Lets help Nintendo get back on top!!!

I would like to see customer appreciation greatly improve in the US. I know in Japan they get points for buying Nintendo products, and can use them to get cool stuff. I got a freakin beanie for buyin 1080, pretty worthless, while Japanese cubers had a chance to get mario and luigi controllers. Nintendo is way too ethnocentric with stuff like that.
[quote name='Rig'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']I know it may not be too prudent to do this since they already have several handhelds, but I think it would be cool as hell if Nintendo brought out something similiar to Sega's VMU.

I thought that was one of the coolest innovations in video game accessories in a long, long time.

Because of the system's short life, the VMU was never really able to be used really well.

But if Nintendo came out with something similar with a small color screen that had around 32 to 64mb of internal memory, I think they could really be on to something. Basically just build on top of what Sega did.

It could be shaped and look just like the old-school Gameboys. Also, it would be really awesome if, once you beat a game, that you would unlock certain NES games that could then be downloaded to the Gameboy Mini and played for however long you wanted.

Another feature that some DC games had was allowing you to have a mini game with a character from the game where you did certain things to build his attributes and gain experience.

This would be really cool for RPGs, oh, and it could go really great for my Pokemon MMORPG. You could go out to catch Pokemon, and once you loaded the file into the Revolution, it would give you the Pokemon you caught and you could use him in the game.

The Gameboy Mini would also have a headphone jack so you could upload music to listen to on the go. I know it couldn't hold a lot of music with the 64 mb internal memory, but it would still be a cool feature.[/quote]

While that is indeed ambitious, did you really like the VMU? I know I never played anything on it. All it was used for was saves. It was too small to have anything decent, and the battery life sucked. IMO, you would need a bigger screen to play anything decent on something like that.[/quote]

I think Nintendo could figure out a way to get way better battery life out of it.

But I think the screen size wouldn't be a problem. Sure, it could be a bit bigger, but I think the size of the VMU was sufficient. If they could make a small, 2" color screen, that would be big enough, IMO.
Nintendo is slow...
First they ads are lame...
They should release Revolution 06-06-06 thatll help them if they release it that day so itll gain momentem for the christmas season....
Also they release funky colors... orange black platinum purple controllers.
They got to release good colors.. Also why did they release 3 types of colors.. To beef up console sales they should release different colors to corspond with peolpes rooms. PS2 had succes with other colors..
they need to release games that make them big...
- Super Smash brothers
- Killer instinct
- Earthbound
- Donkey Kong remeber SNES days
- no more Kirby or wario or luigi games we need the big profile characters
- try to appeal to all types of gamers example
Gun games
Dance Dance revolution
Sports games
Online games
bread's done