Kim Jong Il dead

Kim Jong-Il named his own successor as the "heir apparent", Kim Jong-un, because he is "exactly like him" (per the son's Wiki page).

The son's birthday is Jan 1, a Korean national holiday. What coincidental timing for him to take power and have the entire nation support him in his time of loss.
This better not fuck up 30 Rock. And I hope we don't get a crazier dictator over there. One with something to prove, like actually firing a nuke.
The son's only 27 or 28, depending on whose records you believe. That's potentially 40 or 50 more years of nepotism in power, longer than both his father and grandfather's reigns combined. 40 more years for them to grow even more feeble than their southern counterparts.

South Korea must be bracing for shit to completely hit the fan more than ever right now.
I'm skeptical, until I see actual evidence, such as a photo of the body or medical records, I'm calling false flag.
The South Koreans must be shitting themselves right now.

The line of succession isn't all that clear. Yes, he may have favored Kim Jong Un, but he's also his 3rd son. And the other two are still in North Korea.
The North Korean people believe that Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung were demigods (complete with magic powers - that extended beyond the grave, in the case of Il Sung). They also firmly believe that the South Koreans (and the U.S.) are to blame for all their economic troubles, famines, etc. Every time Kim Jong Il had so much as a cold, North Korean TV would report that a South Korean/U.S. assassination plot was the cause, but that the Dear Leader, through sheer willpower, had survived.
And let's not forget they have nukes. Their crude missiles may not be able to go the 800 or so miles to Tokyo. But I guarantee they can make the 100 miles to Seoul.
Whatever happens up there, it's bound to spill over the South Korean border. Whether it's like Berlin circa 1989 or Cambodia in the 1970's.
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[quote name='vamn']They also firmly believe that the South Koreans (and the U.S.) are to blame for all their economic troubles, famines, etc.[/QUOTE]

Well, it doesn't help when the US pushes for policies like trade restrictions that simply hurt the people of NK while not doing a thing from stopping those in government from enjoying the benefits of power.
[quote name='IRHari']He'll be replaced by his dim witted son, Kim Jon W. Il[/QUOTE]

>joke flies over my head
>think about making Kim Jong W.IL.I.Am joke for the NK hunniez in the crib
>realize original joke was more clever than I thought, IRHari can be a sly fox
>see others do the same
>realize my joke isn't as good
>don't feel bad at all like a boss

[quote name='SgtMurder']I'm skeptical, until I see actual evidence, such as a photo of the body or medical records, I'm calling false flag.[/QUOTE]

...from birther to deather? sweet maneuver, dude.

un loves him some video games (pasty, soft, portly mid-20's? check check and check), so hopefully he doesn't see taking over the military as his own limited edition version of starcraft.
[quote name='mykevermin']...from birther to deather? sweet maneuver, dude.

un loves him some video games (pasty, soft, portly mid-20's? check check and check), so hopefully he doesn't see taking over the military as his own limited edition version of starcraft.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully he doesn't figure out he can burrow under the DMZ.
Why must the good ones die so young. Saddam, Gaddhafi, now Il Jong? You know Hugo Chavez and Ahmedineajad are terrified right now.
Personally I think he'll be lucky to not be killed by his own government. His father and grandfather had people loyal to them, I don't think he does. If the military gets the idea that he's vulnerable and weak I doubt they'll hesitate to take over.
[quote name='berzirk']Why must the good ones die so young. Saddam, Gaddhafi, now Il Jong? You know Hugo Chavez and Ahmedineajad are terrified right now.[/QUOTE]

Interesting enough, Saddam, Gaddhafi, and Kim Jong Il all die at the age of 69
The military has probably already taken over and is using Jr. as a figurehead. Those with power require a smooth transition in order to retain it. A military junta isn't exactly good for stability.

Also, Russians have records that place Kim Sr. at the age of 70 and born in Siberia.;)
[quote name='dohdough']The military has probably already taken over and is using Jr. as a figurehead. Those with power require a smooth transition in order to retain it. A military junta isn't exactly good for stability.

Also, Russians have records that place Kim Sr. at the age of 70 and born in Siberia.;)[/QUOTE]
See I thought the country was already doing this and the state had become a giant necrocracy.
[quote name='ITDEFX']The homefront scenario will not happen. The russian bear makes that impossible.[/QUOTE]

I see your Russian bear and raise you a Chinese dragon.
"Yall played this dope new game Farmville? Imaginary farms grow imaginary food. Just like North Korea"

bread's done