Lets help Nintendo get back on top!!!


35 (100%)
Here's what we do here: We each give one idea or decision that Nintendo could make that would help get them back on top next generation.

I bet we can come up with some pretty solid ideas that would probably be great moves for Nintendo to do in real life.

I'll go first.

1) Launch the Revolution with a Pokemon MMORPG.

- Even though the franchise isn't nearly as popular as it once was, I believe an MMORPG would be brilliant! It would let people venture out on their own to catch Pokemon, then head into town to battle it out with other players. Nintendo could host monthly tournaments and whatnot.
Create a new character that isnt quite childish but wont frighten parents and has NO relation to any current game. Oh, and a good game to surround it
How about at least showing the Revolution (or a Revolution prototype) at E3? And make it playable. I don't want cryptic jargon about what it can do. I want to know ALL the details.

If Nintendo did this, they could steal the show this year. Unless of course, the Revolution turns out to be a console that doubles as a toaster.
1) Stop chargings such high licensing fees to develop games for your system

2) Give gamers what they want, not what you tell them to want


4) Stop making and then abandoning periferals (superscope, N64DD, E-reader)

5) Most important - Understand that you are no longer the 800 guerilla that you once were. You have to WORK for success now, you don't just GET it like you did in the past.

but use the full ass this time
Support Online Gaming

Make a new game that's different from all the rest. NOT ANOTHER POKEMON GAME. The first pokemon games were good but now you're just beyond milking it.

Disregard Yamauchi's anti-western opinions
I think first and foremost, they need slicker designs (and colors) for their hardware. People also tend to like shiny stuff, put an extra layer of polish or something. It will attract more attention from potential indecisive buyers (who most likely are very casual gamers)
1. Re-format the controller to incorporate a true dual analog system.

2. I will throw online play in there just because it needs to be repeated.

3. Like the OP said, a MMORPG would be nice. Animal Crossing maybe??
I agree with support (and come up with a better form the Live) online gaming.

They just have so many frachises that would be oh so perfect for online play.
What Nintendo has going for them is extremely strong brand loyalty (evident by this thread). Work off that. Some of my suggestions are:

1. Improve Nintendo Power. Make it less a advertising tool and more of an actual magazine. Maybe start including demo discs with it.

2. Encourage people to buy 3rd party software on their machine. The pin # idea is good, but expand on that. Have a # on every game, 1st party and 3rd party. And more bonuses for those that register Nintendo products.

3. Online. I don't play online myself and could care less but tons of people do and its becoming a major factor in deciding game purchases.

4. Stronger Player's Choice line up with a consistent price. None of this $30 PC and $20 PC crap. Stick with one price.
There's a fine line between withholding just enough information to generate hype, and withholding too much information and losing general interest.

Nintendo needs to learn how to stay on the good side of that line.
Ability to play all Gameboy and Gamecube games out of the box.

New Mario game each year would keep me satisfied. (not like mario tennis)
[quote name='Wshakspear']Create a new character that isnt quite childish but wont frighten parents and has NO relation to any current game. Oh, and a good game to surround it[/quote]

Great idea! I think increaseing 3rd party releases would also help. I suppose that could be done by decreasing license costs and increasing 3rd party game promotion.
Another couple of things:

Backwards compatibility is a must have.

A controller that is suitable for all types of games. (The GC controller sucks with fighting games mostly)

Wireless system/controllers

And again, they need full support of online gaming.
Remind people that you still exist and that they used to love you. Nostolgia is a great card to play to intrigue us people in the 18-28 year old age bracket that has a lot of disposable income. Make sure you market NOSTALGIA, not FAMILY FRIENDLY. Then once you have attention with the nostalgia, attack with some "Bad ass" games. Don't lose yourself... stay with what you've got now, just expand to yourself so you don't alienate fans like me.

Lastly... position Nintendo the GAME MAKER as unique. Nintendo games have a magic about them that rivals what Disney has with a lot of their movies... use that to your advantage, your games have soul. Make this the reason people HAVE to own your system.
New Mario characters:
Watoad and Wapeach.

Maybe not, but aside from online play, let the revolution do more than play games. Casual gamers like extra stuff like playing dvds. It wouldn't influence me personally, but it doesn't hurt.
Don't let Reggie "I was the guy behind the PizzaHutBigfootPizza" Fils Aime come out saying he's about kicking ass and taking names....
then have NOTHING to show for it but a Dual Screened portable system six months later without kick-ass support... or kick ass games.
One thing is almost certain about game consoles: that with the best RPGs wins, hands down. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you look back, that seems to be the case. Right now though, Sony is looking to be an unstoppable Juggernaut.
There are so many things that Nintendo does wrong it makes me wonder who the hell is greenlighting 1/2 the shit they do nowadays and betting that whoever it is views running Nintendo like I view my job and doesn't really care about anything other than his paycheck. Here's a small list of stuff they need to do:

1. Get online

2. Ditch the proprietary shit - if next gen everyone is using HD-DVDs, get on board.

3. the Revolution should look like a piece of home theater equipment, not like a 3rd graders lunchbox. Appearance matters.

4. Copy the dual shock 2 as the standard controller - package an alternative controller with the next Mario, Zelda or whatever you think calls for it if you HAVE to be different... but make the controller that ships with it as universal as possible.

5. Grow up. There are great games on the GCN that all ages can enjoy but it is seriously lacking in M-rated games. I know the M rating doesn't mean it's good, you know the M-rating doesn't mean it's good but Joefuckface consumer has no idea and will buy up anything with an M rating.

6. Make friends with Rockstar

7. Make friends with EA

8. release more demo discs - people go crazy for this shit

9. Stop with the connectivity - no one cares.

10. Reimagine the core franchises - Zelda, Mario, etc. If I have to learn an instrument and a bunch of songs in another Zelda game I might go crazy. Also, more than 5 dungeons would be nice. Similarly, if I have to collect another star/shine/coin I will also go crazy. It was cool 10 years ago but it's time to let these franchises lay low for a while or THINK OF SOMETHING NEW.

There are a ton more but I'm sick of typing. I love Ninetendo but they are pissing me off lately.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Unless of course, the Revolution turns out to be a console that doubles as a toaster.[/quote]


edible controllers, toast shaped cartridges that are heat sensitive and can be toasted at different degrees to change gameplay, and buttered video output jacks for no apparent reason...

[quote name='blueweltall']More promos! That Zelda and Metroid thing was awesome! :wink:[/quote]


With every preorder for a new sequel, give us a port of the old ones! (Who DIDN'T want StarFox/StarFox2/StarFox 64 when they got StarFox Assault?)

And backwards compatibility would be great, but with the info about the Revolution so far it sounds kinda iffy (No A or B buttons and no D-Pad? Yikes).

If 3rd-party support isn't a big deal to the big N, MAKE GAMES THAT WILL SELL SYSTEMS! No Luigi's Mansion or Mario Sunshine (I loved both but wanted something MORE)! We need a new amazing game that will blow the lid off the competition (Ala the new Zelda).

WIRELESS CONTROLLERS. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAKE EVERYTHING WIRELESS! I don't care if I have to put 3 D batteries in the damn controller every 3 hours, I'm just sick of cords (like sitting 3 feet from the TV to use my Tekken 5 stick :cry: )!

Keep the RE series for as long as possible. RE4 was one of the best games I've played in YEARS and I would love to see every sequel on a Nintendo console.

Connect w/DS or the next GB without any gimmicky cords. Wireless all the way baby.

And last but not least,

Give me a Revolution console for free :lol:
license exclusive publishing to all of the benami titles (sans ddr since its already in the US)

what others have said:

classics compilations - it would be nice but they would have to make it include at least 20-25 games to outdue animal crossing

Nintendo Power - i agree with dcfox that the mag is, and has been, worthless, i doubt that will ever change, but demo discs would get my subscription.

Online Gaming - while ive never been much a fan of online gaming, not because i dont like it, but because most game are poorly executed online, DO IT RIGHT.

Controller - as rig said make sure the controller is perfect to use on all games.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']start making nintendo 8 bit classics packages...much like midway and atari

who wouldnt buy games that have 10 nintendo greatest hits on it?[/quote]

How about NEW 8-bit games. Who's with me?
[quote name='jerfgoke']One thing is almost certain about game consoles: that with the best RPGs wins, hands down. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you look back, that seems to be the case. Right now though, Sony is looking to be an unstoppable Juggernaut.[/quote]

tis true

also, release more mario sports games!!! (heavy sarcasm)

pretty much everything i can think of is covered
- I would like to see some sort of Nintendo RPG that explored all the great Nintendo franchises.

They have tons of great franchises, and if they could properly mesh them all together, I think it could be a great game.

- I think it's really important for Nintendo to launch with at least a $50-$100 lower price point than the Xbox 360 and PS3.

- If software for the Xbox 360 and PS3 are higher like some estimates say they will be, it would be great for Nintendo if they kept them at the same $50 price.

- Make the Revolution as simple to develop for as possible. They are already on shaky ground with some of the third parties out there. This would only help them to try to mend some of those relationships.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']- I would like to see some sort of Nintendo RPG that explored all the great Nintendo franchises.

They have tons of great franchises, and if they could properly mesh them all together, I think it could be a great game.

- I think it's really important for Nintendo to launch with at least a $50-$100 lower price point than the Xbox 360 and PS3.

- If software for the Xbox 360 and PS3 are higher like some estimates say they will be, it would be great for Nintendo if they kept them at the same $50 price.

- Make the Revolution as simple to develop for as possible. They are already on shaky ground with some of the third parties out there. This would only help them to try to mend some of those relationships.[/quote]

like kingdom hearts, nintendo style. I LIKE IT
I've done my part: purchased 3 new Cubes, 6 1st party controllers, 4 1st party bongos, GB player, 4 1st party memory cards, 1 component cable, and 150+ games; (and one-year of NP).

A lot of people have added great suggestions, but:
1) Nintendo needs to listen to the players (core and general). Give us what we want. Sony and M$ are serving players. Nintendo does lame, narrow-minded, surveys in Nintendo Power.

2) Make RE5 exculsive, push and promote it well.

3) Agreed, make friends with RockStar.

3*) You need 3rd party support!!! Work together.

4) Move forward, not backward. Read, Nintendo gives to players, we buy and take. NOT, lets take this away, lets take that away.

5) Free Online Gaming! (Big N really needs to catch up here)

6) $29.99 new price point of new releases. $14.99 for budget titles. $39.99 if accessories or promotional goodies are included.

7) Customer perception is reality. We're telling it to you like it is. Your choice to listen, or continue to operate in the dark.
i like all the suggestions, but like the "play gba and gb games out of the box" suggestion, it would be cool if the Revolution could play ANY Nintendo game (from the NES up). probably won't happen (hey, I can dream), but i still have my NES, SNES, and GBA SP to keep me company :D .
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']

- Make the Revolution as simple to develop for as possible. They are already on shaky ground with some of the third parties out there. This would only help them to try to mend some of those relationships.[/quote]

I think they are doing this already. If you remember teh DS actually stood for Designers System not Dual Screen.

They made it easy to program for. Also thats my belief with why they are not going to be as graphic dependant witht eh revolution thus lowering developer costs.

I think the controller will have a screen on it that can be used for lots of features. If they can keep the development costs down and offer some unique features people might go that route at least for a second console.
I hope someone somewhere who has any kind of contact with the powers that be is reading this thread. Whether it's the chick that gives Iwata his weekly "happy ending" massage or the chick gives him his daily sponge bath I don't care - just pass it on...
I have had every nintendo system and have been satisfied with them. I just go a GC (cause it was 10 bucks more than a game) and LOVE it. I have been reading all the Revolution stuff. I think a company that blames color and case design of a curent console as to why it does not hold up in the market is asinine.
I'd personally like to see a strong Nintendo FPS franchise. More or less Nintendo has a big name, AAA title for everything else, but they lack in the FPS area. Rare filled this void in the n64 days... and I've yet to see any more info on Geist.

As for something crazy, Nintendo could buy Capcom or Sega for more in-house development. Even though I think encouraging 3rd party support is more important, like everyone has said.
I know it may not be too prudent to do this since they already have several handhelds, but I think it would be cool as hell if Nintendo brought out something similiar to Sega's VMU.

I thought that was one of the coolest innovations in video game accessories in a long, long time.

Because of the system's short life, the VMU was never really able to be used really well.

But if Nintendo came out with something similar with a small color screen that had around 32 to 64mb of internal memory, I think they could really be on to something. Basically just build on top of what Sega did.

It could be shaped and look just like the old-school Gameboys. Also, it would be really awesome if, once you beat a game, that you would unlock certain NES games that could then be downloaded to the Gameboy Mini and played for however long you wanted.

Another feature that some DC games had was allowing you to have a mini game with a character from the game where you did certain things to build his attributes and gain experience.

This would be really cool for RPGs, oh, and it could go really great for my Pokemon MMORPG. You could go out to catch Pokemon, and once you loaded the file into the Revolution, it would give you the Pokemon you caught and you could use him in the game.

The Gameboy Mini would also have a headphone jack so you could upload music to listen to on the go. I know it couldn't hold a lot of music with the 64 mb internal memory, but it would still be a cool feature.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']so many of you want GB evolution this year...

what about all of us DS owners??!
oh well, im selling it anyway.[/quote]

I can't believe that a simple rumor hurt Nintendo so bad. GB Evolution this year is an unfounded rumor that was based off of a badly translated interview. Do you look at the fanmade next-gen console mockups as real too? Are you waiting for the Nintendo 21?
Nintendo got what they deserve.
They screwed SEGA back in the 8 bit days with illegal practices and now the piper has visited their A$$!
I do own a GameCube but I have absolutely no "extra" love for that company.
Apart from preventing piracy, wasn't the point of the extra-small Gamecube discs that they would be easier to build a portable system around? I know optical drives are hell on batteries, but I have a feeling the next GB is going to play GC games, and will be released whenever that becomes technologically possible.
The things they need are, the things they think they dont need.
1. Online service
2. DVD playback
3. Getting away from kiddie image
4. Third party support
I really think the N64 was more of a letdown than the Gamecube. The Gamecube is quite possibly my favorite system of all time. It has a MASSIVE game library considering the Gameboy Player add-on. The Wavebird is my favorite controller of all time. I think the Gamecube is the most ignored console ever. For the price it is more than worth it. Things to do:

1. Online (Why not?) It is well known that Nintendo has gone through their fair share of testing and building infrastructure to put their games online so why not do it already? People want it.

2. Forget GBA connectivity, E-Reader, and all other garbage add-ons.

3. Backward Compatibility would be nice.

4. The Zelda compilation was wonderful in my eyes. Give more giveaways with game and system purchases (Pin# Rewards). Demos would be good. Old-School Compilations would be good too.


6. You can have M rated games and still be a family friendly console.

7. 3rd party support.

8. Drop the proprietary disc garbage. I don't understand why they are so scared of gamecube rip-offs when the GBA is flooded with Bootlegs and Flash Cards.

9. Drop game prices. It would be nice to see a $3 GC game once in awhile. The PS2 has them ALL THE TIME!

10. Listen to what people want rather than what you think they want.

11. On a good note...keep up the amazing hardware builiding and customer service and support.
Nintendo can't be on top, my girlfriend is there. I like it that way and I don't think it is going to change.

Mario Vs Zelda on XBOX2 and PS3! :whistle2:$
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I know it may not be too prudent to do this since they already have several handhelds, but I think it would be cool as hell if Nintendo brought out something similiar to Sega's VMU.

I thought that was one of the coolest innovations in video game accessories in a long, long time.

Because of the system's short life, the VMU was never really able to be used really well.

But if Nintendo came out with something similar with a small color screen that had around 32 to 64mb of internal memory, I think they could really be on to something. Basically just build on top of what Sega did.

It could be shaped and look just like the old-school Gameboys. Also, it would be really awesome if, once you beat a game, that you would unlock certain NES games that could then be downloaded to the Gameboy Mini and played for however long you wanted.

Another feature that some DC games had was allowing you to have a mini game with a character from the game where you did certain things to build his attributes and gain experience.

This would be really cool for RPGs, oh, and it could go really great for my Pokemon MMORPG. You could go out to catch Pokemon, and once you loaded the file into the Revolution, it would give you the Pokemon you caught and you could use him in the game.

The Gameboy Mini would also have a headphone jack so you could upload music to listen to on the go. I know it couldn't hold a lot of music with the 64 mb internal memory, but it would still be a cool feature.[/quote]

While that is indeed ambitious, did you really like the VMU? I know I never played anything on it. All it was used for was saves. It was too small to have anything decent, and the battery life sucked. IMO, you would need a bigger screen to play anything decent on something like that.
bread's done