Just bought a CiB copy of Space Station Sillicon Valley (GBC) (UPDATED w/Pics)


27 (100%)
I just recently purchased a CiB copy of Space Station Sillicon Valley for about $18, except it's not the N64 version but the Gameboy Color version. I don't have it yet (It's currently being shipped) but I was so excited that I had to post a thread for it first. I'll post pictures when I get it in the mail.

I'm pretty psyched, I haven't even seen a copy of it in the wild or on ebay in over a year, (Except for the insanely priced one on ebay currently) let alone a CiB copy of the game. I'm pretty sure loose carts go for a fair amount by them selves too.

Next GBC game target, Shantae. That's going to be a pain to get complete.

EDIT Monday June 25th 2012: The pictures are now here!
Just got it in the mail finally, and it looks better than I thought, there are a few small problems with the box, but for the most part it looks nice. After the pictures were taken, this went straight into my extremely heavy solid wood chest.

Picture cats, HOOOOOOO.. (ahem)

WARNING! A bit picture heavy.










The sticker on the back is something I don't want to risk removing, out of fear that it may cause some damage to the box. So I'm leaving that on there for now.
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Consider me super jealous. The GBC version of this game is so rare that I've never even seen a copy... much less a complete copy. It's probably the rarest GBC game ever made.

Thank you! I'm amazed too that I even found a copy let alone with it's packaging still intact, I just can't wait for it to get here so I can take some nice pictures of it. It was described as being near-mint, so I'm expecting good things. : )
Even if it's in shit condition, paying $18 for a copy is like theft.:lol:

You mind if I ask where you got it? I'll understand if you don't want go into more detail since it's not always wise to post about such things...
That's true, it pretty much does feel like theft. Lol :)

Sure, I don't mind at all. I'll pm you with where, to keep it a bit under wraps. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to snag a loose copy. ;)
Hey not to seem like a jerk or a leech or anything but I'd love to hear how or where you acquired this. With anything this rare there's a story behind it. Feel free to PM me
The story for how I got it is pretty simple, I had emailed the seller who lives in the uk and asked kindly if there was anyway they would ship it to me since they normally don't ship to the states, got an email back shortly afterwards with s/he saying yes and had it shipping off the next day.

I will let anyone that's wondering know, it is the PAL version. However any value that this game holds is in PAL version, because that's the only version of this game there is, no NTSC version was ever released.
If there was a NTSC version though, believe me I'd be all over it.
Just make sure it's not a bootleg, there are literally more bootleg Gameboy games out there than there are games for any other console. It was such a problem at one point that it became almost impossible to buy used Gameboy games on eBay or Amazon, because bootlegs were so pervasive, you couldn't be assured that you weren't getting hosed. Some of the bootlegs were very good too, like it was almost impossible to tell they were fake except for some minor discoloration, or some anomaly on the physical cartridge itself.
[quote name='AugustAPC']I seriously hope you're going to sell that fucker for bank.[/QUOTE]
I hadn't really planned on it. Since most Gameboy game rarity websites comes up with ?/?/? rather than than the normal 5/5/5 or 8/9/9 and add in the fact that it's PAL (PAL exclusive, but PAL nonetheless) It could be worth a pretty penny, but only to the right people. I imagine that those right people are probably only really hardcore collectors though.

For now, it's just going to be a part of the core of my collection.

@Spmahn, Thank you for the heads up, I plan on inspecting the crap out of it and comparing it to a true copy if I can find pictures for one. If the sticker even looks slightly off then I may be able to tell. I really prefer not to have to crack it open to check though. That wouldn't do me any good anyway considering I would need a copy to crack open that I know is the real thing.

Fingers crossed that it's the real deal, it should be though.
It's probably not a bootleg. Logic would say that more copies would exist online if anyone ever bothered to bootleg it - especially if they bootlegged a box and manual too. Usually boxed bootlegs are mass produced in China. They probably wouldn't bother bootlegging this title. You could argue that they'd do it because it is valuable now, but considering you paid so little for it to begin with - that argument would be moot.

There really isn't a reason why you should be even slightly concerned that this is a bootleg.
That makes a lot of sense. I'm really not worried about it, I just sometimes hear that ever so rare story of a collector finding out a rare game of theirs is a bootleg, so it's always nice to make sure, but I do agree that chances are likely zero that this would be one.

Regardless, it'll be extremely nice to open it up and admire it in all of it's complete glory, that's for sure. Unfortunately that may not be for a couple weeks since I'll be leaving for a week long vacation in about a few days, hopefully it gets here before then though, I would really like to get the pictures up beforehand.
You are all wrong, That's a gameboy game. True gbc games weren't compatable with gameboy. But in all seriousness great find! Loved that game as a kid.
Yeah, I agree. Mine is definitely a legit copy.

@drysushi, Thanks! I've never actually played it myself, so unfortunately I have no idea how fun it is. I'll probably end up buying the n64 version eventually though, since I've heard good things about it.
bread's done