LEGO Deals 2

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I bought a scale that measures to the 0.01 gram for the minifigure series 3+. Even though the figures are consistent measurement, the packages they are in vary greatly up to a 0.2 gram variant. I haven't mapped out all the figures. From the dozen Elves (half were from Bricklink), the unopened packages have been between 10.60 and 10.77 grams. At the same time I have 10.75 and 10.85 gram Samuri.

I was really hoping the measurements would be more precise. You do get a ball park of what it could be.

The dots have become less helpful. I bought six packages that had the same exact dots (very clear in this case), but only two of them were Elves and the other four were Fishermen.

I want to bring in my scale to the store. It would be so much faster than if I tried to read the dots. Even though both methods are not deterministic, the scale is quicker to isolate the maybes.
[quote name='voidedx']I bought a scale that measures to the 0.01 gram for the minifigure series 3+. Even though the figures are consistent measurement, the packages they are in vary greatly up to a 0.2 gram variant. I haven't mapped out all the figures. From the dozen Elves (half were from Bricklink), the unopened packages have been between 10.60 and 10.77 grams. At the same time I have 10.75 and 10.85 gram Samuri.

I was really hoping the measurements would be more precise. You do get a ball park of what it could be.

The dots have become less helpful. I bought six packages that had the same exact dots (very clear in this case), but only two of them were Elves and the other four were Fishermen.

I want to bring in my scale to the store. It would be so much faster than if I tried to read the dots. Even though both methods are not deterministic, the scale is quicker to isolate the maybes.[/QUOTE]

Welp, that answers that question then. I was hoping they'd be more consistent than that. Still, as you say it could be more helpful in figuring out the maybes unless you're really good at being touchy feely with the packages ;).
[quote name='GoingIncognito']Welp, that answers that question then. I was hoping they'd be more consistent than that. Still, as you say it could be more helpful in figuring out the maybes unless you're really good at being touchy feely with the packages ;).[/QUOTE]

Feeling them up like a horny teenager never failed me

It was slow going but after 120 bags , I could probably do one in 10 seconds
[quote name='bigdaddy']Being the bump code doesn't work you might have doubles. How are you certain you have most?

Also I'd charge slightly more because at $3 a piece and tax are you even getting your money back?[/QUOTE]
I looked at the bumps and felt them. I hope I got them all right, he can look and feel them before he takes them as well. I don't have to worry about shipping because it is local pick up. LOL I had it originally priced at $4 a piece but he offered this after not getting any offers. I can't really sell it as a set being that it is not complete. i am making a profit, I got them for less. If you guys think it is still a mistake let me know and I will cancel.
Anybody there I need help - I spoke to the guy and he now wants to buy series 1 set of 16 from me for $60. He will only buy the series 3 set of 15 out of 16 from me if I also sell him series 1. $110 for both. $60 sounds too little for the first series don't you guys think. He says he could get series 3 complete for $48 on ebay but I think then he would have to pay shipping. Not sure what to do.
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The first series is very rare because Lego fucked it up big time, so even through they were a dollar cheaper they are worth more.
Tell that guy to fuck off, I just looked at that auction on eBay that's going to end soon. It's currently at $48 with $15 shipping, your honestly doing him a favor selling it to him for $60 not much over msrp and now he is trying to black ball you.
[quote name='bigdaddy']The first series is very rare because Lego fucked it up big time, so even through they were a dollar cheaper they are worth more.[/QUOTE]
So $60 is way too low for series 1 right, that is what I thought that is only $3.75 a piece, I will just hold on to them. Guy is nuts! I do need the money but I could always sell them on ebay. I hate dealing with the shipping though.
So now he does not want to buy my series 3 minifigures for $3.33 each which is not bad considering they are $2.99 at TRU.
[quote name='skiizim']Tell that guy to fuck off, I just looked at that auction on eBay that's going to end soon. It's currently at $48 with $15 shipping, your honestly doing him a favor selling it to him for $60 not much over msrp and now he is trying to black ball you.[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks I feel better now I will tell him forget it.
I was actually selling the 15 out of 16 series 3 for $50 missing one figure. $3.33 a piece, which is not bad and no shipping except he had to drive about 1/2 hr - 45 mins to get to me.
I wasn't looking to charge a fortune I don't mind being fair to someone who is looking for a set.
The only time I see minifigures is for $4 a piece, at $3 they are never in stock at TRU and my Walnarts and Targets don't have them. My tax you would make like five cents. You took the time to try to guess what you have and time is money.

However Lego is really sneaky. The newer made series 3 has a different code so you never know which box has what code.

At Borders I picked one up and it was the alien, the head is very clear.
The Star Wars advent calendar looks kind of lame. Plus there better be more than four minifigures. And Yoda Santa is funny, that should be the normal Santa outfit.
I just checked eBay and a complete series 1 sells no less than $70 plus shipping. Series 3 is a lot easier to come by but deciphering them is no easy task, the only way I could do it is by feeling the package and looking at bumps.

If he is going to pick them up and you really need to sell them I wouldn't sell them for maybe around $125-$130 and maybe go as low as $120 since you don't have to deal with eBay fees if you were going to go that route. This is considering you only payed $2 for series 1 of course, at least you can try and make some money off those since they were harder to find.

EDIT: Thanks for the pic bigdaddy, the set itself right now does look pretty lame. I really hope they have variants of other characters they don't have or are from early SW sets that were really crappy to begin with.
[quote name='bigdaddy']The only time I see minifigures is for $4 a piece, at $3 they are never in stock at TRU and my Walnarts and Targets don't have them. My tax you would make like five cents. You took the time to try to guess what you have and time is money.

However Lego is really sneaky. The newer made series 3 has a different code so you never know which box has what code.

At Borders I picked one up and it was the alien, the head is very clear.[/QUOTE]
I got the box at the very beginning so I think I follow the old bump chart.
[quote name='bigdaddy']The Star Wars advent calendar looks kind of lame. Plus there better be more than four minifigures. And Yoda Santa is funny, that should be the normal Santa outfit.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Big Daddy!

Damn, those are tiny! I'll take the Slave-I though. I'm a sucker for them. I love me the Fett! My son will love this, and I'm sure, no matter what, this thing will sell like fire. As soon as they become available, I'm ordering a couple.

That packaging is meh though. Hopefully the "preliminary" is just that.
They really should have gone for more of a sw holiday special theme. We could have a fett figure as well as leia drugged out of her mind figure. As it stands it does not seem very holiday at all.
Guess what? I went to Target and found series 3 minifigures. So I had to feel the packages and after only 3 packages I found the street punk/rapper so now my series 3 set is complete. Too bad I did not have it before my deal went through with that guy though.
I'm fine with more droids--good for army building. I enjoy the SW CW series.

My BN order was delayed. I dunno why BN tries to get more business with these online coupons and deals but yet can't handle the big order stream that follows. I don't think they know what they are doing over there.
[quote name='gunm']I'm fine with more droids--good for army building. I enjoy the SW CW series.[/QUOTE]

I don't know why, but I like the droids, too. I like the CW, but not nearly as much as the Original Trilogy, of course :). I really do need to find myself a bunch of Stormtroopers, though.
[quote name='mickeyp']Guess what? I went to Target and found series 3 minifigures. So I had to feel the packages and after only 3 packages I found the street punk/rapper so now my series 3 set is complete. Too bad I did not have it before my deal went through with that guy though.[/QUOTE]

Lucky you. I'd love to find a store that sells them for regular price. Only Borders sells them in my area, and TRU, but I haven't seen them in stock since they lowered the price.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Lucky you. I'd love to find a store that sells them for regular price. Only Borders sells them in my area, and TRU, but I haven't seen them in stock since they lowered the price.[/QUOTE]

Oh, TRU lowered the price? I guess that is good except you say you can't find them.
[quote name='mickeyp']Oh, TRU lowered the price? I guess that is good except you say you can't find them.[/QUOTE]

They were $3 in the beginning of December because we received any, then were $4 and just sat there for weeks when we got them in, and then they were $3 right before Christmas on a day I had off and I haven't seenthem sense, but I have only been in TRU twise, I don't bother wasting my time in that .... nevermind. :)
I almost bought a series 1 set a month ago and it went between $85-$90. $60 is WAAAAAY too low for series 1. in my opinion you should get at least close to $4 a piece for series 2 or 3 since you had to do all the leg work of finding them.
Won't be too much longer before Series 4 starts popping up. Release date is April, which if they're anything like the past 3 means they should be showing up around March.

I think I like Series 4 the best so far out of the 5 we've far I'd say for me it's 4>1>2>3>5. I'll be picking up as many HAZMAT dudes as I can...should be pretty easy to feel for too.
BN shipped my order, but never responded to my inquiry about price adjust prior to shipping (the police set dropped $10 while the order was still in process).
[quote name='gunm']The lighthouse is pretty cool, but wow, that car looks out of scale for minifigure size.[/QUOTE]


They are actually a perfect size for Technic minifigures.
If anyone has a series 2 set they want to trade for a full series 3 set please let me know. Also looking for series 1 if you have a full set to trade let me know I have a bunch of lego sets to trade as well. Or can get you a new set from the one of the lego stores in my area. Thanks
[quote name='PANZERGRENADIER']I almost bought a series 1 set a month ago and it went between $85-$90. $60 is WAAAAAY too low for series 1. in my opinion you should get at least close to $4 a piece for series 2 or 3 since you had to do all the leg work of finding them.[/QUOTE]

Thanks to you and everyone else who helped me today with all your advice. I appreciate it.
It's funny how half of the Creator sets have turned in to almost "Town" sets by the inclusion of a minifigure. That is what I've wanted them to be all along, but with the constructed trees and non-drive way baseplates, they are not quite there.
If anyone has a extra skier from series 2 let me know. My daughter decided to collect the winter themed figures. I have a feeling we may end up with a army of the hockey players.
I have a Borders close by that has 2 boxes of Series 2, but they are selling them for $4 each, which is why I want to trade a series 3 set for a series 2 set. I can pick you one up if you want.
Man, I want Alien Conquest right now ... love that line ... with the sound brick ... awesome. Have a feeling that I'm going to get back into LEGO hardcore when that is released.
Holy crap ...


I am going to be so poor
Very impressive train, yes. I've been wanting to pick up a train since I got back into Lego, and the Maersk might be the first one.
[quote name='gunm']Very impressive train, yes. I've been wanting to pick up a train since I got back into Lego, and the Maersk might be the first one.[/QUOTE]

It's a nice train that probably isn't worth the price. It's most likely a $150 and then you need $100 more to make it run.

The only thing special about it is the color, otherwise it's just a nice engine with two rather lame cars.

I wish the truck was it's own set.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea that isn't a set for some reason?

Spongebob Squarepants...

Wierd and random sets. I don't get it. We haven't gotten sets in two years and we get these small random sets?

However I love the small boat. If the set is less than $15 I'll buy it. Great minifigures.
I thought the Spongebob stuff was a bit of a swerve myself, but yeah they're kind of neat and I'm pretty sure my kids would enjoy them a lot. Carnival ride!
The thing about the Maersk line of stuff is that some of it is available for public purchase but then some of it is sold only within I think either the LEGO company or the Maersk company, for employee purchase.

I'm really hoping that train is public.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Who lives in a pineapple under the sea that isn't a set for some reason?

Spongebob Squarepants...

Wierd and random sets. I don't get it. We haven't gotten sets in two years and we get these small random sets?

However I love the small boat. If the set is less than $15 I'll buy it. Great minifigures.[/QUOTE]

Nice pics

I'm betting like $15 for one and $20 for the other

It is weird to get sets now. The last one was what 2009 or 2008?
I'm thinknig the price will be $15 and $25 just because they have SB name on them, otherwise I would say $13ish and $20.

[quote name='xycury']Nice pics

I'm betting like $15 for one and $20 for the other

It is weird to get sets now. The last one was what 2009 or 2008?[/QUOTE]

With the two new ones there have been 12 sets six years, it's really an odd theme. The last sets were in 2009 with the redo of his house and the store, but these are the last new idea sets since 2008.

It's a pretty neat theme, the minifigures are awesome.

I wish I bought these sets... Oh look, that's the ever so rare orange. :lol: Just has awesome minifigures.

I don't know why LEGO can't come up with 2-3 sets every year, they seem to sell insanely well. Do it like they do City Police and Fire, one year re do his house and the store, then the next year do 2-3 new sets, then 2-3 new sets the year after and then redo the popular sets.

[quote name='ireladd']The thing about the Maersk line of stuff is that some of it is available for public purchase but then some of it is sold only within I think either the LEGO company or the Maersk company, for employee purchase.

I'm really hoping that train is public.[/QUOTE]

It is public, it has a normal box and everything. Otherwise LEGO doesn't waste their time with it. Plus the last set LEGO made became public after being an exclusive, the boat.
I love that orange Spongebob bus. Bought it on a whim and was surprised how much I like it. Rare orange and VERY rare white rubber wheels.

I'm all over that Mermaidman car. Just for that Patrick superhero fig. Glove World...not so much.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Who lives in a pineapple under the sea that isn't a set for some reason[/QUOTE]

Wait what, I just looked at a Pineapple house set at Target this afternoon, am I missing something?

[quote name='etcrane']Wait what, I just looked at a Pineapple house set at Target this afternoon, am I missing something?


I meant they haven't had new sets in years and they don't bother to redo his house? I haven't seen SB sets in years, that's a fluke.

Never even thought about the White wheels on the bus!
[quote name='TheHelix']I saw a City Corner for 34.98 at Target but I had to pass. I require more minerals![/QUOTE]

Wow, nice deal. I'll have to stop by the Target stores in the area but I doubt I'll find it at that price. Looks like they're trying to get rid of some of the City sets.
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