Killzone 2 preorder - $51.88 from Frys [DEAD]

For some reason, it's not letting me choose the Fry's near me or any Fry's for that matter. It says that items are unavailable. I mean obviously. So does that mean that we can't do the in-store pickup preorder?
Stupid Fry's and their stupid S&H costs--pretty much a deal killer for anyone on the East Coast b/c we don't have Fry's B&M locations.
what are the chances of it being for that price on release day in store? I know Fry's oftentimes has new titles on sale, but i think most of the time it's by about $5.
Am I crazy or is this a pretty decent deal? I doubt Killzone 2 will drop below $50 anytime in the near future. I wouldn't be surprised if it was $60 come next holiday season. Still, I have so many games to catch up on. Between Resistance 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3, and Prince of Persia (not to mention Mercenaries, Shaun White's snowboarding game thingy, and Mirror's Edge I am borrowing from the library now or in the near future), I'm pretty booked up. I want to get Street FIghter IV at some point, too.
Damn, all these good games smacked me upside the head. I'm most looking forward to Killzone 2. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
[quote name='judgedee']so you save 3$ over buying it from amazon? i rather get this delivered then have to drive over to fry's.[/quote]

Yeah, I guess you're right. Some people like going to the store in person, though. Fry's is about 18 miles from my house, but then I'd get the game Day 1 rather than wait on Amazon. I also like going to Fry's because I do it so infrequently and it is a pretty good store. Also, $3 is 5% off. I've seen people get horny for 10% off coupons.

But, you're pretty much right. $3 ain't much. I should go to sleep now. Mercenaries 2 sucks, by the way, but not nearly as bad as the demo sucked.
[quote name='judgedee']so you save 3$ over buying it from amazon? i rather get this delivered then have to drive over to fry's.[/quote]
Also, tax
Two questions. Does Fry's do in-store preorders? And do they match their online prices? Because if they do both, then I'll be stopping by Fry's after work today.
Wouldn't have mattered, if it's a pre-order online for Fry's it's 99% guaranteed that you're paying shipping. Pick-up is only set up to work with in-store items and I would be shocked if Fry's offered this discount on the day it's released. Normally the Fry's mode of operation is to offer an amazing deal on a product about a month before it's released via Outpost or (with shipping added of course) and then knock around $5 off upon release in store and show the same for any online orders at the time it actually comes out ... tricky tricky Frys
bread's done