

CAG Veteran
Does anyone know if K-Mart will give store credit for a return on a PS2 game? My Aunt got me MVP Baseball and I already have it, so I kept it unopened. Can I get another game? Thanks
[quote name='dnt_h8me2']I think Wal-mart would be a better bet than K-Mart.[/quote]

I'm guessing the person who got him the gift actually got it from K-Mart.
I had my friend try it who works there and they attempted to look up the sales record. Maybe I'll try again though by calling.
Im just saying that if K-Mart doesn't work out for you, Wal-Mart will give you store credit for an unopened game without a receipt.
[quote name='METAL VIPER']I had my friend try it who works there and they attempted to look up the sales record. Maybe I'll try again though by calling.[/quote]

or maybe you should try beating your aunt in the head with the game...
Already done, they'll never find the body. Besides, the game's MVP Baseball 2004. It's $50 at K-Mart, only $30 at Wal-Mart
Just walk in, say you got it as a gift but already have it (your existing open copy may be brought along as a prop) and would like to exchange. They either will or they won't. You'll definitely get nowhere without trying.
This is getting really tiresome. Stop truying to defraud retail stores with your unopened games. If it's a gift, then ask for the reciept so you can return it to the actual store. Stores like best buy, k-mart, and target give gift receipts now, ya know. And if they don't, so what? Just say thanks, but I already have that game, do you mind if I take it back and get something else? Are they going to say "no"? I doubt it.

Topics like this are going to get more retailers to break their agreements with CAG because of the retail fraud. Retailers are watching now. Best Buy has already decided to eliminate the cheapass from their customer base and less affiliations mean less income to pay for the server that keeps this great site alive.

You're a newbie so keep in mind I'm being nice. Keep it up and you will feel the wrath, trust me. Why don't you get off your lazy ass and go into a K-mart to ask this stupid question and not clutter the boards with your mal-intent? That's rhetorical, it doesn't need to be answered.
[quote name='bmulligan']This is getting really tiresome. Stop truying to defraud retail stores with your unopened games. If it's a gift, then ask for the reciept so you can return it to the actual store. Stores like best buy, k-mart, and target give gift receipts now, ya know. And if they don't, so what? Just say thanks, but I already have that game, do you mind if I take it back and get something else? Are they going to say "no"? I doubt it.

Topics like this are going to get more retailers to break their agreements with CAG because of the retail fraud. Retailers are watching now. Best Buy has already decided to eliminate the cheapass from their customer base and less affiliations mean less income to pay for the server that keeps this great site alive.

You're a newbie so keep in mind I'm being nice. Keep it up and you will feel the wrath, trust me. Why don't you get off your lazy ass and go into a K-mart to ask this stupid question and not clutter the boards with your mal-intent? That's rhetorical, it doesn't need to be answered.[/quote]

If he can't access the reciept and the item was actually purchased from K-Mart, what is the problem?
I know at my local K-Mart, they don't even require a receipt to return open merchandise! I'm pretty sure you will be able to return it, especially since it is unopened. Doesn't it have a K-mart price sticker on it? They put the damn stickers on every game here at the local one. That should pretty much tell them you got the game from there.
If the game is sealed, you may actually be able to trade it into Kmart.

Also, I question the retail fraud aspects of this. Intent goes along way to the fraud, he isn't trying to make money off of anyone, he's just trying to get the game he actually wants. If it isn't fraud if she bought the game he wanted at Kmart originally, why is it fraud if he takes it back to Kmart, and gets the right game, there is no harm

Secondly, are you sure Best Buy stopped supporting the site because of retail fraud topics? If you are sure, fine. But, Best Buy went on the public record in the last few weeks of not wanting certain types of cheap customers. They don't want customers who come in and buy there cheap items, if they aren't going to buy other stuff too (big articles carried in the Wall Street Journal and the AP). This site seems to cater to the exact kind of person that they are now on record of not wanting in there store, so that could be why they dropped there advertisement on the site.
I appreciate that you're trying to keep your sponsorships, but threatening me with your wrath after not even reading my post is a little premature. How was I to get a gift receipt if I received it as a gift? I would hope you could read posts before unleashing your holy wrath among people
[quote name='leperlover']Walmart and K-mart are one in the same.. they're are the same toothless employees, just transfered[/quote]

Thwe walnmart i go to has nothing but super hot lesbo's . But they may have false teeth
[quote name='METAL VIPER']I appreciate that you're trying to keep your sponsorships, but threatening me with your wrath after not even reading my post is a little premature. How was I to get a gift receipt if I received it as a gift? I would hope you could read posts before unleashing your holy wrath among people[/quote]

I understand that you are a newb but there is errors in what you have said. You get a gift reciept when you get the gift. For instance the person giving the gift first goes out and buys it. At the time of purchase, most retailers hand out two reciepts, one that is a gift reciept without how much the purchased item cost but a bar code that can be used to bring back the gift if it is found to be defective, etc. and another that is the actual receipt with all the information (i.e. item number, price, barcode, etc.) NOrmally at the time the gift is given, the giver gives to the person recieving the gift the gift receipt and the gift.

If what you are saying is the truth and that this item is from Kmart then they shoul be fine with giving you store credit. Worse comes to worse you can use it as either trading in fodder or to sell it on ebay either alone or in some bundle. Maybe somebody would trade you for it.

Also, I'll say this nicely but you posted this in the wrong forum. It should be in the deal and shopping discussion & bragging rights.
[quote name='METAL VIPER']I appreciate that you're trying to keep your sponsorships, but threatening me with your wrath after not even reading my post is a little premature. How was I to get a gift receipt if I received it as a gift? I would hope you could read posts before unleashing your holy wrath among people[/quote]

I'm not threatening you. Just warning you of danger of describing any potential fraud to be perpetuated upon a retail establishment. I guess I'm just kinda sick of seeing this exact thread pop up every few days: "Will X store take a game back without a receipt?" More often than not, it's some kid looking to scam a store for some money and the rest of the legitimate consumers of a particular store end up paying for it (in inflationary prices and draconian return policies). I don't have any authority here, just a big mouth and large eyes that can read between lines. come on, how hard is it REALLY to get the reciept from the person who bought it for you?

There is a sticky topic near the top of this forum describing the return policies of all the major retailers -- READ IT. It's there to answer this type of question. You could also go into the actual store and find out without raising the suspicions of store managers who may be browsing this site.
Alright sorry about the wrong forum, I just came here quickly. I'm just a newb here, I'm a regular on the Gamefaqs forums. Next time I hope you won't be so quick as to generalize me as trying to scam a store. Also, I can't force the person buying the gift to give me the receipt since it already happened and she didn't keep it, I can't do anything...I'm just stuck now.
Aren't you hard on the guy? Geez, give him a break. Jeez. You are going to scare him back to Gamefaqs, a fate worse than death
give the kid a break.... he is new and asking a question.. and assuming he is doing wrong of the bat isn't fair... pointing out that it could possibly be wrong is one thing .. but then just leave it to the person to decide. (sure he could be trying to rip off a store, but let his/her conscious deal with it.. since your really not gonna stop a person who has that intent anyways)

while i agree there are a lot of kids who do this to rip off stores.... and those posts do pop up alot... some people are just trying to ask for help. I mean telling a person that he is wasting internet space by asking here isntead of a store ??? I mean this is a community for gamers to find deals and help each other out.

and one thing... when you get a gift... many times you don't get the reciept... I wouldn't accept a gift and be like make sure you have the receipt. And if the gift is from somebody you don't see all the time... gettin a reciept is a hassle and manytimes impossible.

and blah blah blah.. i'm done.
bread's done