Just Opted for an Ipod Touch


After vowing to never purchase another Apple product in August of 2007 my strike has ended after 6 short months. I have had bad luck with 3 ipods all of which have broke through the audio plug. So I bought a Zune. The Zune has been nothing but a great product and have never had one problem with it. Let me just say the Zune Software is horrible IMO and that was my biggest problem with it. I really wanted a device that was small and allowed me to access the internet over wi-fi for free. I though the Iphone...but did not want to increase my cell phone bill to staggering proportions. Sp that was out of the question.
So this afternoon I bought a 8gb Ipod Touch via Amazon.com for $233 shipped overnight after signing up for the Amazon Visa($30 off) and a giftcard($25) I got from my cousin. Not a bad deal at all. I only have about 4gb of music so 8gb is plenty for me. The biggest selling point for me was the wi-fi internet. I am in college in New York City and this will come in hand. I hope I am happy with purchase. For any of you who have an Ipod Touch what are your thoughts on the product?

P.S-Not trying to promote my auction...but for those who may be interested I put my Zune on Ebay in order to recoup some of my costs...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160211492032&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=006
It's a great little device. If you already have an MP3 Player it's not that great, and you lose capacity since you had a zune, The touch gets boring pretty fast, Sure there are great little 3rd party apps but all of them are pretty much useless to me, The only thing better is having internet functionality, but that was useless to me since anytime I'm near wi-fi there is a computer that can surf the web 5X faster
bread's done