Just started watching 24


9 (100%)
With all the hype around the new 24 miniseries, I decided it was time to watch 24. I'm currently halfway into season 5 and am really digging it. Keeps me on the edge of my seat. Jack Bauer is an incredible yet flawed hero. So anyways, I heard that after season 5, the show kinda goes downhill a bit. How would you guys rank seasons 6-8? Will they be fun to watch or is there a noticeable dip in quality?

I think Days 1 and 3 are the best ones. You can notice that the writers struggle pushing twists in the other seasons and it gets worse as the show continues.
Season 6 is the worst. I thought 7 and 8 were good, especially 7. Not as good as the early seasons, but a lot better than 6.
There's a season, I can't remember which, but
At the end of all of it, all of the trauma, he breaks down and cries in his car. I thought it was an amazing way to end the season
Stuff like that is why Jack Bauer is one of my favorite action heroes. The writers and Kiefer Sutherland did an amazing job humanizing him. 

Season 6 is the worst.  There seems to be a lot of disagreement on the ranking of seasons 7 & 8.  I thought 8 was better than 7.  They are both significantly better than 6, regardless.

I watched 8 when it was airing, totally out of context and it was my first season of 24. Jack was a badass, and made me want to watch the other 7 seasons. I'd say that they got back on track for what was the final season at the time. 

Did you watch seasons 1-4 OP, or start with 5? You should really watch them in order.
I watched them in order.

On another note, I'm an IT that fixes computers daily. Some of the made up techy lingo really bothers me. Some of it is legit, but some of it is totally made up lol.

I've only started watching the newest one since I am lazy and cannot watch 24 episodes. If the writers keep trying to put in so many twists and crap, maybe time jumps would be nice.

bread's done