Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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You are so beyond stupid and stuck up your own ass it's kind of funny.

Show me a post where you have decried the sexism in Duke Nukem, or the terrorist segment in Modern Warfare. Both of those are on the front page right now. Show me a post where you called for the banning of games that allow you to torture characters, and then I'll shut up.
I'm trying to stay out of this, but this came up because of this game in this thread. Why are asking to see his posts about completely different games that would be in completely different threads? It's changing the point, and re-shifting the focus. He also never called for it to be banned. Once again, changing the point, and even putting words in his mouth... just sayin'.
Man, I did not think that posting that the LE of the game was available to pre-order would cause such a debate...

[quote name='Kingmob46']Am I missing something? The $35 difference between the two equals two 2.5" figures and one 1.5" figure? That seems a bit steep, unless its a Spinal Tap - Stonehenge type of mix up and the figures are 2'5" tall![/QUOTE]

If you think about the cost of how much Nendoroid petit are in Japan, a set of 3, depending on popularity ect, can range from 1500 yen to 3000 yen before shipping. If you take the average, 2250 yen, add about 750 yen for cheap shipping (which is typically uninsured) and it is about 3000 yen which is ~$38.

I am not saying that is how much NISA is paying, but they are getting these from Japan, and these are the same bonus that were in Japanese version, unlike the Disgeae 4 Figurine where the Nendoroid Petit was replace with the cheap figure.

If you don't want the figure get the regular LE, but I think it would probably cost you more than $35 if you try to buy the figure alone from Yahoo Japan Auction.
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[quote name='barrit']My point was that dismembering, blowing peoples heads off, touching little girls is all cringe-worthy in real life. I don't care what the content is. I have no interest in murdering people, stomping them, or touching little girls in real life. I just don't link the two. These are anime characters, nothing more. Call them toddlers all you want. They look like 5 year olds to you? I ask because even if this content was cut, I'd have no interest in a game where I felt I play as a 5 yr old. I'm kinda just playing devil's advocate, because i already preordered the game. I just think you're overreacting to people who don't agree with you. Good thing you weren't around for the Salem witch hunts, geez.[/QUOTE]

Okay, allow me to try and explain to you why your comparison doesn't work on any level.

Just because you can't and wouldn't do something in real life, does NOT make it a strong candidate for a game mechanic. If child molestation was a feature in GTA, would you take part in it? I sincerely fucking hope not.

There are several layers to robbing a store in GTA. There's strategy, adrenaline and just plain stress relieving fun. People shoot guns to relieve stress. Do people touch little girls to relieve stress? Some probably do. I hope you don't.

While you're driving 150 MPH running into people sending them flying and blowing shit up... you're not doing it to satisfy some need to kill. You're manipulating a world made for you where you have no repercussions. It's not made to target sadists. However, the mini-game in Mugen Souls is completely one-dimensional. It's an attempt to sexually stimulate. It's fan-service. Which is normally fine. What makes it so fucked up? The fact that it's little girls.

For the record, I've also pre-ordered this game, and as long as the 5-year old can wreck shop, then I'm cool playing as her/him.

[quote name='sayu']You are so beyond stupid and stuck up your own ass it's kind of funny.

Show me a post where you have decried the sexism in Duke Nukem, or the terrorist segment in Modern Warfare. Both of those are on the front page right now. Show me a post where you called for the banning of games that allow you to torture characters, and then I'll shut up.[/QUOTE]

You are hopeless and I pity you.

Duke Nukem's "sexism" is taken on a completely comedic level. It's a joke, and it's been around since he was conceived. It's humor. It's not even edgy anymore. You're seriously as offended by this as pedophilia? Give me a break.

The terrorist segment in Modern Warfare was a serious take and plot point in the story. It was a mature way to address one of our world's most tragic disasters. You are meant to feel deep emotions while experiencing this. It's not put in for sadists to get off on. And for those who want to take the story a little less seriously, you can skip it.

As for torturing people... name me some games that base game mechanics around torture that aren't using it to elicit a deep emotional response.

I'll say it once last time. Fan-service is fine in a video game. It's meant to sexually stimulate. It's one track. One dimension. I dig watching Mileena's tits bounce while I'm fighting in Mortal Kombat. However, when you're using infants to induce this stimulation, that's when you're fucked up.

Finally, In regards to your "banning" remark. I never said this game should be banned. If you go far enough back into this thread, I've even said I'd be okay with the option turn off the "bath segments". So weirdos can get their jollies and I can play my game. So yea, putting words in my mouth so that you can form some desperate argument really doesn't help your case.
You are arguing about some things that are subjective. Where is their age listed? I'm guessing since you keep saying they're toddlers, you have seen their ages posted somewhere I may have missed? You are linking anime girls to real life girls, others may not think they look like toddlers at all. To me they don't even resemble real people. Ill give you that they do look young, but i still don't see the huge issue. I'll warn you though, just about every single NISA game has sexual innuendos, so you may not want to pick up the game...unless that sort of thing is ok between "toddlers".
[quote name='AugustAPC']Okay, allow me to try and explain to you why your comparison doesn't work on any level.
As for torturing people... name me some games that base game mechanics around torture that aren't using it to elicit a deep emotional response.[/QUOTE]

Disgaea 4 had a torture element to the game, and NISA even changed it from the medieval torture device to a cat! Why did we not go crazy about that!?!?! *sarcasm*
As long as gameplay isn't having me glaze honey over a picture of a little girl while she moans, I can deal with the innuendo.

I don't really care if text says they're 40 years old. They look like little girls. The mini-games are meant to stimulate. The combination of the two = cringe.

[quote name='apenguindidit']Disgaea 4 had a torture element to the game, and NISA even changed it from the medieval torture device to a cat! Why did we not go crazy about that!?!?! *sarcasm*[/QUOTE]


NVM I just looked it up. I laughed pretty hard at that one. You go down a list a pick some stupid commands like "slap" and get no animation at all. Oh God. How explicitly terrible!

That's gonna be it for me. When you're that desperate, then I've got nothing left to say.
[quote name='apenguindidit']Disgaea 4 had a torture element to the game, and NISA even changed it from the medieval torture device to a cat! Why did we not go crazy about that!?!?! *sarcasm*[/QUOTE]

Didn't they have to change that in the Japan version as well? I thought the change was pretty dumb. I don't recall it being argued here, but I remember some complaining about it on a different site. I'm guessing it wasn't as big an issue since it wasn't cut out completely...plus it got overshadowed by the map editor changes. I saw tons more complaints about that change.
My first post, which wasn't even directed at anyone in particular, simply asked what the difference was between doing one morally wrong thing in a videogame to doing another morally wrong thing. You're the one that started putting words in my mouth, bringing up aliens out of nowhere.

You can keep comparing being attracted to cartoon characters that look nothing like real children to pedophilia. I don't care. You go ahead and keep getting off to paying for a hooker, having sex with her, and then murdering her and taking your money back... does that relieve your stress, you sick fuck?
I guess it doesn't matter; there are no repercussions because it's not real.
Yea you are right Barrit, It had just been a while since I read that article, and yea people made a bigger deal about the map editor changes.
I haven't played Disgaea 3 or 4 yet, so I haven't come across the censoring in those games.

Like I said, usually I'm extremely anti-censorship. But this is a case where it's a game element I would choose not to experience, so I'm glad they took it out.

Regardless... I'm done with the subject.

On to the LE for this game. I'm finding JRPG LEs getting worse and worse as time goes by. Agarest War 2's LE sucked pretty hard. I don't want hand towels :\. I want art-books, OSTs and some figures. Maybe a DVD or something. But now we get a sponge? Why a sponge? I don't get it.

[quote name='sayu'] You're the one that started putting words in my mouth, bringing up aliens out of nowhere.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='barrit']I can play deadspace and dismember the hell out of those ugly creatures by stomping them, but it'd be a whole different story in real life. [/QUOTE]

You're right. That was out of nowhere. :roll:
[quote name='sayu'] You're the one that started putting words in my mouth, bringing up aliens out of nowhere.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='barrit']I personally don't like censorship period. I like to play things in their original format, regardless what the content is. I like to have the option to skip it, if i chose so. I just don't find video games cringe worthy. I can play deadspace and dismember the hell out of those ugly creatures by stomping them, but it'd be a whole different story in real life. I just don't link things in games to being the same as doing it in real life, especially cartoony characters.[/QUOTE]

You're right. That was out of nowhere. :roll:
[quote name='AugustAPC']

On to the LE for this game. I'm finding JRPG LEs getting worse and worse as time goes by.[/QUOTE]

Well, one reason I see is the price difference people are willing to pay for LE here in the US in comparison to Japan. I think the CE in Japan came with a short movie DVD and the nendoroid set only, and was about $100.

Even on this forum, someone thought it was too much to pay $35 more for the nendoroid figures.

Even on the NISA forum, NISA did a poll to see if there would be an interest in bringing a special edition with the White Rock Shooter Figma which lots of people wanted. However when asked how much they would be willing to pay in a poll, most people would not go past $50 for a PSP game, soundtrack, artbook, and Figma which makes me believe that they may not do that Special edition whenever they release the game since a Figma alone is typically ~$30 average before shipping.

We want the cool stuff that they give out in Japan, but we want to pay less than them which is one reason I think we have not gotten any good LE recently.
lol, well, to be honest, I find $35 for a couple 2'' figures to be too pricey. I wish they'd just get rid of the sponge and towel and give me the little figures for $75 or something.

I mean, I can buy a 10'' Poison Ivy DC statue for $50. So I'm not sure, aside from limited availability, how $35 for a couple really small figures is justified. Well... I guess it's not too bad.
Well, like I posted earlier, if you do the math and import those figure which are only made in Japan by a specific company the price sort of pans out if not cheaper. Though I agree with you, I wish we could trash the sponge and towel and pay ~$75 as well.

If you are interested in the Aksys Zero Escape Series, they have confirmed that they will have a limited watch Pre-order bonus Zero Escape: Virtues Last Rewards like they did for 9 hour 9 persons 9 doors which I am looking forward to.
I haven't played a ton of next gen games yet, but...

There is a torture scene in black ops that you have to play/can't skip or wait out.

just in case someone needed an example.
[quote name='slowdive21']I haven't played a ton of next gen games yet, but...

There is a torture scene in black ops that you have to play/can't skip or wait out.

just in case someone needed an example.[/QUOTE]
My understanding is that Mugen Souls allows you to skip these scenes, so I don't know why we should limit the examples to games where you absolutely have to torture someone. Any game that allows you to inflict severe physical pain on a character, with or without killing them, should be included. When I said torture I specifically had Manhunt in mind.
Isn't that just an in game cut scene? I don't remember having any control over it. Unless it's something that you are 'doing' as the player, I don't think it's really a good example. It was also being done to your comrade, so it was presented as a bad thing, not a 'hey, you get to torture this dood!' thing.

As for Manhunt, I'm sure we all remember the ridiculous amount of controversy that surrounded that game's release. Rockstar decided to go there. I guess that was just their decision.
There are a lot of games out there that appeal to a variety of personal tastes. Saying "I don't like a particular kind of content so I won't play games that include it" is perfectly reasonable. Saying "I don't like a particular kind of content so I hope some corporate executives or government regulators prevent anyone from ever being exposed to that content" is short sighted.

If you look hard enough you can find someone offended by nearly anything - Michelle Bachmann said Disney's The Lion King was propaganda meant to desensitize young children to the evils of homosexuality. Why can't we all just be adults and decide for ourselves what media to consume without wanting a parent figure to protect us from things we might find disagreeable?
[quote name='sevenfold']"I don't like a particular kind of content so I hope some corporate executives or government regulators prevent anyone from ever being exposed to that content" is short sighted.[/QUOTE]

No one said that.
When it's something as risque as pedophilia, it presents a very large roadblock to the game even getting released in the west. I believe the explanation given by NISA, that was copied from their forums a few pages back, said as much. I'm certainly not lobbying for censorship. If it was still in there I would be fine with just skipping it. I'm merely making the point that when it comes to pedophilia, the censorship is understandable, and the outrage isn't really called for.

Not to mention that unless the people complaining about it have convictions of steel, they just wanted to play the damn pedo bath scenes... lol :3
[quote name='Zaku77']When it's something as risque as pedophilia, it presents a very large roadblock to the game even getting released in the west. I believe the explanation given by NISA, that was copied from their forums a few pages back, said as much. I'm certainly not lobbying for censorship. If it was still in there I would be fine with just skipping it. I'm merely making the point that when it comes to pedophilia, the censorship is understandable, and the outrage isn't really called for.

Not to mention that unless the people complaining about it have convictions of steel, they just wanted to play the damn pedo bath scenes... lol :3[/QUOTE]

It's not illegal. It's not pedophilia. You are insane. Do you even know what you are illogically raging against?


If this is what's making you flip your shit and call everyone in here a pedophile, you might want to call the FBI on Youtube. Do it enough times and see if the government agrees with you.
[quote name='AugustAPC']No one said that.[/QUOTE]

You said "But this is a case where it's a game element I would choose not to experience, so I'm glad they took it out." Maybe I just misunderstood. Either way I'm not disagreeing with your opinion that it's creepy. It IS creepy.

[quote name='Zaku77']When it's something as risque as pedophilia, it presents a very large roadblock to the game even getting released in the west. I believe the explanation given by NISA, that was copied from their forums a few pages back, said as much. I'm certainly not lobbying for censorship. If it was still in there I would be fine with just skipping it. I'm merely making the point that when it comes to pedophilia, the censorship is understandable, and the outrage isn't really called for.

Not to mention that unless the people complaining about it have convictions of steel, they just wanted to play the damn pedo bath scenes... lol :3[/QUOTE]

I don't completely disagree. I already pre-ordered. I think there's a difference in objection and outrage, though. Overall I'm grateful that they bring games like this here at all. However, I don't like the idea that in order to get Japanese media brought to America it has to be modified to suit American tastes - if I wanted a game tailored to American tastes I wouldn't be buying a Japanese game.

So, I object to censorship no matter the reason given but I'm not "outraged" that they made a business decision in this case given the circumstances.
I said, "I'm glad they're taking it out because it's something I wouldn't want to have to play through." Not, "I'm glad they're taking it out because no one else should be able to experience it.'

[quote name='DarkSageRK']It's not illegal. It's not pedophilia. You are insane. Do you even know what you are illogically raging against?
If this is what's making you flip your shit and call everyone in here a pedophile, you might want to call the FBI on Youtube. Do it enough times and see if the government agrees with you.[/QUOTE]

You're the only one raging here, and it's blatantly obvious.

We're not pedos! We just like oggling nude, three-foot-tall, prepubescent girls in explicit poses while they moan at us! lol

Shit is hilarious
[quote name='AugustAPC']You're the only one raging here, and it's blatantly obvious.[/QUOTE]

"^ Ignorance. "

"This is beyond pathetic. These aren't even arguments, they're sad attempts to justify this crap."

"I'm done discussing this. If you want to touch little girls in your games, power to you."

"It's so hard to ignore stupidity. I mean, they're not even ridiculous arguments, they're just idiotic."

"You're an idiot. Hate to be so blunt, but at this point... there's no sugarcoating it. "

"If you can form a single valid argument, I'll grant you another response. But make sure you actually think before you post"

"You are hopeless and I pity you."

"weirdos can get their jollies"

"That's gonna be it for me. When you're that desperate, then I've got nothing left to say. "

"Regardless... I'm done with the subject. "

I would like to thank sevenfold for listening to what is said, and responding is a logical manner. I can appreciate his stance, and even see the middle ground between his and my own. Dark Sage, on the other hand, is like a rampaging child. Also, why on earth do you keep bringing up whether it's legal or not. Do you realize that you are the only one talking about that? Are you trying to prove that point to yourself, so that you feel better about it? Also, it is, indeed, pedophilia. I'm in no way calling everyone in here pedophiles. I made one joking comment that vehemently lobbying against the censorship may have less than 'honorable' motives. That is all.

In short, sevenfold, thank you and please continue discussing. Darksage, please go throw a tantrum somewhere else.
[quote name='apenguindidit']
If you think about the cost of how much Nendoroid petit are in Japan, a set of 3, depending on popularity ect, can range from 1500 yen to 3000 yen before shipping. If you take the average, 2250 yen, add about 750 yen for cheap shipping (which is typically uninsured) and it is about 3000 yen which is ~$38.

I am not saying that is how much NISA is paying, but they are getting these from Japan, and these are the same bonus that were in Japanese version, unlike the Disgeae 4 Figurine where the Nendoroid Petit was replace with the cheap figure.

If you don't want the figure get the regular LE, but I think it would probably cost you more than $35 if you try to buy the figure alone from Yahoo Japan Auction.[/QUOTE]

I stand more informed! Thank you for the information. I was not aware of the true cost of such figures.
[quote name='technicalstylez']serious. i got rid of my sealed ar tonelico qoga premium ed as soon as i saw game play vids on utube. wtf.[/QUOTE]

What changes didn't you like? I cannot for the life of me find the first 2 games for PS2 on the cheap, so I was hoping Qoga on PS3 would be ok to start.
Nendo petit sets usually do cost around 30-35ish or so. These are quality figures for sure. They are also only sold with this set...which could affect value later. I'm a huge nendoroid and somewhat a nendo petit fan. I'm likely going to get that version. I did wish we got the DVD as well....but it's still cool.
[quote name='Kazaganthi']What changes didn't you like? I cannot for the life of me find the first 2 games for PS2 on the cheap, so I was hoping Qoga on PS3 would be ok to start.[/QUOTE]

I have 1 and 3 and like both and would say starting with three is not a problem.

The battle system was altered in three...I think the "Tales of" series is a fair comparison compared to more turn based style of one.
[quote name='storino03']I preordered the LE + Figure Set for Mugen Souls. Another one for my sealed collection![/QUOTE]

Sweet! You'll never be able to use the soundtrack, can't look through the artbook, and you can buy a 2nd copy if you plan on playing it!


[quote name='Zaku77']Sweet! You'll never be able to use the soundtrack, can't look through the artbook, and you can buy a 2nd copy if you plan on playing it!



seriously, I know you're not a troll, but this is pretty close.
Also, stikl debating mugen souls, I'll probably buy it and never play it, but I hope I do.
[quote name='snakeinthegrass']Anyone have more details on the Last Virtue (999 Sequel) preorder bonus?[/QUOTE]

Hope it's another one of those watches.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Hope it's another one of those watches.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's another watch. Apparently it's going to be "more wearable" than the last one though. Whatever that means.
[quote name='ck76']I have 1 and 3 and like both and would say starting with three is not a problem.

The battle system was altered in three...I think the "Tales of" series is a fair comparison compared to more turn based style of one.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I do love the "Tales of" series. I do like turn based RPGs too, but since I don't own a DS or PSP, I literally haven't played one in ages.
[quote name='KtMack23']seriously, I know you're not a troll, but this is pretty close.
Also, stikl debating mugen souls, I'll probably buy it and never play it, but I hope I do.[/QUOTE]

Keeping a collection of sealed video games has got to be one of the biggest wastes of money there is.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Keeping a collection of sealed video games has got to be one of the biggest wastes of money there is.[/QUOTE]

Ok dude. Whatever you say.
Haha it was only pseudo trolling. I love collecting (obviously). I just can't see the logic in not being able to enjoy your own collection. If never being able to see the inside of or use any of the things you buy makes you happy you are a bit strange, but as long as it makes you happy. That's reasonable, yeah? lol
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