Kane & Lynch $44.99 @ amazon and Best Buy

This game has a lot of faults, but is really a lot of fun from what I've played so far. I don't think it's for everyone though, so you may want to rent first....
If you liked the demo, then you'll most likely love this game. I don't see why it's getting bashed so much, besides for the whole "Gamespot" thing, I think people are just putting down a good game for no reason at all (or well, possibly because it was very hyped, and also released with other huge releases, which makes perfect sense).

Anyway, this is a really good price, but like others have said, it's not a game for everyone, so renting it or playing the demo will most likely tell you if you'll like the game or not.

I'd be in for one, if it wasn't for the fact that I just bought this on the PC during the GoGamer deal, and don't need it on the 360 now.
I certainly wouldn't consider it one of the best 360 releases of 2007, but I don't have nearly as big a problem as some people seem to have with the graphics, controls and aiming. For what is mainly a shoot-'em-up style 3rd person shooter, this seems at least comparable to Stranglehold, which I thought was pretty good. I may be a bit biased, however, because I like the games with lots of gun play.
It was bashed because it was being tauted as great online co op.

Then that disappeared merely weeks before the release.

Thats why it was trashed so badly -_-V
That's not what I've read from a wide variety of sources. Graphics, controls and aiming are the gripes I've heard. That and the excessive use of the F-bomb. I know the game still has offline co-op, but I'm not sure what modes are available online.
They also have Assassin's Creed for the PS3 for $44.99 with no tax and free shipping for anyone who missed the BB sale. Although I think it is the same price at CC this week plus tax.
[quote name='MIX_MASTER_ICE']That's not what I've read from a wide variety of sources. Graphics, controls and aiming are the gripes I've heard. That and the excessive use of the F-bomb. I know the game still has offline co-op, but I'm not sure what modes are available online.[/QUOTE]
my gripes exactly. There are so many better games you can be wasting your 45 dollars on. this game is awful, sorry.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']my gripes exactly. There are so many better games you can be wasting your 45 dollars on. this game is awful, sorry.[/QUOTE]

I've heard this many times before, but I guess I just don't fully understand the problems. I turned down all the aim sensitivity bard down a few notches and really didn't have any problems, at least in the demo. Graphics certainly won't wow you, but they aren't what I would call bad. I also didn't really have any issues sticking to cover like I have heard some complain about.
Yea, this is bargain bin bound on an express freight-train to nowheresville!@ Move the decimal place to the left once more and I am in.
Its a good game for that price, its relatively hard on a medium setting so on hard it will be a royal pain which is good so you don't get through it so quick. Online is also fun, never know whos going to betray you. I would recommend it for $45.
It's probably 54.99 at GS, used..lol. Eidos doesn't usually mark their games down very quickly. Hitman Blood Money is still 29.99 if you can find it new. I still haven't decided to get this or not, bu tI do agree that this will likely be cheaper in the coming months, but I doubt 19.99.
I think it's a great game. Not top tier, but will be the ultimate $20 bargain bin game down the road. The controls are only hard until you figure out logical solutions. Like you can't crouch on low objects unless you are also crouched, and the sticky cover doesn't work unless you're right up on the corner of a wall.
[quote name='MIX_MASTER_ICE']I've heard this many times before, but I guess I just don't fully understand the problems. I turned down all the aim sensitivity bard down a few notches and really didn't have any problems, at least in the demo. Graphics certainly won't wow you, but they aren't what I would call bad. I also didn't really have any issues sticking to cover like I have heard some complain about.[/QUOTE]

The demo was fine for me too, and raised my interest in this game. $45 does sound tempting. Though you have to wonder if its $45 already, can $29.99 be far behind...

Anyway, something else interesting I noticed about this game is that it appears to take some inspiration from Michael Mann movies - in the demo level, the shootout as you're leaving the building felt like the bank robbery shootout from Heat, and I've seen a video of a nightclub shootout that looked eerily similar to the one from Collateral
I dunno what the hell everyone's problem with the game is. The online multi-player does get a little boring after a while, but the gameplay and plot combine to make one of the better games of 2007, and really, if you're that disappointed about there being no online co-op, I must tell you to go blow, and make some friends.
I strongly suggest everyone boycott this game. It is mediocre and Eidos tried to cover up this game's mediocrity by having a gamespot reviewer FIRED for giving it a 6.0. If you buy this game you're basically condoning the practice of reviewers being paid off by companies to give high scores.
Was that ever shown to be fact? Or was that just a rumor? I never really heard any concrete evidence on this matter. BTW, Jeff go this job back, so the whole issue is moot now.
I just finished the game a couple of days ago and maybe I have bad game taste or something, but even though it was short, had terrible dialogue, and a number of shortcomings, I think it was one of the most fun games I've played this year with a pretty engaging story. Definitely, no game of the year nominee, but a fun short romp with some really great levels!
This should probably be played last, or second to last on your fall release list. Honestly. And don't buy it new, eidos is an evil company.
Forget boycotting it over Jeff's firing. That's not Eidos, so much as the fact Gamespot has been losing key staff and having them replaced by simpletons. Sounds like that entire issue was CNet's appointed yes-men than Eidos. Eidos isn't a big enough player in the industry anymore to have that kind of clout or even care to use if it they did. What would they say? "If you don't pretend the game is great, we'll stop shipping you alpha builds of the whopping one or two games IO makes every 3 or 4 years.
Yeah, definitely try the demo before you buy. I thought it looked pretty good, but after playing the demo I didn't like it as much.
This game rocks.
Everyone bandwagon-bashing it truly has no taste in quality gaming.

If I hadn't beasted through it on my rental and netted 1K, I'd snap it up for this price for sure.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Forget boycotting it over Jeff's firing. That's not Eidos, so much as the fact Gamespot has been losing key staff and having them replaced by simpletons. Sounds like that entire issue was CNet's appointed yes-men than Eidos. Eidos isn't a big enough player in the industry anymore to have that kind of clout or even care to use if it they did. What would they say? "If you don't pretend the game is great, we'll stop shipping you alpha builds of the whopping one or two games IO makes every 3 or 4 years.[/QUOTE]

Even though you're as speculative on the idea that eidos didn't pressure a site into changing their review, you can't deny that they used a misleading "5 stars" graphic element on their website next to "quotes" from magazines that were not from reviews, but previews. Eidos is a shady company and I won't buy games new from them. I'll play this on gamefly, but Eidos won't get a penny of mine anymore.
bread's done