Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days - Out Now


Destructoid should only be a news site, their opinion on anything is completely worthless....especially if Jim "I write the same 5 articles over and over" Sterling did it. 1up and IGN gave it decent scores...that eurogamer score scares me a little because they are only of the few sites I actually trust.
Anything Destructoid posts is completely worthless. What a joke.
so far it seems to be getting an average of 7 which isnt to bad. i'll be getting my copy in the mail today and will judge for myself. as far as destructoid goes i find it really hard to believe this game is actually a 1 out of 10. justin from joystiq kind of dissed it though but ultimately gave it a 2.5 out of 5 just like giant bomb. if you watch the giant bomb video review you can clearly see a few glitches jeff mentions which i really hope they fix or i dont encounter because thats bad! the 4-5 hour campaign could end up being a bummer to but im still looking forward to playing it.
[quote name='Blackout']Anything Destructoid posts is completely worthless. What a joke.[/QUOTE]

Weren't they the website that gave Assassins Creed 2 a 1 also? Yeah they seem to just throw out bad scores in order to get site traffic.
[quote name='robin2099']Weren't they the website that gave Assassins Creed 2 a 1 also? Yeah they seem to just throw out bad scores in order to get site traffic.[/QUOTE]
Jim Sterling reviewed them both, and I believe Deadly Prominition as well. I used to really love reading Destructoid. Still visit there for news. But I freaking hate Jim Sterling, as well as about 99% of the "elitists" that post there.
I rented this and so far its pretty good. A decently average shooter that isnt bad or good. I am saddened by the fact that they dont have any of the cool moments like the bank vault from the first game where Lynch goes crazy and starts hallucinating.

Multiplayer is decent also...still very fun but I doubt the online crowd will stick around a long time.

Bottom line good rental I wouldnt buy it unless you get it cheap.
This game is nuts lol the storyline is absolutely silly but there is some sick and twisted shit going on in this one

I think the visual style is genius and there is some great level design in this game. The chopper/building levels are really awesome.

The biggest problem with the game is the guns. They are unreliable and it just feels really shitty in places.

Its got good suspense and the visual style really gives it a realism.

I am enjoying it. Not worth full price at all, but deffo grab it on the cheap. This game will have a cult following I think.
[quote name='Blackout']Anything Destructoid posts is completely worthless. What a joke.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they threw any shred of credibility out the window with the Deadly Premonition review. Based on the demo, I figured Dog Days would get 6s and 7s. Definitely not a $60 purchase for me but something I'll pick up when it's $20 or so.
Deadly Premonition is an amazing game, so they hit the nail on the head with the 10/10.

I started playing last night and for some reason, I just don't feel the guns make a big impact. I don't feel as if they are damaging anybody for some reason. Then I took my game to Multiplayer and I must say, It's fun. I was playing Undercover Cop A LOT last night and just got addicted to it for some reason. So I would say, It's a rental at best.
Shaddup Daphatty.

The game is average. I really dont know why people have such a bone to pick with this series. There are roughly about 40 games a year that are pure and utter shit with everything about them broken and yet people still embarrassingly try to stick K and L in there.
i watched the review on giant bomb and i couldn't tell if jeff was being serious or not with the visual effects. the effects looks dizzying and nauseating.
The effects aren't bad as long as you keep playing.

But I just stopped playing after 2 hours of gametime, and I do have a minor headache.

That being said, I am enjoying this game. I only rented it, and that is what I feel it is perfect for.

Edit : I just finished it, and WOW does it end abruptly. I mean, seriously. Did they lose the last pages of the script?
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I'm trying to play through this game on PS3.. nonstop freezing. What's worse is that all four times it's happened now (rented it on PS3, the copy had never been played, no marks on the disc, playing it on a slim PS3), it's been towards the end of the chapter, and since apparently this game doesn't save checkpoints if you exit the game, I have to restart the chapter every time. It's been unbelievably frustrating. I finally got my copy from Gamefly in for the 360 so I think I'll be playing through it again and hopefully the 360 version won't be a piece of shit.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Shaddup Daphatty.

The game is average. I really dont know why people have such a bone to pick with this series. There are roughly about 40 games a year that are pure and utter shit with everything about them broken and yet people still embarrassingly try to stick K and L in there.[/QUOTE]

The game is utter shit.

There's not a worse third person shooter that I've played. This game makes 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand look like a 10. You know there's a problem when a game from 4 years ago, Gears of War, does absolutely everything better.

There really isn't one redeeming quality about this game.
[quote name='Trakan']The game is utter shit.

There's not a worse third person shooter that I've played. This game makes 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand look like a 10. You know there's a problem when a game from 4 years ago, Gears of War, does absolutely everything better.

There really isn't one redeeming quality about this game.[/QUOTE]

Now you are just trying too hard.
[quote name='seanr1221']Hey now, 50 cent was great.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was. It was like a 7. I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't a 10, though.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Now you are just trying too hard.[/QUOTE]

Name one redeeming quality the game has.

- The youtube shaky cam idea is a unique one. The execution doesn't work so well. It just looks ugly and washed out.
- The cover system sucks, you can get shot through it constantly.
- The game doesn't even tell you when your co-op partner goes down. I had to constantly tell him to pick me up and vice-versa.
- All of the guns in the game except for the shotgun are terrible. Horribly inaccurate.
- The AI has ADD. One minute they'll be peaking their head out for two seconds, peak back into cover, and the next they'll rush the shit out of you. Enemies are bullet sponges. This isn't like an enemy with body armor either. It's a gang member in a t-shirt.

Like I said before, Gears 1 did everything better. Four fucking years ago. It's irrefutable.

The only third person game I've played that is worse is Damnation, but that's in a league of its own.
Hmmm Trak. I dont think the game is great but its certainly not the worst game ever. But just to respond.

-You can turn off the shaky cam at any point in time.

-I think they meant for you not to be able to turtle behind invincible cover, so I dont know if you can knock that part. Standing behind metal objects never killed me...standing behind anything else did. I also destroyed a fair amount of cover the enemy was standing behind so at least it went both ways.

-The arrow that shows your partner blinks red rapidly to show when he is down. Again, I dont know if thats what they meant..maybe they wanted to be anti-mainstream with 57 arrows and distance markers. If so I dont have a problem because the arrow is always on screen so there is no real reason why you wouldnt know.

-Weapons accuracy depends on what you are using. The single shot rifle is accurate from distance. But again, I am pretty sure they meant for you not to be able to turtle in cover and take out everyone for miles away. I got many head shots with pistols and rifles, never even used the shotgun other than to get that cheesemint. I didnt have a problem with the accuracy I had a problem with having to hit everyone 15+ times to kill them.

-Ai is horrid and makes no logical sense ever.

Has for things I like? I do like the characters, for whatever reason I like being Kane and Lynch. Although the first game had much better situations. The MP although slightly bland the idea of it is fun and I enjoy playing undercover cop and cops and robbers. Its not a great game by any means....like I stated before...its barely a average game. Its just seems like everyone has a over the top hatred for it that I dont understand...but hey to each his own.

I dont really understand why you are trying to compare it to gears? It not even in the same category, the only thing comparable is they both have cover systems.
They're both third person shooters with co-op and cover system.

Just because you aren't fighting locust doesn't mean they aren't similar.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Hmmm Trak. I dont think the game is great but its certainly not the worst game ever. But just to respond.

-You can turn off the shaky cam at any point in time.

-I think they meant for you not to be able to turtle behind invincible cover, so I dont know if you can knock that part. Standing behind metal objects never killed me...standing behind anything else did. I also destroyed a fair amount of cover the enemy was standing behind so at least it went both ways.

-The arrow that shows your partner blinks red rapidly to show when he is down. Again, I dont know if thats what they meant..maybe they wanted to be anti-mainstream with 57 arrows and distance markers. If so I dont have a problem because the arrow is always on screen so there is no real reason why you wouldnt know.

-Weapons accuracy depends on what you are using. The single shot rifle is accurate from distance. But again, I am pretty sure they meant for you not to be able to turtle in cover and take out everyone for miles away. I got many head shots with pistols and rifles, never even used the shotgun other than to get that cheesemint. I didnt have a problem with the accuracy I had a problem with having to hit everyone 15+ times to kill them.

-Ai is horrid and makes no logical sense ever.

Has for things I like? I do like the characters, for whatever reason I like being Kane and Lynch. Although the first game had much better situations. The MP although slightly bland the idea of it is fun and I enjoy playing undercover cop and cops and robbers. Its not a great game by any means....like I stated before...its barely a average game. Its just seems like everyone has a over the top hatred for it that I dont understand...but hey to each his own.

I dont really understand why you are trying to compare it to gears? It not even in the same category, the only thing comparable is they both have cover systems.[/QUOTE]

- I did turn off the shaky cam, I mean all the graphic layers they have turned on. That's what makes it look washed out and ugly.
- No enemy was destroying cover I was behind like you're saying you did to them. They were shooting me through it. It's a cover-based shooter, meaning you should be able to take cover.
- When I'm in the heat of the moment, trying to not die myself and shoot enemies, I can't look for a tiny little waypoint arrow blinking. Gears doesn't have 57 arrows and distance markers. It has one circle with your teammates face in it when they go down. Not too hard to do.
- I understand how weapons and accuracy work. The single shot rifle was okay, but only a headshot was a one hit kill. Otherwise they were bullet sponges like normal. I'll admit it was pretty accurate, but you don't get it til near the end of the game.
- I can also understand liking the characters. I didn't get a chance to play Kane and Lynch 1. Everyone has said how the bank robbery was a lot more fun in that game, and that may be true. I don't care how good the characters/story is, if the fundamental gameplay is awful, so is the game.

Why am I comparing one cover-based third person shooter to another one? Uh, because they're in the same genre and one does everything way better. Everything Gears did in 2006 should now be standard. Everything should be better. This is 4 fucking years later. It should make Gears look ancient. Gears makes this game look ancient. Like I said before, no redeeming qualities. There isn't a thing it does better than any other game, let alone Gears. That's a problem.
You come across just having a hard on for Gears. There has has been many games since Gears that have been worst than K and L. Gears isnt the standard as most games that come out in a year are average to really shitty. This is simply another average game. But meh, like I said the game isnt that good man. I never said it was.
I'm using Gears as an example because it set what should be the new standard. Do you really think they should be charging $60 for this when you can get Gears for $5 now and it's better in every way? It doesn't make sense.

Please name the "many" game since Gears that were worse than Kane and Lynch 2. Maybe I haven't played them and should know what to avoid.
Hey now, Eat Lead was a bland repetitive game with no multiplayer and had some AI balancing issues, but the cover system was at least better (compared to the K&L2 demo), the game is longer and more amusing, and they tried out some things as far as weapon effects like freezing enemies. It certainly wasn't worth $60 either but I wouldn't go as far as calling it a horrible game, certainly not a broken one.
Would you look at at that, gametrailers (1 of 3 sites that are worth a shit) actually gave it a 8.1 even I wouldnt go that high but they have never lied to me at. Except for madden which apparently just gets a pass for being completely shitty and virtual broken in every way.


Oh Snap. But in all honestly, opinions? How the hell do they work again?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Would you look at at that, gametrailers (1 of 3 sites that are worth a shit) actually gave it a 8.1 even I wouldnt go that high but they have never lied to me at. Except for madden which apparently just gets a pass for being completely shitty and virtual broken in every way.


Oh Snap. But in all honestly, opinions? How the hell do they work again?[/QUOTE]

Well Madden would get a pass despite the fact that it barely does anything new in the genre it's in even after years in which they could have made improvements yet still manages to have post release bugs, which makes it nothing like Kane and Lynch: Dog Days so we can just ignore their opinion on Madden. It's good that a site that with no biased views like Gametrailers came out with a review.
the single player wasn't all that fun to me

the multiplayer in the demo was interesting, but its fundamentally flawed

i'll pass, but i'll give them credit with their "betrayal" multiplayer modes
There's "enjoying Gears of War" and there's "mindlessly fellating Gears of War." It didn't invent anything, it didn't create a genre, it was just pretty and people mistook that for being "revolutionary" and "not generic and boring." There's a reason it's not "the new standard." Because it's actually not that good.
[quote name='Survivalism']There's "enjoying Gears of War" and there's "mindlessly fellating Gears of War." It didn't invent anything, it didn't create a genre, it was just pretty and people mistook that for being "revolutionary" and "not generic and boring." There's a reason it's not "the new standard." Because it's actually not that good.[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for PC games as I don't play them, but it did revolutionize the console cover based third person shooter. I used it as an example because it's currently the best series out there in that regard. If I'm playing this game damn near 4 years later and thinking "wow, Gears did this better" then it's a problem.
gears does kind of do a lot of the things K&L do better. i felt that gears was more fluid in its design, and was more wowed by the graphics and gameplay idea of horde mode.

the new modes in K&L are cool too, but horde mode was so good that it was reincarnated into tons of other games that came after it. i'm not saying that horde mode in itself was new, but that the approach was reused in a good number of other games that came after Gears.

i'm honestly not sure why anyone would pay more than $20 for this game..

again, good ideas, but it doesn't feel particularly good or original. fast track to the bargain bin.
bread's done