Left 4 Dead $50/$30(Xbox360/PC) Price drop

figures....everytime i wait on an item and finally give in months later, the price drops the very next week.....damn i have horrible luck
[quote name='Apostle22']figures....everytime i wait on an item and finally give in months later, the price drops the very next week.....damn i have horrible luck

Yeah, this is pretty standard for me as well. I usually just hold off a bit longer now and hope for the best.
damn xbox sure drains my wallet, but this small drop is quite nice! thanks for the tip, left 4 dead here i come!
[quote name='rapsodist']Has the game been selling really well? I thought it'd hit $40 MSRP by now...[/QUOTE]

it's been selling very well...iirc, valve said it's sold something around 4 to 4.5 million copies at retail alone...the actual sales number is definitely quite a bit higher, since I'd assume that a large number of Valve fans bought this through Steam
Agreed. I was bored with it after a week and traded it in. Worth 30 not a penny more. I do want it again only because of the new FREE maps that are coming out soon. Valve is so cool for that one.
Honestly, content wise this game is a solid $39.99 game. Which is what I paid for it, then traded it, but now want it back. Waiting for a < $40 price tag.

Not enough to demand $59.99, or even $50 in my eyes.

Still fun though, but to me it's filler play.
Still blows me away when I see how much the publishers stick to the console gamers: L4D is superior on the PC AND it's free to play online, yet the XBox 360 version costs $20 more!
[quote name='AwRy108']Still blows me away when I see how much the publishers stick to the console gamers: L4D is superior on the PC AND it's free to play online, yet the XBox 360 version costs $20 more!
Yea that's a no brainer, They need to listen to the reviews and adjust their price accordingly.
This game just has "Rental" written all over it for me. Though I'd love to play it, just not for 50 clams.
Guess that's why they took the demo down.
L4D is worth every penny. If you play with a group of friends there isn't a better game out now than this.

The price drop is in lieu of the L4D: Survival Pack which is going to be released 4/21 which is going to be sold as a separate Retail version.
[quote name='cmart05']L4D is worth every penny. If you play with a group of friends there isn't a better game out now than this.

The price drop is in lieu of the L4D: Survival Pack which is going to be released 4/21 which is going to be sold as a separate Retail version.[/quote]

Agreed. And an price drop, this is just what I was looking for. :D
[quote name='cmart05']L4D is worth every penny. If you play with a group of friends there isn't a better game out now than this.

The price drop is in lieu of the L4D: Survival Pack which is going to be released 4/21 which is going to be sold as a separate Retail version.[/quote]
That isn't exactly accurate or at least, may be unclear to those unfamiliar with L4D. On April 21, 2009, the L4D: Critic's Choice edition will be released. This edition will REPLACE the current Retail version. The Critic's Choice edition will incorporate the Survival Pack but the Survival Pack is COMPLETELY FREE FOR 360 and PC for anyone that purchased L4D prior to the pack's release. Sources:

Since the Critic's Choice edition will not be adding any additional for-pay content, it will not cost more than the standard edition and I fully expect this price drop to be permanent and apply to the Critic's Choice edition when it is released, although the new price is not reflected on Steam yet. Think of this edition as more marketing than anything else and a way for Valve to get a second wave of new buyers.
I picked up a PC copy at this price and Mercenaries 2 for $9.99 since they are the same price as Target. This way no tax and since it's over $25, free shipping too.
[quote name='killer9']i heard its 2.5 not 4 4.5 mill it sold decent for such a short game stil wouldnt pay more than 30 for it[/QUOTE]

I think it was 2.5 retail, but Valve doesn't have to release any numbers for their Steam service, only they know, and I'm sure for half off, $25 on the PC side, they sold easily that much more.

Really with this drop I've got a ton of clan members that are picking it up.... I think like TF2 it's not worth 50... but 25/30 easy enough.
$30 isn't bad on PC, but i'm waiting for the 50% off weekend deal like they did with TF2 about 6 months after release. I'm not dying to get this game like I was with TF2, however, Valve is the one developer who doesn't disappoint.
[quote name='xycury']I think like TF2 it's not worth 50... but 25/30 easy enough.[/quote]
But unlike L4D, one could easily have gotten the Orange Box, which justified the $50 price tag.
bread's done