus) and they sent me two $10 discount codes on next purchase. Email them anyway, the more feedback they get, the better. Hopefully stuff like this doesn't happen anymore... but it most likely will continue.

Also, noticing that Steam is releasing more Anime type games, even visual novels. They just released Sakura Spirit and Sunrider (FREE).

edit: Does this signify the Golden Age for Japanese games on Steam?! I look forward to the time when Steam starts selling Adult VNs. YEA!

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BB imho is not doing so hot with the niche games anymore...seem to be not getting enough and yeah another cancelled game yuck. All I have them for is Destiny so far because of the 10 dollar code back.

Also I hope Steam has an adult section some day where eroges can flourish. The problem would be how do they verify ages (other than that stupid entering your b-day....i'm sure many lie). I think Sakura Spirit (which sounds like a bundle game BTW...short but OK) should have had eroge scenes. There is already enough suggestive art it seems it was a waste not to put any in. They really should have done that for the mangagamer distribution but alas I didn't make this short VN with no eroge.

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Apparently this already came up with a pretty vanilla game called Seduce Me

From the Steam Greenlight Submission Fee Page:
"Additionally, you agree not post (sic) any item to Greenlight that contains the following:..

  • Porn, inappropriate or offensive content, warez or leaked content...
Interestingly the "Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content" Don't explicitly prohibit pornographic user generated content. I couldn't find anything, but I'm guessing Steam Workshop isn't filled with porn because of this loophole.

I don't know, though. That Seduce Me game comes from the early days of Greenlight, so I things are probably going to be opening up more. I'd be surprised if they continued to ban sexual content while straight-up broken/very low quality games can get by. Anyways...DID YOU SEE THAT WOMAN?! Her hair matches her space suit! AH! There's another! I wish my hair matched my space suit...

Also I hope Steam has an adult section some day where eroges can flourish. The problem would be how do they verify ages (other than that stupid entering your b-day....i'm sure many lie).
I think it's pretty simple. Something like when you are doing the initial account setup / credit card input they can have restriction settings there. Like, don't even display those games unless you are signed in with a "mature" account.

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BB imho is not doing so hot with the niche games anymore...seem to be not getting enough and yeah another cancelled game yuck. All I have them for is Destiny so far because of the 10 dollar code back.

Also I hope Steam has an adult section some day where eroges can flourish. The problem would be how do they verify ages (other than that stupid entering your b-day....i'm sure many lie). I think Sakura Spirit (which sounds like a bundle game BTW...short but OK) should have had eroge scenes. There is already enough suggestive art it seems it was a waste not to put any in. They really should have done that for the mangagamer distribution but alas I didn't make this short VN with no eroge.
Best Buy is on my naughty list right now.

I also received a $10 credit for my canceled Atelier Rorona Plus.

The cancellation came ridiculous late, two weeks after the launch date.

And to add to the insult, Best Buy told me the game was on "backorder" after it failed to ship at launch.

A $10 credit is OK but using it on another niche game is asking for trouble.

And the coupon expires in 1 month.

humm.... does anyone know how Best Buy process these promotional code?
Is it like Amazon (as long as your credit is valid when the order is placed, you're fine)

or is it more like Kmart (your credit has to be be valid when the item is available at launch).

The only niche game in which I have some confidence that Best Buy will ship is Danganronpa 2, since they shipped the first one to me (which I had preordered) without issue. Then again, I recall one CAG whose preorder was canceled, so maybe my confidence is slightly misplaced...

I have that and Akiba's Trip preordered, so hopefully nothing will go wrong. :pray:

The cancellation came ridiculous late, two weeks after the launch date.
That's how they do it at BestBuy. If they don't have the item or it's back-ordered. They email you about the delay. Then, if the order remains backordered for 14 days, they automatically cancel it.

If anyone was worried about Persona 4 Ultimax being Region Locked, have no fear. It is region free, unlike P4A.

Anyway, here is a picture. Don't click if you havent beaten Persona 4. Character Spoiler. 


Dat Boxart though.

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its not really a spoiler just showing a pic of a guy from one game in a spin off fighting game.  Now if they had taken a pic and then wrote final boss from such and such game who's a twist in the plot then you'd have a spoiler.

Really love the boxart for the game and hope thats what they stick to for the west. Have they announced any more dlc pre-order bonus for Ultimax? Hoping that we get the same stuff japan is when it comes to the dlc side of things. And hooray for no region locking!!!

Best Buy is on my naughty list right now.

I also received a $10 credit for my canceled Atelier Rorona Plus.

The cancellation came ridiculous late, two weeks after the launch date.

And to add to the insult, Best Buy told me the game was on "backorder" after it failed to ship at launch.

A $10 credit is OK but using it on another niche game is asking for trouble.

And the coupon expires in 1 month.

humm.... does anyone know how Best Buy process these promotional code?
Is it like Amazon (as long as your credit is valid when the order is placed, you're fine)

or is it more like Kmart (your credit has to be be valid when the item is available at launch).
I'm just gonna trust them... main reason I got GCU was for niche games

I mean heck here is my order list since I got GCU lol

aka if I can't get niche games from them I am SCREWED ><: why would I buy a AAA game from them for $48 day 1 when I could wait a month and get it for $30 or less instead :p

edit: oh hey best buy is finally letting me cancel preorders.... for a month there it wouldn't let me cancel any preorders so I was weary of preordering games I wasn't sure I wanted ><:

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Best Buy is on my naughty list right now.

I also received a $10 credit for my canceled Atelier Rorona Plus.

The cancellation came ridiculous late, two weeks after the launch date.

And to add to the insult, Best Buy told me the game was on "backorder" after it failed to ship at launch.

A $10 credit is OK but using it on another niche game is asking for trouble.

And the coupon expires in 1 month.

humm.... does anyone know how Best Buy process these promotional code?
Is it like Amazon (as long as your credit is valid when the order is placed, you're fine)

or is it more like Kmart (your credit has to be be valid when the item is available at launch).
i saw your post on the bestbuy forum, there might be a glimmer of hope of bestbuy carrying Atelier Rorona plus, based on the mods response.

Since it sounds like most of the other members on the forum have had their previous orders cancelled, I think it’s safe to say that my original response of Best Buy not carrying Atelier Rorona Plus still holds true. I apologize as I can certainly tell this is a title you’re interested in picking up!

Keep an eye on BestBuy.com though, as it’s always possible that this could change in the future.

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i saw your post on the bestbuy forum, there might be a glimmer of hope of bestbuy carrying Atelier Rorona plus, based on the mods response.

Since it sounds like most of the other members on the forum have had their previous orders cancelled, I think it’s safe to say that my original response of Best Buy not carrying Atelier Rorona Plus still holds true. I apologize as I can certainly tell this is a title you’re interested in picking up!

Keep an eye on BestBuy.com though, as it’s always possible that this could change in the future.
I don't think that's hope, just a mod who doesn't have a definitive answer. :roll:

Ugg P4A: Ultimax is hitting all the right buttons. If they offer the original story DLC as the next pre-order bonus i'll likely get it.....Too much love if that happens...plus Persona tarot cards.

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perceptive people will be spoiled, only if they look hard enough but the game been out long enough that your surfing random game forms an read about it, you have no one but yourself to blame if you be spoiled.
The been out long enough thing is bullshit. Oh its July 2014 so you should know everything that has happened in every game/movie/show/book that you could be interested in that came out before x date. Spoiler tags are not hard. Here I will show you how easy it is.

fuck you.

You and I both. Of course I already own one, but my brother in law doesn't. :mrgreen:
I don't own one, I have enough gamestop credit for one finally, and it looks like they'll have the Borderlands bundle in-stock by the end of the month, but free would be so much better. I am a CAG after all ;)
I'm not able to use Amazon payments. So if anyone would be willing to be my middle man for Class of Heroes 2G, that would be awesome. Just shoot me a pm if someone is willing. Thanks.
I am.

If I don't win the free one I will use my credit to buy the bundle when it rereleases at the end of this month.
Yeah, they're pretty scarce suddenly. My fiance was looking to get one, but couldn't find one anywhere. She finally just ordered one from Japan. Bonus: They have cool colors. I was surprised how light the new model feels.

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