Kid Icarus: Uprising (Out Now)

Yes, I got them from the Guide.

I've been trying to do more of the Challenges recently, and I'm up to 65% done with all of the Challenges so far. Some are proving to be surprisingly tricky, while others not so much. Chapter 11 without taking any damage on 2.0 or higher is easier than it sounds, but not dealing damage to the boss's weak point? I'm baffled.

I've also managed to pick up a few
Challenges along the way as well, mostly because of Speed Runs. I kind of wish however that I could see my top times for Chapters. It'd give me a better idea of what I should focus my time on.
I don't care enough to collect AR Cards so I've been shamelessly getting them from scans off the internet. It's a neat idea but I don't like being locked out of content because I don't have physical objects outside the game, this isn't Skylanders =)

Does anyone know if you actually can unlock everything in-game that you can get through AR cards by another means?

EDIT: For those of you who are interested, there's now an Android app for the AR cards:
FINALLY! I finally beat Chapter 2 at 9.0 Intensity. Out of all the Chapters I've played 9.0 Intensity on and beaten, that was by far the hardest to do.
Just a friendly reminder about the GS event this weekend...

I recently picked up a 3DS and KI:U and love it. Thankfully I did not throw out the AR @gamer cards by mistake...
Any word on if/when they will start selling the cards?
[quote name='KingBroly']FINALLY! I finally beat Chapter 2 at 9.0 Intensity. Out of all the Chapters I've played 9.0 Intensity on and beaten, that was by far the hardest to do.[/QUOTE]

What kind of weapon are you using for 9.0 Intensities chapters?
Lucky me! I stopped by GS on Yesterday. No go for AR CARD but i met NINTENDO guy in GS set up for NEW Nintendo Game coming soon. He gave me 4 Packs AR CARDS (Each Pack contain 10 AR CARDS). Pretty much i got all Series 1 cards :)
Such a neat game, great production values.

Couple of things, first of all, this may be n00by, but you know what works really great for moving the reticle Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS? The thumb-nub on the wrist strap from the original NDS! Also, does the Circle Pad Pro enable dual-analogs for controls? If so, that Nyko Circle Pad Pro + Power Pak might be going on my fall wish list.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'] Also, does the Circle Pad Pro enable dual-analogs for controls? If so, that Nyko Circle Pad Pro + Power Pak might be going on my fall wish list.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, no. There were some answers from Sakurai about this, but they seem mostly hollow.

The grip still looks awesome though. I know I'm picking one up.
[quote name='Strell']Sadly, no. There were some answers from Sakurai about this, but they seem mostly hollow.

The grip still looks awesome though. I know I'm picking one up.[/QUOTE]
Bleh. Seems like such a no-brainer.

I already have a Nyko Power Pak so unless I get some other games that really need the Circle Pad Pro, I may just pass. Grip looks so swank though. Maybe I'll gift my current Pak.

How ya doin', Sir Strell? Haven't chatted with you in aaaaaaaaaaages.
Fine for the most part, Sir WSB. Trying to work on outside art/writing projects so that I can focus time and energy on those, and then hopefully do something with them.

Hope things are well with you also.
I know I have an account, but I use it for little more than contests and the like (most of them here at CAG). So no, not really (or more accurately, one I never update). But hopefully I'm going to have a website up soon with funny drawings and silly writings and the like, at which point I imagine I'll need a real Twitter account.
bread's done