Jeff Gerttsman let go from gamespot?

I love the tags on the Gamespot story.

"suicide note"
"black helicopters"
"sea of lies"
"roflberry pwncakes"
"autoerotic asphyxiation"
"dj jazzy jeff"
I think the GS audience isn't mature enough to realize Twilight Princess was an 8.8 game and still be excited to play it.

Well, yeah, I think they prove that many times on many sites every day. YOU WOULD THINK THE GUY KNIFED MIYAMOTO.

I think this isn't just about Kane and Lych.

Rearranged for my angle.
[quote name='camoor']
I think we can all agree that it was an incredibly risky and stupid move for a corporation to make, whatever the legality.[/quote]

Oh for sure. They already had egg on their face over this fiasco, yet they compound the insult with this latest move. Eidos really needs to get new PR people.

The internet hath no fury like a nerd scorned.
I thought giving Ratchet & Clank a 7.5 was fair.

It was tad repetative and too simple, in my opinion.

I'd give it a 7.7, myself.
Ratchet & Clank got the score it did because it gave you significantly less than previous R&C games. The last couple on PS2 had a full single player, and deep multiplayer modes. The PS3 game dropped all the multiplayer stuff, thus the lower score.
[quote name='MarburyvMadison']Cnet fired Jeff for his approach to the website...

Jeff can't run a mainstream website because he doesn't have a mainstream attitude.

I agree with those statements 100%. I'm with Cnet. He SHOULD'VE been fired, they just fucked up and handled it wrong.

I was never into Gamespot that much but after seeing the K & L video review, I was kinda shocked at his "tone".

In that video, he's like an emotionless killer who can't comprehend the value of human life. It was as if Kane & Lynch sodomized and killed his family, AND his family's families.

So the game sucks...he makes it seem like the worst game ever, which I don't think is true. Have you seen a review with a similar, or worse "tone"?

I enjoyed him thoroughly on the podcast but his lack of enthusiasm and hard to please attitude rubbed me the wrong way.

I loved him on the HOTSPOT podcast too. I thought he was funny and knowledgeable. One of my favorite personalities on video game podcasting. Last week's podcast was terrible.

I'll be interested to see what cheapy and wombat think about all this, they tend to have a unique viewpoint.

Me too. I also, want to hear Dan Hsu's opinion. He wrote several editorials in EGM about various topics relating to this.

Another, podcast to check out is GFW Radio on 1up. It's technically, a "PC gamer podcast"(I don't play PC games) but they rarely stay on topic, it's funny and they talk about behind-the-scenes "industry" related topics and stuff like honesty and integrity in game journalism, etc. Probably, sounds boring but that's my fault...don't punish them. Hopefully, someone else can vouch for it.

p.s. I agree with him on Zelda:'s overrated.

I don't agree with the 7.whatever score for Ratchet PS3. I'm probably an xbox fanboy since I really don't like sony but I played the Ratchet demo(I know it's just a demo)as well as previous Ratchet's, and my personal "review" was more like 8.5 to 9.0, maybe 9.5. I can recognize a good game. For example, Stranglehold demo=7.0(roughly it's average).

Anyways, their lower review scores were always "fishy". It lowered their credibility IMO. It'll be interesting to see if their reviews will spark fanboy riots like they have in the past.

I can't wait to see where Jeff ends up. I would like to see him at 1up(not sure why) but I think his "tone" would be perfect for destructoid.

IMO, he'll either go back to gamespot (Cnet's best option)or vanish from game journalism.

Whew! That was long.
[quote name='Puffa469']Ratchet & Clank got the score it did because it gave you significantly less than previous R&C games. The last couple on PS2 had a full single player, and deep multiplayer modes. The PS3 game dropped all the multiplayer stuff, thus the lower score.[/QUOTE]

And it's more of the same.

On other news, if anyone's listened to the Hot Spot, they say that Jeff wasn't fired because of this ONE review, but they are still very pissed off, sad, and surprised.
Originally Posted by Puffa469
Ratchet & Clank got the score it did because it gave you significantly less than previous R&C games. The last couple on PS2 had a full single player, and deep multiplayer modes. The PS3 game dropped all the multiplayer stuff, thus the lower score.

And it's more of the same.

On other news, if anyone's listened to the Hot Spot, they say that Jeff wasn't fired because of this ONE review, -but they are still very pissed off, sad, and surprised.

About the ratchet review, multiplayer being taken out isn't even addressed. The bad "bullet points" they list are:
-There's some good humor in it, but the story isn't very interesting, and the ending is a letdown

To me, A platformer w/ good story=RARE (as in scarce, not the great company that brought us
). Has there ever been one?

In this game: Ending=
doesn't it? Aren't the Half-Life episodes the same way(haven't passed them yet)as well as, episodic gaming in general? A lot games do this, should they all get marked down?

-So many different, often unnecessary gameplay mechanics that the game lacks an identity

Again, I haven't played the full game but, variety CAN be good. COD4, which is a completely different game has some variety and it's done well. They may have shoehorned some stuff in (sixaxis crap) but is it about the same as previous ratchets?

-Difficulty is too easy and only the last hour or so is remotely challenging.

I like easier difficulty in games sometimes. Too many games, not enough time to play them. For example, I have like 20 ps2 games and i've only beaten 6. Disgaea, SMT: Nocturne, Persona 3, Shadow of Destiny, FF XII, etc. Great games and honestly, i'll probably NEVER pass them.

People like me might like shorter games. I passed Portal and I wanted more, but if it was longer I might've never really realized how great it is. Difficulty/number of hours a game lasts is important but shouldn't add or subtract points to a score.

!!!DISCLAIMER!!! I'm not a fan of the Ratchet series and I hate the PS3, AND I dread the day something comes out that makes me buy one. I recognize that they are at the very least "good" games. I also want to point out that a gamespot 7.5 is "good" according to their scale. To me a 7.5 is lower than "good".

Most games are just MOTS(thanks wombat). Look at the Zelda series, IMO, the 3d games are just marginal improvements over Ocarina Of Time, but they still score about the same when reviews come out. I know they're just scores but they should be consistent.

How was the podcast? Just like people have said, I also think Jeff was the "voice" of gamespot, whether you love him or hate him.

Everyone is overlooking one important thing. I can't believe no one mentioned this, considering how long this thread is...

I'm gonna miss the gamefaqs know which ones. I'll give you an example:

and inside the thread:
then you had several endings to that sentence.
1.gamespot was bribed by a rival console maker
2.poster calls for a boycott of gamespot, to no avail
3.gamespot labeled as fanboys
4.poster threatens violence against the console, the website, Jeff Gersttman(even if he wasn't the reviewer), or my personal favorite...against themself.

Gamefaqs' Mass Effect message board had a poster who was gonna donate a testicle to science, if it got below 9.5. Well it did and if you are reading this, i'm holding you to your word.

YOU HEAR ME DarkCecil05!
Summary of podcast:

12/4 - Editors and employees didnt know about firing until shortly before it hit the internet.

Employees were upset that to date barely any info has became avail from management

Jeff is alive and drinking

Podcasters apologize to listeners and Gamespot readers for lack of info

Video review removed due to poor audio quality and unsatisfactory video that showed only the first level

Jeff only had 3 achievements because he did not review game on public network

"How do we fix this and how do we protect ourselves from this again?"
A person i work with, also reading about the controversy, said some smart advertisers have already pulled all their ads from gamespot. Wisely, they realize that if they appear on gamespot it will actually hurt their sales and image.

How bout a gaming review site that does not accept ANY game advertising. Just advertisers that want to cater to the coveted 18-32 Male with no family, and extra money.

Makes you glad there is CAG, where our comments are unfiltered, but with moderators if someone just gets totally rude.
bread's done