Left 4 Dead - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='cmart05']the best part is the mad dash towards the helicopter while your teammates are getting pounded by a tank, lol.[/QUOTE]

So you're the bastard who doesn't help his teammates huh...
Call me a cheap ass gamer, but I wait for a price drop. If Valve releases DLC on a regular basis, as they indicated, I would prefer to pay, say, 40 bucks for the game, then 20 bucks for the DLC. That is a lot more reasonable to me.
[quote name='Chase']Call me a cheap ass gamer, but I wait for a price drop. If Valve releases DLC on a regular basis, as they indicated, I would prefer to pay, say, 40 bucks for the game, then 20 bucks for the DLC. That is a lot more reasonable to me.[/quote]

If Valve treats this game anything like, Team Fortress 2. Then, it'll be a year before we get anything on the 360 for it. ;)
I played this game most of the weekend and enjoyed having random people on my friends' list join me from time to time. It's a great jump-in, jump-out game if you just start a friends-only private game.

I haven't tried the multiplayer yet, but I'll probably give it a go soon.

The audio in this game is probably some of the best I've heard on current generation systems. If you have a great 5.1 system, crank it up and you can hear which direction the witch is by her crying (creepy as hell).
[quote name='shigster']If Valve treats this game anything like, Team Fortress 2. Then, it'll be a year before we get anything on the 360 for it. ;)[/quote]

If history is a harbinger of all things to follow, I suspect Valve will treat the console release like a bastard red-headed step-child.

If I had a gaming PC, I would buy it for my PC. Unfortunately, outside of point-and-click adventure games, I don't play games on my PC. :whistle2:#
[quote name='A Happy Panda']So you're the bastard who doesn't help his teammates huh...[/quote]

A bastard? ...Tch, not necessarily. You need at least one person on their feet to survive in order to respawn your teammates or to finish the campaign/finale. When you factor in the level of difficulty Advance or Expert poses for some people when the shit hits the fan those sort of last ditch efforts can mean the difference between moving on and restarting from the last safe room.

So you can bet your ass I would bolt toward the rescue during a finale in a heart beat if the rest of my team were on the ground making use of their last stand health... especially after repeating the same chapter multiple times. I lost count of how many times myself or others would sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the team.

Although... somehow I doubt that was the case in his situation, haha.
Yeah, Valve left TF2 on the 360....for dead...huh? Huh? But seriously, this might be a little different. This is a new IP that has no established base. The Orange Box was going to be a massive PC hit, and everyone who wanted to play it was going to get on the PC, if they could.
[quote name='shigster']If Valve treats this game anything like, Team Fortress 2. Then, it'll be a year before we get anything on the 360 for it. ;)[/QUOTE]

Valve is a company that supports their PC community 1st and their smaller Xbox 360 community 2nd. Microsoft wants Valve to charge for the TF2 DLC, but Valve wants to release it for free like on the PC.

Take Portal Still Alive for instance, all the maps were from a PC map pack called Portal: The Flash Version Map Pack. Microsoft charges $15 for it, while PC gamers can download the same maps for FREE.
I thought playing with random people was kinda fun.

Simply because I couldnt shake this feeling when someone was doing something stupid.


You always have to have the guy who is freaking out and getting the rest of the team killed. Its a vital part of survival horror.
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The only thing I really hate is in vs mode and being the survivors.

People cant seem to understand that you have to move quickly through the god damn map and you dont have to shot every damn zombie you see. You can just sit back trying to head shot 60 zombies when the infected human players are going to be coming up behind you.

Get your ass moving, save people quickly and learn to aim these are the keys to winning as the human side.
LOL @ Soodmeg. Never thought about it that way with Survival Horror. This game is more shooter than scare but I see your point.

I haven't played Vs yet and just sent a bunch of friend adds. If I didn't get you, add me. I also added the CAGLFD group account so you can find me there too.
That reminds me guys, we should really start a death log. We had one of these way back in the day of Resident Evil Outbreak.

Basically just telling the story of hilarious ways in which people get themselves killed. I have already laughed so hard my sides hurt do to the most random things happening to me and my friends.
Sounds good, just picked up the game last night so I haven't seen enough of people getting themselves killed. Seriously tho don't know if there is a team CAG, but I need some CAGs on my friends list.
[quote name='Soodmeg']That reminds me guys, we should really start a death log. We had one of these way back in the day of Resident Evil Outbreak.

Basically just telling the story of hilarious ways in which people get themselves killed. I have already laughed so hard my sides hurt do to the most random things happening to me and my friends.[/quote]

The funniest death I had was being in the "gray screen" and being like 20-30 feet from the safehouse.

The problem with being in the "gray screen" is that you walk at an incredibly slow pace... so 2 of my teammates are in the safe house already and they're just laughing as I'm yelling for help... then the third one is about go get in and gets caught up by a hunter.. so I'm praying that he stays alive long enough for me to limp my way into the safehouse... someone from inside the safehouse throws a molotov in the direction of the infected... one of the infected runs my way.. the path catches on fire and as soon as I'm about to walk in I died from being engulfed in flames... love it.
My favorite death. Was in No Mercy part 3(?), when you hit the street level where the lift is. I had just got off the lift onto the roof, and a smoker grabbed me, yanking me off the roof into the 18 wheeler (that you can climb up)... head first. Instant death.
My favorite death was at the end of No Mercy where you have to wait for the helicopter to come. Me and a teammate were on top of the roof of the radio house and he got knocked down by some zombies. I killed the zombies and was trying to help him up but a tank came from behind me and knocked me right off the building. Flew about 50 feet from the building.
The level in which you have to wait for the boat was the ground work of a lot of crazy things. We died so many times at that one part and all of us were kinda edgy because of it. This is gonna be kinda long

EDIT: By the way no spoilers are in this I just didnt want to make the thread to long.
After me and my friends worked for over an hour on advanced just on that level we finally saw the boat come crawling across. I was the first to see it standing on the 2nd floor holding off the horde piling into the window. Francis in the down stars closet trying to heal.

Bill was on the turret outs side along with Zoey to watch his back when we heard the music of the 2nd Tank coming.

Upon seeing the liner I scream, "Dude the boats coming get to the dock!" I pump my shotgun and jump out of the window into a sea of zombies shooting on the way down, turn towards the dock and haul ass towards it but before I can take a step I hear the all to familiarly cry, "AAAH a hunters got me!" I turn to find Bill literally about a mile away, up next to where the out door restrooms that you pass are.

"How the fuck did you get way out there?"
"I got smunted" (smoker pull into a hunter jump)

"Thats to far lets get to the boat." I said

As Zoey, Francis and I start racing to the dock and all we can hear in our head phones are "NOOOOOOO DONT LEAVE ME! I AM NOT THAT FAR AWAY!"

So I am the first to reach the boat and when I turn around I see in this order, Francis, Zoey, a horde of zombies and a big ass Tank all running toward me. So I am trying to lay down cover fire but the Tank catches up to Zoey and punches her but to my surprises she flew closer to the boat and landed like 3 ft from me. The punch also put the tank out of position so Francis had a clean run right into the boat......until a hunter came out of no where and landed on his face.

At this point the horde of zombies had also caught up to so I just yelled "He's no worth it lets go," and darted onto the boat with Zoey.

And all of this happened within like 40 seconds. Damn this is such a good game.

Damn that was funny.
[quote name='Soodmeg']You always have to have the guy who is freaking out and getting the rest of the team killed. Its a vital part of survival horror.[/QUOTE]

LOL!!!! That guy is totally me! You're all welcome by the way! :D

But seriously, I picked up this game simply on the recommendation from a friend. He had another buddy recommend it to him because he didn't want to play it with random people. So he bought it, then I bought it, and now we have another friend who is going to buy it this week. What we have found out is that the more friends you are playing with, the more fun this game becomes. Seriously. I tried playing it by myself and got completely bored. Every time I have played this game with a friend, it is a totally different experience and addictive.

I love being the guy who is screaming in the mic, "Holy fuck they got me! They got me guys! Help!" And all my friends come running to save me as they have zombies crawling all over them. True friendship right there! Also, a word to the wise concerning random people playing with a group of friends: Either stay with the group or else we won't save you when you're being raped by a Hunter. We're in a group for a reason Rambo and that's why we outlive you by 10 minutes each time. I can't count how many times we had some maverick run all willy nilly without us and as soon as he is grabbed by a Hunter, we just wait for them to die. Oh and then we vote to kick them off our squad for being stupid. Now that's democracy in action! :D
Just got this in the post... ridiculously fun game. Add me if you want to play, yeah?

Chapter 3 of No Mercy when you slog through the sewers. Everyone was near death and right as I started to climb the ladder up to the street, a Tank jumps down the manhole, lands on me, and slaughters us all.
Me and 3 of my friends on No Mercy - 2.

We're heading down into the subway when I get knocked down by a million zombies I was almost dead and I yelled to my friend: "Throw a molotov at me!" Yes. AT ME. He doesn't respond and I keep shouting "Throw the molotov at me!" Everyone keeps shooting and then there's only 2 left. THEN my friend throws it. I die from burning and naturally I shout "Why did you throw the molotov at me?!".
[quote name='crzyboy88']Me and 3 of my friends on No Mercy - 2.

We're heading down into the subway when I get knocked down by a million zombies I was almost dead and I yelled to my friend: "Throw a molotov at me!" Yes. AT ME. He doesn't respond and I keep shouting "Throw the molotov at me!" Everyone keeps shooting and then there's only 2 left. THEN my friend throws it. I die from burning and naturally I shout "Why did you throw the molotov at me?!".[/QUOTE]

Hahahahaha! I had the same experience in the same place only the witch was hiding IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TUNNEL and my friend shouts "Turn off your lights and don't disturb the witch!" What does he do 3 seconds later? He randomly fires down the tunnel and disturbs her and then yells to the rest of us, "I disturbed the witch!" and runs away from our group. That son of a...
Let me start by saying I love this game, but there are a few things that bother me.
First the way the players move. Where did Valve come up with this running animation? Its been the same since Half Life 2 and its just dumb. Its like the players are on ice.
The other thing: Why no character customization? Was it really neccessary to be politically correct (Black guy, white guy, girl, old person)? I realize its suppose to be ahhhh aombie apocalypse movie thing, but it would have been nice
[quote name='slickkill77']Let me start by saying I love this game, but there are a few things that bother me.
First the way the players move. Where did Valve come up with this running animation? Its been the same since Half Life 2 and its just dumb. Its like the players are on ice.
The other thing: Why no character customization? Was it really neccessary to be politically correct (Black guy, white guy, girl, old person)? I realize its suppose to be ahhhh aombie apocalypse movie thing, but it would have been nice[/quote]

I am with newbie. What exactly are you talking about?

Some people are failing to understand what the games purpose is, its not COD, its not GoW its not R6V. Valve wanted to make a zombie game that was as its tag line said "All killer No Filler."

It seems people are trying to constantly shoehorn all of these stereotypical standard cut and paste ideas from all these other games into this one and its not needed at all.

Valve made exactly what they wanted. A game about a zombie invasion that has high co op and re playability. Thats it. The game isnt trying to be all "lets have fun unlocking shit guys!" or "Lets go on a epic journy while mirco managing our resources."

Its about fighting zombies thats it. Thats why there is no real plot, thats why they give you the only 3 weapons in the game at the begining of each level and thats why there are no custom classes.

All that filler crap they left out to focus on making a great co-op game.....and that they did.
I've been playing a little single-player, just to get a feel for the game. This is a really fun title, but I wouldn't pay $60 for it (got it used with a coupon at GS). Look forward to playing online tonight or tomorrow.
LULZ I was reading that EA wants Valve to port Left 4 Dead to the PS3. Valve says they have No Time to do it, and says EA has to go do it on their own and pay Valve a hefty sum. Remember this is VALVE the same people who called the PS3 a waste of time.
ok.. I played through this once with my dying 360 (its hard when everything turns green, or the lines in the game turn blue.. hello brick walls!) I just ordered a new 360 and will have it tomorrow. I'm looking to go through the game again. on advanced and eventually expert. So I'm looking for 3 other people, to get these mother fucking zombies out of our mother fucking town.
I bought MK vs DC from TRU for $19.99 instead of Left 4 Dead because basically L4D has no main story mode the AI bots are not good cover and its too straight forward no real gameplay just walk from point A to point B and kill zombies. Its not very deep.
I complained about the running animation and a custom character. Where did I ever say I wanted filler? Did you even read what I wrote? I just said I hated the running animation and I hated it in Half Life 2. Did I say I wanted a story? NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Did I say I wanted unlockables? NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
[quote name='slickkill77']I complained about the running animation and a custom character. Where did I ever say I wanted filler? Did you even read what I wrote? I just said I hated the running animation and I hated it in Half Life 2. Did I say I wanted a story? NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Did I say I wanted unlockables? NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.[/quote]

I didnt say you did. Calm down there guy.

Those were to completely separate thoughts. I stopped talking to you after asking what you where talking about. Thats why I started the next paragraph with some people....not Slickkill thinks.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I am with newbie. What exactly are you talking about?

Some people are failing to understand what the games purpose is, its not COD, its not GoW its not R6V. Valve wanted to make a zombie game that was as its tag line said "All killer No Filler."

It seems people are trying to constantly shoehorn all of these stereotypical standard cut and paste ideas from all these other games into this one and its not needed at all.

Valve made exactly what they wanted. A game about a zombie invasion that has high co op and re playability. Thats it. The game isnt trying to be all "lets have fun unlocking shit guys!" or "Lets go on a epic journy while mirco managing our resources."

Its about fighting zombies thats it. Thats why there is no real plot, thats why they give you the only 3 weapons in the game at the begining of each level and thats why there are no custom classes.

All that filler crap they left out to focus on making a great co-op game.....and that they did.[/quote]

I complained about the running animation and a custom character. Where did I ever say I wanted filler? I didnt say hey I wanted to unlock sh*t for a custum NPC. I said it would be nice to create your own person. Thats it. Did you even read what I wrote? Or did you just make up what you wanted to read? I just said I hated the running animation and I hated it in Half Life 2. Did I say I wanted a story? NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo. Did I say I wanted unlockables? NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo.

I'm glad you blanketed my post with people that complain about a plot:error:
You should probably talk to Ice Cold. He obviously doesnt get it. And whats confusing about my post?
Valve wanted to make a zombie game that was as its tag line said "All killer No Filler."

I do get it. Its just not enough value there or purpose to warrant or justify $59.99

had they put in some effort to have a custom character creator that would be a different story.

But its like VALVE decided to focus on these 4 main characters so I though there was going to be a strong story and plot behind each of their lives to make them intresting and make you care about them. VALVE somehow decided tp leave that out as well.

Basically no single player story mode thats worth playing, AI controlled bots are dumb at best, lack of story.

The only real gameplay mode in 4 Player online which is Point A to Point B walk and shoot zombies, THATS IT. theres no spinning or justifying that theres more to this game. Theres no tactics no strategy no outsmarting the game liek maybe I'll throw a grenade here then dash across, or maybe I'll try an sneak past or try and get some headshots. Its typical VALVE walk cross invisible line trigger new wave of enemies, shoot, repeat.

Its fun for a while the DEMO was great but thats about all the enjoyment I will get out of it.
Yeah, this game's content does not really justify $60, in my opinion. Now, if they released free content, that would be another story, but according to most sources, we already know how Microsoft feels about that.
Left 4 Dead is a $40 value title at best like Banjoo Kazooie was

its strickly a 4 player co-op online shooter with mindless action walking and shooting zero tactics

paying $65 with tax is insulting to and CAG community member.
[quote name='Ice Cold']Left 4 Dead is a $40 value title at best like Banjoo Kazooie was

its strickly a 4 player co-op online shooter with mindless action walking and shooting zero tactics

paying $65 with tax is insulting to and CAG community member.[/QUOTE]

I partially agree. It's the reason why Steam has some deals on it for the PC. ($99 for everything Valve made including L4D or $150 for 4 copies of the game on Steam).

I don't think that it should be priced at $60, but it is really one of the most fun games I have played in a long time. That is, if you have friends to play with. I had to get it for the PC because my friends were getting it for that. The game is meant to be played with friends. Sure, there's single player. But in the commercial for the game, the first thing they advertise is 4 player co-op.

Also, if you have a million zombies after you AND an insane AI director to throw random crap at you, trying to think of tactics while getting through an unpredictable game will result in injury and possibly death.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The only thing I really hate is in vs mode and being the survivors.

People cant seem to understand that you have to move quickly through the god damn map and you dont have to shot every damn zombie you see. You can just sit back trying to head shot 60 zombies when the infected human players are going to be coming up behind you.

Get your ass moving, save people quickly and learn to aim these are the keys to winning as the human side.[/quote]

I am always telling people to run and they just stand around. The chapter in No Mercy with the gas station is the worst. I played a game where my whole party got picked of right as we left the safe house and went down the alley to the left. All the infected were on the roof and picked everyone off as they stood around.
Heh, saw you online yesterday Bri. You weren't joinable so I started a round on easy to try and get the cr0wned achievement. Stupid witch always seems to take 2 or 3 shots. I have some homework to do tonight and then I'll be on late I hope.

Back to the awesome thread of funny deaths. I was playing a normal round on the sewers level. For one, we lost Francis cause he took too long to get down the manhole into the sewers and a smoker grabbed him after we all dropped down. Then after I narrowly survived an encounter with a witch, we get to the ladder leading out of the sewers and I can hear another witch crying above. So I turn off the flashlight and slowly creep up the ladder hoping to not disturb any infected. I get to the top of the ladder and you know how the camera goes from looking up to straight ahead of you? I'm literally almost nose to nose with a tank. Game over.
Well, I picked the game up the other day and I've been playing a bit. I love the game. It's great, just mindless zombie slaughter. It's exactly what I expected from the game, and it's quite well done. I look forward to playing some games online with people and seeing how that is. I did play co-op splitscreen with my girlfriend for a bit and she enjoyed it, although she said the crying witch scared the crap out of her. Anyone planning on getting a 4 player game going of CAGs? I think it would be fun to get a group of us playing.
[quote name='Ice Cold']I bought MK vs DC from TRU for $19.99 instead of Left 4 Dead because basically L4D has no main story mode the AI bots are not good cover and its too straight forward no real gameplay just walk from point A to point B and kill zombies. Its not very deep.[/quote]
Me too.

I was totally expecting a deeper backstory or at least some awesome cinematic cut scenes to really set up the history of the L4D world. I mean there wasn't even a card trading mini game in this either. I will wait for it to clearance out at Circuit City.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Me too.

I was totally expecting a deeper backstory or at least some awesome cinematic cut scenes to really set up the history of the L4D world. I mean there wasn't even a card trading mini game in this either. I will wait for it to clearance out at Circuit City.[/quote]

A card trading mini-game?


This is not Pokemon.
I was going to hold off buying this game but half my friends list is playing this right now and having a blast. I will be picking this up tomorrow.
[quote name='KillJoi99']So to the bottom line, is it worth $60 or not?[/quote]

There are plenty of deals out there where you can get the game for like $50
[quote name='KillJoi99']So to the bottom line, is it worth $60 or not?[/quote]

The problem with asking that is there is no answer.

Is it worth 60 bucks? Yeah to me its worth about 70-80 (though I would never pay that much for it)

You cant go by just asking if a game is worth 60 bucks because its to subjective. You should be asking how much fun are people having with it and by this thread alone you can clearly tell people are.

The shit about there isnt enough content is a crock because 90% of all games barely have any content in them at all and people are happy to pick them up.

Barely any game has "enough content" for 60 bucks but that simply is the price point of 360 games.

But on a serious note you really shouldnt be paying 60 bucks for any game. This is cheap ass gamer after all.
bread's done