| JesusXL's Getref.com Guide| -- Free n Easy Ref's


:)Getref.com guide by Coreyx100:)

Many people have been suspicious of this site. It is legit, and will help you get referrals easily.

4 Ways to get referrals

-Joining other programs

-Click links

-Referring People

-Buying them

Joining Other Programs


You should be directed to a list of all the programs you can sign up on. They range from 1-30 points each. Usually the 30 point programs are Trainn.org websites that require a credit card. Find a website, complete what it asked to you to do and wait for it to be accepted. It should be under view earned.


As you can see, I have completed a few offers myself and I’m waiting for one to be approved.

Clicking Links


You should be directed to a very long list of links. Start from the top and make your way down. You will be required to wait 15 seconds, and then click on the bubble it asks you to. Repeat.


Referring People


This one is self explanatory. Use whatever method you want to get your referrals. Referrals are different on this website. You get 10%, but its five levels deep SO: if you refer Bob, and Bob refers Bill and Bill does an offer Bob gets 10% of what Bill got and you get 10% of what Bob got.

Buying them

There’s always an easier non working way to get them, simply by buying them.


This is actually a really good way to earn referrals for websites like Trainn. If you need 5 referrals, you can pay $25.00 to get them.

If you have a question, post them here or PM me. Thank you ;).

This has been other things in the past, so ignore other comments upto "Bump. New Guide." on page 2.
Last edited by a moderator:
Bump. Thanks spitfire, edited title ;). Rewards1 and prizerebel under construction -- may add gaminglagoon.
[quote name='JesusXL']bump. Does anyone know if you can open a paypal account with a prepaid credit card?[/quote]

I don't think you can.
Only need to bump twice a day, unless someone posts in between you, just incase you didn't know (From Yesterday :p)
bread's done