Jesus is not coming


25 (100%)
As an professing atheist, I'm horribly conflicted upon hearing about this:

6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning


Someone please help me to find meaning in this bit of news.
It's simply another instance of insane Christians thinking they are making a difference in the world by spending $250k on something like this(you have to figure they will rebuild it, and the first time it cost $250k), instead of spending that money on something more worthy and something that might please God a bit more, like working with Cincinnati homeless/orphaned, or helping victims of natural disasters.

On second thought, 6 story Jesus sounds like a MUCH better idea
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[quote name='myl0r']It's simply another instance of insane Christians thinking they are making a difference in the world by spending $250k on something like this(you have to figure they will rebuild it, and the first time it cost $250k), instead of spending that money on something more worthy and something that might please God a bit more, like working with Cincinnati homeless/orphaned, or helping victims of natural disasters.

On second thought, 6 story Jesus sounds like a MUCH better idea[/QUOTE]

Cincinnati is a closeted world where the Horatio Alger myth dominates attitudes towards social institutions. It's a city of self-loathing Jeff Lebowskis (not "the dude" kind, the "get a job, sir!" kind). People who are incapable of the basest degree of human empathy, understanding, and respect, and people who are so cynical they're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

People who vote to subsidize the costs of operating two private businesses by approving, via popular vote, two 1/2¢ sales tax increases to build Paul Brown Stadium (Bengals) and Great American Ballpark (Reds). The same people who also consistently vote to defeat tax levies to build a new, expanded jail as well as improve the poor condition of public schools.

Racist pigs who gleefully engage in the semantic racism of the day, decrying "thugs" and "urban" life, all the while claiming to not be speaking of any specific race. The same city that has had a Ku Klux Klan display at the city's social center, Fountain Square, for the better part of my own life.

A city that is home to the Solid Rock Church (ok, it's not 'Cincinnati' proper, but it's the northwestern suburb of Westchester, which is where all the white flight wealthy scared-of-the-blacks-in-the-city Republicans have moved). Another creation of the Church of America god, guns and low taxes mentality (let's not pretend like there isn't harmony in "non-demoninational" churches - they're just political pulpits for the easily swayed supply-side Christians - those for whom Glen Beck is a prophet and the idea of "social justice" is not what their God or Christ would support).

Their willingness to spend upwards of $700,000 to recreate their golden calf instead of serving people in the community who might need it - that is an indication of Cincinnatians in a nutshell. Jesus did not wash the feet of the poor; he gave them applications to work at McDonald's.

On the upside, I always enjoyed the drive up I-75; about 1/4 mile south of "touchdown jesus" was a sign for a flea market called Trader's World. For whatever reason, there was a giant sculpture of a horse standing on its hind legs above the sign that said "TRADER'S WORLD NEXT RIGHT." That horse was not only large, but anatomically correct.

Also near Big Butter Jesus but not touched by God's Mighty Lightning? A very large Hustler store and one of the only Muslim temples in the area.

Love it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Cincinnati is a closeted world where the Horatio Alger myth dominates attitudes towards social institutions. It's a city of self-loathing Jeff Lebowskis (not "the dude" kind, the "get a job, sir!" kind). People who are incapable of the basest degree of human empathy, understanding, and respect, and people who are so cynical they're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.[/QUOTE]

Shipwreck is from Cincinnati, the racist mother fucker !!!
[quote name='Quillion']Why don't you tell us how do you really feel about Cincinnati?[/QUOTE]


Now, Northern Kentucky I like.
[quote name='mykevermin']Cincinnati is a closeted world where the Horatio Alger myth dominates attitudes towards social institutions. It's a city of self-loathing Jeff Lebowskis (not "the dude" kind, the "get a job, sir!" kind). People who are incapable of the basest degree of human empathy, understanding, and respect, and people who are so cynical they're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

People who vote to subsidize the costs of operating two private businesses by approving, via popular vote, two 1/2¢ sales tax increases to build Paul Brown Stadium (Bengals) and Great American Ballpark (Reds). The same people who also consistently vote to defeat tax levies to build a new, expanded jail as well as improve the poor condition of public schools.

Racist pigs who gleefully engage in the semantic racism of the day, decrying "thugs" and "urban" life, all the while claiming to not be speaking of any specific race. The same city that has had a Ku Klux Klan display at the city's social center, Fountain Square, for the better part of my own life.

A city that is home to the Solid Rock Church (ok, it's not 'Cincinnati' proper, but it's the northwestern suburb of Westchester, which is where all the white flight wealthy scared-of-the-blacks-in-the-city Republicans have moved). Another creation of the Church of America god, guns and low taxes mentality (let's not pretend like there isn't harmony in "non-demoninational" churches - they're just political pulpits for the easily swayed supply-side Christians - those for whom Glen Beck is a prophet and the idea of "social justice" is not what their God or Christ would support).

Their willingness to spend upwards of $700,000 to recreate their golden calf instead of serving people in the community who might need it - that is an indication of Cincinnatians in a nutshell. Jesus did not wash the feet of the poor; he gave them applications to work at McDonald's.

On the upside, I always enjoyed the drive up I-75; about 1/4 mile south of "touchdown jesus" was a sign for a flea market called Trader's World. For whatever reason, there was a giant sculpture of a horse standing on its hind legs above the sign that said "TRADER'S WORLD NEXT RIGHT." That horse was not only large, but anatomically correct.

Also near Big Butter Jesus but not touched by God's Mighty Lightning? A very large Hustler store and one of the only Muslim temples in the area.

Love it.[/QUOTE]

I challenge anyone to read this without singing the theme song to Cincinnati WKRP in their head.
[quote name='mykevermin']hahaha.

Now, Northern Kentucky I like.[/QUOTE]

Florence man myself. And you like it because its not cincinnati, which I dont personal dislike, but not exactly a big fan of it myself. Unfourtunately my girlfriend lives north of downtown so I have to drive through that shit everyother time I see her.
I guess they plan to rebuild it. They didn't take the hint from Jesus this time, who knows what'll happen this time? The REAL Jesus according to their teachings would want them to spend their money on the poor and disadvantaged, not on an idol of worship. Another example of how much of a joke mainstream Christianity is.
Been through Cincinnati one time on my way to Akron, all I remember was that I couldn't see the tops of some of the taller buildings due to the smog. Kinda bad when it looks like the sky has a ceiling.

Isn't idol worship kind of a no-no even for Christians? Or is that false idols, either way it's a damn statue.
Olbermann was talking about how the story was reported in the paper, and it might be the greatest headline:

"Touchdown Jesus Statue destroyed by Act of God"

goodnight sweet prince.
[quote name='IRHari']Olbermann was talking about how the story was reported in the paper, and it might be the greatest headline:

"Touchdown Jesus Statue destroyed by Act of God"

goodnight sweet prince.[/QUOTE]

Nonsense. Best headline I saw was on the Cincinnati Enquirer website this morning:


Can't wait to move to Philly. You better get yo' ass out of your home and come drinkin' with us when we get there.
lol will be done.

just came from Williamsport PA where I had training. I enjoyed the shitty $4 whiskey sours while they lasted.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nonsense. Best headline I saw was on the Cincinnati Enquirer website this morning:


Can't wait to move to Philly. You better get yo' ass out of your home and come drinkin' with us when we get there.[/QUOTE]

As a local that is actually near the Jesus all I can say is that I will be the first one to kick a field goal through the new statue.
[quote name='IRHari']lol will be done.

just came from Williamsport PA where I had training. I enjoyed the shitty $4 whiskey sours while they lasted.[/QUOTE]

Ahhhh Williamsport. Lovely town....minus all of the crime.
bread's done