KOTOR bugs


8 (100%)
In the newest Gamepro, it mentions there are a lot of bugs in the game, but neither I nor anyone else who I know that owns the game have had any problems. Has anyone had or heard of someone having any problems with it?
I did hit the Galaxy Droid bug late in the game (very confusing), but other than that, it has been fine (although it is funny that you can walk backwards in some areas (a certain cave for instance) and see scripted enemies appear instantly instead of showing them arriving).
Both my brother and I have played through it, totaling more then 60 hours and neither of us had any problems at all. However, I bought my Xbox the same day that I bought Knights, so its pretty new.
This is BS cause I have the game, finished the game(in like 45 hours) and I have a Thompson Drive(which supposedly it's the worst) and the game only froze 1 time.
I bought the XBox one right after it came out, and played through the entire game (light side) without incident. No freezing up, no Galaxy Droid, no nothing. I was going to replay through it on dark side but I wanted to resell it while I could still get some decent coin.

The game is Live compatible so maybe they'll bring a patch out to fix some of the bugs.
THe only issue I had was when I left a stealth shield on the feline Jedi chick, and there was a cut-scene where she wouldn't show up due to the whole being invisible thing, causing me to crash. Other than that, no problems whatsoever.
The game froze when I left one of the Taris (the first planet) during the FMV sequence.... However, when I reset the game, it had saved my progress, but my hours played were in the millions!!! Lol, I guess I have spent more time in this RPG than any other! :D
Mine looks and plays great; except for some reason, everyone's eyes are missing. Seriously; you can look right through the holes in their heads. I have no idea why, but it's a bit disconcerting.
that mut be creepy do have some1 with no eyes. Mabee it was a manufacturers prblem. rent a copy and see how it plays :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: all have no eyes
About 40 hours or so into the game it messed up when I was saving it and it now says I have played the game for 1.4 million hours.

Yea thats how die hard I am :roll:
[quote name='Cuzza40']Mine looks and plays great; except for some reason, everyone's eyes are missing. Seriously; you can look right through the holes in their heads. I have no idea why, but it's a bit disconcerting.[/quote]

thats weird, everyone's eyes are darked out (still visible) in my game. no other problems though. probably my video card (radeon 9800 pro 256mb)
Ive played for about 55hrs completing it and my brother played 40hrs and neither of us had any bugs except for the occasianal floating team member when they try to catch up with you. no gameplay bugs no freezing. I got the game and the Xbox the week they came out. 8)
I do have to add that it is the greatest RPG ........EVER!!
this is his bro and he was counting my first completed game and my 7 hour start of a new game.just wanna clear this up. don't think you cool.

JADEN IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I rented the game and the only problem i had was once on taris when i was running i started floating when i tried to walk but it stoped after i hit a loading screen.
bread's done