Japanese people do the darndest things...

[quote name='Deadpool']lol... I think that's a total sham, but funny nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

Damn thanks for ruining that one for me. I was really excited that there was Japanese girl out there that really liked to pet smooth pussies.
Wait a second, non of us have asked the OP how he GOT to this site in the first place.

What phrase were you EXACTLY googling when you found this?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Wait a second, non of us have asked the OP how he GOT to this site in the first place.

What phrase were you EXACTLY googling when you found this?[/QUOTE]

lol well Japanese Pussy of course!
It maybe a sham site, but my God, those are some of the custest pictures of kittens I've ever seen:

[quote name='dcfox']It maybe a sham site, but my God, those are some of the custest pictures of kittens I've ever seen:

Oh my god, I couldn't believe the extreme cuteness!
I was about to send the link to some friends, but then realised the first thing that would come to their mind: "How did he find this site?...." :D
[quote name='humidore']I was about to send the link to some friends, but then realised the first thing that would come to their mind: "How did he find this site?...." :D[/QUOTE]

Pfft. Any self-respecting man searches for 'Japanese Pussy' at least once in his life, don't be ashamed. :lol:
[quote name='Tiphireth']Pfft. Any self-respecting man searches for 'Japanese Pussy' at least once in his life, don't be ashamed. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Just found my new Sig! thx lol
[quote name='Deadpool']Just found my new Sig! thx lol[/QUOTE]

Oh snap! I've been sigged.. It's like your first BJ or strip-club outing. :D
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Wait a second, non of us have asked the OP how he GOT to this site in the first place.

What phrase were you EXACTLY googling when you found this?[/QUOTE]
Why "Japanese girls", of course.

No, seriously...I swear! xD
[quote name='Tiphireth']Oh snap! I've been sigged.. It's like your first BJ or strip-club outing. :D[/QUOTE]

You'll always remember your first
if shes willing to stuff a cat in her mouth i wonder what other kind of weird shit has been in there.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']this is a racist thread[/QUOTE]
Point out something racist. Anything. One thing atleast. The title doesnt count though, because its a common use saying with a variation.

And back to the thread, the cutest of the pussy's is the nonpussy. The dog eating the other dog is insanly cute.
[quote name='triforcer']i knew it wasn't a real japanese pussy when i didn't see a mosiac...[/QUOTE]

this is a racist thread
Seeing as I'm Asian, I don't understand how this could be a racist thread. Unless you're just kidding, of course.
i like the one where the cat is sleeping in the food.. reminds me of the one kitten i had years ago used to do the same thing .. still rememeber the time it fell alsleep trying to drink milk out of a bowl. Their little head goes Splash into the milk Jerks up its head and had milk all over its face .... i think the kitten thought we pushed its face into the milk cause it just looked at us for a few mins
Yeah,.... I thought it was a joke site after reading the note under the first picture.
Her father takes pictures of her pussy and shows them to his friends at work????

I guess only an American would think that way.

Tell you the truth,.... as much as I love Japan,.... it depresses me.

They have gone back to the ways of the old. Sex is meaningless, and can be had freely with almost any of them.
I know for a lot of you think that is wonderous,... but those with morals will understand.
If you are un-asian here,... you have an 87% chance of getting laid. If you are American,... you have 95%. If you are black,..... 100%.

They want to be with Americans,... and the guys that are into the current style going on stateside are desired even more.
At the moment,... hiphop and rap are the big thing. So,... all the thugs,.. which make up most of the morons at my base, get to shag freely.

Its quite disturbing seeing 40yo asian ladies listening to JayZ, and keeping it real. Not to mention the HORRIFIC styles they've adopted from the culture. Gorgeous girls with cornrows, and those nasty nappy waves.
Before you think I'm going all racist,.... I am.
I just hate what we've done to them.

Have you ever touched an asian girls skin, or hair?? It is the softest stuff on the planet. Never have I felt suck silkyness on any other crede.
Yet they now lather up with coconaut butter, and nap down their heads with brill cream.
Nothing like the shy girl busting out in a rap on the bus.

Why can't people just stay natural?
Why must America poison the well?

Well,.... that's my spiel.
Hopefully WOW is back up.
Love the pussy.
[quote name='Tiphireth']Oh snap! I've been sigged.. It's like your first BJ or strip-club outing. :D[/QUOTE]

not quite :D
[quote name='drone8888']Yeah,.... I thought it was a joke site after reading the note under the first picture.
Her father takes pictures of her pussy and shows them to his friends at work????

I guess only an American would think that way.

Tell you the truth,.... as much as I love Japan,.... it depresses me.

They have gone back to the ways of the old. Sex is meaningless, and can be had freely with almost any of them.
I know for a lot of you think that is wonderous,... but those with morals will understand.
If you are un-asian here,... you have an 87% chance of getting laid. If you are American,... you have 95%. If you are black,..... 100%.

They want to be with Americans,... and the guys that are into the current style going on stateside are desired even more.
At the moment,... hiphop and rap are the big thing. So,... all the thugs,.. which make up most of the morons at my base, get to shag freely.

Its quite disturbing seeing 40yo asian ladies listening to JayZ, and keeping it real. Not to mention the HORRIFIC styles they've adopted from the culture. Gorgeous girls with cornrows, and those nasty nappy waves.
Before you think I'm going all racist,.... I am.
I just hate what we've done to them.

Have you ever touched an asian girls skin, or hair?? It is the softest stuff on the planet. Never have I felt suck silkyness on any other crede.
Yet they now lather up with coconaut butter, and nap down their heads with brill cream.
Nothing like the shy girl busting out in a rap on the bus.

Why can't people just stay natural?
Why must America poison the well?

Well,.... that's my spiel.
Hopefully WOW is back up.
Love the pussy.

maybe those are just the slutty ones, i'm sure there are the nice and innocent ones out there or maybe i'm too optimistic.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']this is a racist thread[/QUOTE]

I too am a rice picking asian and I this thread is not racist.
Japanese do do crazy things.
It's really hard to find the innocent girls, as they do not asscociate with us gaijans.
It's not so much that they are slutty,.... it's that it's accepted as alright.
They are like that with Japanese guys too,.... but America has given them bigger targets to set their sights on.

I'm in the rural part of Japan, and it gets atrociously worst as you travel south. Keep in mind, when I say worst,.... I'm speaking with a moral tongue. Sure,... it's a wonderous fantasy to have near perfect women all over me,.... but the values and all of that other deep ingrained bullcrap I've been raised up with keeps me out of the clubs.

If you plan on attending a college over here,... you may be in luck. You can find very nice and decent girls there. Be aware of the customs and courtesies though, as strange as the Japanese are,... even stranger things are offensive.

My newly acquired friend here has tried to hook me up with some of his Japanese friends. Apparently, they are as innocent as virgin doe.
I always pass on them, as he just wants me to do as he is, and take advantage of them.
He picks up pretty girls, who barely speak English, and treats them like they want to be treated. Japanese women are used to being ignored,... as the men have a daily agenda, which includes neglecting the opposite sex.

All's it takes is a few drinks, a dance or two, and constant attention,.... eye contact the whole night, or making gestures that suggest interest, and there you go.

Well,... the hat he wears,.... wherever he goes, blatantly advertises "Beat it up Tour".
He thinks it's hilarious, as I did at first, until I saw his scheme for it's full impactful girth.
Now, I just stay away from him. He's an awesome guy,... but a total jerkoff for what he is doing.

Anyways,... on the base, there are some locals that work here,... and they're pretty, customary, and near perfect as well. It's just hard to compete with all the other jerkoffs trying to ruin them too.

It's dog eat dog,... and well,... I'm not a dog.
Well, enough ranting, good luck, and best of times.
Wait, wait. So, 95% huh? No wonder all the videogame nerds want to go there.

Seriously though; a friend told me that much of what the Japanese know about American culture comes from MTV. I don't doubt it.
MTV is what seems to be the major influence.
Can't say it is for sure, but it's the impression you get when you see them.
I haven't had many conversations with the locals about what they like about Americans,... but it is somewhat obvious by their appearances, attitudes, and actions.

The gamers who strive to come here, no matter how nerdy, can get pretty much any girl they desire,.... if they dare go out to a club.
Or,... if in Tokyo,... just walking down the street.

More than likely, you'll be approached first in the cities, by masses of ladies. They'll want pictures and conversations. It's really odd.
Well,.... again,... good luck. If you're moral,... be patient and respectful. If you are just sewing the oats,... well, make sure you're wearing at least 2 condoms,... as they don't seem to care about AIDS as much as we do.

[quote name='y2kenjination']

Seeing as I'm Asian, I don't understand how this could be a racist thread. Unless you're just kidding, of course.[/QUOTE]

He's been doing that ever since he was accused of being racist.
[quote name='drone8888']More than likely, you'll be approached first in the cities, by masses of ladies. They'll want pictures and conversations. It's really odd.
Well,.... again,... good luck. If you're moral,... be patient and respectful. If you are just sewing the oats,... well, make sure you're wearing at least 2 condoms,... as they don't seem to care about AIDS as much as we do.

Yeah, empty-v is a pretty big influence over there although a lot of girls simply want to practice their english on a gaijin. They figure if they can hold a decent conversation with a foreigner, it'll make them look better in front of their peers, friends, family, etc. It's all about appearances (which is a real important part of japanese culture).
but i'm chinese! how are they gonna know i'm from america. that's it i'm just gonna talk really loud and wear a t-shirt with an american flag on it. that should get their attention...

You should see their t-shirts.
They say the funniest shit I've ever seen.

The flag, along with USA, and anything else ridiculously American, is extremely popular here. Don't worry about being Chinese,.... as long as you're a gangsta you'll be alright.
If you look out of place, you're either Filipino or American,... as they are the dominant presense here.

Tourists come from all over,... but if you'll be here a while, they'll know. It's just the whole thing about being from America, and being down with it.
Don't sweat Japanese chicks too much.
As much as I lusted over them,... I found that there are WAY too many goddesses from ALL over to just settle on a particular crede.
While you're single,... enjoy all women that attract you. When you want to get married,... then, pick your most desired crede.

I see dumb white chicks all the time,... and it takes me to a whole different fantasy.
Then, back to the Japanese.
It's all about being with who you want at the moment, when you're single.
If an innocent Japanese girl is your decision, before you've been with one,... then perhaps you are too immature still.

Just live your life,... and let fate play it's cards. You'll fall in love plenty of times, with a lot of things, and people. Just let your preclusions go.
Personally,... I've seen a TON of hotter Chinese women in my life,... and China is much more beautiful. But I'll take Japans' culture ANY day over Americas'.
[quote name='drone8888']But I'll take Japans' culture ANY day over Americas'.

Now I've never been there, but from what I've seen and heard Japan has possibly the most fucked up culture on the planet. :lol:
bread's done