Kotaku DSlite contest

I have a question about the prizes of this contest -- the grand prize black DS is from Ireland. If the winner is American, are they gonna have to buy a voltage converter and plug adapter to charge their new 220V/european plug system? That's kind of a pain.
[quote name='geepgal']I have a question about the prizes of this contest -- the grand prize black DS is from Ireland. If the winner is American, are they gonna have to buy a voltage converter and plug adapter to charge their new 220V/european plug system? That's kind of a pain.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't they use the AC adapter from a US Lite? I mean...is it the SYSTEM thats built differently or the AC cable?
A new hint from Kotaku, and I still can't get it!!! Ahhh!

Here's a hint: think like Crecente! Apply egg whites with a paint brush to your glossy, flowing mane! Write some Rocky Mountain News pieces, then submit them to us as tips! Meet Joystiq in a biker bar and smash your hob-nailed boot right through the AOL tattoo imprinted upon their slightly bulbous foreheads.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Couldn't they use the AC adapter from a US Lite? I mean...is it the SYSTEM thats built differently or the AC cable?[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine it's the AC side of the adapter that's different. It would be stupid to manufacturer/stuff a different connector on the DSL side for each AC input voltage.

Swap out the charger with a US one and you should be good.
[quote name='Fallen_Reality']A new hint from Kotaku, and I still can't get it!!! Ahhh!

Here's a hint: think like Crecente! Apply egg whites with a paint brush to your glossy, flowing mane! Write some Rocky Mountain News pieces, then submit them to us as tips! Meet Joystiq in a biker bar and smash your hob-nailed boot right through the AOL tattoo imprinted upon their slightly bulbous foreheads.[/QUOTE]
I think that's more of a joke than an actual hint for this question. Anyways, I finally figured out the answer, I just can't believe that the answer was staring me right in the face this whole time, but I was too busy looking at red herrings.
[quote name='DT778']i didnt even try it this week but I should have sent them an email to be in the random drawing.[/QUOTE]

Yah, was thinking about that too but ran out of time and forgot.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Hint for the other game: They give it away within the text of the entire article.[/quote]

Didn't even notice that at first. Thanks.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Hint for the other game: They give it away within the text of the entire article.[/QUOTE]

You know, I was going to jokingly make a suggestion after you said this, but then I googled around a bit and realized I would have been a total ass had I done so.

[quote name='SMMM']holy crap, that was just a shot in the dark. I hadn't played it in so long, I didn't actually think it'd be it. Now I kind of regret sharing it.... >_>

As for the other one, I have no clue. By the article, you mean the one where the where clues and pics are given?[/quote]
Yeah, and don't overthink it either. They're practically giving away the hint.
This week's DS lite contest is a little different: Instead of a trivia question, this week's contest involves identifying the two role-playing games picture in our gallery below. One is pretty easy—the other is going to cause some wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Here's a hint: We're heard but cannot confirm that it shared an engine with a post-apocalyptic classic.)

Only thing I can notice is "We're heard" which looks like an obvious typo. The hint seems to refer to Escape from Hell, so that can't be it. Wailing and gnashing of teeth? Again, I think its referring to Escape from Hell....so wtf can it be? Unless "pretty easy" or "gallery" are the hints....I don't know, I suck.
[quote name='SMMM']This week's DS lite contest is a little different: Instead of a trivia question, this week's contest involves identifying the two role-playing games picture in our gallery below. One is pretty easy—the other is going to cause some wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Here's a hint: We're heard but cannot confirm that it shared an engine with a post-apocalyptic classic.)

Only thing I can notice is "We're heard" which looks like an obvious typo. The hint seems to refer to Escape from Hell, so that can't be it. Wailing and gnashing of teeth? Again, I think its referring to Escape from Hell....so wtf can it be? Unless "pretty easy" or "gallery" are the hints....I don't know, I suck.[/quote]
Heh, you're looking in the wrong paragraph!
[quote name='evilmax17']Heh, you're looking in the wrong paragraph![/QUOTE]

what the hell? There are only 3 paragraphs and 2 of them are the same bloody things they've used for previous weeks.

oh shit, unless...

edit: err..got it.
Would have never got the first one but the second one was easy since I'm playing it right now....well, not this instant but after work for the past few nights.
[quote name='evilmax17']Yeah, and don't overthink it either. They're practically giving away the hint.[/quote]

Don't you mean, literally giving away the hint.
I have to admit I am totally riding everyone else's steam this week. Didn't have a clue until all the hints and, well, blatant (but very much appreciated) answers.
Heh, a Google search of the pictured inventory items led to the EfH answer. Before that, I was trying to find out what the "easy" one was. I already knew the series, but I wasn't 100% sure which specific game it was. Then I found something that gave the answer:
Much like the EfH screenshots, the screenshots for the "easy" game were cunnignly clipped and flipped from a preexisting screenshot on a well-known gaming website. Find the source screenshot and, like me, you will have the second part of your answer.
As I stated in my answer to the question, the only way anyone could get the exact answer is if they live in Ireland and they recognize the pub in the background of the picture, since pint prices for Guinness vary between pubs. I certainly hope Florian went to one of the two pubs on Dawson Street, the same street where he bought the DS Lite.
[quote name='Cao Cao']As I stated in my answer to the question, the only way anyone could get the exact answer is if they live in Ireland and they recognize the pub in the background of the picture, since pint prices for Guinness vary between pubs. I certainly hope Florian went to one of the two pubs on Dawson Street, the same street where he bought the DS Lite.[/QUOTE]

(Since the deadline has passed...)

My guess is that the correct answer is between $10-$20 for the price of the three pints. Since the answer is rounded to the nearest dollar, that leaves 11 choices, and my range is pretty broad. It depends on what you decided a pint costs in Ireland, then convert to American. I googled a random site for the answer. Any world travellers know how much a Guinness usually costs?
My friend suggested that we look at the Guinness cost purely from a Dublin arena. He found a link (I don't have it right now) that showed various bars. I searched "Dawson" in one and found it at 3.95 Euros. There were 3 in the picture, so 11.85 Euro, x 1.2548 to convert = some 14.80, so we rounded to 15.

Originally we thought of it purely from an American standpoint, i.e., a Guinness averages 4 bucks around the nation, so we used 12 originally, but changed it to 15 after thinking about it some more.

The other numbers we got were 2120 and some 2 million number, and the ultimate answer was in the 27-28 area, I don't have the exact number on me.

Here's good luck to myself, heh.

You know, what I really hate about some of these contests is that it seems like the answer could be phrased a few different ways. Case in point, last week's answers were "Escape from Hell" and "Fire Emblem." But the true answers were Dave and Alan's Escape from Hell and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. So what really bugs me is - I wonder - if I got DQ'ed because I wrote the full answers, as when they revealed the winner they said he guessed just the "meat" portion of the titles.

So this bugs me because you could interpret the answer to this week's Guinness thing a few different ways, and each way would be perfectly viable.

Oh well, we'll see, aye?
[quote name='chargeup45'](Since the deadline has passed...)

My guess is that the correct answer is between $10-$20 for the price of the three pints. Since the answer is rounded to the nearest dollar, that leaves 11 choices, and my range is pretty broad. It depends on what you decided a pint costs in Ireland, then convert to American. I googled a random site for the answer. Any world travellers know how much a Guinness usually costs?[/QUOTE]
To find that out, I went to this site:

For me, it was a choice between Dawson Lounge and Café En Seine. I chose the lounge, though the prices are somewhat outdated.
Ah, I googled and got this one:


I figured going by the main chart it should be at ~€3.7 by now, but it also said €4.20 was the typical price for a pint in Dublin but it also can go up and down depending on how much you get gouged. Then again on the bottom it also said the average for the lowest prices were ~€3.40 and the highest were ~€4.07. I settled on an even 4 because it was simpler and I ended up with 27.93462 for the final answer.
bread's done