LAST DAY! Win 1600 Microsoft Points!



In our latest giveaway, we here at The Kartel are in cahoots with our buds at Gamers Temple. 1600 Microsoft Points can be yours.

Here's how to enter!

To qualify you must LIKE their Facebook page, and our Facebook page, and leave a comment on one of the pages (Who is the one true gamer god?) Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Promo ends on Feb 15th!

Good luck, ya'll!

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Just a reminder the promo is still going strong, and that both The Kartel and Gamers Temple appreciate the love. It's like a 3 way love fest (you being the 3rd one in this ménage à troi.)
Just a reminder the promo is still going strong (ends on the 16th), and that both The Kartel and Gamers Temple appreciate the love. It's like a 3 way love fest (you being the 3rd one in this ménage à troi.)
Just a reminder the promo ends shortly (the 15th), and that both The Kartel and Gamers Temple appreciate the love. It's like a 3 way love fest (you being the 3rd one in this ménage à troi.)
OK, so someone posed this question, so I thought I'd answer.

Yes, you can swap to get the equivalent value in Wii Points or PSN credit, since I haven't actually bought the prize yet. So if you prefer one of these two scenarios, you can enter. This isn't always the case for The Kartel, as sometimes we already have the prize on hand, so it's worth clarifying.
[quote name='CaptainSwag']Yeah, but no one wants Wii Points:)[/QUOTE]

ITT: Trolling Nintendo fans.

I wonder where the question came from, then, if not by someone who wanted Wii points? /end
bread's done