Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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I'm a collector, so digital isn't even an option for me. Owning and maintaining my library is an extremely important part of video games to me. I've moved to PC now for everything but exclusives, but I'm still buying PS4 versions of games to maintain my library. Even if I wasn't a collector, though, digital just isn't usually very compelling on console. They come with hard drives that are way too damn small, and this problem is much more apparent for the 8th gen consoles; the download times are atrocious--for Sony, specifically; you don't have the option to lend it out or sell it--I don't sell things, but many people would take advantage of that; and the sales are usually not very good either. It's very common for something to go on sale on PSN or XBL, and I'm able to go find a new copy for around the same price or less--let alone a used one.
Memory space for me, is the main issue I don't want digital. I mean I don't mind it as much if it's cheaper, but that's because on stuff like the PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, the memory is available pretty much everywhere. With my Vita its either buy the overpriced Sony ones or don't buy any at all. Sort of also a reason I buy a lot of the physical niche games, but not the digital ones. I'd prefer if they all came physical, but I get that some companies are afraid to do it, which is why I tend to buy most of the ones that actually take the risk to do physical. I also never realized how much memory the newer consoles required until I got a PS4 recently. The sizes went from like ~15gb to ~40! Seeing as how big my collection is for my 360 and PS3, I don't think that 500gb is going to be anywhere close to enough.

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I like physical. I like seeing the game in a collection. It feels like a trophy case. Imagine a digital trophy case if you won sports or whatever tournaments? Not as ego stroking.
I also don't like maxing out my hdd & if I'm in a mood to play something I haven't in a long time, pop in & play is easy but if I have to wait 30mins to download several gigs of data to play I won't bother and play something else.
I'll only go digital if that's the only option or if the import physical has no English and is heavily dialogue.
I'm looking at you Yakuza 5 you bastard!
Hey man I'm technically correct, and I don't know why he's asking that in this thread anyway.

And on the subject of physical copies, remember that they're cheaper because of limited inventory space. It gives retailers a reason to discount stuff, cause they want to get it the fuck out of their warehouses asap, especially in the case of titles with low sales to begin with.

Digital, with no storage overhead, gives no impetus to mark down the price other than to boost some sales, but at a certain point they'll stop because if someone's looking for something, they have no choice but to pay what the retailer is asking. Look at psp games on the psn store, or old-ass pc games still at $30 msrp on steam.
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I really don't get the holdup some people have with digital. I go with whichever is cheapest. That can go either way depending on the game and platform. Tons of games go cheaper on PSN during sales than they ever do physically. The reverse is also true. Granted with physical you can resell the disc, but you still tend to lose out somewhat there and timing is definitely an issue for how quickly you can play and resell without taking too big a hit.

The whole "don't feel like I own it" argument against digital just seems like nonsense, honestly. You might as well rail against not really owning power unless you have a solar farm attached to your house. "Well, if the power company shuts down I won't be able to play my games, man. So it's better to have a solar farm just in case I want to play the game 15 years after the post-nuclear meltdown that didn't flatten my nuclear bomb shelter." :bs:
I don't understand you. Power companies provide a service. You are not only paying for the electricity but the fact they're bringing it your home. While I understand the convience of digital. Specially when it comes to PC and handhelds but even the die hards have to admit you are literally getting less for your buck when you buy digital.

For me the ideas of not being able to put it on a shelf or loaning it to a buddy are deal breakers for me.
Merry christmas everyone excited:)!
I see they packaged well. Did they also "require a signature"? Mines due to arrive tomorrow, so I want to know if I need to be on the look out for the delivery guy. Well, either way I need to be on the lookout, as I don't want to miss the drop and have it go back, but I damn sure don't want this left at my door.

I see they packaged well. Did they also "require a signature"? Mines due to arrive tomorrow, so I want to know if I need to be on the look out for the delivery guy. Well, either way I need to be on the lookout, as I don't want to miss the drop and have it go back, but I damn sure don't want this left at my door.
Yes packaging is as nice as it can get, and yup requires signature.
I don't understand you. Power companies provide a service. You are not only paying for the electricity but the fact they're bringing it your home. While I understand the convience of digital. Specially when it comes to PC and handhelds but even the die hards have to admit you are literally getting less for your buck when you buy digital.

For me the ideas of not being able to put it on a shelf or loaning it to a buddy are deal breakers for me.
Yes. I'm getting less; less clutter to manage. I've digitized my book, music, and game collections for the most part at this point and I and my house are much happier for it. I can access it much easier and don't have to take a bunch of crap with me whenever I go somewhere.

I get that people like to have bits of random crap to cling to. I don't feel the same way, though.

PSN and the like put quite a bit of money into maintaining the online services for all the games you play. Digital games aren't the only ones that take a hit if that stuff goes down or is inaccessible for some reason. Trophies, online multiplayer, leaderboards, etc., are all driven off that service whether or not you own the game digitally. There's a lot more to it than just a storefront and you get a lot of inherent value there. There's a higher profit margin (even during sales) due to the much lower costs and digital purchases do more to help the game companies and Sony versus the big retailers like Walmart and Gamestop (which doesn't help anybody after the first purchase.)

Other than for the purpose of collecting stuff (again--I don't get the urge. Not at all), the only benefits I see of physical media in gaming is the sales as places try to clear out stock and the ability to separate games from an account--meaning if you do something stupid and get banned from the service all your games don't get dumped down the drain.

I like physical but going digital will be easy on the wallet since I import a lot of games.

Much cheaper than paying for import cost plus shipping and handling.

I prefer physical as well, but for handhelds, I'd rather have digital for portability, too bad the pricing is usually cheaper on physical games, not to mention vita's memory card prices :/

Yes. I'm getting less; less clutter to manage. I've digitized my book, music, and game collections for the most part at this point and I and my house are much happier for it. I can access it much easier and don't have to take a bunch of crap with me whenever I go somewhere.

I get that people like to have bits of random crap to cling to. I don't feel the same way, though.

PSN and the like put quite a bit of money into maintaining the online services for all the games you play. Digital games aren't the only ones that take a hit if that stuff goes down or is inaccessible for some reason. Trophies, online multiplayer, leaderboards, etc., are all driven off that service whether or not you own the game digitally. There's a lot more to it than just a storefront and you get a lot of inherent value there. There's a higher profit margin (even during sales) due to the much lower costs and digital purchases do more to help the game companies and Sony versus the big retailers like Walmart and Gamestop (which doesn't help anybody after the first purchase.)

Other than for the purpose of collecting stuff (again--I don't get the urge. Not at all), the only benefits I see of physical media in gaming is the sales as places try to clear out stock and the ability to separate games from an account--meaning if you do something stupid and get banned from the service all your games don't get dumped down the drain.
I'm glad it works for you. Not having clutter can be nice. Personally, I trust my disc to avoid rotting longer than I expect EA/Sony/etc to foot the bill to keep their old server/service running and to be more reliable than license agreements that lead to products getting pulled.

What you own isn't the problem. If you have a digital playstation game you can hang on to it for a long time since it doesn't need to regularly check online. The problem is when that product isn't for sale anymore. When digital only games get pulled, people can't buy them anymore. When licensing agreements fall apart or a company pulls the plug on its old store, physical copies remain in circulation and can be purchased.

A good example of this is is Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I wanted this game, but was waiting for a sale or a good price. I saw that the licensing agreement ended and they couldn't publish the game anymore. If it were digital only I would've been screwed. But because there were discs I just went to eBay and bought someone's copy.

Seeing this discussion about storage makes me afraid to jump on the vita train. Planning to buy a used one tomorrow at GS along with a 3ds and maybe another vita or 3ds to give to a lucky little cousin. Buuut I don't know if i feel like spending more than half the price of a vita for storage space given I still need to buy games both digital and physical. Any thoughts?
I paid 70$ for my vita off ebay and know the feeling.  If I was to buy a decent sized 64gb mem card it'd be more than I paid for my vita :/.

If you don't plan on buying digital you'll probably be fine though.  Its a shame we are late to the party card wise as best buy clearanced out 4gb cards for 2$ in the vita starters kits or whatever they were called a long time ago.  it'd be inconvenient but certainly cheaper.

I'll be fine on my end since the guy that sold me the vita gave me a free 8gb card with it and outside hearts r I don't really see any other games I want on the vita that aren't ports available on the ps3/4/3ds anyway.  Innocence r if it gets localized will more than likely be the last game I play on the vita.  That is unless tempest r ever happens (which is highly unlikely at this point)

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Seeing this discussion about storage makes me afraid to jump on the vita train. Planning to buy a used one tomorrow at GS along with a 3ds and maybe another vita or 3ds to give to a lucky little cousin. Buuut I don't know if i feel like spending more than half the price of a vita for storage space given I still need to buy games both digital and physical. Any thoughts?
16 gb memory cards have been on sale for $19.99 several times this year. I believe the 32 gb was on sale for $40 on cyber Monday.

I only have a 16 gb and an 8 gb, and I have had room to get all the digital games I want. I guess it depends on how many games you want to own digitally.
Seeing this discussion about storage makes me afraid to jump on the vita train. Planning to buy a used one tomorrow at GS along with a 3ds and maybe another vita or 3ds to give to a lucky little cousin. Buuut I don't know if i feel like spending more than half the price of a vita for storage space given I still need to buy games both digital and physical. Any thoughts?
I have a few games on my vita with just a 16GB card. You should probably look into Gamestop's sale and pick up a 32GB card right off the bat. You *might* have to offload games once your library gets big enough, but it really isnt that big of a deal. It *is* a rip off that Sony doesnt just use SD cards like the rest of the civilized world, but, at least for me, it's easier to free up digital space than physical space. If you get rid of something physical, it's gone. Get rid of something digital and it's just gone from sight.

Seeing this discussion about storage makes me afraid to jump on the vita train. Planning to buy a used one tomorrow at GS along with a 3ds and maybe another vita or 3ds to give to a lucky little cousin. Buuut I don't know if i feel like spending more than half the price of a vita for storage space given I still need to buy games both digital and physical. Any thoughts?
I have a few games on my vita with just a 16GB card. You should probably look into Gamestop's sale and pick up a 32GB card right off the bat. You *might* have to offload games once your library gets big enough, but it really isnt that big of a deal. It *is* a rip off that Sony doesnt just use SD cards like the rest of the civilized world, but, at least for me, it's easier to free up digital space than physical space. If you get rid of something physical, it's gone. Get rid of something digital and it's just gone from sight.

Seeing this discussion about storage makes me afraid to jump on the vita train. Planning to buy a used one tomorrow at GS along with a 3ds and maybe another vita or 3ds to give to a lucky little cousin. Buuut I don't know if i feel like spending more than half the price of a vita for storage space given I still need to buy games both digital and physical. Any thoughts?
I'd say just pick up a 16gb or 32gb. It should be fine if you don't end up buying a bunch of stuff. Most of my memory card is filled with PS Plus games I don't really intend to play anyways. I just keep them there for when I need something random to try playing. 16 or 32 should be enough for buying physical and quite a bit of the digital only niche games.

I prefer physical as well, but for handhelds, I'd rather have digital for portability, too bad the pricing is usually cheaper on physical games, not to mention vita's memory card prices :/
Why not use a cart case/holder? They work fine for 3DS/DS games, and would allow portability of your games.

Why not use a cart case/holder? They work fine for 3DS/DS games, and would allow portability of your games.
I like my handhelds to be as portable as possible. Needing to carry around an extra case is just another thing in my pocket. Not to mention on the off chance I lose it.

With digital everything is on the system. No need to worry about anything else.

16 gb memory cards have been on sale for $19.99 several times this year. I believe the 32 gb was on sale for $40 on cyber Monday.

I only have a 16 gb and an 8 gb, and I have had room to get all the digital games I want. I guess it depends on how many games you want to own digitally.
It's not even "own digitally," it's "have installed at the same time." The minimum is ~4 games on a 16gb. That's if you go with the biggest Vita games available. Realistically most of the Vita games are more along the 1gb mark on average, I think. Maybe a bit lower. 16GB goes a long way unless you're nuts about carrying a ton of games on your person all at one time. I've got an 8gb and a 32gb. The 8gb is a bit cramped but still has 5-6 games on it.

Hording is the real issue when people complain about the Vita memory sizes. Yes, the sticks sell for way more than they should...but people buy them absolutely unnecessarily. Unless you're going to hop in one game for a few minutes, exit, play something else, exit, play something else, exit, play something else, etc., all in a short period of time then you absolutely do not need the space and are just hording games for some reason.

I horde on my 32gb. Absolutely. The thing is completely fully, as is my 8gb. I still never play more than 1-2 games on either of my Vitas at a time and acknowledge that I'm being silly by having all that stuff downloaded onto them at once. Does anybody here actively use more than a few games at a time? I'm curious. If you don't play more than a few games at a time, complaining about the memory prices is just bitching unnecessarily.

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You can always back up your games using content manager via your wifi or USB connection from vita to PC. If you must have all at one time, go big. However, a little patience can go a long way.
Yeah, I only go digital for titles that don't get a physical release and, even then, I only buy it if it's something I really want. If a game is digital only, it just means that I probably won't ever buy it (unless it's Attack of the Friday Monsters or Yakuza).

I don't know how people keep handhelds in their pockets nowadays. I always keep them in my bag. Maybe my pants are just too tight?
Yes. I'm getting less; less clutter to manage. I've digitized my book, music, and game collections for the most part at this point and I and my house are much happier for it. I can access it much easier and don't have to take a bunch of crap with me whenever I go somewhere.

I get that people like to have bits of random crap to cling to. I don't feel the same way, though.

PSN and the like put quite a bit of money into maintaining the online services for all the games you play. Digital games aren't the only ones that take a hit if that stuff goes down or is inaccessible for some reason. Trophies, online multiplayer, leaderboards, etc., are all driven off that service whether or not you own the game digitally. There's a lot more to it than just a storefront and you get a lot of inherent value there. There's a higher profit margin (even during sales) due to the much lower costs and digital purchases do more to help the game companies and Sony versus the big retailers like Walmart and Gamestop (which doesn't help anybody after the first purchase.)

Other than for the purpose of collecting stuff (again--I don't get the urge. Not at all), the only benefits I see of physical media in gaming is the sales as places try to clear out stock and the ability to separate games from an account--meaning if you do something stupid and get banned from the service all your games don't get dumped down the drain.
...and less ownership, more data hogging and a slew of other negatives that come with digital. Stop calling people's stuff "crap". The only thing that is crap here is what you are full of.

It's more better to have it on the memory card. No shuffling or opening needed. :)
Fair enough. I do have a good number of digital games on my 16GB, but 16GB is very limiting anyway.

I like my handhelds to be as portable as possible. Needing to carry around an extra case is just another thing in my pocket. Not to mention on the off chance I lose it.

With digital everything is on the system. No need to worry about anything else.
It sounds like you don't use a bag when you're out regularly. I tend to have my backpack to store my laptop, so it's not much for me to even carry all the vita boxes if I wanted.

I don't know how people keep handhelds in their pockets nowadays. I always keep them in my bag. Maybe my pants are just too tight?
I usually don't. The only time I carry my Vita in my pants is if I'm wearing cargo pants/shorts, which is uncommon.

I don't really like carrying extra stuff around, though. It's part of why I have two Vitas--one for work and one for home. Another win for digital, that--I can play the same game on two systems without having to transfer a cart or disc back and forth. :D/

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Hey man I'm technically correct, and I don't know why he's asking that in this thread anyway.

And on the subject of physical copies, remember that they're cheaper because of limited inventory space. It gives retailers a reason to discount stuff, cause they want to get it the fuck out of their warehouses asap, especially in the case of titles with low sales to begin with.

Digital, with no storage overhead, gives no impetus to mark down the price other than to boost some sales, but at a certain point they'll stop because if someone's looking for something, they have no choice but to pay what the retailer is asking. Look at psp games on the psn store, or old-ass pc games still at $30 msrp on steam.
It was a sarcastic rebuttal to his reply to you.

I usually don't. The only time I carry my Vita in my pants is if I'm wearing cargo pants/shorts, which is uncommon.

I don't really like carrying extra stuff around, though. It's part of why I have two Vitas--one for work and one for home. Another win for digital, that--I can play the same game on two systems without having to transfer a cart or disc back and forth. :D/
I do agree with you on the carrying extra stuff bit -- I keep the carts that I'm interested in playing with me in a separate case and it's such a hassle! I'm always paranoid that I'll lose it (and the 20+ carts inside)!
Any games you guys suggest I get tomorrow during Gamestop's B2G1?

I saw Neptunia Rebirth and P4 Golden for Vita last time I went.
I like my handhelds to be as portable as possible. Needing to carry around an extra case is just another thing in my pocket. Not to mention on the off chance I lose it.

With digital everything is on the system. No need to worry about anything else.
We're not talking about Nintendo's digital, right? Cause if you lose that system, -everything's- gone.

Any games you guys suggest I get tomorrow during Gamestop's B2G1?

I saw Neptunia Rebirth and P4 Golden for Vita last time I went.
Are you just looking for vita games?

Danganronpa 1 and 2, Ys Memories of Celceta, Tales of Heart R, and Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus are pretty good choices, if you don't already have them.
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Any games you guys suggest I get tomorrow during Gamestop's B2G1?

I saw Neptunia Rebirth and P4 Golden for Vita last time I went.
This is online only, right?

And since everyone is talking about digital media. I'll NEVER buy digital unless there is a title that I really want with exclusive content & it's digital only + there isn't a physical copy option available. If there is a physical copy available I will jump on that in a heartbeat! Just like I'm still keeping my grandfathered unlimited data from Verizon Wireless till this day. They will have to literally take the option from my cold bare hands for me to give up my grandfathered plan. And if that day comes where digital will surpass physical then my gaming will be cut back gradually. I'm a collector at heart and it's something about having physical media -be it music CD's, books, video games, game guides, etc. in my hands and seeing it that makes me content and happy. I don't even game on my iOS devices just because I prefer an actual gaming handheld and having the carts to the games then having to download something that will likely be removed because of various reasons.

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The B2G1 works in store too, it was confirmed by several CAG GS employees.
Thanks, mane. Nice to see some Dolphin fans here, too. I'm one too! That last game was epic. That block tho! It's a shame we didn't get into the playoffs!

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Are you just looking for vita games?

Danganronpa 1 and 2, Ys Memories of Celceta, Tales of Heart R, and Senran Kagura Shinobi Versus are pretty good choices, if you don't already have them.
Thanks for the suggestions, I don't have any of them. I just got a PSTV so I was looking to start up my library (apart from PS+). Also have a PS3 but I've basically got what I need on there.
Why not use a cart case/holder? They work fine for 3DS/DS games, and would allow portability of your games.
That's fine if you have a couple, but try dozens and it becomes a hassle. I do have cart cases for organization, but I'd rather just carry the system and a single memory card.

That's fine if you have a couple, but try dozens and it becomes a hassle. I do have cart cases for organization, but I'd rather just carry the system and a single memory card.
For 3DS I started buying digital only because I wanted to take full advantage of the Street Pass feature on multiple games at the same time.

Thanks for the suggestions, I don't have any of them. I just got a PSTV so I was looking to start up my library (apart from PS+). Also have a PS3 but I've basically got what I need on there.
Ys: Memories of Celceta doesn't work with PSTV. Not sure about the others. Always double-check that before you buy for PS TV.

For 3DS I started buying digital only because I wanted to take full advantage of the Street Pass feature on multiple games at the same time.
Street pass doesn't need the game to be in/on the system once it's set up, just fyi. Unless you mean so you can more easily check & address those notifications. In which case, makes sense to me.

Street pass doesn't need the game to be in/on the system once it's set up, just fyi. Unless you mean so you can more easily check & address those notifications. In which case, makes sense to me.
Good to know, I don't know why street pass wasn't working on the first game I got with street pass capability when the cart wasn't in then. Guess I went digital for no real reason then and just got some bad information online at the time(I see now other places indicating that street pass works this way..).

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