League of Legends Collectors Edition 19.99 original 39.99


CAG Veteran
Just got the League of Legends Collectors Edition for 19.99 and its original is 39.99 on Amazon.com
I got it from Target. Las Vegas, Nevada

The Collector's Edition

Comes with:

$10 of Riot Points

1380 total Riot Points

4 Summoner Runes

Greater Mark of Malice (Improves your critical chance) - 410 IP

Greater Seal of Vitality (Increases your health per level ) - 410 IP

Greater Glyph of Knowledge (Increases your mana per level) - 410 IP

Greater Quintessence of Revival (Decreases your Death Timer) - 1025 IP

20 Unlocked Champions

Alistar - 585 RP/1350 IP
Amumu - 585 RP/1350 IP
Annie - 260 RP/450 IP
Cho'gath - 292 RP/1350 IP
Evelynn - 585 RP/1350 IP
FiddleSticks -585 RP/1350 IP
Janna - 585 RP/1350 IP
Kayle - 260 RP/450 IP
Malphite - 585 RP/1350 IP
Morgana - 585 RP/1350 IP
Nasus - 585 RP/1350 IP
Rammus - 975 RP/3150 IP
Ryze - 260 RP/450 IP
Sivir - 260 RP/450 IP
Teemo - 585 RP/3150 IP
Tristana - 585 RP/1350 IP
Tryndamere - 585 RP/1350 IP
Veigar - 585 RP/1350 IP
Warwick - 585 RP/3150 IP
Zilean - 585 RP/1350 IP

Total: 10497 Riot Points / 28,800 IP = 288 wins

Champion Skin
limited skin Silver Kayle

Okay well IP(Influence Points) is ingame currency that you earn while playing. You get about 100+ IP if you win but you only get around 12 IP when you lose. So to get 28800 you need to win around 288 wins. Lets say you win half lose half your going to have to play at least 550 games to get what you get in this collectors edition.

Here are League of Legends Riot Points prices!

USD / Riot Points
$5 = 650 RP
$10 = 1,380 RP
$20 = 2,800 RP
$35 = 5,000 RP
$50 = 7,200

Your are getting 10,497 worth of Riot Points for $19.99 =]

League of Legends is Free to Play :
And basically League of Legends works like this for new players. Every week I think 7 or more random heroes are pick so that players are allowed to use them. But you do not keep those players unless you buy them and a new 7 random picks will again be made next week. But if you play you get IP (Influence Points) and you can buy anything with that too just need to play quite a few games. A new player wouldn't really need this unless you plan on playing the game a lot and want to keep heroes that you want to play all the time.

Feel free to add me in game. My IGN: JaNaaasty
And if you're looking for guides from gamers for any champions , check out: http://www.mobafire.com, http://www.leaguecraft.com and http://www.solomid.net

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Its been twenty everywhere for ages, hell I think it was ten at gamestop or somewhere. The only problem is actually finding it.
I'm terrible at these types of games and I hate pissing off other players while I'm trying to learn so eh, I won't go looking for it.
[quote name='TraBuch']I'm terrible at these types of games and I hate pissing off other players while I'm trying to learn so eh, I won't go looking for it.[/QUOTE]
They have Co-OP vs AI for this reason, and if your players bitch when your playing Co-Op vs AI, fuck them.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']They have Co-OP vs AI for this reason, and if your players bitch when your playing Co-Op vs AI, fuck them.[/QUOTE]

co-op vs ai is fish in a barrel. The bots are hilariously awful, and you won't learn anything against them.

You just have to tough it out or make friends.
I actually started playing a week ago and when people told me I'm doing bad I said I'm new and not one bitched at me. They actually tried helping me out. If you want to get bitch at go play heroes of newerth! Full of dicks reason why I switch to lol
[quote name='fujimitsu']co-op vs ai is fish in a barrel. The bots are hilariously awful, and you won't learn anything against them.

You just have to tough it out or make friends.[/QUOTE]
Eh, maybe. I just hate being the one to single handedly lose people a game. It's one reason I don't like playing Battlefield, I totally suck at that game and feel like I'm just dragging everyone else down.

Also, I know zero people that play League of Legends so I can't exactly play it with friends.
[quote name='fujimitsu']co-op vs ai is fish in a barrel. The bots are hilariously awful, and you won't learn anything against them.

You just have to tough it out or make friends.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree that after playing so many games with bots, they do become predictable. However, their highest difficulty level at the moment, intermediate, can prove quite challenging to a group of newcomers if the bots gain the early upper-hand (AKA getting kills).

Even when they're down 10 or more kills by mid to late-game, if your team start to take it easy, they WILL push and comeback hard because they have the advantage of being controlled by the AI, and hence, complete micromanagement of a whole team of enemy heroes. This can from "you're winning" to "complete devastation" within a few minutes. So the AI is still worth some of their keep.
As a League of Legends player in Las Vegas, Nevada that bought the Champion Bundle from Target... let me tell you a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down:

This was a boxed retail pack at a Target location in southern Nevada. I purchased the game and opened it up as I sat next to my computer to see that aside from the disc, there were no contents within it.

I called Target and the customer representative asked me if the game still played... after explaining to her, she told me that if it had been tampered with, the cashier would have noticed and would have not sold it to me, and that I had a responsibility to notice as well. It still had the stickers on top and bottom in tact... and I won't be shopping from that location anymore.

BUT she said she'd pass along my complaint to the store manager when he gets to work on Friday -- I'm under the assumption that it's solely from the kindness of her heart. Sorry if I sound bitter, I'm a little upset at the moment.

Is there anything Riot can do about this? Was looking forward to some RP in case something rare popped up for April 1st (and I wanted to contribute through LoL with the Nurse Akali purchase).

I have my receipt from Target and my empty PS2/DVD case with a decent looking slip cover. But that's it. Aside from the code, is there supposed to be anything else in the physical version? It really is kinda bare.

Here's an update written tl;dr style

Traveled to Store A. Store A had 1 copy of LoL. I purchased it, went home and noticed that it had nothing within it. Called Store A and the rep figuratively gave me the finger. Then I QQ'd on LoL forums. Called Store A again and they told me I could change it for the same item at Store B, since they had it in stock.

Traveled to Store B, dropped off my copy of LoL at Customer Service and went to their electronics section to get their one copy of LoL. Picked it up, went to Customer Service and asked them to open it. They opened it and it had no content within it. They kept it, marked it as defective and I took my original gutted copy home. QQ'd on forums, sent a ticket into Riot and went to sleep.

Went to school, and for the first time noticed that there was a Target location near there (Store C). You'd think a building with a bullseye would standout more... I had my gutted LoL in the car, so I stopped in and went to their electronics section. They had 3 copies. All of the copies were opened, and the guy or girl that opened them wasn't even subtle about it -- the stickers were ripped in two. I asked Store C to find a location that had some in stock, and they said there was one five miles away that had 4 copies.

I went to school and played LoL in class. Don't judge me. It's Finance. At what point in my life am I ever... forget I asked.

I traveled to Store D. Went to Customer Service and asked for a Security Guard to accompany me, since I didn't want them to say, "Hey, everywhere this guy goes, contents are stolen from within games". She saw that all four copies were opened. She thanked me for bringing this matter to their attention, and is now going to request to upgrade their PC section into a Plastic Prison as well.

I went home with my gutted copy. I decided to call another store on their list that's 13miles from me. Store E had one copy, but it had nothing in it.

I dunno if one person went through all the trouble to go around stealing from all these stores, but I ****ing hope that there aren't multiple Nevada LoL players doing this.

On an unrelated note, the nearest Gamestop that has a copy is in the middle of nowhere (California).
Riot Games resolved it though.
Yeah its been 20 forever. As for the previous posters, I purchased 2 of the boxed editions, one from best buy and one from gamestop, they have apparently had different releases. The one from best buy just came with a disc and a code for the points and characters. The gamestop one actually came with a poster, a code for the characters, a seperate pre-paid card code for the points and a game manual. Either way both were 20 dollars, and both were purchased within a week of each other, so I you could get lucky and get a newer edition with the nice poster or the older one that didnt even come with a manual. (Not that you need a manual)
So is this more than $20 in value? I have no idea how LoL works, but I am curious to try it. I can figure out $10 in Riot points, but what is the value of those characters/Runes? And would a new player need that stuff?
You can actually earn all of the Champions with points earned from simply *playing* games. Now, I've played quite a bit over the past three weeks (~30 hours?) and still probably can't buy everything listed here. Different skins for the champions cost real money, ranging from $3 to $20, in some cases.

If you've got StarCraft II or WarCraft 3, I'd look into "Defense of the Ancients" style maps (or whatever the SC2 name for it is; Something Stars or something?). And/or, Youtube it.

Think single-hero RTS with RPG-lite elements (levelling through each game, buying items, attack/magic power, HP, etc), as far as gameplay; there's normally five of you versus five of them, and a small (and sometimes lethal army, if you don't watch out) is automatically sent forth to do battle. You're to help them along to destroy the enemy's base while hindering the opposing team's champions from doing the same to you.

Considering I've not got any of the Champions included unlocked...I'm actually somewhat tempted to buy this anyway. :3
[quote name='gunstar808']So is this more than $20 in value? I have no idea how LoL works, but I am curious to try it. I can figure out $10 in Riot points, but what is the value of those characters/Runes? And would a new player need that stuff?[/QUOTE]

It's easily worth more than $20 in value if you plan on playing LoL. Bought individually, the first three champions on that list would run you $10. The runes aren't too useful once you have a collection, but can serve as gap fillers while you accumulate IP (in-game currency) to buy runes of your choice. For a new player, it gives you champions that you can play on a regular basis instead of having to pick from the 10 random free champions every week.

As a sidenote, you can unlock all of the champions and runes for free with IP. However, as you'll learn from experience, $20 is a small price to pay for the amount of time you save not grinding IP.
Question: Are these just unlock codes? I already have an account but don't have any of those champs unlocked, can I buy this and apply it without having to start a new account?
[quote name='DestinyHero']Question: Are these just unlock codes? I already have an account but don't have any of those champs unlocked, can I buy this and apply it without having to start a new account?[/QUOTE]
Yep. You get a disc with the game install on which you don't want to use to reinstall due to the 18,000 updates and a unlock code that you just redeem through the store. Don't need a new account.
This wasn't $40 originally, it was $30. I think you might be confused because in-game bux it costs 3900.

It's not a bad deal though if you are in to the game. The silver Kayle skin is pretty dope. The selection you get from the Champions Bundle is probably better though. But it's $5 more and doesn't come with $10 in game points and oh god my head hurts thinking about the awful point system.
Just got back from target and they had about 5 copies at this store. It looks like $20 is the regular Target price for this as I didn't see any sales or clearance signs. I didn't pick it up yet as I wanted to read more reviews and figure out what this game was all about.

For anyone that's paying it, and it fun and easy to get into? I'm playing through DAII right now but would like to have a good non fps multilayer game on the pc to play once in awhile.

Are there any monthly subscriptions?
[quote name='IronSerif']Just got back from target and they had about 5 copies at this store. It looks like $20 is the regular Target price for this as I didn't see any sales or clearance signs. I didn't pick it up yet as I wanted to read more reviews and figure out what this game was all about.

For anyone that's paying it, and it fun and easy to get into? I'm playing through DAII right now but would like to have a good non fps multilayer game on the pc to play once in awhile.

Are there any monthly subscriptions?[/QUOTE]

It's free to play, just download it and try it out? You don't need to pay anything, and even if you want to this bundle isn't hands down something you should automatically buy.

[quote name='crolius']This launched at $20. I bought it when it came out. If you paid more you were ripped off.[/QUOTE]

It launched at $30. If you paid less you should spend the savings on a giant pretzel.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Yep. You get a disc with the game install on which you don't want to use to reinstall due to the 18,000 updates and a unlock code that you just redeem through the store. Don't need a new account.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I'll have to search for one of these then.

And no there is no single player. The game is entirely co-op and/or PVP between two teams.
Downloading and installing the free version now to test it out. Can you do single player with AI on your team and the enemy team as a testing ground?
The game is free to download. There are 50 or so Champions (selectable characters) to choose from. If you don't buy anything there is a pool of 10 characters they change up every week that become free to play. By playing the free to play characters you can earn points which you can buy any character in the game so you can select them permanently. Otherwise you can buy riot points for real money and buy characters that way.
[quote name='IronSerif']Downloading and installing the free version now to test it out. Can you do single player with AI on your team and the enemy team as a testing ground?[/QUOTE]

You can create Custom Matches on the 5 v 5 map Summoner's Rift where you have AI teammates to go against any number of enemy AI or enemy players. However, due to a recent patch you require a minimum of two players to be able and start a custom game.

There is a Co-op vs AI feature that will toss you onto a team with 4 other players to go against AI directly. The bots are overly aggressive and can die easily cause of that, but it's good practice.

Oh, and when you start, immedately do the first two tutorials. They'll help out a lot, and will give you just shy of enough (or possibly enough) IP to unlock a basic champion like Sivir, Ashe, Ryze, Annie, Nunu, or Yi.

Don't buy Kayle -- all players that play at least ten matchmade games before the competitive season ends this month gets a free kayle champion and limited edition skin.

[quote name='DestinyHero']The game is free to download. There are 50 or so Champions (selectable characters) to choose from. If you don't buy anything there is a pool of 10 characters they change up every week that become free to play. By playing the free to play characters you can earn points which you can buy any character in the game so you can select them permanently. Otherwise you can buy riot points for real money and buy characters that way.[/QUOTE]

There are actually 80 champions at the moment. It's expanded quite a bit.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Is there any single player with this? I am not a big fan of playing online be it co op or vs.[/QUOTE]

Sorry no single player but they do have co op vs AI team up with 5 friends or random people to beat the bots. And you still get points for playing that mode.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Is there any single player with this? I am not a big fan of playing online be it co op or vs.[/QUOTE]

You can play vs AI by yourself if you want.
I've been playing LoL for over a year now. Despite being a free to play game I'm pretty sure I've spent at least $150 (most likely more) on this game (riot points, skins, etc.). I don't mind too much though because it is the main game I play.
[quote name='gunstar808']So is this more than $20 in value? I have no idea how LoL works, but I am curious to try it. I can figure out $10 in Riot points, but what is the value of those characters/Runes? And would a new player need that stuff?[/QUOTE]

I updated the first post for you =]

And basically League of Legends works like this for new players. Every week I think 7 or more random heroes are pick so that players are allowed to use them. But you do not keep those players unless you buy them and a new 7 random picks will again be made next week. But if you play you get IP (Influence Points) and you can buy anything with that too just need to play quite a few games. A new player wouldn't really need this unless you plan on playing the game a lot and want to keep heroes that you want to play all the time.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']You can create Custom Matches on the 5 v 5 map Summoner's Rift where you have AI teammates to go against any number of enemy AI or enemy players. However, due to a recent patch you require a minimum of two players to be able and start a custom game..[/QUOTE]

That's only on patch days so that the servers don't get murdered. Single player customs get turned back on when things settle.
Well I must say, I played through the two tutorials and I'm hooked...just like that lol!

Now I need to decide if the $20 is worth putting down for the Collectors Pack or just play with whats available and grind to unlock things.

But yeah..this game is pretty amazing. Completely caught me off guard!
[quote name='IronSerif']Well I must say, I played through the two tutorials and I'm hooked...just like that lol!

Now I need to decide if the $20 is worth putting down for the Collectors Pack or just play with whats available and grind to unlock things.

But yeah..this game is pretty amazing. Completely caught me off guard![/QUOTE]

Yeah ive been playing it for a few months now. Havent gotten to 30 yet tho. I enjoyed DOTA on WC3 so i knew what to expect.

This bundle has $10 worth of Riot points. IIf you know you would buy a skin or need Riot Points later then its a great deal. So if you want to you can use that on IP boosts too if you wanted. Ive yet to spend a penny on LoL so Ill continue to do that. Dont really want skins or another champion. I do have friends who have spent a good amount of money tho on the game.
Hey, Chief, you updated the first post to say that it includes " Viridian Kayle Skin - 520 RP". But it comes with the limited skin Silver Kayle, which has no RP value .
Just as a side note on this really is a good deal, IP doesnt take FOREVER to get. You should really never unlock champions with RP, and once you find a champion you like to play with (as you get many classics in this bundle) you'll be netting a couple thousand a week. And the RP bonus sweetens it because eventually (almost deceptively, hehe) you're gonna want to spend some money on this game. Be it for a skin for your favorite champ, or additional rune pages, or just deviating from your CAG roots and buying a champ on release.
Well, it looks like my mind has been made up for me. My wife went back to Target to get new curtains and ended up getting this game for me while she was there lol!

I just finished my first 5v5 co-op vs AI and it took about 50 minutes. Hopefully as I get better I can get that time down a bit. But man this was a lot of fun.

Edit: There goes my saturday night lol!
[quote name='IronSerif']Well, it looks like my mind has been made up for me. My wife went back to Target to get new curtains and ended up getting this game for me while she was there lol!

I just finished my first 5v5 co-op vs AI and it took about 50 minutes. Hopefully as I get better I can get that time down a bit. But man this was a lot of fun.

Edit: There goes my saturday night lol![/QUOTE]

did they have a lot? did it also have all the codes?
[quote name='IronSerif']Well, it looks like my mind has been made up for me. My wife went back to Target to get new curtains and ended up getting this game for me while she was there lol!

I just finished my first 5v5 co-op vs AI and it took about 50 minutes. Hopefully as I get better I can get that time down a bit. But man this was a lot of fun.

Edit: There goes my saturday night lol![/QUOTE]

Fun addicting game. My advice: every week (give or take a few days schedule) they have a champion sale and a skins sale (50% off). If you're looking to maximize your riot points, aim for the half off stuff. :)
[quote name='DIMONDA85']did they have a lot? did it also have all the codes?[/QUOTE]

My wife went to the Middle River,MD Target and she said they had about 3 copies left.

The game came with 1 code and it unlocked everything! Quick and easy, no need for the CD if you have the game already installed.

So far it's been a lot of fun, just finished my first match using one of the champions in the collector's pack. Might be a bit (or a lot) of trial and error trying to figure out which character and style I like :)

If anyone wants to add me to their friends list please feel free! - IronSerif
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Hey, Chief, you updated the first post to say that it includes " Viridian Kayle Skin - 520 RP". But it comes with the limited skin Silver Kayle, which has no RP value .[/QUOTE]

thanks will update haha
And if you're looking for guides from gamers for any champions , check out: http://www.mobafire.com

Guides' length varies, but the top rated ones usually will give you a great idea of how to play the champions (each champion has a role they serve best; some may have multiple!) and the best items suited for your champions. Of course, you can forgo all of this if you like to experiment and like to do trial-and-error. =)
Well I'm gonna go check my Target to see if there are any copies left. But if any of you guys know you have copies nearby, might be cool if you grabbed an extra copy or 2 - hook up your fellow CAGs. Since its just a code, you can trade it via paypal gift - no fees involved.
bread's done