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Kmartgamer 1.0 = 10,508 replies/663,642 views
Kmartgamer 2.0 = 9,828 replies/538,327 views
Kmartgamer 3.0 = 7,215 replies/549,496 views (Blog is effective in all locations)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: 3-22 Playstation Heroes (Reg. $39.99) offer 10,000 SYWR + Save $25 instantly with purchase of Move bundle
    • Offer was extended through next week since Playstation Heroes is not arriving until the end of this week
  • :360::ps3: 3-22 Crysis 2 (Reg. $59.99) Offer Save 10,000 SYWR + Save $30 on $50 PSN or 4000 XBLA Points Card + Save $20 on Turtle Beach Head Sets
    • If the stores do not have the 4000 Points or $50 PSN represented on the sales floor send a pic of your receipt to SHC Ad Monster and we'll substitute with a $20 gift card
    • SHC Stock Boy will comment tomorrow on the Turtle Beach Head Set in-stock. This is featured in the circular so no gift card will be substituted but we will help coordinate a rain check if needed.
    • All stores will receive the LE edition of Crysis 2 for launch.
  • :360::ps3::wii::ds: 3-22 Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 15,000 SYWR Points ($15) - 3DS not included
  • :360::ps3: Bullestorm $39.99 (Reg. $59.99)
Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: $50 gift card with 160GB PS3 ($299.99)
    • Note: 3-27 (Next week) Killzone 3 bundle with free Killzone 2. Just want everyone to know if it affects buying decisions
  • :wii: Wii Consoles $179.99 (Reg. $199.99)
Note: Savings Coupon offers are valid in all stores

Coming Soon:

Update: Submitting Feb./Mar. offers as SYWR promotions. Will post as soon as they are approved. At the end of Mar. the coupon issue will be fixed and we'll go back to normal. For Feb . SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically).

As of Feb 6th, to earn SYWR bonuses a member has to have a valid email address on their profile and opted in before purchasing an item with a bonus offer. This has been communicated to members through SYWR emails and in the circular along with new signage indicating to receive bonus offers they have to have a valid email address on file and opted in to receive email. Opting in to receive SYWR bonus offers is not too bad:

1. Log in to your account online
2. Click "My offers"
3. Click "More about me"
4. Scroll down to contact preferences
5. Click the boxes to receive email from (I suggest all for tomorrow). I'll post if you just have to accept Kmart in the future.

*This list is not comprehensive of every promotion that may be coming and release dates are subject to change.
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I would be all over the DA2 deal if I hadn't ordered the Signature edition. I'm not sure it's worth the hassle of trying to sell it and then do the deal. Definitely considering it though. KMart is doing some great things.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']The 360 version is listed properly at $50 and because it's gonna be 1/2 off this week I am interested in picking it up. I am much more inclined to get it for $25 instead of $30.[/QUOTE]

At the local KMart, the PS3 version was tagged at $49.99, so it should be good to go.

I really wish I wouldn't have waited until today to attempt to get Uncharted 2 GOTY. I don't want to have to pick up a GH version if I don't find one soon.
So I was in the Kmart in Anderson, SC earlier today and noticed they have a crap load of older games--many listed on the clearance section on the first page. Thing is, all of the games had prices on the spines of the cases that were much higher than what was listed on the clearance post. For example, the clearance post lists PS3 DAO:Awakening for 19.99, but the price on the case says 29.99.

Since I'm new to this thread, are the clearance items YMMV or will they ring up when the cashier rings them up?

On a side note, I think its great Kmart is sounding like the gamer's place to get games. Thing is, I'm not digging the old school lock cases for the video games--wouldn't have been a big deal if there hadn't been only one person working in the electronics section.
Ok, I have read the opening page, but it isn't complete on the deals this week, so let me get this straight. Dragon Age Ultimate goes on sale tomorrow, and it is half off on both the XBOX 360/PS3 versions (This will probably be on the $49.99 price, will cost about $25).

Now does Dragon Age 2 come out tomorrow in the stores, but the PSN/XBL card deal not go on the sale until Tuesday? Or does the game come out Tuesday so that is when the deal starts?
[quote name='harveyiscool']Ok, I have read the opening page, but it isn't complete on the deals this week, so let me get this straight. Dragon Age Ultimate goes on sale tomorrow, and it is half off on both the XBOX 360/PS3 versions (This will probably be on the $49.99 price, will cost about $25).

Now does Dragon Age 2 come out tomorrow in the stores, but the PSN/XBL card deal not go on the sale until Tuesday? Or does the game come out Tuesday so that is when the deal starts?[/QUOTE]

3-8 Dragon Age 2 Offer 10,000 SYWR + Save $30 on $50 PSN or 4000 XBLA Points Card

That's when the game comes out, thus when the deal starts. Tomorrow is only 3/6 and only game that should have an active deal is Pokemon.
[quote name='harveyiscool']In another topic it was said that on 03/06 the Dragon Age Ultimate deal began for half off, so was that wrong?[/QUOTE]

I only saw a question about Dragon Age 2. I would assume, especially since it's in the ad, that Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition would be on sale first thing tomorrow.
Yeah rick, the kmart in Anderson in general sucks. Real hard to get help games are a mess. Locked cases have 2-3 titles stacked on top of each other. But the games should ring up the right price. It just means they have been too lazy to change the stickers.:applause:
[quote name='AngelMayLaugh']If I called kmart and asked them to ring up Black and White for me to check the deal, do you think they'd do that for me?[/QUOTE]

the guy who posts the deal is the guy in charge of the gaming/electronics section. the deal is valid. just go and pick them up, the deal will work.
[quote name='ShreeAspenwood']Oh yeah Josh, how bout a deal on Borderlands Goty edition like Vanquish got this past week. Really want to grab it but 40 is still a bit much.[/QUOTE]Josh has said that he's planning to have a deal for Borderlands GotY around the end of this month (personally, I'm hoping for a $19.99 sale price :bouncy:).
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Hoping I can walk in tomorrow morning and grab Black + White without waiting *too* long.

The electronics section at the local store has really stepped up their game, in terms of displaying the games. They finally cleaned out the cluttered cases, moved all the clearance stuff to the outer shelves and they even have a "$29.99 or less" bin out in the middle of electronics that had some good stuff within.

Sadly, they've been 0-3 having the new releases on display the last few times I've went in for games. Plus, apparently they keep the games in the back...on the other side of the store! :/ The same electronics worker always has to shuffle off across the store to get a new game for me; Pokemon will probably be no exception.
Here's hoping that come 930 or so they have the new ad out so that I can get B&W. I have rewards points to use, dammit!

Actually, how I feel right now is pretty much this:
i'm just hoping that my Kmart has the Dsi bundle, when Green Day Rock band came out they only had 1 copy of it, hoping they dont mess this up.
For the Yakuza 4 deal do we have to pre-order at kmart? I went to my local kmart and the guy said they don't do pre orders. Do we just go on the day it comes out? And just to be sure this is an B&M deal only correct?
[quote name='mook8515']For the Yakuza 4 deal do we have to pre-order at kmart? I went to my local kmart and the guy said they don't do pre orders. Do we just go on the day it comes out? And just to be sure this is an B&M deal only correct?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no pre-orders. Just go in on release day and grab what you need.
[quote name='gblessthanjake']someone over at neogaf said they spotted GOTY Borderlands for $19.99[/QUOTE]

Really? I've been wanting to play it and a friend always nags me about how great it is and I need to play it lol.
Im standing here in kmart as I type this and was not only told me that they didn't receive either pokemon black or white.... but told me to come back on Tuesday or Wednesday and they'll have it... what the hell? If I wanted it Tuesday or Wednesday I would've ordered it off amazon. I guess toysrus will get my money on the way home today
[quote name='Penguin1084']Im standing here in kmart as I type this and was not only told me that they didn't receive either pokemon black or white.... but told me to come back on Tuesday or Wednesday and they'll have it... what the hell? If I wanted it Tuesday or Wednesday I would've ordered it off amazon. I guess toysrus will get my money on the way home today[/QUOTE]

Tell them to check the back -- Josh practically guaranteed it would be available today.
[quote name='Trance Addix']Tell them to check the back -- Josh practically guaranteed it would be available today.[/QUOTE]

I know. Im sitting in my car and I think im going to go back in. Of course I called the Kmart in bumblefuck and they said they have it. But no time to go there now.
[quote name='ShreeAspenwood']Yeah rick, the kmart in Anderson in general sucks. Real hard to get help games are a mess. Locked cases have 2-3 titles stacked on top of each other. But the games should ring up the right price. It just means they have been too lazy to change the stickers.:applause:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reply. I'm one of those people that doesnt want to go through the trouble of hunting down help only to find out the deal wasn't any good.
I went back in and once again asked the employee if he found them yet and he just said "nope" so unexplained to him that I was nearly guaranteed you'd have the games today and he gave me a puzzled look so I told him to get his manager out here. Manager comes out and I politely told him that josh told us that the game would be in today and it has to be here. And he was all "yea you know its bothering me too that we don't have it, I have the 3/8 and 3/15 releases locked up but I don't have pokemon. I don't know why. But let me take down your name and you'll be the first to get it on Tuesday or Wednesday whenever we get it." I politely told him that I would be getting it today from a different store. But either way he insisted on taking my number down to call me when they got them. But either way. Im volunteering for an autism event all day today so I tried to beat the clock and get here early to get my games before the event. Now im running late because I had to deal with this. Not to mention im pokemonless. Word to the wise, call before trekking out.
Its on the front page of the ad and says available 3/6, and also on the inside cover it says the same.

Well, i got mine. Deal rang up fine. Used my sywr points from bulletstorm without a problem.

I saw 1 of each dsi bundle.
[quote name='Penguin1084']I went back in and once again asked the employee if he found them yet and he just said "nope" so unexplained to him that I was nearly guaranteed you'd have the games today and he gave me a puzzled look so I told him to get his manager out here. Manager comes out and I politely told him that josh told us that the game would be in today and it has to be here. And he was all "yea you know its bothering me too that we don't have it, I have the 3/8 and 3/15 releases locked up but I don't have pokemon. I don't know why. But let me take down your name and you'll be the first to get it on Tuesday or Wednesday whenever we get it." I politely told him that I would be getting it today from a different store. But either way he insisted on taking my number down to call me when they got them. But either way. Im volunteering for an autism event all day today so I tried to beat the clock and get here early to get my games before the event. Now im running late because I had to deal with this. Not to mention im pokemonless. Word to the wise, call before trekking out.[/QUOTE]

That's a shame...I guess I'm sorry for the ill advice. :whistle2:#
Deal rang up automatically. I was a bit worried when the clerks knew nothing about the deal (they knew about the console deal though) but it rang up just fine. Service was great otherwise, the guy there knew his stuff (except for the B1G1HO and went right to the back to bring out the games. They had several boxes apparently, everyone who wants one today is getting one I'm sure.

Awesome job again, about to start on Black! (I'll crack open White once I get my 3DS and can start trading between the two)
[quote name='Trance Addix']That's a shame...I guess I'm sorry for the ill advice. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

Not your fault haha. I just found out im actually on time. I thought it started at 9 when it actually starts at 930 :D

Glad to hear other people are having better luck than me.
Got to the Hagerstown, MD store at around 40 minutes after opening and the shelf was fully stocked with the new Pokemon games and DSi bundles. Looked to be about 8 or so Black DSi bundles and only two White, so if you want a White one try to get one ASAP. SYWR points redeemed just fine and the buy one get one half off deal rang up just fine as well. Thanks again!
Just got to the event and who called me on the way here? Kmart "yea we just received our shipment"...... my response: djwjeiebwosojrkwkskejwjsjdjdjej either way ill pick it up on the way home and they're holding a copy of each for me. So in the end, its seeming to work out
[quote name='confoosious']They received their shipment on a Sunday morning at 9:30? I thought Nintendo sent stuff out fedex/ups?[/QUOTE]

Exactly. There's no way they're getting a shipment on Sunday morning for a Sunday release game.... truth is that they found it in the back im sure. They just don't want to look like dumbasses. But don't worry. I plan on calling them out later when I go there
Just got back from my KMart. Met another CAG at the counter. :D Rang up the pair of games without any trouble, got the discount, used my $15 from Dragonquest VI.

The games weren't in the case yet, and when I told him they were new and out today, the guy pulled out the ad and started out "This says they aren't out until... oh, that's today." So he rang a manager. We had to wait a little while that we both spent browsing, but she came with boxes of the carts and the systems. There were at least ten of the system bundles from a glance. The guy said he'd ring us up there and asked specifically if we wanted the systems or the games and what combination of them. All in all, a smooth experience. (Special note as I promised Altanis: This post is -not- whining but an account of a purchase gone smoothly with me feeling satisfied at the end. You're welcome!)

Snivy! I choose you! *names it Smugleaf*
Just came back from my local kmart: Got 2x White DSi bundle with case and a black version for $196.14 a piece, i'm probably going to ebay those up. And got black version game for me and white for my little bro for $57.07. Managed to use a good amount of SYWR points thanks to josh and the awesome deals he's given us in the past, he really is a godsend
[quote name='Penguin1084']Exactly. There's no way they're getting a shipment on Sunday morning for a Sunday release game.... truth is that they found it in the back im sure. They just don't want to look like dumbasses. But don't worry. I plan on calling them out later when I go there[/QUOTE]

Pay for the game(s) first!
i'm 100% sure that the store was lazy and had them in the back, but just fyi, I can confirm to having received special shipments from Nintendo on Sunday mornings when I worked at Game Crazy. Always replenishment of the new release, especially if it's Pokemon.
[quote name='nightmarishhero']Just came back from my local kmart: Got 2x White DSi bundle with case and a black version for $196.14 a piece, i'm probably going to ebay those up. And got black version game for me and white for my little bro for $57.07. Managed to use a good amount of SYWR points thanks to josh and the awesome deals he's given us in the past, he really is a godsend[/QUOTE]

I really hope you have luck selling those.. I was going to go that route until I did my research and notice their is really very little market for the bundles. Their was seller unloading a few at $160 which is BELOW retail so I'm not sure you'll have any luck making a profit after fees and such...

Maybe if you're patient and you wait? But then the 3DS will be here so who knows
[quote name='confoosious']They received their shipment on a Sunday morning at 9:30? I thought Nintendo sent stuff out fedex/ups?[/QUOTE]

The Kmart on my route hasn't been going through there shipments, the lady in charge of receiving checking the stuff in is hurt so the stuff just piles up in the back. When I delivered there Friday they had about 3-4 days worth of boxes just sitting there.
[quote name='Scorch']i'm 100% sure that the store was lazy and had them in the back, but just fyi, I can confirm to having received special shipments from Nintendo on Sunday mornings when I worked at Game Crazy. Always replenishment of the new release, especially if it's Pokemon.[/QUOTE]

who does the delivery?
[quote name='nightmarishhero']Just came back from my local kmart: Got 2x White DSi bundle with case and a black version for $196.14 a piece, i'm probably going to ebay those up. And got black version game for me and white for my little bro for $57.07. Managed to use a good amount of SYWR points thanks to josh and the awesome deals he's given us in the past, he really is a godsend[/QUOTE]

isnt there a store buy the system and get another game free...

could of got the white system and got the black game free and the other way aroound and saved 57 bucks
[quote name='confoosious']who does the delivery?[/QUOTE]

iirc, it was FedEx Ground. They'd beat down my door about ten minutes before opening.
Just got back from kmart.
Sale is posted and easy to find. Got one black, one white, sale rang up fine.

One irritating thing. I bought Two worlds 2 here about 6 days ago. It came to $35 because I used my marvel vs capcom rewards. As I was grabbing pokemon I noticed its now on sale for $39.99. If I knew I would have waited, I don't recall a two worlds 2 sale ever being posted as coming. I could have paid $15....
[quote name='mook8515']For the Yakuza 4 deal do we have to pre-order at kmart? I went to my local kmart and the guy said they don't do pre orders. Do we just go on the day it comes out?[/QUOTE]

You've been brainwashed by too much Gamestop ;)
Editing this post after a successful purchase. See the end.

I just got back from my "local" Kmart (Store #7275 Belvidere,IL). I say "local" because I have to drive about 25 miles each way to get to one. I normally don't care about this, but today I do. I was there right at opening. Normally, I wouldn't bother being there right at opening, but I am busy the rest of the day. I went to the electronics department and no Pokemon. I waited about 5 minutes for an employee (not bad). I found him stocking the Pokemon games. Perfect. I told him I needed 2 of each color. So far so good. Then we go to check out. No deal rings up. I ask about the deal. He tells me it must be online only since it isn't printed in the ad. I try to convince him, but I realize there is no discussing it with this guy. I am getting really upset since this is the third strike for Kmart and these deals. (Usually Josh straightens it out, but I am sick of having to go to Josh when the local store should take care of this.) I leave the store before I say something I'll regret. I figured everybody is having this issue. Then I get home and see all sorts of people getting the deal no problem. Now I am really upset. I wasted an hour and a half of my day and I don't even have the games for my kids.

Josh, you have done a great job here. There is no issue with what you and your team are doing. It is a shame that the employees at local stores don't follow your blog or are at least required to read it each week before they work in the electronics department.

I'll give Kmart one more shot. I will try again tomorrow or maybe I can get my wife to try later tonight, because maybe the computer wasn't updated. I don't know. I really don't want to miss this deal. It really helps me keep my video game budget in check. Hopefully this gets fixed and I can come back and tell everybody that this worked out.

Sorry this is so long. Hope everybody else has a better time than I did.

I drove by another Kmart in my travels today so I decided to stop. So glad that I did.

Will at Stoce #3515 in Oak Lawn, IL is the man. He actually had stickers about the sale posted on the glass cases in the electronics section. He helped me get the games and then figured out the issue. It wasn't the SYWR issue others have mentioned. I am a SYWR member and had my number with me both times. The issue was trying to buy two of each. When Will rang them up he actually took the time to figure out what was going on and noticed the discount not apply to the second set when puchasing on the same transaction. This is probably my bad. I should've split the transactions originally or realized what the issue was based on the total, but it was early, I wasn't thinking clearly enough and I probably wasn't in a very good mood. Anyway, once he split the transactions, everything worked fine. Thanks again for the great service Will! And as always, thanks to Josh and his team for getting these deals out there for us.
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[quote name='GBAstar']I really hope you have luck selling those.. I was going to go that route until I did my research and notice their is really very little market for the bundles. Their was seller unloading a few at $160 which is BELOW retail so I'm not sure you'll have any luck making a profit after fees and such...

Maybe if you're patient and you wait? But then the 3DS will be here so who knows[/QUOTE]

Yeah i figured that, well the lowest price i see on ebay is 239.99 plus 15 shipping, i'm hoping that if i bundle them together I'll be able to pick up a little more than that.

oh and to make a note there was actually a sale sign at my kmart posting both of josh's deals. Everything was in the back though and the guy at the counter told me they only had 5 black DSi and 2 white DSi bundles, and only 4 copies of each version (if what he brought to the front was all they had).
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