Launch day


2 (100%)
Anyone have to wait outside for an hour or so? I waited in line for an hour and 10 minutes. It seemed like forever... I couldn't feel my feet because I hadn't moved them the whole time. The best buy I was at was going crazy. This black guy that worked there came out and screamed "WOOO! PSP'S, WOOOO! PSP'S" They came outside and told us all what was going to happen. Then they took us inside and made us all walk the long way to the place where the PSP and accesories were. They stood there by the accesories and talked about how we needed the accesories. Then, when I got to the place where the games were at and I said "I already had games." They tried to sell me the stuff I already had. So I finally got through that.. Just to have another guy talk about some other accesories and then boom the PSP line. Once I got up there the lady talked about how I needed a extended warranty or my PSP was gonna die. I listened to her for 5 minutes and said no. Then when I was leaving I gave the lady by the door checked my receipt and she looked at it and said, "Oh, no extended warranty?" Like I had just made the worst mistake of my life. Yeah, this is all true. Those people just keep on annoying you hoping to get an extra 39.99. Go to hell assholes. I wanted to kill all the employees...

Yeah, I already had games from that EB 3 for 1 deal. It kicked ass. So far I'm loving all 3 of my games. Untold Legends, Wipeout Pure, and Twisted Metal Head-on. Plus my PSPs buttons arent getting stuck or sticky like they told me. Even though the warranty doesnt cover accidents..
It's a calculated guilt play, they go through all this trouble trying to connect with you and make you feel bad about not taking them up on their "generous" offers, and if you still dont then they make you feel like you're making the worse mistake of your life so incase you go back to buy something else you have second thoughts.
[quote name='Alpha2']It's a calculated guilt play, they go through all this trouble trying to connect with you and make you feel bad about not taking them up on their "generous" offers, and if you still dont then they make you feel like you're making the worse mistake of your life so incase you go back to buy something else you have second thoughts.[/quote]

It just pissed me off. I wanted to go home and play my PSP..
So, the workers at a retail store wanted you to buy stuff from them...I fail to see how they are "reaming" you, and giving you "shitty service".
They did the whole same procedure when I bought my DS on launch day. I said to the cashier, "Listen asshole, no games, no warranties, no accessories, so stop asking. Just make with the DS, and don't give me anymore lip. "
[quote name='alongx']They did the whole same procedure when I bought my DS on launch day. I said to the cashier, "Listen asshole, no games, no warranties, no accessories, so stop asking. Just make with the DS, and don't give me anymore lip. "[/quote]

You are a god among men.
They need more shirts like that "NO, I DONT WANT A STRATEGY GUIDE" shirt for stuff like accessories and other crap.

But anyway the annoance factor is part of their play to wear you down so you'll just say "yeah fine give me the stupid warrenty" The only thing you can do is be stronger than them. Resist their siren song and stab the mermades with a spear least they drag your wallet under the churning sea of their wicked extra expenses.... Sorry I was on a roll.

Yeah they gave me the same song and dance when I bought my original Gameboy Advance on launch-day. Four different BB employees told me how foolish it would be for me to walk out without buying the service plan, and how short-sighted I was for thinking I didn't need one. I still said "nope" they rang up my shit and I walked out, only to return 2 minutes later to cuss them out after I realized that they rang up the purchases incorrectly and shorted me out of the dicount I was supposed to get for buying the system plus 3 games. I then had to listen to the same speach about the extended warrenty again as I waited at customer service to get my fucking discount money back. :x
If only it werent illegal to beat people senseless with lead pipes... but it is their job... and we can always just go home and play GTA.
And I thought it was bad that I got asked about the warranty from 2 different employees at Best Buy. Compusa does this shit too, anyone know if both places get commissions for this?
[quote name='gokou36']And I thought it was bad that I got asked about the warranty from 2 different employees at Best Buy. Compusa does this shit too, anyone know if both places get commissions for this?[/quote]

I had a friend who worked at Best Buy for a while and she told me that they don't get any commissions on any extended warranty whatsoever. They just get yelled at by the mangers for not trying hard enough if you don't buy them. Therefore, they bug the shit out of you, so their manager doesn't bug the shit out of them.
[quote name='Esperado']Anyone have to wait outside for an hour or so? I waited in line for an hour and 10 minutes. It seemed like forever... I couldn't feel my feet because I hadn't moved them the whole time. The best buy I was at was going crazy. This black guy that worked there came out and screamed "WOOO! PSP'S, WOOOO! PSP'S" They came outside and told us all what was going to happen. Then they took us inside and made us all walk the long way to the place where the PSP and accesories were. They stood there by the accesories and talked about how we needed the accesories. Then, when I got to the place where the games were at and I said "I already had games." They tried to sell me the stuff I already had. So I finally got through that.. Just to have another guy talk about some other accesories and then boom the PSP line. Once I got up there the lady talked about how I needed a extended warranty or my PSP was gonna die. I listened to her for 5 minutes and said no. Then when I was leaving I gave the lady by the door checked my receipt and she looked at it and said, "Oh, no extended warranty?" Like I had just made the worst mistake of my life. Yeah, this is all true. Those people just keep on annoying you hoping to get an extra 39.99. Go to hell assholes. I wanted to kill all the employees...

Yeah, I already had games from that EB 3 for 1 deal. It kicked ass. So far I'm loving all 3 of my games. Untold Legends, Wipeout Pure, and Twisted Metal Head-on. Plus my PSPs buttons arent getting stuck or sticky like they told me. Even though the warranty doesnt cover accidents..[/quote]

why was it necesary to say "this black guy..."? it is not like u went through your entire story mentioning the race of each EE you encountered.
I don't know how hard it may be for the OP to find a PSP in his area, but around here there seem to be between 20-100 at every store I go to. Kinda silly to wait in a line on launch day when so many places had them available (and still do).
I work at BB, so please realize this is our job to ask about the warranties. When I was casheiring, there was some stuff that I believed in the replacement plan on, like MP3 players, game consoles, and anything else with an optical drive, etc. I explained the benefits of it, and if someone said no, no meant no except if my manager was hanging out over my shoulder. When they ask/bug you about it, please don't be an asshole. We are just doing our jobs. Now i'm working in media, so i'll be out there tonight selling PSPs. Last night at about 5 when I went to pick up my schedule, we had a TON left.
Yeah, companies make money on warranties....quit complaining, they are doing their job.

You probabl should've bought it though, especially when pixels die and the system breaks.
[quote name='Esperado'] Once I got up there the lady talked about how I needed a extended warranty or my PSP was gonna die. I listened to her for 5 minutes and said no. Then when I was leaving I gave the lady by the door checked my receipt and she looked at it and said, "Oh, no extended warranty?" Like I had just made the worst mistake of my life. Yeah, this is all true. Those people just keep on annoying you hoping to get an extra 39.99. Go to hell assholes. I wanted to kill all the employees...[/quote]

This sounds familiar:
[quote name='Esperado']Anyone have to wait outside for an hour or so? I waited in line for an hour and 10 minutes. It seemed like forever... I couldn't feel my feet because I hadn't moved them the whole time. The best buy I was at was going crazy. This black guy that worked there came out and screamed "WOOO! PSP'S, WOOOO! PSP'S" They came outside and told us all what was going to happen. Then they took us inside and made us all walk the long way to the place where the PSP and accesories were. They stood there by the accesories and talked about how we needed the accesories. Then, when I got to the place where the games were at and I said "I already had games." They tried to sell me the stuff I already had. So I finally got through that.. Just to have another guy talk about some other accesories and then boom the PSP line. Once I got up there the lady talked about how I needed a extended warranty or my PSP was gonna die. I listened to her for 5 minutes and said no. Then when I was leaving I gave the lady by the door checked my receipt and she looked at it and said, "Oh, no extended warranty?" Like I had just made the worst mistake of my life. Yeah, this is all true. Those people just keep on annoying you hoping to get an extra 39.99. Go to hell assholes. I wanted to kill all the employees...

Yeah, I already had games from that EB 3 for 1 deal. It kicked ass. So far I'm loving all 3 of my games. Untold Legends, Wipeout Pure, and Twisted Metal Head-on. Plus my PSPs buttons arent getting stuck or sticky like they told me. Even though the warranty doesnt cover accidents..[/QUOTE]

Don't ever buy an extended warranty. You might as well give that money to a homeless person. The only reason they sell them is to pad the pad the profit margin on the sale since they break even on systme purchases only. Then when it comes time to honor the warranty, they will laugh in your face saying that the problem you're having isn't covered.
This reminds me of the day I went into Game Crazy. I get to the register:

Clerk: You need an MVP card.
No I don't.
Clerk: Do you want an MVP card?
Clerk: It's only $20 and you get this worthless crap with it.
No thanks.
Clerk: You'll get money off of used games.
I don't buy used games because people treat their stuff like crap.
Clerk: You'll get a free magazine.
I don't need it.
Clerk: Do you want an MVP card?
No. I don't even live near here and will probably never come back.
Clerk: You should get an MVP card. They are opening Game Crazys everywhere.
Nope not intrested.
Clerk: Upset and confused look.

No more game crazy for me.
I picked it up at Best Buy, too bad it was friggin annoying, since they love shoving crap in your face to buy. I got the games at Gamerush from some store credit. The line into best buy was around 40 people long.
[quote name='screwkick']Then when it comes time to honor the warranty, they will laugh in your face saying that the problem you're having isn't covered.[/QUOTE]

I have only heard of Best Buy not honoring extended warranties. Yet my personal experiences have been great. I return a perfectly good cordless phone at the end of my 2 year warranty and they gave me a brand new higher frequency phone in place because they no longer carried my model.

[quote name='alongx']They did the whole same procedure when I bought my DS on launch day. I said to the cashier, "Listen asshole, no games, no warranties, no accessories, so stop asking. Just make with the DS, and don't give me anymore lip. "[/QUOTE]

thats why some of us employees talk shit about people like you and when you come back we remember you and treat you just like you to us.

Companies are out to make money. They train employees to help remind people of stuff they might need later down the road. You would be really surpised how many people didn't realize they needed a memory card for when they buy a PS2. Just because you don't want the product doesn't mean you should treat the employees like crap.
[quote name='screwkick']Don't ever buy an extended warranty. You might as well give that money to a homeless person. The only reason they sell them is to pad the pad the profit margin on the sale since they break even on systme purchases only. Then when it comes time to honor the warranty, they will laugh in your face saying that the problem you're having isn't covered.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. My friend bought a nice expensive computer from them with a hardware warrenty, a couple of months later he started having troubles, the thought it might be a virus so he ran anitvirus software about a thousand times, checked for spyware, the whole 9 yards and found nothing, I told him it sounds like the hard drive was starting to go on him so he took it back to BB to see if they could fix it and/or install a new drive and they quickly told him it was a software problem and there was nothing they could do. The next week the Hard Drive failed on him.

Way to do your job geeksquad.
bread's done