Kevin Smith working on Clerk's followup: The Passion of the Clerks

I knew he couldn't leave Jay and Bob out of the loop for long. I wonder if it bothers him at all that those two characters are basically his legacy?

Edited because I know dick about comics. Thanks epobirs.
Jack Black debunked the GL rumor himself, so you don't have to worry about that. I don't think anyone wants to see that, and I love Jack Black and The D. Go Pick of Destiny!

I like Smith's movies, and even I find myself shaking my head at this. He fails to make a successful mainsteam movie (sorry if you're no Sam Raimi!) then goes back to blatantly cash in on his 10 year old franchise.

Ah well. At least, there's some hope because his cartoon was pretty funny (ok... very unevenly) and so was that skit on the Tonight Show.
He shouold just keep doing crap guest stuff for Jay leno, that way I can avoid both the suck at the same time with the same effort
[quote name='SevereTireDamage']Jack Black debunked the GL rumor himself, so you don't have to worry about that. I don't think anyone wants to see that, and I love Jack Black and The D. Go Pick of Destiny!

I like Smith's movies, and even I find myself shaking my head at this. He fails to make a successful mainsteam movie (sorry if you're no Sam Raimi!) then goes back to blatantly cash in on his 10 year old franchise.

Ah well. At least, there's some hope because his cartoon was pretty funny (ok... very unevenly) and so was that skit on the Tonight Show.[/quote]

The Clerks TV show was my favorite TV show for a while.
Some people here need to figure out the difference between Green Hornet and Green Lantern.

This appears to be a good idea on Smith's part. Contrary to popular belief, 'Jersey Girl' wasn't a big money loser. The big names involved didn't pullanything like their usual paycheck and the overall production was quite inexpensive. Currently they're only down by about $10 million, which is getting off cheap in the film business compare to FX heavy blockbusters that fail to preform and face losses an order of magnitude higher. 'Jersey girl' will make up a lot of it in home video and Miramax is quite used to that.

Lets face it, if it wasn't for the horrible 'Gigli' (which is vastly farther in the hole) and the general Bennifer overexposure this movie would have done a lot more business and easily been in profits. Not huge profits but as well as can be expected for this kind of movie. The choice to delay its release in hopes of the 'Gigli' debacle dying down turned out to be the wrong decision. Such is life.

I wouldn't make the comparison to Sam Raimi. Raimi spent most of his career training to make something like Spider-man while Smith has done best in genres that have never been box office gold but do well over time in second run venue and home video. Smith doesn't have the directorial eye for big money epics and shouldn't bother himself with them. For Smith to be succesful at something like his hoped-for Superman project he'd need to give almost equal billing to the Production Designer.
[quote name='epobirs']Some people here need to figure out the difference between Green Hornet and Green Lantern.[/quote]

Thanks for pointing that out. EDIT'D.
[quote name='epobirs']I wouldn't make the comparison to Sam Raimi. Raimi spent most of his career training to make something like Spider-man while Smith has done best in genres that have never been box office gold but do well over time in second run venue and home video. Smith doesn't have the directorial eye for big money epics and shouldn't bother himself with them. For Smith to be succesful at something like his hoped-for Superman project he'd need to give almost equal billing to the Production Designer.[/quote]

I had just written a more indepth comparison now to reply to this, but then changed my mind. You probably are more correct, for most intents and purposes. I will more shortly say that Raimi was not trying to make mainstream films for the first 10 years of career, Evil Dead trilogy and work for the Coen Brothers pretty clearly obviates that, and that his string of attemped mainstream hits (The Gift, A Simple Plan) and misses (For the Love of the Game, Quick and the Dead) as well as his generally well-recieved treatment of the Spiderman films show that he has earned his way to the top and his talent still shows. Smith on the other hand has just rounded out his 10th year as a filmmaker, pretty early by comparison.

I'll admit I'm probably being a little unfair to Jersey Girl. I couldn't bring myself to see it in theaters. By most accounts, both on the internet, critical reviews, and first-hand accounts from people I knew who did see it, the movie is a failure. I fear seeing it.

I totally agree that Smith should have nothing to do with big money epics. Your statement on the Superman project is an apt one. His messed up jump from Clerks to Mallrats (a funny movie with good scenes in retrospect, if not for the misguided casting of the main stars, general waste of budget, and lack of good cohesiveness) was seemingly cleared up with Dogma and JSBSB.

I still think he's better off persuing something new (this Green Hornet screenplay), finishing up one of his two dropped off comic book miniseries. Like you said, if Jersey Girl wasn't a huge bomb, and Miramax is obviously cashing in on Clerks X (*Groan*) he probably still has enough leeway to try something else.
Can't say that I remember too much of Clerks except when dude freaked bacause his girlfriend slept with a whole bunch of other men and sucked even more dick. That was hysterical!
Having dealt with many of the situations presented in Clerks while working at a video store (one or two were almost exact replays), I enjoyed the movie a lot. I bought the Clerks animated series on DVD and enjoyed that as well.

Yet somehow I think this will not be good. There are some things you should not take mainstream.

Hopefully I'll be proven wrong.
Kevin Smith is at his best when his characters are allowed to just good around and talk. When he's got to move the plot forward or have action, it's not as good. SO I'm all for him returning to Clerks, where Randall and Dante can discuss random topics.
[quote name='DenisDFat']He shouold just keep doing crap guest stuff for Jay leno, that way I can avoid both the suck at the same time with the same effort[/quote]

Does this guy like anything?
This is kinda old news, we were talking about it in my Super Fun Time Extravaganza thread a few days ago...

...but I'm sure everyone already knows how excited *I* am about this. :rofl:
[quote name='evilpenguin9000']Does this guy like anything?[/quote]

Wind Waker, and... well, that's about it. Hating stuff is kind of his thing, y'know.
[quote name='DenisDFat']That's a lie. i like things that don't suck. and there's more than just that which does not suck.[/quote]

I'm scared to ask what.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000'][quote name='DenisDFat']That's a lie. i like things that don't suck. and there's more than just that which does not suck.[/quote]

I'm scared to ask what.[/quote]

Do not be scared. We love DDF for his brutal honesty. You should see his one-word game reviews. Remarkably accurate and to-the-point.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000'][quote name='DenisDFat']That's a lie. i like things that don't suck. and there's more than just that which does not suck.[/quote]

I'm scared to ask what.[/quote]

Apparently women who enjoy providing oral sex are off his menu, seeing as they would fall under that category of things that...
I think Kevin Smith is overrated. Most of his films were pretty good, don't get me wrong, but I don't think anything he's done is deserving of the many cult followings he has going around. Also, i think that the Clerks animated series was one of the worst cartoons of all time, right next to the Dilbert cartoon.
[quote name='davidmt']I remember hearing Smith say he would never have another movie with Jay and Silent Bob.[/quote]

I think that he said he wouldn't do another movie STARRING Jay and Silent Bob...which, apparently, this one isn't.

[quote name='evilmax17']I think Kevin Smith is overrated. Most of his films were pretty good, don't get me wrong, but I don't think anything he's done is deserving of the many cult followings he has going around. Also, i think that the Clerks animated series was one of the worst cartoons of all time, right next to the Dilbert cartoon.[/quote]

I'd have to agree with you on both counts. Kevin Smith isn't bad, but he's not God. Especially when it comes to movies. Personally, I like the work he's done in comics much better...
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']I'd have to agree with you on both counts. Kevin Smith isn't bad, but he's not God. Especially when it comes to movies. Personally, I like the work he's done in comics much better...[/quote]

Oh really? Like those last two miniseries he got to the final issue and then bailed out on? :)

Just kidding... actually I haven't read any of his stuff, though I'm curious to see his take on Daredevil.
bread's done