Killer 7 beta-dase

I keep forgetting about this thread. That sucks about the release date. I am actually thinking about picking this up at launch. I may give it a month or so though in case it tanks and drops in price real fast like Stolen just did. I think that game was out less than a month and dropped to $20.
I liked what little I got to play of this game. It is very different, especially the control scheme. You press A to move forward and there is no steering whatsoever. Only at junctions can you decide which way to go. When you hear an enemy laugh, you go to first person mode, scan to make them visible, and then shoot them (particularly their yellow 'bomb' region because it is hard to kill them otherwise). This game has amazing style and flair, like the bondage gimp who gives you hints, and the fact that you are a schizophrenic wheelchair bound psychic.
This may be somewhere else in this thread, but has there been any discussion on how this game will perform differently on the PS2 as opposed to the Gamecube? I generally buy multi games for the PS2 cause I prefer the controller, but if it's like RE 4 which is rumored to perform MUCH better on the GC, then I am going with the GC version.
it was built for the cube, then ported, so I imagine the cube version will have cleaner graphics.

sucks that it's delayed again, this is the last game I plan on buying before I get a 360!
actually from multi readings of press releases as well as video interviews, I am pretty sure the only difference between the Ps2 and GC will be the graphics resolution. GC will be slightly higher, but nothing super... only keen eyed people should notice.
[quote name='Michael Bolton']Nintendo Power gave it an 8.5

i dont think were going to be dissapointed.[/QUOTE]

Yeah....except Nintendo Power gives lots of crappy games good reviews.

I'm gonna have to wait for IGN and Gamespot before I decide if I buy this game.

I really want to, but if the difference between GC and PS2 is minimal I'm just going to wait for PS2 version.
I'll get it on Cube just to A. Support Nintendo and Capcom in one fell swoop, and B. I like short load times and don't mind the Cube controller. The Dual Shock has come to feel kind of dinky compared to the Xbox's Duke and the GC's robot-ocotopus contraption.
I'm strangly excited for this game even though realistically I don't think I'll like it. Maybe excited isn't the right word, but rather curious.

I hear that the gameplay will be more along the lines of Myst where you can only stand in certain key spots and travel from one to another. I'm one of the few people still around who loves Myst, but the thing about any puzzle-based adventure game is that its quality almost entirely depends upon its puzzles, and Killer 7's have yet to be proved. I hope it's not the crappy RE style find a key "puzzles."

The first person shooting arcade stuff looks fun, but I have no idea how it'll gel with the old school classic adventure game feel. This idea excites me.

And I have to say it: I think the graphics do look pretty shitty. Now I'm all for cel shading, but it's been done way better. Did anyone see those videos for Okami? Or even the Wind Waker a couple years back looks better than this. I'm not a big enough graphics whore to care about this, but I don't undertsand its praises.

I think it's going to be like Shenmue and people will love it or hate it. I doubt I'll care much for it... and yet I'm dying to give to a try.
I don't really care too much about the quality or complexity of the graphics or even puzzles, I just hope it has a cool story. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Snatcher on Sega CD basically consist of simplistic 'move the cursor around the screen' to shoot gameplay in between story segments? It was probably 12-13 years ago since I played it, so I may be completely off-base. I'm picking it up for the Cube, both because it looks really interesting and the fact that there are no other games of interest coming out for the system until Geist in August.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']
And I have to say it: I think the graphics do look pretty shitty. Now I'm all for cel shading, but it's been done way better. Did anyone see those videos for Okami? Or even the Wind Waker a couple years back looks better than this. I'm not a big enough graphics whore to care about this, but I don't undertsand its praises.[/QUOTE]

Shitty isn't the word... more like stylistic. Think of it how different visual artists have different styles... this one is just different from the other games. I don't think anyone has the right to say one game has done cel shading bettter than the other, just they are different in style.

If you need some reason for why this game is getting good praises in the graphics department, go over to IGN and spend a few minutes in the screenshots, and also check some of the pics on the original post (post #1).

but then again i may be wrong... the graphis may just not fit your taste, which is perfectly fine... it's just being human. everyone is entitlesd to their own perspective. I probably am too attached to games like this since I am heavily involved in the art industry... oh, which reminds me to plug this (spam alert... j/k) my sisters and I are putting together a proffessional art show... and some of the art wil be in video game form... i'll post more info as it comes closer.
[quote name='whoknows']Nintendo Power gives lots of crappy games good reviews.

Nintendo Power has undergone a complete makeover, starting with the July issue with Link on the cover. It now has articles with bylines, identifiable reviewers, new layout, they dumped the Pokemon refrigerator art, it's written for an older audience, etc. While it's not up to the level of Game Informer or even EGM, it is leagues above the toilet-paper quality it used to be. If only they would offer demo disks...
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I'm strangly excited for this game even though realistically I don't think I'll like it. Maybe excited isn't the right word, but rather curious.

I hear that the gameplay will be more along the lines of Myst where you can only stand in certain key spots and travel from one to another. I'm one of the few people still around who loves Myst, but the thing about any puzzle-based adventure game is that its quality almost entirely depends upon its puzzles, and Killer 7's have yet to be proved. I hope it's not the crappy RE style find a key "puzzles."

The first person shooting arcade stuff looks fun, but I have no idea how it'll gel with the old school classic adventure game feel. This idea excites me.

And I have to say it: I think the graphics do look pretty shitty. Now I'm all for cel shading, but it's been done way better. Did anyone see those videos for Okami? Or even the Wind Waker a couple years back looks better than this. I'm not a big enough graphics whore to care about this, but I don't undertsand its praises.

I think it's going to be like Shenmue and people will love it or hate it. I doubt I'll care much for it... and yet I'm dying to give to a try.[/QUOTE]

The puzzles aren't RE puzzles. There are no "There is a falcon shaped hole in the door. You have the falcon crest. What do you do?" type of things. At least, the parts I played had real puzzles.
Im pretty sure the puzzles consist of a wall or something being there and Mask De Smith will have to blow it up to get past it. Or there will be people you need to pass and the invisible guy walks past them. Stuff like that, also apparently a guitar riff sounds when theres a puzzle.
GameInformer has given this a 7.5

Still got to wait for IGN and Gamespot

I will probably rent this game first to see if I want to buy it.
[quote name='whoknows']GameInformer has given this a 7.5

Still got to wait for IGN and Gamespot

I will probably rent this game first to see if I want to buy it.[/QUOTE]

That's about what I expected.
Have it pre-order for the cube. One fo the few games I am going to drop $50 on. It really looks amazing and can't wait to play it.
[quote name='scdoanintendo']I'll probably get this game at launch if it's less than $40 somewhere.[/QUOTE]

I am hoping for a $30 sale at
I'm gonna post some early impressions of the japanese version on the Gaming news board (for PS2 and Gamecube owners, since it's basically the same game.)
already pre-ordered this a while ago... one of the very few games I actually get very excited about.

the GI score of 7.5 made sense... they do state though that this game is so extremely different that it is a very "love or hate" type of game.
Gonna this on Cube. I don't care WHAT people say about the graphics detail on the PS2 version being less, "I" predict slowdown, i.e. the PS2 crying a little bit trying to handle this game.
Honestly when I first saw the trailer for this game on the Japanese site, I kinda expected a Gungrave style shooter. The fact this game is different isn't necessarily bad but I wish I had more control over the character and PLEASE don't say Rez since we're talking two different games, both in style and play. Rez was like PD in wireframe and this is HARDLY that so don't cry this = Rez because Rez is rails and weird and weird look.
Oh! Will this be in Progressive Scan for the Cube? If so that's another reason to get it. If not Capcom is getting a Hate Mail letter of love from me.
bread's done