kill bill vol 1 or 2?


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just saw vol 2 tonight. it was good but much heavier on the story and very light on the action scenes. they were like two completely different movies. i still liked it very much but it didnt live up to my expectations or the flare and style of the first one. what do you think?
I thought Vol. 2 was the most boring movie I have ever watched. I enjoyed Vol 1 plenty, but after suffering through Vol. 2, I never want to watch either again. Tribute to martial arts movies my ass.
I agree with you, Volume 2 was a different breed of animal. It certainly wasn't the bloodbath of the first movie. I'd say it was more in the vein of Tarantino's prior efforts. It was much more rich in story than the first one, and revealed a lot more about the characters.
If anything, I felt that they didn't get into the character of Bill nearly as much as I would have liked. I'm was also disappointed that a particular scene I anticipated was cut out, but I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.
It would have made very little movie as a 3+ hour "kung fu flick". Having Vol.1 get all the raves for violence and action sequences made it so the people who dont normally watch tarentino movies would come back for part 2. I loved both movies. I got my action fix and some QT talk in the first one. I got a LOT of good QT talk from everyone including Rufus, a bit more action, and the badass that was Bud.

Now tonight im going to see the punisher...wish me luck and patience
2 is out? [face_cry] And I won't be able to go this weekend....oh well. At least I can watch vol. 1 again tonight on dvd...
I liked Volume 2, but not as much as Volume 1. It does go slow at first, and there is a great deal of talking, but it is Tarantino movie, so what did you expect.

I think Bill was given some depth in that campfire scene. All of the main characters had buildup time, but I was looking forward to more involved origin story for Elle.

Overall, if you know what you're in for, i.e. not nearly as much violence, a more grounding of the story and plot, QT dialogue you won't be disappointed.
It was merely "ok" for me. I feel that the greatest problem was that Ol' Quentin's touch for making seemingly boring stuff interesting just wasn't there and the movi had thoroughly boring long stretches of nothing. What makes most of his movie's interesting is that usually when people are talking, they're talking about something interesting. It just didn't happen in this one and I found myself hard-pressed to even care about what Bill or Be-err, the Bride was saying half the time. Add that too the anti-climatic fight with Bill and the utterly infuriating way Sidewinder died (trust me, there was a LOT more potential for this in keeping with the vain of the movie. This meaning to completely redo it) and the drawn out sequence in the grave and you haver a mvie that was good, but it just didn't have that little extra to make me want to see it again. I'll buy it when it comes with Vol1 in a special edition set, but I positively wouldn't buy it seperately.
Yeah I would have to agree mk9. Two different movies, but I liked them both. Although I wish there was a little bit more action in it, I thought the story was pretty good. It was nice to see how The Bride was trained, and I had a kick with pai mei. :lol:

By the way, did any of you guys see the scene where bill throws a knife at some guy in black and white, like in the commerical? Because I didn't... Just wondering if I missed it or something.
there was a whole fight scene cut out of the film. it will be on a dvd later. That was in one of the original cuts, but was edited for length
[quote name='metroidkiller9']just saw vol 2 tonight. it was good but much heavier on the story and very light on the action scenes. they were like two completely different movies. i still liked it very much but it didnt live up to my expectations or the flare and style of the first one. what do you think?[/quote]

my sentiments exactly :)
Personally, I found Vol. 2 to be a far superior movie to the first. I found the first one to be infuriatingly shallow. It had a plot and characters that were given about 5 minutes of thought, a flaw which QT attempted to fix with high production values and 45 minute action scenes. To me it represented everything that I find wrong with so many Hollywood movies these days - the perfect example of style over substance. As far as depth goes, it was on par with a Vin Deasel movie.

The second one took an entirely different approach. Characterization was top, action was just a means to an end. Exactly as it should be, in my opinion. Although sometimes it dipped back into the super-cheese (the Pai Mei scenes come to mind - say what you will, but if I wanted to watch old 70's cinematography techniques and characters, I'd go rent a 70's kung-fu movie), it generally stayed, as somebody else previously mentioned, much more grounded. The relationship between Bill and "The Bride" was very interesting to watch. She loves and hates the man at the exact same time, which leads to some very powerful moments. Don't get me wrong, the movie had it's flaws. Some of the pacing was a bit slow here and there (particularly during the beginning) and I didn't care for some of QT's "experimental" techniques (mostly because he wasn't really experimenting, merely "borrowing" them from more risky film makers) but it was a huge step up from the first one. No, it isn't one of those "hang your brain up at the door and enjoy" types of films that you can watch over and over again on DVD (as the first one was supposed to be), but that's exactly what I liked most about it.

Worst part about this movie: the revealing of The Bride's name. So much build up for a very weak payoff.

[quote name='Mattfish']Worst part about this movie: the revealing of The Bride's name. So much build up for a very weak payoff.


Actually, it was in the first one if your eyes were quick enough to catch it on her plane ticket to Japan. It's in one of the Vol. 1 trailers if you want to see it.
just saw volume 2, and i loved it. i liked it better than the first, which i still love, bu 2 was so better. im a violence junkie (or whore, depending on where you look), and i still loved this. it had so much more depth, it didnt need action to be what will probably end up as the best movie i see this year.

and i was wondering about that bill scene too. so they cut it huh? that pisses me off. there was a scene in transporter, where in the trailer, jason statham deflects a rpg with a plate. it was not in the movie, an not on the dvd. stuff like that really annoys me. at least this scene will be on the uber edition of both movies, un-cut.
[quote name='Mattfish']Personally, I found Vol. 2 to be a far superior movie to the first. I found the first one to be infuriatingly shallow. It had a plot and characters that were given about 5 minutes of thought, a flaw which QT attempted to fix with high production values and 45 minute action scenes. To me it represented everything that I find wrong with so many Hollywood movies these days - the perfect example of style over substance. As far as depth goes, it was on par with a Vin Deasel movie.

The second one took an entirely different approach. Characterization was top, action was just a means to an end. Exactly as it should be, in my opinion. Although sometimes it dipped back into the super-cheese (the Pai Mei scenes come to mind - say what you will, but if I wanted to watch old 70's cinematography techniques and characters, I'd go rent a 70's kung-fu movie), it generally stayed, as somebody else previously mentioned, much more grounded. The relationship between Bill and "The Bride" was very interesting to watch. She loves and hates the man at the exact same time, which leads to some very powerful moments. Don't get me wrong, the movie had it's flaws. Some of the pacing was a bit slow here and there (particularly during the beginning) and I didn't care for some of QT's "experimental" techniques (mostly because he wasn't really experimenting, merely "borrowing" them from more risky film makers) but it was a huge step up from the first one. No, it isn't one of those "hang your brain up at the door and enjoy" types of films that you can watch over and over again on DVD (as the first one was supposed to be), but that's exactly what I liked most about it.

Worst part about this movie: the revealing of The Bride's name. So much build up for a very weak payoff.


I agree 110% with everything you said here.


^^my sentiments exactly.
while i agree that the dialogue was great, especially towards the end between the bride and bill, it didnt quite match the dialogue in other tarantino flicks. also the end was rather anti-climatic for both volumes. at least the first one had the cliffhanger of you finding out kiddos girl is still alive.
also did you see the trailer for tarantinos new one with jet li? it looks like crouching tiger hidden dragon only not excrutiatingly boring.
he he he..PVP rocks.

On the note of stuff in trailer that dissapered, there was an entire Coolio plot line in Daredevil that was cut. It'll be on the directors cut dvd, but its a WHOLE STORYLINE. Not a little bit, but a whole back story. good thing they left all the good bits in(...yeah, good stuff...)
[quote name='Mattfish']Worst part about this movie: the revealing of The Bride's name. So much build up for a very weak payoff.[/quote]

You got that right. It was kinda funny and all, but I thought it was cooler when the name was just bleeped out. Her actual name wasn't cool enough to be worth the 'shocking unveiling'.
anyone else see that preview before kill bill about that movie "Hero", with jet li? its produced by same guy as crouhing tiger, and QT is involved. i forgot how exactly. it looks like a more action packed sequel to CTHD. it looked really cool.
yeah i posted about it earlier in this thread sneaky.

also i dont get why everyone is ragging on the revelation of her name being beatrix kiddo. its not cool? it was a let down? what the hell wouldve been cool? what on earth were you expecting? nosferatu? martha washington? betty crocker?
[quote name='KingDox']Yeah I liked vol 2 more then vol 1. It had way more depth and some real emotion. I thought the ending was perfect.

That movie Hero is going to be bad ass, IGN reviewed the import dvd awhile ago. It's taken forever for them to put it out here.[/quote]

I tried to watch Hero about 3 months ago. I think it was in mandarin so I only jumped through the fight seens---- they were wack. all of them
[quote name='jetblac'][quote name='KingDox']Yeah I liked vol 2 more then vol 1. It had way more depth and some real emotion. I thought the ending was perfect.

That movie Hero is going to be bad ass, IGN reviewed the import dvd awhile ago. It's taken forever for them to put it out here.[/quote]

I tried to watch Hero about 3 months ago. I think it was in mandarin so I only jumped through the fight seens---- they were wack. all of them. and i know what i'm talking about[/quote]
[quote name='metroidkiller9']also i dont get why everyone is ragging on the revelation of her name being beatrix kiddo. its not cool? it was a let down? what the hell wouldve been cool? what on earth were you expecting? nosferatu? martha washington? betty crocker?[/quote]

It had nothing to do with the name not being "cool" enough (although I did think it was kind of a lame name, but I digress). I was expecting something relevant to the movie. You know, some kind of a twist that relates in some way to the rest of the story. I wanted there to be a reason for such blatant hiding of the name. Example: Fight Club. The entire movie, Edward Norton's character (the narrator) had no name. There was a reason for it. It wasn't nearly as obvious as how QT "hid" Kiddo's name, and the payoff was lightyears ahead of Kill Bill's.

[quote name='metroidkiller9']yeah i posted about it earlier in this thread sneaky.

also i dont get why everyone is ragging on the revelation of her name being beatrix kiddo. its not cool? it was a let down? what the hell wouldve been cool? what on earth were you expecting? nosferatu? martha washington? betty crocker?[/quote]

what would have been cool? i don't know. that's why i'm not a writer.
but it seemed kind of pointless to bleep out her name for most of the two movies just to then have some sort of unveiling that wasn't particularly shocking or interesting.
[quote name='Mattfish']It had nothing to do with the name not being "cool" enough (although I did think it was kind of a lame name, but I digress). I was expecting something relevant to the movie. You know, some kind of a twist that relates in some way to the rest of the story. I wanted there to be a reason for such blatant hiding of the name. Example: Fight Club. The entire movie, Edward Norton's character (the narrator) had no name. There was a reason for it. It wasn't nearly as obvious as how QT "hid" Kiddo's name, and the payoff was lightyears ahead of Kill Bill's.


He didn't really hide it, did he? Bill called her by name at the start of Vol. 1 didn't he? And again, it's right on her plane ticket.
He didn't hide it? The name was very loudly BLEEPED every time it was spoken. A few pages into the screenplay, it very clearly states something to the effect of, "The Bride's name is hidden by a loud sound effect until the director is ready to reveal it." Yes, technically Bill called her Kiddo from the very beginning, but there was no reason to believe that was actually her name. And if that was supposed to be the pay off - that Bill calling her Kiddo was actually him using her proper name and not a nickname due to the age difference - then I still call it a failure.

anyone else see that preview before kill bill about that movie "Hero", with jet li? its produced by same guy as crouhing tiger, and QT is involved. i forgot how exactly. it looks like a more action packed sequel to CTHD. it looked really cool.

QT is involved in the same way that he was involved in "The Iron Monkey". He's producing the stateside release because he's such a huge kung-fu movie junkie. It's been around for a few years though. I have a friend who's been trying to talk me into watching his import copy for a while. I'll definitely be checking it out when it hits theaters.

My friend brought back a Hero VCD from Canada and I watched it last year. I think if you're looking for a pure action movie you'll be disappointed. It's similar to Kill Bill Vol. 2 in that its more emotional and artistic. If anything its thought provoking. I think if you bring along a girl she'll probably enjoy it too. Its a very unique movie experience, I hope they didn't butcher it through dubbing and editing.

As for her name being censored, I'm sure QT fanboys will be debating that for a long time. I don't think there's any specific reason for it, but what do I know.
I don't have any prior bias to Tarantino films, considering that, hey, I haven't seen any other ones. :wink:

However, I have to say, slow or not, Vol. 2 had a lot more going for it than Vol. 1, and I enjoyed it a good deal more. I didn't care for the way Buddy died (I wanted to see him and Beatrix fight, damnit!), but the rest of the movie was pretty damn good. Loved the whole cheese-flair of the Pai-Mei scene, too. What action was there was good, and what story and emotion was there was excellent.

I dunno. Bicker as you all may, the movies were quite different from one another, but I liked them both.
i thought her name was fine. it was actually ruined for me from the NY Times review, but i dont care. and im gonna grow a beard like pai-mei so i can shwoosh it around. ill cary around a little spreaker to play the wind noise
[quote name='The Tragic Geek']I dunno. Bicker as you all may, the movies were quite different from one another, but I liked them both.[/quote]

That's the thing, though. They're not movies, they're one film, even though they're split up. I personally can't wait for the dual disc director's cut to come out, since I'll get to see it like Tarantino originally wanted (though sitting through the entire thing at once is going to be hella ass-numbing.)
What was her name? Please PM me with it so that you can't spoil it.

Also what happened with her daughter, did they show that at all in Vol. 2?

I also heard Quentin is going to make Kill Bill 3... In 15 years. It doesn't have the Bride as the main character, but the little girl who saw the Bride kill her mother in the beginning of Vol 1. I guess she will hunt down the Bride. Very interesting.
I loved both of them. I can't really figure out with one I like the most though. Volume 1 has tons of sweet action and style, and Volume 2 has a deep story and awesome dialog. I can't really decide. I will just say as a whole movie, Kill Bill is awesome.
[quote name='Theenternal']So was the daughters name in vol 2, BB relevant to beatrix/bill?[/quote]

they never clarify. itS QT, you cant expect him to have closure. that does sound like a good explanation though.

I don't expect she kills Bill that easily. I demand more fighting pleasee! I mean, he's the boss, fighting the boss should be long and exciting, don't u guys think?

Also, I want to know more about Elle Driver. The movie doesn't talk much about her and I was surprised when she killed Pai Mei... I want that detail please...
[quote name='btantra']I don't expect she kills Bill that easily. I demand more fighting pleasee! I mean, he's the boss, fighting the boss should be long and exciting, don't u guys think?[/quote]

i thought it was a very honorable and fitting end, like riding off into the sunset. i personally couldnt think of a bette way for bill to die, i was tearing up it was so perfect.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Volume 2 sucked so bad it wasn't funny. Please read my blog (Located in my signature area) for a review...[/quote]

yeah, you gotta hate those movies that have talking in them.
Dude, you have a seriously horrible taste of movies.
You say the Matrix was a bad movie and LOTR was bad?
What the hell kind of crack are you on?!
[quote name='thatstoobad'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']Volume 2 sucked so bad it wasn't funny. Please read my blog (Located in my signature area) for a review...[/quote]

yeah, you gotta hate those movies that have talking in them.[/quote]

yea it went on and on. there was barley any killing. and something without killing shouldnt be allowed to exist.

denisdfat said something perfect for this occassion.

grow a brain

EDIT: the cockbite didnt even buy a ticket, he stole the movie off the net.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Dude, you have a seriously horrible taste of movies.
You say the Matrix was a bad movie and LOTR was bad?
What the hell kind of crack are you on?![/quote]

The first Matrix was good,the secound was ok,and the third just straight up suck!
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Dude, you have a seriously horrible taste of movies.
You say the Matrix was a bad movie and LOTR was bad?
What the hell kind of crack are you on?![/quote]

No I said the matrix is bad. The first matrix is unwatchable, I never seen the other two, but I thought the matrix is very overrated. I said that LOTR is a great movie, with ROTK being the best. Kill bill 1 was awesome, but the second one sucked ass because it was so boring, and so anti climatic, and the death scenes sucked. I think Quentin should have done it the other way around, Vol 1 with the talking, Vol 2 with the action...
bread's done