Latest ITunes download may brick your IPod

I have always hated Apple with a burning passion, but you don't turn back a gift from someone who thinks it's cool and just doesn't know any better.

But that's it. I'll have to see if she has the reiceipt and I just have to tell everyone I know - no Apple products ever. Ever.

All this time no success. This piece of shit is bricked in the most annoying way - wont even charge keeps trying to sync - brilliant APPLE to double up charging and syncing! You've screwed me double! Thanks so much!!!
[quote name='Immortal fWd']Mine is working fine and it has all the latest updates.[/quote]

Same here. Updated last week and havent seen any problems yet.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Ipods are the cheapest in terms of cost/gb, last time I checked. Definitely worth it to me.[/quote]
Not really.

4GB 8GB 80GB
$150 $200 $250

4GB 8GB 80GB
$130 $170 $250

$90 $120

Well. It goes on. iPods are on par or higher than most other players. The only reason to get one is to be "trendy". Believe me, my iPod was a horrid mistake. Can't go 2 days without it crashing/freezing requiring a reset. Can't play WMA, iTunes SUCKS, itunes alternatives mess up quite a bit for me. Never buying another Apple product again.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Ipods are the cheapest in terms of cost/gb, last time I checked. Definitely worth it to me.[/quote]

Well that definetely isn't true, but it is the best quality wise for the money you are paying.
[quote name='aeauvian']The only reason to get one is to be "trendy". [/quote]
That has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on CAG.

There's a lot of bitterness in this thread. :(
[quote name='aeauvian']Not really.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Layziebones']Well that definetely isn't true, but it is the best quality wise for the money you are paying.[/QUOTE]

1) I said last time I checked
2) I was referring to the classics (160 gb for $250, etc); I should have clarified.
I don't use iTunes because I can't stand it. Floola all the way for me.

And yes, iPods are trendy, but to assert that everyone who gets one does so for the sole reason to be 'trendy' is just stupid. I got one because I wanted an mp3 player, and from what I could tell Apple has done the best consistent job with making quality players.

Besides, I think I'd rather give Steve Jobs my money than Bill Gates (but only by a little bit).
[quote name='johnnypark']Besides, I think I'd rather give Steve Jobs my money than Bill Gates (but only by a little bit).[/quote]
At least Bill Gates will turn around and hand it over to some starving Africans or something.
I owned a Sony minidisc player, and that was more reliable then an IPod. In fact, my minidisc player still works.

They are seriously the most overrated product out there, Apple caters to idiots and consequently when something goes wrong it's buried under tons of BS because their system is built around "being cool and simple", as if nothing ever goes wrong.

The gift came with a $10 itunes card which I refused to use because I knew that if I did use it, then one day I'd lose access to the DRM'd music or games I bought - lo and behold I've been proved correct. I just didn't expect the device to break in 8 months - I knew it was a piece of crap, I just didn't know it was that much of a piece of crap.
Fair enough, I've just always thought Ipods were junk, it was depressing when I knew how much was paid for someone to buy me one, and it was even more depressing to be proven right.

I know some ppl love them, I suppose it's all luck of the draw.
[quote name='camoor']Fair enough, I've just always thought Ipods were junk, it was depressing when I knew how much was paid for someone to buy me one, and it was even more depressing to be proven right.

I know some ppl love them, I suppose it's all luck of the draw.[/QUOTE]

They come with a warranty you know. I believe it's 1 year. Have you taken it to an Apple store or called them?
[quote name='Immortal fWd']They come with a warranty you know. I believe it's 1 year. Have you taken it to an Apple store or called them?[/QUOTE]

Apparently not. Since he's planning on getting the receipt, though, it should still be covered if it's that new.

The Apple Stores are great with customer service most of the time - if you've got a problem and they can't fix it, you'll walk out of there with a new iPod, provided you didn't do something like throw it out of the window of a moving car - and since it sounds like it's new the appointment or any service or parts required shouldn't cost you anything.

[quote name='Liquid 2']1) I said last time I checked
2) I was referring to the classics (160 gb for $250, etc); I should have clarified.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, it's $350 for 160GB right now. Your point still stands, though.

[quote name='aeauvian']Well. It goes on. iPods are on par or higher than most other players. The only reason to get one is to be "trendy". Believe me, my iPod was a horrid mistake. Can't go 2 days without it crashing/freezing requiring a reset. Can't play WMA, iTunes SUCKS, itunes alternatives mess up quite a bit for me. Never buying another Apple product again.[/QUOTE]

Damn, you're bitter. It sounds like you had a bad experience (that two day crash/freeze cycle isn't normal, though I suspect it's exaggerated) and you're not the only one who dislikes iTunes, but your other points are garbage. Are you really surprised that Apple won't play a proprietary Microsoft format (iTunes does convert it, though), or that third-party software written for a closed-source product has some issues?
I thought you could hold down the middle button and the menu button and then when it resets you hold down the middle button and the play button and it returns it to factory settings or something like that... It's a hard reset. I forget how it works, but I know it's helped a lot of peoples ipods in the past (didn't read the other thread about the bricked ones, so I'm not all sure what you've tried to do).
[quote name='lmz00']That has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on CAG.

There's a lot of bitterness in this thread. :([/quote]

That's probably one of the most correct things I read on CAG. The only reason people buy iPods, is because they here most about them. If people only knew they could buy a Creative or Sansa or even a Zune, and have it be half the price and last twice as long. Poor stupid mass population.

BTW- iTunes sucks more than a vaccuum. Use Winamp for all your media handling needs. It's a media player for your computer, and an iPod manager in one.

EDIT: Does anybody know a way to play .OGG files on an iPod? MP4, MP3 and AAC all suck.
Bah, my iPod is already bricked, apparently, if you write to the drive to much, you can't write anymore. My iTunes would either state that "The item "My iPod" cannot be found", or that it could not "Write the drive, it is corrupted". I'm sure as hell not paying $130 to get it fixed, I'll stick with my Zune, k thx.

[quote name='Access_Denied'] EDIT: Does anybody know a way to play .OGG files on an iPod? MP4, MP3 and AAC all suck.[/quote]

You would have to put RockBox (or something like it) on it, google it.
[quote name='lmz00']May I ask what is it about iTunes that you people dislike?[/quote]

I think because some think it's cool to hate it as they see it as "trendy." I get my torrent on just like the next guy and still have no problem with itunes. The other legit music interfaces I've worked with for other MP3 players were much less user friendly and just a plain pain in the ass.
I have a Zune and I hate the damn thing, and the Zune program. It worked for for the first few months, and than just had various little problems I have to deal with. Also the fact you can't use it as a mass storage device is a joke. I'll probably get a ipod when the new refresh comes along. I hate itunes though, tried using it but I just didn't like it. I don't actually love the ipod or anything, or think it's trendy, but it can't be worst than the Zune, my brother had a ipod a few years ago and it was decent. I do perfer the Sony players though, but they don't come bigger than 8 gb so that's out of the question.
[quote name='lmz00']May I ask what is it about iTunes that you people dislike?[/quote]

There are just flat out better music programs available, IMO. iTunes has always been slow and clunky for me. I don't own an iPod, but have had to help people with their iPods and iTunes before. I just don't enjoy their interface.

That's not to say anything about iPod's. I don't care either way about them, or any other player like them, as I don't have one. (My phone does that type of thing for me.)

[quote name='lawdood']I think because some think it's cool to hate it as they see it as "trendy." I get my torrent on just like the next guy and still have no problem with itunes. The other legit music interfaces I've worked with for other MP3 players were much less user friendly and just a plain pain in the ass.[/quote]

Maybe for some ("trendy"). It's a matter of personal preference, and many people just don't care for their interface.
iTunes sucks, but the Zune software sucks just as much.

I prefer Zune hardware to iPods, though. Especially the small Zunes vs. Nanos.
I happen to think iTunes is the best, as far as keeping your library organized is concerned. And for what it's worth, I used Napster, Winamp, Windows Media Player, and then MUSICMATCH (in that order), before iTunes for Windows came out.

I like my iPod cuz I can connect it damn near anything, accesory wise, and it works. Especially my 360.

Music player wise? iTunes is... okay. Does what it's suppose to, nothin else. Winamp for me though, and has been since... 1997.
Interesting. Boy howdy, fuck Apple and everything about them.


At least camoor admits he hates all things Apple on the surface, so we can see the means by which he goes from one faulty product to hating everything about a company. This iPod situation just reified what he already believed to be the case.


Move along.

In the meantime, I continue to live with Microsoft's hunk-of-shit Office 2008 and its lousy-ass compatibility with Expose's 'spaces', which was one of my favorite additions to the last OS X version. But I at least recognize that the product sucks and can be fixed, and don't parade around proclaiming that MS sucks on the whole.

Except for the six weeks I bitched after getting RROD. Two weeks for each time it happened. ;)

Here's hoping Apple fixes this problem if it's endemic. Lucky for me I found an 8GB iPod Nano (the tiny new one, too!) on the sidewalk in Boston a couple weeks back. If it bricks I'm out Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun." Which might be better than having it.
[quote name='lawdood']Once the Apple/ iPod haters come into these types of threads, they get as bad as the 360 vs. PS3 fanboy threads. :roll:[/quote]

The thing is, I freaking love Apple. 100 times better than MS. But, they just have too many faults with iPods. Stupid little things like bricking when you upgrade is what turns us users away.

BTW- I just bought a used iPod Classic 80GB last night. $150 in MINT condition. Did I get a deal or what? :)
[quote name='johnnypark']Besides, I think I'd rather give Steve Jobs my money than Bill Gates (but only by a little bit).[/quote]

They are both filthy rich, who cares?

I'm sure the Zune sucks even more anyway. Everything I own from Microsoft is half incredibly great, half broken.

/iPods are awesome
//Never owned one

EDIT: It's a friggin' music player! How the heck can it crash so badly? I mean... it's not like it had any interaction with the system like 3rd party software or registry.
[quote name='Anbu_Zim']once you get a zune you never go back... black.[/quote]

Never tried, but for some reason my brain immediately processed all the possible problems it must have with syncing, DRM and about everything.

I gotta check it out someday, if I stop catching viruses everytime I use P2P software maybe a iPod/Zune will catch my interest.
I haven't updated in a long, long time. Ever since the fucking assholes sicked their lawyers on JHymn I refuse to update. If they're selling music with no DRM now, they need to back off and let JHymn do their thing so we can strip the DRM of the hundreds of MP4s we already bought.
[quote name='lmz00']I've had various iPods since 2003, and haven't had problems with any of them (3G, Photo, 5.5G, and Classic).[/quote]Yeah,I have 2 iPod shuffles,1 60 GB iPod, and 1 iPod Touch and none of them have broken or have had issues. The only thing that has happened is the occasional freeze but I don't really mind it since it works flawless.
My one and only iPod was trashpicked and repaired myself. Worked great for the longest time but gave up the ghost not too long ago. I want a Touch but wish they'd redesign it so the screen takes up the entire face and maybe bump it to 64GB. Those are the only two things that have me holding out. Hopefully the rumored 2G in September will fix those.

That's the equivalent of posting a "WorldNetDaily" link in the vs forum and treating it as fact.

You just trollin' now, boy.
bread's done