Kutaragi retires

[quote name='Apossum']The next Playstation will be the Sony Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer.[/quote]

My friend and I still laugh at that daily and try to make atleast one "Riiiiiiiiiiiidge Racerrrrr" joke a day.
[quote name='jer7583']Why do I get so vilified by Myke and others for disliking the PS3. I've got valid reasons aside from "Sony is teh arrogant they suck" and I've got a fair share of criticisms for Nintendo and MS as well. I'm in no way as bad as TheManaKnight and DarkNess with their blind Sony love.. ick.

Every time it comes down to this assumption that somewhere, down the road, it won't matter, because PS3 will be the best and will have everything they promise. I don't understand that statement, why not buy/trust/reccomend PS3 when those promises come true, rather than when they're made? I think that the general public is in agreement, judging by the low sales numbers month by month.

We'll see what happens come November, but I think when Sony wants to be hitting their stride sales-wise, they're going to find themselves hitting a brick wall called Halo 3 that will be pushing 360s like nothing else. But maybe I'm crazy, maybe i'm just a blind fanboy.

Maybe the sequel to the largest first day entertainment release ever will be a flop and Sony will convert everyone with Little Big Planet and the new Ratchet, who knows? I know which I'll be playing around christmastime, though.

To Apossum: My point being that the both the PS3 and the Wii seem to be getting shovelware and ports, people just rag on the Wii versions more because of the "tacked on" controls. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Case in point, it worked for Wii Godfather/Madden, which was widely regarded to be better than the PS3 edition, despite graphics upgrades. It did not work for Call of Duty 3 which lacked online play and good controls, and the PS3 version wins out there.[/QUOTE]

I think I just tend to view your posts as some sort of blathering "rahrahrah" cheerleading of Sony's demise. You've done no such thing in this thread (short of claiming that NGDS will outsell Sigma), so I apologize for picking on you. As for DarknessBear and ManaKnight, there's a reason I don't mention them very often. If you find me in the versus forum spouting off politics, I don't waste my time with people who are fools, I argue with those who make coherent arguments, or, at least, I feel should be able to make them.

Something very few anti-Sony types consider in this market is that there is nothing, nothing, nothing that Microsoft can do to get a foothold in the Japanese marketplace. The 360 is a bigger failure than the Xbox. I know they've tried, I know it *should* sell, but it hasn't, and it won't. We'll see Blue Dragon 2 on the 360 instead of the DS before we see a half a million 360s sold in that country.

Sony is already outpacing MS by a significant margin over there; we're potentially headed for a split region market, where the PS3 reigns over in Japan and the 360 reigns over here (for "next-gen" gaming, if you will - the Wii is still outselling both the PS3 and 360 in Japan). That would make for a fascinating market, but one that would ultimately help Sony, I feel (the same way it did last gen, as Sony had hundreds of "Japanese" games, from quirky mech bullshit to derivative Atlus RPGs, to Squeenix stuff, etc.).

Now, it's possible for Atlus/NIS to move from PS3 to Wii, since they may never need the PS3 power. It's far less likely, however, to see Atlus/NIS kinda stuff on the 360.

And Apossum, I still like NG, but goddamned Itagaki is like the bitch girlfriend of gaming. I love how any criticism about the game can be immediately recast as "it's not the game, it's *you*." :lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']I still don't understand the PS3 hatred (I don't see it from you, as yours is a more "well, I'm not buyin' it, unless they make one that does my laundry" sort), unless I view it in the context of some poor bastard feeling the need to create blind brand loyalty to justify their choice of console.[/QUOTE]

Why is it so hard to accept that people just flat out don't like what it's offering? Why do people always try to use "well, they're just jealous/it's just blind fanboy loyalty" as a reply to people knocking a system?

I don't hate the PS3, but I do think it's a pretty pathetic joke at this point. For what it's worth, thus far I think the Wii is as well. At least in the case of the Wii, though, the ridiculous sales dictate it will have strong support for the forseeable future, and the lower price lessens the pain. I'm sure the PS3 will keep chugging along as well, but I usually don't enjoy dropping $600 for something that doesn't offer me anything I want, you know?

Disdain/mocking isn't equal to hate.

The 360 launch had abysmal games
You don't like video games.

Hey, it's no more ridiculous than your statement.

Ken retires? "Goodnight, funnyman!"
[quote name='mykevermin']Sony is already outpacing MS by a significant margin over there; we're potentially headed for a split region market, where the PS3 reigns over in Japan and the 360 reigns over here (for "next-gen" gaming, if you will - the Wii is still outselling both the PS3 and 360 in Japan). That would make for a fascinating market, but one that would ultimately help Sony, I feel (the same way it did last gen, as Sony had hundreds of "Japanese" games, from quirky mech bullshit to derivative Atlus RPGs, to Squeenix stuff, etc.). [/quote] It's interesting to see people still differentiating between PS3/360 and Wii, as if they're in different classes. The Wii is "new generation" as much as the DS was a "third pillar", which is to say that it's all just PR bologna.

[quote name='"Japanese sales, Apr16-22"']
1. DS Lite - 172,359
2. Wii - 77,913
3. PSP - 29,459
4. PS2 - 11,398
5. PS3 - 11,000
6. 360 - 2,307
7. GBA SP - 860
8. GB Micro - 449
9. Cube - 266
10. DS Phat - 81
11. GBA - 55
PS3 may be outselling the 360 in Japan, but it's not doing spectacularly well either. Sony's not exactly bringing developers over with those numbers, and they're barely hanging onto the exclusives that they already have.

Conversely, Wii is selling surprisingly well, and developers go where the numbers are. Why do you think the PS2 had the support that it had, because developers really really liked Sony? PS2 sold gangbusters, and developers followed. As support increased, sales increased, which in turn increased support even more, which then led to even MORE sales, and so on. It's a snowball effect.

Consoles don't do well just because. If Sony does better than the 360 in Japan, it won't mean jack to Japanese developers. Frankly, Japan just doesn't seem that interested in HD gaming, and that's good news for developers. For the PS3 to succeed, it doesn't just have to win the HD gaming race, it has to win the gaming race as a whole. It has to beat or match the Wii, and it doesn't look to do either any time soon.

PS3 sales will mimic PSP sales in Japan. It'll sell at a fairly consistent rate (looks like 10-20,000 per week), spike when certain exclusives are released (FFXIII), and then resume its usual numbers.

PS3 "hate" doesn't have to be biased. Read the news. Every other day a new company pledges more support to the Wii, and less support to the PS3. You'll hear things like developing for the PS3 as "risky", which is viewed as a bad thing to all but the largest publishers.

Sony and Nintendo have effectively switched places in less than a year.
Well said, evilmax. And I think Sony is well aware of all of the things you just put forward, and are looking for some fresh ideas to get the back into better standing with their bread-and-butter-3rd-parties.
Yeah, the 360 will never go anywhere in Japan, but I think in North America and other territories it's in a much better position to become the mainstream console of this generation.

The Wii seems to hold this potential for Japan. I see the PS3 playing second to both in each territory, which will make for some interesting software lineups.

Nintendo really did good planning with the Wii, and it's lower price. What better way to attract 3rd parties than selling a cheap system which gets high install numbers? More potential buyers has got to be up there on publisher's reasons to develop for a system.

As for the Halo 3 hate, you can deny it all you want, but behind pokemon, that's going to be the best seller this year. I still enjoy Halo 2 online 2 1/2 years later, that's saying a lot. It took until Gears of War for a game to surpass it on the most played lists on Xbox Live.. The only PS2 online game I ever got into, MGS3:S, doesn't even have servers up a year later. Where is this "fuller" experience on PS3?

Just to rub it in a bit more, aren't 360 games "fuller" experiences by their nature, with achievements pushing people to play more and do more things they might never have tried/thought of? I know crackdown/Call of Duty 2/Rainbow Six Vegas got about 10x more playtime than they would have have because of achievements.. I'd call that a fuller experience.
[quote name='jer7583']As for the Halo 3 hate, you can deny it all you want, but behind pokemon, that's going to be the best seller this year. I still enjoy Halo 2 online 2 1/2 years later, that's saying a lot. It took until Gears of War for a game to surpass it on the most played lists on Xbox Live.. The only PS2 online game I ever got into, MGS3:S, doesn't even have servers up a year later. Where is this "fuller" experience on PS3?

Just to rub it in a bit more, aren't 360 games "fuller" experiences by their nature, with achievements pushing people to play more and do more things they might never have tried/thought of? I know crackdown/Call of Duty 2/Rainbow Six Vegas got about 10x more playtime than they would have have because of achievements.. I'd call that a fuller experience.[/quote]

I have just as much, (no, actually more) hate for Halo as I do for the shallowness of Pokemon.

I said fuller experiences because I own every system, and get to play everything. Tee hee hee.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Why is it so hard to accept that people just flat out don't like what it's offering? Why do people always try to use "well, they're just jealous/it's just blind fanboy loyalty" as a reply to people knocking a system?

I don't hate the PS3, but I do think it's a pretty pathetic joke at this point. For what it's worth, thus far I think the Wii is as well. At least in the case of the Wii, though, the ridiculous sales dictate it will have strong support for the forseeable future, and the lower price lessens the pain. I'm sure the PS3 will keep chugging along as well, but I usually don't enjoy dropping $600 for something that doesn't offer me anything I want, you know?

Disdain/mocking isn't equal to hate.[/QUOTE]

Somewhat. It's still somewhat irksome to see folks spend such large amount of time in their lives discussing that which they have no interest in. It's typically the same cast of characters, as well, so it's exceptionally bothersome.
[quote name='mykevermin']Somewhat. It's still somewhat irksome to see folks spend such large amount of time in their lives discussing that which they have no interest in. It's typically the same cast of characters, as well, so it's exceptionally bothersome.[/quote]

Exactly, as much as you people have no interest in the PS3 at all, I hear so much negativity about it.
Just leave it alone, let people enjoy it.
I bash on certain games for certain systems, but I still give praise when it's due.

The PS3 is a well built machine, plain and simple.
It has the brightest future in my eyes. Time will tell though, not internet hate.
Well, I have all the machines that interest me, so I'm happy. And the PS3 does have the brightest future in a "nowhere to go but up" sort of way..

The idea that halo is shallow though.. wow. Don't know what you're missing out on.
[quote name='jer7583']Well, I have all the machines that interest me, so I'm happy. And the PS3 does have the brightest future in a "nowhere to go but up" sort of way..

The idea that halo is shallow though.. wow. Don't know what you're missing out on.[/quote]

Single player was so uninspired. Characters and art direction are ridiculously vanilla.
Multi was the best thing about it. (and i'm not even talking about online, i could only stand it when playing splitscreen with friends)

Anyway different strokes for different folks. (my strokes are better than your strokes ;), wait... ew)
bread's done