Left 4 Dead (PC) - Where to buy


CAG Veteran
If you're a cheap-arse, whatever you do don't get it on Steam! It's $50 which is like £35 at the current rate, which is a total rip-off unless you HAVE to get it early.

Cheapest place online I've found so far is Amazon.co.uk where they're selling it for £20:

btw just in case you don't know, when you buy the CD you can activate it on Steam, so you can play it on Steam regardless of whether you buy it there or not.
Can I just change this thread into an all format L4D thread?
I can?

Anyway, I saw this "special pre-order only" price of £34.99 on Play.com: Left 4 Dead
Now that price doesn't sound all that "special" to me, so has anyone else found it cheaper?

Amazon £29.97

(FYI PC version on Play is £22.99 so don't bother.)
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