KOTOR on Steam for $2.49

[quote name='Xfactor19990']bah :( if only they only both on sale (i dont want complete pack) for say $5 id bite, since i never played it[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't worry about that. KOTOR II isn't worth it comparatively.

On the other hand this KOTOR is one of the best RPG's you'll play. And if you like Star Wars...
Oh Boy!
[quote name='Zen Rukasu']I wouldn't worry about that. KOTOR II isn't worth it comparatively.

On the other hand this KOTOR is one of the best RPG's you'll play. And if you like Star Wars...
Oh Boy![/QUOTE]

agreed. KOTOR 2 is a huge let down/disappointment. KOTOR one is absolutely amazing.

KOTOR 2 does not continue the story to 1 although it references the events. the game is inferior to the first in every single way possible. I already have KOTOR, but for 2.50 i am definitely in so that next time i want to play the game i dont have to go looking for my disks.
[quote name='icedrake523']Can you use mods if you download on Steam?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm curious about that as well.
[quote name='ruibing']Just bought it. I hope it plays on a Vista machine well.[/QUOTE]
I've played it from steam on vista and it run great for me. I don't know why so many people are down on KOTOR 2, sure it wasn't as good as the first but I thought it was still great. I'd love to see kotor 2 on steam.
[quote name='jason506']I've played it from steam on vista and it run great for me. I don't know why so many people are down on KOTOR 2, sure it wasn't as good as the first but I thought it was still great. I'd love to see kotor 2 on steam.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I didn't mind KotOR 2. It had some interesting new aspects like the whole turning party members into good or bad jedi thing. Felt pretty unfinished though, especially at the end.
[quote name='Optical']Ordered. What is the max resolution I can play this on? I can get up to 1680x1050.[/QUOTE]
Can't remember exactly but I think it was 1280x800.
As a note: The story in KOTOR is not anywhere near the canonical story of Star Wars.

Just had to mention that since a lot of people thought they were suddenly enlightened about the SW universe after playing the game.
[quote name='Zen Rukasu']I wouldn't worry about that. KOTOR II isn't worth it comparatively.

On the other hand this KOTOR is one of the best RPG's you'll play. And if you like Star Wars...
Oh Boy![/QUOTE]

youre kidding right? the second one improved on the first by tons, but they rushed it to the shelves before they finished. hk-47 never got his hk factory, and well the entire final 2 worlds just ended really abruptly.

the first one was fun, but i guess i liked the characters better in the second.
The first one is definitely worth the $50 i paid for. As for the second one, it's just not as good as the first one overall. While the story wasn't up to par, the gameplay is an improvement over the first.
KOTOR is a pure classic. No doubt about it. And KOTOR2 would have been if Lucas Arts did not rush Obsidian into a holiday release. The second game definitely feels incomplete, but it's by no means a bad game. If KOTOR is 10, the second one is a 7 or 8.
[quote name='sneakysnake128']As a note: The story in KOTOR is not anywhere near the canonical story of Star Wars.

Just had to mention that since a lot of people thought they were suddenly enlightened about the SW universe after playing the game.[/QUOTE]

This is completely wrong btw.
KOTOR2, although IMO not as good as the first, was not a bad game. However, it was an extremely unfinished and buggy one. Some of the ideas and gameplay enhancements it had could have made it a better game than the first, if they were properly implimented and complimented by a complete story.

This was most likely because Lucasarts rushed the game to meet the holiday deadline. Also, early the next year, MArch I believe, Jade Empire was being released and LA did not want their game competing with Bioware's next game.
KOTOR 2 was hideous. Steer clear or be prepared for extreme frustration when what seems to be a great game for 20 hours just randomly ends after 3 or 4 hours of buggy, unfinished gameplay. A typical Obsidian game.
Anyone get 1680x1050 working on the steam version? I want to dl it, but not if I have to fumble around with getting it to work. If someone has already done it, then I'll go ahead and get it done with.
Best deal I've seen on anything yet, gonna go for it I think.

[quote name='mikejenks']KOTOR 2 was hideous. Steer clear or be prepared for extreme frustration when what seems to be a great game for 20 hours just randomly ends after 3 or 4 hours of buggy, unfinished gameplay. A typical Obsidian game.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like life: great until you get old, then it randomly ends. I think we all would recommend life though.
[quote name='sneakysnake128']As a note: The story in KOTOR is not anywhere near the canonical story of Star Wars.

Just had to mention that since a lot of people thought they were suddenly enlightened about the SW universe after playing the game.[/QUOTE]
Uh, yeah, maybe you're like new to Star Wars or something, but Lucasfilm considers the Expanded Universe to be canon (but simply subordinate to the canon of the film hexology where there is conflict).

Yes, the more fans learn about the Expanded Universe, which KOTOR is a part of, the more "enlightened about the SW universe" they are.

[quote name='Japakneez']Does this have Steam Cloud enabled? Will my saved game progress be available on different PCs?[/QUOTE]

No. Only games with the little "Steam Cloud" icon on the store pages have that.
[quote name='ruibing']Just bought it. I hope it plays on a Vista machine well.[/QUOTE]

It works great on my Windows 7 64 bit machine so it should work well with other machines...
Make sure all of your graphics and audio drivers are updated. I remember buying this new out of the box back in the day and my audio drivers caused some serious crashes. By now I assume they've patched it into perfection.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Stupid question I know given the price, but is it worth it if I already have this for the original Xbox?[/QUOTE]

It's ALOT better on PC, trust me.
[quote name='JUDOHAWK']It's ALOT better on PC, trust me.[/QUOTE]

ordered. i would rather replay a classic game than pick up a game that i think is only ok. and i only had the xbox version. i usually dont like the pc version of a game unless its a game like romance of the 3 kingdoms or civilization.

I know the game is turn based, but still more fun to move around with a controller. you use the mouse to move around? eh, will give it a shot.

why is the pc version better? add ons and whatnot?
[quote name='dracula']ordered. i would rather replay a classic game than pick up a game that i think is only ok. and i only had the xbox version. i usually dont like the pc version of a game unless its a game like romance of the 3 kingdoms or civilization.

I know the game is turn based, but still more fun to move around with a controller. you use the mouse to move around? eh, will give it a shot.

why is the pc version better? add ons and whatnot?[/QUOTE]

well for one thing, you can play the entire game with just your mouse
One of the best games of all time in my opinion I have played it multiple times and might pick it up on Steam cause this is an absolute steal!
Basically the differences are graphics and controls. The graphics on PC are a lot better. The controls are pretty much the same from what I remember, just personal taste. (I played through both and prefer the Xbox controller) I think the PC version is also less buggy because back then I don't think they ever patched xbox single player gamers.
Well you guys convinced me. What started as a way to get back into TF2 for a couple of bucks has turned into quite a bit more with the overlord pack, and now this.
takes a while to download, and i am at 170 kb/second. probably another hour at least.

dunno, maybe i go soldier/consular or scout/consular. those consulars get so many neato abilities but really need more hit points.
[quote name='Pck21']For that price, I had to bite. I've never played it before and apparently I'm missing out big time![/QUOTE]

Oh man, such a great game. You have no idea the value of Awesomness to dollar ratio you guys are getting with this one.

If only the Prequel SW movies were as awesome as this game!!
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Uh, yeah, maybe you're like new to Star Wars or something, but Lucasfilm considers the Expanded Universe to be canon (but simply subordinate to the canon of the film hexology where there is conflict).

Yes, the more fans learn about the Expanded Universe, which KOTOR is a part of, the more "enlightened about the SW universe" they are.[/QUOTE]

bread's done