Jewelry. For your EYES?!?!?!?!

I'm just waiting for the first documented case of someone having green flourescent protein (GFP) expressed in his iris. Some wayward, washed-up scientist in the backwoods is bound to offer a cosmetic misuse of gene therapy to affluent customers who want their eyes to glow green, or red, or any number of other available colors.
This is insane! I thought the Piercings were bad but this is crazy. Good way to go blind I might add.
Like I would trust some suspicious man with a mustache to stick something in my eye and him telling me "Oh no, this won't hurt a bit at all, just hold still and don't mind the squirming or squirts of blood, you might become blind too" just because its a fashion trend. And twelve hundred dollars too, what the hell the Netherlands have been smoking... oh yeah Marijuana's legal in Amsterdam so I might already know the question to that :roll:
IHey, I'm waiting for the days when Iris changing technology become affordable. I'll make them dark black so I'll look like some kind of badass super human shark man. Or an idiot. Either one.
At only $1,232, and with anecdotal evidence that proves there are no side effects, you can't lose!!!


This is the kind of crap that makes me uncomfortable with The Netherlands.
I'll stab you in the eye for $600. You can be the first on your block to walk around with a switchblade sticking out of your eye...
Unbelieveable. One the one hand there are people in the world who don't have the money to buy glasses to see, and on the other hand you have people who will pay big money to mutilate their eyes. I hope they get infected and pop.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Like I would trust some suspicious man with a mustache to stick something in my eye[/quote]

I don't know about you but I wouldn't let anyone stick anything in my eye, mustachioed or not. :)

On a side note the Architect in the Matrix had one of those in his eye and I think he had a mustache. Coincidence?
[quote name='ZForce317']I'll stab you in the eye for $600. You can be the first on your block to walk around with a switchblade sticking out of your eye...[/quote]

Anyone else notice that Butters had a ninja star embedded in his eye, but in the next episode he was all healed? They should've left his eyepatch on, he would've looked cooler that way. know how when you have something in your eye and you gotta keep rubbing it till it comes out...

What if it was in there forever? AND! what if you jarred it loose and blinded yourself? good times.
That's just plain ugly. Poking yourself full of holes is one thing, but sticking things in your eyes is another...
bread's done