JolietJake unjustfully banned for "trolling"...

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JolietJake was banned yesterday for supposed trolling. His comments were no different than what everyone posts daily in the OTT, but because there's a few people that don't like him, seems he was singled out and banned for no reason. I guess with this type of mod team, it's bound to happen to any of us at any time for any unjust reason. JolietJake sent me an email and wished that I post this here for you to see Cheapy.

[quote name='JolietJake']So i was hoping you could do something for me, post something in the feedback forum about this. I want to do everything possible to make Cheapy see what goes on in the OTT. I know he probably doesn't care, but I want it out in the open.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully you can look at this situation and take care of it Cheapy. Not sure if you'll even get to see this thread, I have a feeling it might just "disappear".

Here's the history of his lasts posts:

How this is trolling is beyond me.
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At least there's not a mod that unnecessarily merges posts in with other threads and prematurely closes some threads, those types of mods are the worst
[quote name='Scorch']At least there's not a mod that unnecessarily merges posts in with other threads and prematurely closes some threads, those types of mods are the worst[/QUOTE]
I know, those type of mods really piss me off.
blah blah blah blah blah. Jake was the king of trolls. Even you know it Linking. Why don't you leave the OTT in protest?
[quote name='Temporaryscars']That link doesn't go anywhere.[/QUOTE]

It should be going to his post history...odd that it comes up for me.
[quote name='jlarlee']A ban for trolling really? If his comments bug you that much hike up your skirt and ignore him[/QUOTE]

Finally someone that gets it. Guess everyone's at risk here...its like a mob is running things.
[quote name='JolietJake']People in the military need to grow the fuck up[/QUOTE]

I find this comment particularly offensive, and it has nothing to do with the OTT. Very classy comment for Memorial weekend.

Good riddance, ban fully justified I'd say.

Come on Linkin, lets not try and turn this into a "OMG someone got banned from the OTT, ALL CAGS ARE AT RISK" cos thats BS and you know it.

I guess if you hadn't been such a useless Mod you could have unbanned him eh ?
[quote name='jlarlee']As a military member that really doesn't bug me. Freedom of speech is every bodies right[/QUOTE]

Indeed it is, as is freedom to be offended by someone else's speech.

But that aside what my real problem is with this thread is that this isn't a story of some great injustice. It's an OTT squabble which should have stayed in the OTT.
This "squabble" is beyond the OTT. An unjust banning has been done, just because the member in question was not well liked or popular doesn't make it ok. There was supposed to be a system in place where mods would vote on permabans of veteran members. Seems that some mods are just renegades and do whatever they like...I tried fighting this on the inside and it led to my own demise.
[quote name='jlarlee']As a military member that really doesn't bug me. Freedom of speech is every bodies right[/QUOTE]

I'm a Veteran of the US Army and totally agree.

People act like freedom is won by someone else dying on a beach long ago, but the real day-to-day price is that everyone else is free too. You can only say what you want if everyone else can too.

A forum or discussion where everyone says the same - approved - things isn't a forum or discussion at all.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']This "squabble" is beyond the OTT. An unjust banning has been done, just because the member in question was not well liked or popular doesn't make it ok. There was supposed to be a system in place where mods would vote on permabans of veteran members. Seems that some mods are just renegades and do whatever they like...I tried fighting this on the inside and it led to my own demise.[/QUOTE]


over-dramatic much?
The trouble with using the freedom of speech argument is that this is a private forum. So, if a person is considered rather obnoxious, that person can be banned.

I've been on cag for a few years now. And the few people I've seen banned here, have deserved it.
I don't know what he posted, as he has been on my ignore list forever, but he was a huge troll from what I remember and I am glad that they banned him. There is a few other members I wish we ban as well. Oh well, they are ignored so they don't bother me anymore :)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']This "squabble" is beyond the OTT. An unjust banning has been done, just because the member in question was not well liked or popular doesn't make it ok. There was supposed to be a system in place where mods would vote on permabans of veteran members. Seems that some mods are just renegades and do whatever they like...I tried fighting this on the inside and it led to my own demise.[/QUOTE]

Geez, get over yourself. You're not a hero of the resistance fighting against some tyrannical empire. Your a whinging ex-mod trying to get his troll buddy unbanned.

Maybe you could get a "Freedom for Jake" concert going or something.
:lol: Just go back to the GGT or wherever you came from. The point is he his posts were considered trolling then everyone in the OTT is guilty too as well as a few hundred CAGs who post similar posts thoughout CAG.
[quote name='benjamouth']I find this comment particularly offensive, and it has nothing to do with the OTT. Very classy comment for Memorial weekend.

Good riddance, ban fully justified I'd say.

Come on Linkin, lets not try and turn this into a "OMG someone got banned from the OTT, ALL CAGS ARE AT RISK" cos thats BS and you know it.

I guess if you hadn't been such a useless Mod you could have unbanned him eh ?[/QUOTE]

His comment was taken out of context. He was just saying that so-called military men (who are now politicians--John McCain) are being little bitches on the issue of gays serving in the military openly. I agree with him but I admit that his particular comment wasn't very articulate. You would think that the people who serve this country at risk to their own lives would have more important things to worry about other than someone's sexual orientation.

However him being banned isn't some kind of freedom of speech/civil right issue as this is a private forum and they can ban anyone they wish.
Stop trolling, LP!

hmmmm..... So technically there is a way to ban Fire_Thief for trolling...and posting about purchasing condoms for his 11 year old girlfriend ?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']This "squabble" is beyond the OTT. An unjust banning has been done, just because the member in question was not well liked or popular doesn't make it ok. There was supposed to be a system in place where mods would vote on permabans of veteran members. Seems that some mods are just renegades and do whatever they like...I tried fighting this on the inside and it led to my own demise.[/QUOTE]

Weren't you the dude doing all of that stuff? You were a terrible mod. Don't be a revisionist. You got canned for a reason Miguel.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']:lol: Just go back to the GGT or wherever you came from. The point is he his posts were considered trolling then everyone in the OTT is guilty too as well as a few hundred CAGs who post similar posts thoughout CAG.[/QUOTE]

:applause: Nice comeback. At least you didn't try and justify your terrible moderating, but I guess even you know your limits.

Guess what, the point is this isn't some kind of civil rights issue, as much as you try and make it one. Are you going to create threads for everyone who gets banned on CAG for reasons you don't agree with, or just the one person in the OTT who can actually stand you ?

But I suppose cos your an ex-mod, your opinion is important, amirite ?
This is the type of stuff that makes me post less frequently on this site. You guys take a collective dump on other message boards for being immature, but a lot of members here are elitist pricks, which in my opinion is in of itself an immature mentality to have.

K, bye.
I hate when some child comes in and calls it 'trolling' when it's just an educated post someone disagrees with. I've been under the same accusations but I don't care because I know when I'm right. I won't accept some dumbass 360 fanboy trying to flame me because they 'think' the console is cool. Nor anyone who favors those pathetic sites like FB and Twit. Nobody actually gives anything away there, they just want to develop a spam list.

The best part is it doesn't matter if you're a noob, veteran, mod or admin. If you disagree with me you're probably wrong. Hopefully this other person will get off their ban or make a spare account in the meantime.

*And I don't care if people like me or not. As a long time gamer with too much experience there are a lot of kiddies who will flame me because they simply don't know better. This isn't the first generation of consoles I've owned, ya know?
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? All of those people you banned/gave infractions while you abused your power as a mod and now you think you can call a ban unjustified?

You aren't a mod anymore, Linkin. For good reason. The mods/Cheapy handle these things.
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