Let's go real oldschool...

How could you guys not remember Legend of the Red Dragon?

I mean, it's got dragons and lots of people like dragons.

Mahatma Ghandi is a person.

He led the Indian people to freedom from the English.

In conclusion, libya is a country of many contrasts.

PS: I don't remember this game
for those who don't know what L.O.R.D. is are obviously too young to remember or know anything about it. that was one of the best bbs games ever. i remember waiting till 12am to play the next day every night in high school. the best part was to go into someone else's room and kill them for their money and getting laid!
Woot, at least some people remember! =)

Aye, Legend of the Red Dragon was, for all intents and purposes, the first MMORPG, long before the days of graphical online gaming. Long, long before, in fact. Well, it may not have been *the* first (as there may have been other BBS games before it), but it was the first that was truly popular. It was fantastic, and I just wanted to see how many gamers are left that remember it. =) Boy, I feel old now. =)

EDIT: Oh yeah! The guy above me's referring to Violet, the original MMORPG NPC-Whore. =) lol =)
L.O.R.D. was one of my favorite BBS doorgames back in the day, but Tradewars 2002 pwned. THAT's the one that kept me up until midnight so I could make my next round of turns. Yeah, LORD was pretty kickass.
Ah, Tradewars did kick butt... you know though, I never got to play on a Tradewars game that had enough people to make it entertaining. They were always almost empty, so I'd fly around and no one else was about to talk to/kill/barter with and such. =(
I also spent many nights in my youth waiting till midnight to take my turns in L.O.R.D and Trade Wars. Nothing like find two nearby ports to buy and sell at a nice price. :)
Aye. I used to be a midnight runner too... =) Man, those were good times. I wonder if anyone's ever thought about updating L.O.R.D. for the modern era of gaming. But then again, that might ruin it. =)

So now that I know we have some real old schoolers, the choice must be posed: Death Knight, Mage, or Thief?

I'd go with Death Knight, all the way. But that's just me. =)
I never experienced L.O.R.D., but I too did a good amount of TW one summer. I loved that game so much and then on about night 60 it made me sick it was so boring all of a sudden. I hit the wall, like a marathoner.

Sorry to divert from the L.O.R.D. topic. Continue, please...
Nah, LORD was a national (possibly international?) hit, it was the one game that any successful BBS had to have. I remember playing on one called the Fantasy Zone BBS in Sacto, CA about 10 or more years ago. Those were the days. =)
bread's done