Large LCD Eye Strain


2 (100%)
Hey CAGs, got a question

So I got an LG 24" LCD monitor for Christmas. Its awesome. Only problem is I am having some wicked eye-strain from it. I am upgrading from a 17" monitor. Just wondering if this eyestrain is common or the screen takes some getting used to? I sit about 2 feet away from it.

What are your experiences with big monitors?
I went from a 19" lcd to a 32" and it took me a few days to get used to it. I then went from a 32" to a 42". All of those were used for PC Monitors as more than 2 feet away max. Try cutting the brightness down a bit for the first little bit.
I had issues when I went from my CRT to an LCD a couple years ago too. It bothers me when I'm at work and using a CRT now as well. I went to get checked out and they gave me some 0.50 glasses to use on the computer even though I repeatedly told him I didn't feel like I was having trouble reading small things and it was the brightness that felt like it was bothering me. I don't use them at home but they help at work... but I figure it's the anti-glare coating since the florescent lights are so bright in the office.
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