Kingdom Hearts (possible spoilers)


2 (100%)
Hey, I'm at the end of Kingdom Hears and was wondering if it is really worth it to go back and do 100 acre wood thing, I'm pretty sure that I did not get all of the Dalmations either, and I definetly do not want to go back and look for them.

So is it worth it go back to the town, or should I just go to the end of the world?
The 100 Acre wood part isn't too hard, but the dalmations can be a real PITA. Also the colluseum is a PITA also. Youtube FTW!
[quote name='Jam424']The 100 Acre wood part isn't too hard, but the dalmations can be a real PITA. Also the colluseum is a PITA also. Youtube FTW![/quote]

yeah, I looked at a walkthrough, and the Colluseum looks like a huge bitch, I mean, it looks like they cram 5 tournaments into one.
If its kingdom hearts, then no don't bother with the hundred acre wood. If it is 2 then the secret ending is pretty nice, but you can just youtube it.
alright, now I am stuck, I can not beat Ansem for the second time, so I figured that because I am only a level 54 I should level up some more, a bunch of site I have seen recomend at least level 60. So what is the best place to go and level up?? The Colissium? Is there an easier way??
[quote name='assasin4hire']He can be beaten at levels even lower than fifty. I think I beat him around like forty or thirty five[/quote]

well maybe I just need to try harder, I upgraded my cura so that should help
Getting the dalmations and beating the colossium are recommended. Especially the latter, since it gives you good levels, and you can just beat on Squall and Yuffie until you get to aout mid-50s/low 60s, when you can switch to Sephy.
I beat everything in the game (except the 1-winged angel) and that was w/o the Ultima Weapon. 100 Acre Wood? I probably finished it, but I can't remember the reward (if anything). But, as long as you are able to challenge the optional bosses, I see no reason why 100 Acre Wood
& the 101 Dalmations sidequests need to be completed
I invested about four hours into this game before I realized that I just didn't like it. Man am I glad I didn't pony up for KH2 as well when I was taking recommendations on what games to go back and buy for PS2 when I got PS3.

After you beat Kh2, wait like 3 years for the next game.

( I think 3 years, because they are supposed to be working on a FF project )
[quote name='Veronica Mars']Congrats!

After you beat Kh2, wait like 3 years for the next game.

( I think 3 years, because they are supposed to be working on a FF project )[/quote]

alright, well thats fine with me actually because, I have a couple games that I want to play before the become unplayable, with graphics and all. Right now I'm about to dive into Metal Gear Solid Subsistance, then I'm not sure what I'll go after, looking at a bunch of PS2 games the other day made me realize that the only reason I need a PS3 is for better sports games graphics, because there is a ton of games that I want to play yet for the PS2
bread's done