Late to the party: Ghost Recon 2


I picked this up a couple of weeks ago via a Gamestop B2G1, and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by how fun it is. A quick breakdown of the +/- through 8 missions:

+ Nice looking graphics -- I especially like the look of the FFW gear.
+ Varied environments
+ History Channel-style intros feel very appropriate
+ Third person perspective -- I loathe the floating reticule from GR1 (oh boy, I really feel immersed! Look how it bounces as I walk!)
+ Lone-wolf missions with the M29. I remember reading about that gear 5 years ago in a PopSci issue, and it's really cool to get to play around with it in a game.

- Retarded team AI
- Retarded enemy AI (they run around like they were trained in the 1800's)
- Tough to discern shapes at a distance. I'd like to think that camo shouldn't be so effective when the target is in the middle of an open road.

So Far: 7/10
Projected: 8/10 if there are more lone-wolf missions
Have you encountered any errors yet? I have the most recent XBox and still had problems with it, as did a few people I talked to. Maybe they silently patched it on XBox Live or something, because it hasn't happened in a long time.

[quote name='the3rdkey']What about da xbox live?[/QUOTE]

Haven't played anything on Live! yet. I usually (with the exception of SCCT and Rainbow Six) finish the single player before venturing online.

[quote name='Scorch']Have you encountered any errors yet? I have the most recent XBox and still had problems with it, as did a few people I talked to. Maybe they silently patched it on XBox Live or something, because it hasn't happened in a long time.


Nope, haven't had any trouble with it yet.

I do find it irritating that it "verifies downloaded content" every time I start the game. I want those 15 seconds of my life back, Ubisoft! Along with the minutes wasted as I am forced to watch the SC:CT video if I DARE take the disc out to play something else.
[quote name='WildWop']Haven't played anything on Live! yet. I usually (with the exception of SCCT and Rainbow Six) finish the single player before venturing online.

Nope, haven't had any trouble with it yet.

I do find it irritating that it "verifies downloaded content" every time I start the game. I want those 15 seconds of my life back, Ubisoft! Along with the minutes wasted as I am forced to watch the SC:CT video if I DARE take the disc out to play something else.[/QUOTE]

Those things in both those games really irritate me as well. I'm just really impatient when it comes to clunky, online interfaces (like on GR2) and unnecessary load times.
[quote name='jughead']Add me to your friends list. I just got this game.[/QUOTE]

You look like a just got this game Jug. You going to be playing tonight? I should be at some point. My uncle and I are supposed to play this and a few other games tonight.
maybe so Craven. I was thinking about getting drunk. Perhaps early this evening I will be playing. Hope to see you on here.
bread's done