Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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I'm still waiting for the 64 gig to be around $50-60 shipped. Still too expensive for my blood and I have the 32 gig but with how much they push digital on the Vita...bigger is better. 

I ordered a 64 gig from yesasia yesterday, hit order and just closed the tab. Don't wanna think about it and my money I could've potentially used for games. Well at least I won't have to worry about space now, I have been swapping between a 8gb and 16gb

I love it when people post how and why digital is the superior way to purchase and collect.  Too bad there are no drawbacks to owning physical media besides what you cite as a 'convenience' factor. 

Enjoy your 64gb memory cards and non-transferable games once they are pulled from the network.  Better cross your fingers that your hardware system lasts for a lifetime.

PS:  PSN has been down for days.

I love it when people post how and why digital is the superior way to purchase and collect. Too bad there are no drawbacks to owning physical media besides what you cite as a 'convenience' factor.

Enjoy your 64gb memory cards and non-transferable games once they are pulled from the network. Better cross your fingers that your hardware system lasts for a lifetime.

PS: PSN has been down for days.
Non-transferrable? I'm not sure about elsewhere, but on PSN if you buy a game and they quit selling it, you still get access to it. Deadpool for example you cannot buy on PSN anymore, but if you already owned it then you can download just like any of the other games you own. If your PS device or XB devices dies, then the games can be downloaded to the new one with no issues.

Granted Nintendo is stuck in the dark ages and all your games are tied to the particular system, so yeah with that it's an issue. They've got by far the worst digital system of the gaming systems available, though, and basing your opinion on the worst of the lot seems silly.

BTW: PSN being down for days means you can't play Destiny no matter whether you got the game digitally or physically. Same with all the other MP-related play that any other games. Oh, and if you bought a new system and PSN is down you can't even download required updates for the system in order to be able to play the physical games you own. So yeah...you really didn't do a good job of dissing digital by complaining about PSN being down.

I'm surprised no one has come out with a Vita micro sd card adapter or something.

Because they are almost the same size so there is no way to make an adapter.
well the vita card is only different is the design, like the 3ds games, the extra protrusion clicks to let the system know that it has the correct card to use, essentially you could use a standard micro if you could trick the system where the protrusion hits and it should read it

I love it when people post how and why digital is the superior way to purchase and collect. Too bad there are no drawbacks to owning physical media besides what you cite as a 'convenience' factor.

Enjoy your 64gb memory cards and non-transferable games once they are pulled from the network. Better cross your fingers that your hardware system lasts for a lifetime.

PS: PSN has been down for days.
same thoughts exactly, you cant trade in digital and usually cant get a refund, only digital fans are idiots, its like saying that look at all the supercars i own (in forza, gran turisomo, etc) is better than your garage full of supercars, i can take my anywhere, you can only drive one at a time, how lame,.,.. if looking and touching and owning supercars is less than owning more in a digital game, you should get checked out by professionals

I picked up a ton of Vita games including Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, Demon Gaze, Deception IV, XBlaze, and Hyperdimension Neptunia V on PS3 for a grand total of $104.23 at Gamestop yesterday.

The niche JP releases really started to stack up this year.  It's fun trying to track them down and complete the collection at low prices. 

Can you not get a refund on XB or Nintendo? On PSN you can. I forget if it's 1 or 2 weeks for the refund period. I've gotten a couple before with no issues at all due to price changes or accidentally buying the wrong game.

I picked up a ton of Vita games including Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, Demon Gaze, Deception IV, XBlaze, and Hyperdimension Neptunia V on PS3 for a grand total of $104.23 at Gamestop yesterday.

The niche JP releases really started to stack up this year. It's fun trying to track them down and complete the collection at low prices.
You know Deception IV is getting a new version release, right?

Granted Nintendo is stuck in the dark ages and all your games are tied to the particular system, so yeah with that it's an issue. They've got by far the worst digital system of the gaming systems available, though, and basing your opinion on the worst of the lot seems silly.
I think they're actually tied to the account now. I know some people were saying they were able to redownload all their games just by having Nintendo let them move their NNIDs to a different system. It's just that you can only have one of each system per account, so it's the same thing until Nintendo changes that.

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I picked up a ton of Vita games including Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, Demon Gaze, Deception IV, XBlaze, and Hyperdimension Neptunia V on PS3 for a grand total of $104.23 at Gamestop yesterday.

The niche JP releases really started to stack up this year. It's fun trying to track them down and complete the collection at low prices.
You know Deception IV is getting a new version release, right?
And so is Neptunia V on Vita.

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Non-transferrable? I'm not sure about elsewhere, but on PSN if you buy a game and they quit selling it, you still get access to it. Deadpool for example you cannot buy on PSN anymore, but if you already owned it then you can download just like any of the other games you own. If your PS device or XB devices dies, then the games can be downloaded to the new one with no issues.

Granted Nintendo is stuck in the dark ages and all your games are tied to the particular system, so yeah with that it's an issue. They've got by far the worst digital system of the gaming systems available, though, and basing your opinion on the worst of the lot seems silly.

BTW: PSN being down for days means you can't play Destiny no matter whether you got the game digitally or physically. Same with all the other MP-related play that any other games. Oh, and if you bought a new system and PSN is down you can't even download required updates for the system in order to be able to play the physical games you own. So yeah...you really didn't do a good job of dissing digital by complaining about PSN being down.
You're never going to win this argument dude. I'm glad that digital-only works for you. Yeah, there are some nice benefits with having an entire digital library. You do a great job of describing those benefits. But you lose when you start comparing digital vs physical. There are literally no drawbacks to having a physical media collection besides what you call a convenience factor.

Who are you trying to convince that digital is best? Us? Or yourself..

Just do what works best for you.

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You know Deception IV is getting a new version release, right?
Yeah.. I factored that in when making the decision. Who knows if the new version makes its way stateside. I'm going to visit a couple more Gamestops today and see if there is anything worth swapping.

And so is Neptunia V on Vita.
Yep. It's definitely something to consider when buying these games. But sometimes you want them for your other systems and the price is just right. I already own all of the Disgaea games but wanted them again for Vita anyways so it's no biggie. You'd never want to pay full price for any of these games, but at less than $20 apiece I figure you can't really go wrong. You can always resell them later on Amazon or Ebay. It will be awhile until the new versions release and get price drops.

You gotta draw the line somewhere and have some sort of price point purchasing plan when you collect JP games on this magnitude.

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Can we please go back to arguing about Kate Upton's breasts? Oh wait, that was the Xbox thread.
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Did you play phoenix wright before?

Edit: not a visual novel but sort of in the categorie that i feel like people should play :p
No I haven't, though I was never a big fan of the series, but maybe I should go back after having played this one.

if you enjoyed ddanganronpa 2, you should def get Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
I will definitely give it a look when it comes out, surprisingly it's the first I've heard of the game, so thank you :)

I keep hearing this is such a great game, obviously I wanted to start with the first game, so I started Trigger Happy Havoc, maybe played an hour and didn't get into it yet. I guess I still have too many other games that I fell in love with immediately that I need to get through first. LOVE P4G, but still need to finish.

If it's really good I probably need someone to push me into the series, otherwise I'll get to it after a few other games.

I'm definitely excited that there are still plenty of quality Vita games waiting for me.
I have had it sitting here sealed for a while and when my friend wanted to borrow it I just let them since I had school and other things to do.

Long story short, they finished it and pushed me to play it and damn did I realize I was missing out. I literally played it non-stop and finished it in 2-3 days lolol! I just couldn't put it down and found myself picking it up every spare time I got to figure out what was coming next.

I know the feeling of having too many games though and it's hard to play everything. Especially since your playing P4G (only played the PS2 one). I try to play all the newer games, before the remake ones since jrpg's in general span over 40 hours >.<

While not necessary, you should play DR1 prior to DR2. It sort of like skipping to infamous 2, where you'll be lost on the overall story of Cole, but will still understand the sequel.
I never played DR1 but because I watched the anime, I had just hopped into DR2. Now I know the anime isn't of the same level of quality as the game, but I had already a foundation for the story so I just decided to pass for now. As I said earlier, I like to jump into the new stuff I haven't experienced before going back to older things I may have already seen or played

I think they're actually tied to the account now. I know some people were saying they were able to redownload all their games just by having Nintendo let them move their NNIDs to a different system. It's just that you can only have one of each system per account, so it's the same thing until Nintendo changes that.
I'm not sure if that's tied to the account, though. That sounds more like they're copying the old device's game list to the new device. You have to contact them directly to do it. It's a step in the right direction, though.

And so is Neptunia V on Vita.
The plan system in V sucks compared to the improved version they're using in Re;Birth. Played it for around 8hrs & it doesn't feel the same from when I played Re;Birth 1. Also the EXP given in the game also seems to be very little, I had trouble grinding to even level 15 in Chpt 2 due to the low amount of EXP.

You're never going to win this argument dude. I'm glad that digital-only works for you. Yeah, there are some nice benefits with having an entire digital library. You do a great job of describing those benefits. But you lose when you start comparing digital vs physical. There are literally no drawbacks to having a physical media collection besides what you call a convenience factor.

Who are you trying to convince that digital is best? Us? Or yourself..

Just do what works best for you.
Yes, there are literally no drawbacks to physical. When we lost our NES and games to a basement flood when I was a kid and when my PS1 and PS2 games were stolen in college, I was grateful that digital didn't exist back then as that would have been too easy to replace things. All the files are digital nowadays so I don't see what is lost by not having the plastic disc component.

I'm not going to get into the debate about which is better, physical or digital. I buy both and personally prefer physical, though I do see the merits and drawbacks of both. I will say, though, that IME, buying digital is cheaper unless you are selling back your physical games in a timely manner. The digital games I buy have hit lower prices during sales much sooner than their physical counterparts did. For example, I bought Tales of Symphonia Chronicles on PS3 for $9.99 during a PSN sale while the physical version of the game was still $39.99 in stores. I've bought countless PSN games for $4.99 or less, but for me, it's been relatively rare to see physical games reach that low of a price point before they are no longer widely available.

Plus, I sometimes jump the gun on buying a physical game because I worry that once it is no longer widely available, its price will go up. Since there isn't a finite supply with DD games, I tend to be more patient in waiting for sales with those, so I end up saving money with them.

This past weekend, when PSN and XBL both went down, showed me that nowadays, it doesn't make much difference from a playing standpoint between digital and physical if your console's internet service goes down. Of the games that I was actually able to play, both digital and physical, they were all buggy as fuck.

Yes, there are literally no drawbacks to physical. When we lost our NES and games to a basement flood when I was a kid and when my PS1 and PS2 games were stolen in college, I was grateful that digital didn't exist back then as that would have been too easy to replace things. All the files are digital nowadays so I don't see what is lost by not having the plastic disc component.
that's when you get your stuff insured so you can replace them in case of an accident, natural disaster or theft. My wii for example was destroyed in a fire and insurance covered the cost for me to buy a new one. Nintendo wouldn't transfer my large amount of digital titles. I don't buy digital from them anymore because of that.

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. For example, I bought Tales of Symphonia Chronicles on PS3 for $9.99 during a PSN
It went cheaper than that on psn lowest point was 4$ but it also dropped to 15$ new by september and bamco had alot of sales online that year. So either or you couldn't really go wrong if you hadn't played them before. However tos chronicles is a port like the kh and ffx collections and those always drop in price. And considering you were willing to wait months for that psn sale you could of just waited a little longer and gotten it even cheaper. Patience pays off with videogames barring anything with a low print run.

Yes, there are literally no drawbacks to physical. When we lost our NES and games to a basement flood when I was a kid and when my PS1 and PS2 games were stolen in college, I was grateful that digital didn't exist back then as that would have been too easy to replace things. All the files are digital nowadays so I don't see what is lost by not having the plastic disc component.
Most people don't lose their games to basement floods, so that's not a strong reason to oppose physical. I think the durability of the console's drive lens is more of an issue, or if it bricks like some PS4's at launch. Then your college example applies to any material item. It would've been possible for your wallet, bag, or clothes to be stolen as well. Personally, I do NOT advise people to leave valuables in dorm rooms, since things can be stolen easily.
Playstation both have there benefits.

Physical benefits: you own, can resell, loan to friend, collectable, does not use much memory, often goes on sale, and game load times just a few secs faster.

Digital benefits: Convenience not needing to swap carts as often. Can have multiple same devices logged in to play same game with 1 digital purchase(exception a few online games that require PSN login in game like ff xiv and ps4 cant do this).  If lost, stolen, or destroyed (most likely will be in same place as your game carts) you still have access to all your purchased content.

So if you have a large family of gamers that like playing the same game at the same time(like new launch titles) for multiple same consoles (ps3, psv) then buying 1 copy of digital can save you a lot of money. Else your better off getting physical unless there is a large discount for digital.

Nintendo I refuse to buy digital if there is a physical.  There are no real advantages to it and more disadvantages.

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Honestly, I prefer physical.  I only buy digital on consoles if it's digital only, or a really kickass sale.  Which has still left me with more Vita games than my 2 8G cards could hold.  Add in my PSOne Classics, and I just feel like the extra space won't go to waste.

Mainly though I'm just paranoid over storage space these days.  I'm still left with something like 20 PS3 games that I haven't played  because they all have a 4G install or even more absurd download..  A new PS3 harddrive is next on my buy list, I guess.  Sony, stop doing this to me...

Do you care to share your spreadsheet organization format techniques? I'm thinking of doing similar, maybe naming one tab "Preorder" and listing price and title and release date, then coloring the cells red if I haven't preordered and green if I have; having another tab at the bottom for "Wish List," maybe also just include release date and what I feel would be a good price to stick to (if it is something that needs eBay to acquire), and maybe even a 3rd tab for if I get really bored and want to start listing entire collection.

My uncle showed me a similar spreadsheet he was working on, only the context was books, specifically hardback horror genre; I really need to see his organization/formatting on that project again!
I have a few columns, but nothing fancy.

Title, Platform, price, release date, store, status (this would be something like 'ordered' 'not ordered yet' '$17 paid' 'not available for order yet')

Things I don't want to preorder or don't want immediately I put on my Amazon wish list. You can save an "idea" by just typing anything and adding it (if an actual listing isn't up yet)

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I am still pretty upset about the criminal girls censorship... But we don't wanna go there again ;p.
I still don't understand why they even localized it. I can understand Monster Monpiece because it's actually fun to play without the lewd, but for games like Criminal Girls I'd rather just watch hentai.

Oh well, it's gonna sell bad. Here's hoping Great Edo Blackmisth comes over because I hear that's fun

Im only buying it because i like limited edition's lol, ): but i'll give the game a try.

Edit: im kinda picky with voiceovers, does anyone know if criminal girls include japanese voices or is it in english or whut?

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It's not like someone is forcing you to buy it. If you're unsatisfied with the censorship. Then either skip it or buy the import.
Yeah. If you don't like it, gain a native understanding of the Japanese language. That's a great solution and everybody wins. Top advice as always, Olengie.

Yeah. If you don't like it, gain a native understanding of the Japanese language. That's a great solution and everybody wins. Top advice as always, Olengie.
Yeap. I know. I'm great. :D/ But I'm not an awesome Sage.

But what can you do?

1. Buy the localized censored version and complain, or suck it up and buy. Don't care about the censorship and buy it regardless.

2. Say I'm not buying censored things and skip it.

3. Straight up import it so you can get the full uncensored experience without subs.

Once another game like this comes out, people will continue to complain about the censorship regardless.

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I dunno man, it looks bad but I am still going to trust NIS America on this one. I think the MAIN REASON Criminal Girls is coming to US is because it was developed in house at NIS Japan. It's also an RPG. Battle Princess of Arcadias was pretty weird and almost bad looking, at first, but then it turned out to be a pretty fun game. Oh! And it was digital only!

But, that was the only reason I bought it.

Let's be honest though: when it comes to digital vs physical, neither will last forever. Even CD and DVD have a shelf life, as evidenced by most of the old cheap CD-Rs I burned in my high school era, some of which the written media areas just seem to flake off. The only format that appears timeless to me is *.torrent format. Sometimes I romantically imagine a post apocalyptic steampunk era without Nintendos, but where creating counterfeit ROM cartridges becomes the new street drug of choice, if you are able to locate one of the three remaining dealers with the USB holy grail of master ROM files.

Let's just say we all have our preferences and I am just glad that there are others that feel strongly about the importance of their collections and buying physical games. It is also nice that we have people who will post adamantly about digital deals and pricing, so we can all see it from both angles. I think we all know the follies of both our chosen formats and starting a war or making the other party feel like nerds isn't going to help anyone!

Where do you think the best place to look for deals would be from now until the next year? Retailers trying to move things, or eBay/pawn shops where people might unload things that they were unable to return to store or start trying to replace their old things? I almost lean closer to the latter, in theory, as I really haven't seen any good deals post-Christmas. I guess it's just a byproduct of increasingly popular "gift cards."

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I'm really hoping Criminal Girls does alright and we get an announcement for Great Edo Blacksmith...seems like some logical progression....ah...still want both.

I dunno man, it looks bad but I am still going to trust NIS America on this one. I think the MAIN REASON Criminal Girls is coming to US is because it was developed in house at NIS Japan. It's also an RPG. Battle Princess of Arcadias was pretty weird and almost bad looking, at first, but then it turned out to be a pretty fun game. Oh! And it was digital only!
Uh, what? Criminal Girls was developed by Image Epoch, the creators of that other recent masterpiece on gender politics known as Time & Eternity. There's a clear difference between something like Criminal Girls and Battle Princess of Arcadias.

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