!Join Your Local IGDA Chapter! (i.e. International Game Developers Association


12 (100%)
Yeah, well I joined it and it seems pretty cool. I've only been to 1 meeting, but it was very informative. You can get in touch with people who have been in the industry for awhile and just hang out with local game developers. It's a great learning experience if you want to get into games.

Here's a little bit of info on it.

Local Chapters listed by region

The only downside is that my local chapter is pretty small, so we're trying to boost membership right now. Note: you don't have to work in the game industry to join as far as i know.
so, you're the north jersey organization, correct? it looks like you have ur meetings at a college campus. do u have any college kids in your organization or mostly just professional game developers?

First off, it's a professional organization, and not a club. We do have some of Bloomfield's game development program attend, but the majority is made up of professional developers from the New York City area.
I was a co-coordinator for the Pittsburgh Chapter.

By the official IGDA recruitment documentation the organization is, essentially, geared towards game professionals, researchers, students and 'wannabe's (affectionately). So basically if you have any interest in game development, you'd be welcome.

If there was ever a situation where "YMMV" would apply, it would be for IGDA chapters. Each chapter is independently run by their cooridnators. So some chapters collect dues, some do not. Some chapters meet every month, some meet every so often. Some chapters have organized meetings, some chapters are social gatherings.

It'd be wise to contact the chapter coordinator first and get and idea of where they meet (is there free parking?), how often they meet, how large the crowd is, and what to expect.

If it sounds like you'd be interested, then by all means head on over.
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