Karaoke Revolution for cheap...if you know HTML (?)


Okay, here's the deal: I saw the Karaoke Revolution bundle listed at Tampoo.com for $6.71. Quite naturally, it's out of stock at this price. Does anyone know the .html code to add an out-of-stock item or backordered item to your cart? I was able to do it with R&C: GC way back when GameStop had it for $9.99, but that was by following someone else's link. Anyone?

Cheap ass link
Wow... that's better than the $12.48 price at Sears someone posted and I was able to take advantage of.
Lemme try this..

Well, I found the HTML.. I just can't figure out a direct link to do it..


It's not "underhanded"..

It's being creative :D

Besides that, it's just basically getting your owder in line with it. I don't see how it's underhanded.. educated people do stuff like that all the time with other sites.. most of the time they don't share :p
Are you sure this is the bundle? I know it says so but in the item description it does not mention if the mic comes with it...
All the better, then, but when this thread was started, that wasn't the case.

Hey, now that we've solved this, think this whole thread should get moved to a different forum?
bread's done